1 | /*! jQuery Dynatree Plugin - v1.2.2 - 2012-10-07
2 | * http://dynatree.googlecode.com/
3 | * Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Wendt; Licensed MIT, GPL */
4 |
5 | /* jsHint options*/
6 | // Note: We currently allow eval() to parse the 'data' attribtes, when initializing from HTML.
7 | // TODO: pass jsHint with the options given in grunt.js only.
8 | // The following should not be required:
9 | /*global alert */
10 | /*jshint nomen:false, smarttabs:true, eqeqeq:false, evil:true, regexp:false */
11 |
12 | /*************************************************************************
13 | * Debug functions
14 | */
15 |
16 | var _canLog = true;
17 |
18 | function _log(mode, msg) {
19 | /**
20 | * Usage: logMsg("%o was toggled", this);
21 | */
22 | if( !_canLog ){
23 | return;
24 | }
25 | // Remove first argument
26 | var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [1]);
27 | // Prepend timestamp
28 | var dt = new Date();
29 | var tag = dt.getHours()+":"+dt.getMinutes()+":"+dt.getSeconds()+"."+dt.getMilliseconds();
30 | args[0] = tag + " - " + args[0];
31 |
32 | try {
33 | switch( mode ) {
34 | case "info":
35 | window.console.info.apply(window.console, args);
36 | break;
37 | case "warn":
38 | window.console.warn.apply(window.console, args);
39 | break;
40 | default:
41 | window.console.log.apply(window.console, args);
42 | break;
43 | }
44 | } catch(e) {
45 | if( !window.console ){
46 | _canLog = false; // Permanently disable, when logging is not supported by the browser
47 | }
48 | }
49 | }
50 |
51 | function logMsg(msg) {
52 | Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arguments, ["debug"]);
53 | _log.apply(this, arguments);
54 | }
55 |
56 |
57 | // Forward declaration
58 | var getDynaTreePersistData = null;
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | /*************************************************************************
63 | * Constants
64 | */
65 | var DTNodeStatus_Error = -1;
66 | var DTNodeStatus_Loading = 1;
67 | var DTNodeStatus_Ok = 0;
68 |
69 |
70 | // Start of local namespace
71 | (function($) {
72 |
73 | /*************************************************************************
74 | * Common tool functions.
75 | */
76 |
77 | var Class = {
78 | create: function() {
79 | return function() {
80 | this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
81 | };
82 | }
83 | };
84 |
85 | // Tool function to get dtnode from the event target:
86 | function getDtNodeFromElement(el) {
87 | alert("getDtNodeFromElement is deprecated");
88 | return $.ui.dynatree.getNode(el);
89 | /*
90 | var iMax = 5;
91 | while( el && iMax-- ) {
92 | if(el.dtnode) { return el.dtnode; }
93 | el = el.parentNode;
94 | }
95 | return null;
96 | */
97 | }
98 |
99 | function noop() {
100 | }
101 |
102 | /*************************************************************************
103 | * Class DynaTreeNode
104 | */
105 | var DynaTreeNode = Class.create();
106 |
107 | DynaTreeNode.prototype = {
108 | initialize: function(parent, tree, data) {
109 | /**
110 | * @constructor
111 | */
112 | this.parent = parent;
113 | this.tree = tree;
114 | if ( typeof data === "string" ){
115 | data = { title: data };
116 | }
117 | if( data.key === undefined ){
118 | data.key = "_" + tree._nodeCount++;
119 | }
120 | this.data = $.extend({}, $.ui.dynatree.nodedatadefaults, data);
121 | this.li = null; // not yet created
122 | this.span = null; // not yet created
123 | this.ul = null; // not yet created
124 | this.childList = null; // no subnodes yet
125 | this._isLoading = false; // Lazy content is being loaded
126 | this.hasSubSel = false;
127 | this.bExpanded = false;
128 | this.bSelected = false;
129 |
130 | },
131 |
132 | toString: function() {
133 | return "DynaTreeNode<" + this.data.key + ">: '" + this.data.title + "'";
134 | },
135 |
136 | toDict: function(recursive, callback) {
137 | var dict = $.extend({}, this.data);
138 | dict.activate = ( this.tree.activeNode === this );
139 | dict.focus = ( this.tree.focusNode === this );
140 | dict.expand = this.bExpanded;
141 | dict.select = this.bSelected;
142 | if( callback ){
143 | callback(dict);
144 | }
145 | if( recursive && this.childList ) {
146 | dict.children = [];
147 | for(var i=0, l=this.childList.length; i<l; i++ ){
148 | dict.children.push(this.childList[i].toDict(true, callback));
149 | }
150 | } else {
151 | delete dict.children;
152 | }
153 | return dict;
154 | },
155 |
156 | fromDict: function(dict) {
157 | /**
158 | * Update node data. If dict contains 'children', then also replace
159 | * the hole sub tree.
160 | */
161 | var children = dict.children;
162 | if(children === undefined){
163 | this.data = $.extend(this.data, dict);
164 | this.render();
165 | return;
166 | }
167 | dict = $.extend({}, dict);
168 | dict.children = undefined;
169 | this.data = $.extend(this.data, dict);
170 | this.removeChildren();
171 | this.addChild(children);
172 | },
173 |
174 | _getInnerHtml: function() {
175 | var tree = this.tree,
176 | opts = tree.options,
177 | cache = tree.cache,
178 | level = this.getLevel(),
179 | data = this.data,
180 | res = "",
181 | imageSrc;
182 | // connector (expanded, expandable or simple)
183 | if( level < opts.minExpandLevel ) {
184 | if(level > 1){
185 | res += cache.tagConnector;
186 | }
187 | // .. else (i.e. for root level) skip expander/connector altogether
188 | } else if( this.hasChildren() !== false ) {
189 | res += cache.tagExpander;
190 | } else {
191 | res += cache.tagConnector;
192 | }
193 | // Checkbox mode
194 | if( opts.checkbox && data.hideCheckbox !== true && !data.isStatusNode ) {
195 | res += cache.tagCheckbox;
196 | }
197 | // folder or doctype icon
198 | if ( data.icon ) {
199 | if (data.icon.charAt(0) === "/"){
200 | imageSrc = data.icon;
201 | }else{
202 | imageSrc = opts.imagePath + data.icon;
203 | }
204 | res += "<img src='" + imageSrc + "' alt='' />";
205 | } else if ( data.icon === false ) {
206 | // icon == false means 'no icon'
207 | // noop(); // keep JSLint happy
208 | } else {
209 | // icon == null means 'default icon'
210 | res += cache.tagNodeIcon;
211 | }
212 | // node title
213 | var nodeTitle = "";
214 | if ( opts.onCustomRender ){
215 | nodeTitle = opts.onCustomRender.call(tree, this) || "";
216 | }
217 | if(!nodeTitle){
218 | var tooltip = data.tooltip ? ' title="' + data.tooltip.replace(/\"/g, '"') + '"' : '',
219 | href = data.href || "#";
220 | if( opts.noLink || data.noLink ) {
221 | nodeTitle = '<span style="display:inline-block;" class="' + opts.classNames.title + '"' + tooltip + '>' + data.title + '</span>';
222 | // this.tree.logDebug("nodeTitle: " + nodeTitle);
223 | } else {
224 | nodeTitle = '<a href="' + href + '" class="' + opts.classNames.title + '"' + tooltip + '>' + data.title + '</a>';
225 | }
226 | }
227 | res += nodeTitle;
228 | return res;
229 | },
230 |
231 |
232 | _fixOrder: function() {
233 | /**
234 | * Make sure, that <li> order matches childList order.
235 | */
236 | var cl = this.childList;
237 | if( !cl || !this.ul ){
238 | return;
239 | }
240 | var childLI = this.ul.firstChild;
241 | for(var i=0, l=cl.length-1; i<l; i++) {
242 | var childNode1 = cl[i];
243 | var childNode2 = childLI.dtnode;
244 | if( childNode1 !== childNode2 ) {
245 | this.tree.logDebug("_fixOrder: mismatch at index " + i + ": " + childNode1 + " != " + childNode2);
246 | this.ul.insertBefore(childNode1.li, childNode2.li);
247 | } else {
248 | childLI = childLI.nextSibling;
249 | }
250 | }
251 | },
252 |
253 |
254 | render: function(useEffects, includeInvisible) {
255 | /**
256 | * Create <li><span>..</span> .. </li> tags for this node.
257 | *
258 | * <li id='KEY' dtnode=NODE> // This div contains the node's span and list of child div's.
259 | * <span class='title'>S S S A</span> // Span contains graphic spans and title <a> tag
260 | * <ul> // only present, when node has children
261 | * <li id='KEY' dtnode=NODE>child1</li>
262 | * <li id='KEY' dtnode=NODE>child2</li>
263 | * </ul>
264 | * </li>
265 | */
266 | // this.tree.logDebug("%s.render(%s)", this, useEffects);
267 | // ---
268 | var tree = this.tree,
269 | parent = this.parent,
270 | data = this.data,
271 | opts = tree.options,
272 | cn = opts.classNames,
273 | isLastSib = this.isLastSibling(),
274 | firstTime = false;
275 |
276 | if( !parent && !this.ul ) {
277 | // Root node has only a <ul>
278 | this.li = this.span = null;
279 | this.ul = document.createElement("ul");
280 | if( opts.minExpandLevel > 1 ){
281 | this.ul.className = cn.container + " " + cn.noConnector;
282 | }else{
283 | this.ul.className = cn.container;
284 | }
285 | } else if( parent ) {
286 | // Create <li><span /> </li>
287 | if( ! this.li ) {
288 | firstTime = true;
289 | this.li = document.createElement("li");
290 | this.li.dtnode = this;
291 | if( data.key && opts.generateIds ){
292 | this.li.id = opts.idPrefix + data.key;
293 | }
294 | this.span = document.createElement("span");
295 | this.span.className = cn.title;
296 | this.li.appendChild(this.span);
297 |
298 | if( !parent.ul ) {
299 | // This is the parent's first child: create UL tag
300 | // (Hidden, because it will be
301 | parent.ul = document.createElement("ul");
302 | parent.ul.style.display = "none";
303 | parent.li.appendChild(parent.ul);
304 | // if( opts.minExpandLevel > this.getLevel() ){
305 | // parent.ul.className = cn.noConnector;
306 | // }
307 | }
308 | // set node connector images, links and text
309 | // this.span.innerHTML = this._getInnerHtml();
310 |
311 | parent.ul.appendChild(this.li);
312 | }
313 | // set node connector images, links and text
314 | this.span.innerHTML = this._getInnerHtml();
315 | // Set classes for current status
316 | var cnList = [];
317 | cnList.push(cn.node);
318 | if( data.isFolder ){
319 | cnList.push(cn.folder);
320 | }
321 | if( this.bExpanded ){
322 | cnList.push(cn.expanded);
323 | }
324 | if( this.hasChildren() !== false ){
325 | cnList.push(cn.hasChildren);
326 | }
327 | if( data.isLazy && this.childList === null ){
328 | cnList.push(cn.lazy);
329 | }
330 | if( isLastSib ){
331 | cnList.push(cn.lastsib);
332 | }
333 | if( this.bSelected ){
334 | cnList.push(cn.selected);
335 | }
336 | if( this.hasSubSel ){
337 | cnList.push(cn.partsel);
338 | }
339 | if( tree.activeNode === this ){
340 | cnList.push(cn.active);
341 | }
342 | if( data.addClass ){
343 | cnList.push(data.addClass);
344 | }
345 | // IE6 doesn't correctly evaluate multiple class names,
346 | // so we create combined class names that can be used in the CSS
347 | cnList.push(cn.combinedExpanderPrefix
348 | + (this.bExpanded ? "e" : "c")
349 | + (data.isLazy && this.childList === null ? "d" : "")
350 | + (isLastSib ? "l" : "")
351 | );
352 | cnList.push(cn.combinedIconPrefix
353 | + (this.bExpanded ? "e" : "c")
354 | + (data.isFolder ? "f" : "")
355 | );
356 | this.span.className = cnList.join(" ");
357 |
358 | // TODO: we should not set this in the <span> tag also, if we set it here:
359 | this.li.className = isLastSib ? cn.lastsib : "";
360 |
361 | // Allow tweaking, binding, after node was created for the first time
362 | if(firstTime && opts.onCreate){
363 | opts.onCreate.call(tree, this, this.span);
364 | }
365 | // Hide children, if node is collapsed
366 | // this.ul.style.display = ( this.bExpanded || !parent ) ? "" : "none";
367 | // Allow tweaking after node state was rendered
368 | if(opts.onRender){
369 | opts.onRender.call(tree, this, this.span);
370 | }
371 | }
372 | // Visit child nodes
373 | if( (this.bExpanded || includeInvisible === true) && this.childList ) {
374 | for(var i=0, l=this.childList.length; i<l; i++) {
375 | this.childList[i].render(false, includeInvisible);
376 | }
377 | // Make sure the tag order matches the child array
378 | this._fixOrder();
379 | }
380 | // Hide children, if node is collapsed
381 | if( this.ul ) {
382 | var isHidden = (this.ul.style.display === "none");
383 | var isExpanded = !!this.bExpanded;
384 | // logMsg("isHidden:%s", isHidden);
385 | if( useEffects && opts.fx && (isHidden === isExpanded) ) {
386 | var duration = opts.fx.duration || 200;
387 | $(this.ul).animate(opts.fx, duration);
388 | } else {
389 | this.ul.style.display = ( this.bExpanded || !parent ) ? "" : "none";
390 | }
391 | }
392 | },
393 | /** Return '/id1/id2/id3'. */
394 | getKeyPath: function(excludeSelf) {
395 | var path = [];
396 | this.visitParents(function(node){
397 | if(node.parent){
398 | path.unshift(node.data.key);
399 | }
400 | }, !excludeSelf);
401 | return "/" + path.join(this.tree.options.keyPathSeparator);
402 | },
403 |
404 | getParent: function() {
405 | return this.parent;
406 | },
407 |
408 | getChildren: function() {
409 | if(this.hasChildren() === undefined){
410 | return undefined; // Lazy node: unloaded, currently loading, or load error
411 | }
412 | return this.childList;
413 | },
414 |
415 | /** Check if node has children (returns undefined, if not sure). */
416 | hasChildren: function() {
417 | if(this.data.isLazy){
418 | if(this.childList === null || this.childList === undefined){
419 | // Not yet loaded
420 | return undefined;
421 | }else if(this.childList.length === 0){
422 | // Loaded, but response was empty
423 | return false;
424 | }else if(this.childList.length === 1 && this.childList[0].isStatusNode()){
425 | // Currently loading or load error
426 | return undefined;
427 | }
428 | return true;
429 | }
430 | return !!this.childList;
431 | },
432 |
433 | isFirstSibling: function() {
434 | var p = this.parent;
435 | return !p || p.childList[0] === this;
436 | },
437 |
438 | isLastSibling: function() {
439 | var p = this.parent;
440 | return !p || p.childList[p.childList.length-1] === this;
441 | },
442 |
443 | isLoading: function() {
444 | return !!this._isLoading;
445 | },
446 |
447 | getPrevSibling: function() {
448 | if( !this.parent ){
449 | return null;
450 | }
451 | var ac = this.parent.childList;
452 | for(var i=1, l=ac.length; i<l; i++){ // start with 1, so prev(first) = null
453 | if( ac[i] === this ){
454 | return ac[i-1];
455 | }
456 | }
457 | return null;
458 | },
459 |
460 | getNextSibling: function() {
461 | if( !this.parent ){
462 | return null;
463 | }
464 | var ac = this.parent.childList;
465 | for(var i=0, l=ac.length-1; i<l; i++){ // up to length-2, so next(last) = null
466 | if( ac[i] === this ){
467 | return ac[i+1];
468 | }
469 | }
470 | return null;
471 | },
472 |
473 | isStatusNode: function() {
474 | return (this.data.isStatusNode === true);
475 | },
476 |
477 | isChildOf: function(otherNode) {
478 | return (this.parent && this.parent === otherNode);
479 | },
480 |
481 | isDescendantOf: function(otherNode) {
482 | if(!otherNode){
483 | return false;
484 | }
485 | var p = this.parent;
486 | while( p ) {
487 | if( p === otherNode ){
488 | return true;
489 | }
490 | p = p.parent;
491 | }
492 | return false;
493 | },
494 |
495 | countChildren: function() {
496 | var cl = this.childList;
497 | if( !cl ){
498 | return 0;
499 | }
500 | var n = cl.length;
501 | for(var i=0, l=n; i<l; i++){
502 | var child = cl[i];
503 | n += child.countChildren();
504 | }
505 | return n;
506 | },
507 |
508 | /**Sort child list by title.
509 | * cmd: optional compare function.
510 | * deep: optional: pass true to sort all descendant nodes.
511 | */
512 | sortChildren: function(cmp, deep) {
513 | var cl = this.childList;
514 | if( !cl ){
515 | return;
516 | }
517 | cmp = cmp || function(a, b) {
518 | // return a.data.title === b.data.title ? 0 : a.data.title > b.data.title ? 1 : -1;
519 | var x = a.data.title.toLowerCase(),
520 | y = b.data.title.toLowerCase();
521 | return x === y ? 0 : x > y ? 1 : -1;
522 | };
523 | cl.sort(cmp);
524 | if( deep ){
525 | for(var i=0, l=cl.length; i<l; i++){
526 | if( cl[i].childList ){
527 | cl[i].sortChildren(cmp, "$norender$");
528 | }
529 | }
530 | }
531 | if( deep !== "$norender$" ){
532 | this.render();
533 | }
534 | },
535 |
536 | _setStatusNode: function(data) {
537 | // Create, modify or remove the status child node (pass 'null', to remove it).
538 | var firstChild = ( this.childList ? this.childList[0] : null );
539 | if( !data ) {
540 | if ( firstChild && firstChild.isStatusNode()) {
541 | try{
542 | // I've seen exceptions here with loadKeyPath...
543 | if(this.ul){
544 | this.ul.removeChild(firstChild.li);
545 | firstChild.li = null; // avoid leaks (issue 215)
546 | }
547 | }catch(e){}
548 | if( this.childList.length === 1 ){
549 | this.childList = [];
550 | }else{
551 | this.childList.shift();
552 | }
553 | }
554 | } else if ( firstChild ) {
555 | data.isStatusNode = true;
556 | data.key = "_statusNode";
557 | firstChild.data = data;
558 | firstChild.render();
559 | } else {
560 | data.isStatusNode = true;
561 | data.key = "_statusNode";
562 | firstChild = this.addChild(data);
563 | }
564 | },
565 |
566 | setLazyNodeStatus: function(lts, opts) {
567 | var tooltip = (opts && opts.tooltip) ? opts.tooltip : null,
568 | info = (opts && opts.info) ? " (" + opts.info + ")" : "";
569 | switch( lts ) {
570 | case DTNodeStatus_Ok:
571 | this._setStatusNode(null);
572 | $(this.span).removeClass(this.tree.options.classNames.nodeLoading);
573 | this._isLoading = false;
574 | // this.render();
575 | if( this.tree.options.autoFocus ) {
576 | if( this === this.tree.tnRoot && this.childList && this.childList.length > 0) {
577 | // special case: using ajaxInit
578 | this.childList[0].focus();
579 | } else {
580 | this.focus();
581 | }
582 | }
583 | break;
584 | case DTNodeStatus_Loading:
585 | this._isLoading = true;
586 | $(this.span).addClass(this.tree.options.classNames.nodeLoading);
587 | // The root is hidden, so we set a temporary status child
588 | if(!this.parent){
589 | this._setStatusNode({
590 | title: this.tree.options.strings.loading + info,
591 | tooltip: tooltip,
592 | addClass: this.tree.options.classNames.nodeWait
593 | });
594 | }
595 | break;
596 | case DTNodeStatus_Error:
597 | this._isLoading = false;
598 | // $(this.span).addClass(this.tree.options.classNames.nodeError);
599 | this._setStatusNode({
600 | title: this.tree.options.strings.loadError + info,
601 | tooltip: tooltip,
602 | addClass: this.tree.options.classNames.nodeError
603 | });
604 | break;
605 | default:
606 | throw "Bad LazyNodeStatus: '" + lts + "'.";
607 | }
608 | },
609 |
610 | _parentList: function(includeRoot, includeSelf) {
611 | var l = [];
612 | var dtn = includeSelf ? this : this.parent;
613 | while( dtn ) {
614 | if( includeRoot || dtn.parent ){
615 | l.unshift(dtn);
616 | }
617 | dtn = dtn.parent;
618 | }
619 | return l;
620 | },
621 | getLevel: function() {
622 | /**
623 | * Return node depth. 0: System root node, 1: visible top-level node.
624 | */
625 | var level = 0;
626 | var dtn = this.parent;
627 | while( dtn ) {
628 | level++;
629 | dtn = dtn.parent;
630 | }
631 | return level;
632 | },
633 |
634 | _getTypeForOuterNodeEvent: function(event) {
635 | /** Return the inner node span (title, checkbox or expander) if
636 | * event.target points to the outer span.
637 | * This function should fix issue #93:
638 | * FF2 ignores empty spans, when generating events (returning the parent instead).
639 | */
640 | var cns = this.tree.options.classNames;
641 | var target = event.target;
642 | // Only process clicks on an outer node span (probably due to a FF2 event handling bug)
643 | if( target.className.indexOf(cns.node) < 0 ) {
644 | return null;
645 | }
646 | // Event coordinates, relative to outer node span:
647 | var eventX = event.pageX - target.offsetLeft;
648 | var eventY = event.pageY - target.offsetTop;
649 |
650 | for(var i=0, l=target.childNodes.length; i<l; i++) {
651 | var cn = target.childNodes[i];
652 | var x = cn.offsetLeft - target.offsetLeft;
653 | var y = cn.offsetTop - target.offsetTop;
654 | var nx = cn.clientWidth, ny = cn.clientHeight;
655 | // alert (cn.className + ": " + x + ", " + y + ", s:" + nx + ", " + ny);
656 | if( eventX >= x && eventX <= (x+nx) && eventY >= y && eventY <= (y+ny) ) {
657 | // alert("HIT "+ cn.className);
658 | if( cn.className==cns.title ){
659 | return "title";
660 | }else if( cn.className==cns.expander ){
661 | return "expander";
662 | }else if( cn.className==cns.checkbox ){
663 | return "checkbox";
664 | }else if( cn.className==cns.nodeIcon ){
665 | return "icon";
666 | }
667 | }
668 | }
669 | return "prefix";
670 | },
671 |
672 | getEventTargetType: function(event) {
673 | // Return the part of a node, that a click event occured on.
674 | // Note: there is no check, if the event was fired on THIS node.
675 | var tcn = event && event.target ? event.target.className : "",
676 | cns = this.tree.options.classNames;
677 |
678 | if( tcn === cns.title ){
679 | return "title";
680 | }else if( tcn === cns.expander ){
681 | return "expander";
682 | }else if( tcn === cns.checkbox ){
683 | return "checkbox";
684 | }else if( tcn === cns.nodeIcon ){
685 | return "icon";
686 | }else if( tcn === cns.empty || tcn === cns.vline || tcn === cns.connector ){
687 | return "prefix";
688 | }else if( tcn.indexOf(cns.node) >= 0 ){
689 | // FIX issue #93
690 | return this._getTypeForOuterNodeEvent(event);
691 | }
692 | return null;
693 | },
694 |
695 | isVisible: function() {
696 | // Return true, if all parents are expanded.
697 | var parents = this._parentList(true, false);
698 | for(var i=0, l=parents.length; i<l; i++){
699 | if( ! parents[i].bExpanded ){ return false; }
700 | }
701 | return true;
702 | },
703 |
704 | makeVisible: function() {
705 | // Make sure, all parents are expanded
706 | var parents = this._parentList(true, false);
707 | for(var i=0, l=parents.length; i<l; i++){
708 | parents[i]._expand(true);
709 | }
710 | },
711 |
712 | focus: function() {
713 | // TODO: check, if we already have focus
714 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.focus(): %o", this);
715 | this.makeVisible();
716 | try {
717 | $(this.span).find(">a").focus();
718 | } catch(e) { }
719 | },
720 |
721 | isFocused: function() {
722 | return (this.tree.tnFocused === this);
723 | },
724 |
725 | _activate: function(flag, fireEvents) {
726 | // (De)Activate - but not focus - this node.
727 | this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._activate(%o, fireEvents=%o) - %o", flag, fireEvents, this);
728 | var opts = this.tree.options;
729 | if( this.data.isStatusNode ){
730 | return;
731 | }
732 | if ( fireEvents && opts.onQueryActivate && opts.onQueryActivate.call(this.tree, flag, this) === false ){
733 | return; // Callback returned false
734 | }
735 | if( flag ) {
736 | // Activate
737 | if( this.tree.activeNode ) {
738 | if( this.tree.activeNode === this ){
739 | return;
740 | }
741 | this.tree.activeNode.deactivate();
742 | }
743 | if( opts.activeVisible ){
744 | this.makeVisible();
745 | }
746 | this.tree.activeNode = this;
747 | if( opts.persist ){
748 | $.cookie(opts.cookieId+"-active", this.data.key, opts.cookie);
749 | }
750 | this.tree.persistence.activeKey = this.data.key;
751 | $(this.span).addClass(opts.classNames.active);
752 | if ( fireEvents && opts.onActivate ){
753 | opts.onActivate.call(this.tree, this);
754 | }
755 | } else {
756 | // Deactivate
757 | if( this.tree.activeNode === this ) {
758 | if ( opts.onQueryActivate && opts.onQueryActivate.call(this.tree, false, this) === false ){
759 | return; // Callback returned false
760 | }
761 | $(this.span).removeClass(opts.classNames.active);
762 | if( opts.persist ) {
763 | // Note: we don't pass null, but ''. So the cookie is not deleted.
764 | // If we pass null, we also have to pass a COPY of opts, because $cookie will override opts.expires (issue 84)
765 | $.cookie(opts.cookieId+"-active", "", opts.cookie);
766 | }
767 | this.tree.persistence.activeKey = null;
768 | this.tree.activeNode = null;
769 | if ( fireEvents && opts.onDeactivate ){
770 | opts.onDeactivate.call(this.tree, this);
771 | }
772 | }
773 | }
774 | },
775 |
776 | activate: function() {
777 | // Select - but not focus - this node.
778 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.activate(): %o", this);
779 | this._activate(true, true);
780 | },
781 |
782 | activateSilently: function() {
783 | this._activate(true, false);
784 | },
785 |
786 | deactivate: function() {
787 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.deactivate(): %o", this);
788 | this._activate(false, true);
789 | },
790 |
791 | isActive: function() {
792 | return (this.tree.activeNode === this);
793 | },
794 |
795 | _userActivate: function() {
796 | // Handle user click / [space] / [enter], according to clickFolderMode.
797 | var activate = true;
798 | var expand = false;
799 | if ( this.data.isFolder ) {
800 | switch( this.tree.options.clickFolderMode ) {
801 | case 2:
802 | activate = false;
803 | expand = true;
804 | break;
805 | case 3:
806 | activate = expand = true;
807 | break;
808 | }
809 | }
810 | if( this.parent === null ) {
811 | expand = false;
812 | }
813 | if( expand ) {
814 | this.toggleExpand();
815 | this.focus();
816 | }
817 | if( activate ) {
818 | this.activate();
819 | }
820 | },
821 |
822 | _setSubSel: function(hasSubSel) {
823 | if( hasSubSel ) {
824 | this.hasSubSel = true;
825 | $(this.span).addClass(this.tree.options.classNames.partsel);
826 | } else {
827 | this.hasSubSel = false;
828 | $(this.span).removeClass(this.tree.options.classNames.partsel);
829 | }
830 | },
831 | /**
832 | * Fix selection and partsel status, of parent nodes, according to current status of
833 | * end nodes.
834 | */
835 | _updatePartSelectionState: function() {
836 | // alert("_updatePartSelectionState " + this);
837 | // this.tree.logDebug("_updatePartSelectionState() - %o", this);
838 | var sel;
839 | // Return `true` or `false` for end nodes and remove part-sel flag
840 | if( ! this.hasChildren() ){
841 | sel = (this.bSelected && !this.data.unselectable && !this.data.isStatusNode);
842 | this._setSubSel(false);
843 | return sel;
844 | }
845 | // Return `true`, `false`, or `undefined` for parent nodes
846 | var i, l,
847 | cl = this.childList,
848 | allSelected = true,
849 | allDeselected = true;
850 | for(i=0, l=cl.length; i<l; i++) {
851 | var n = cl[i],
852 | s = n._updatePartSelectionState();
853 | if( s !== false){
854 | allDeselected = false;
855 | }
856 | if( s !== true){
857 | allSelected = false;
858 | }
859 | }
860 | if( allSelected ){
861 | sel = true;
862 | } else if ( allDeselected ){
863 | sel = false;
864 | } else {
865 | sel = undefined;
866 | }
867 | this._setSubSel(sel === undefined);
868 | this.bSelected = (sel === true);
869 | return sel;
870 | },
871 |
872 | /**
873 | * Fix selection status, after this node was (de)selected in multi-hier mode.
874 | * This includes (de)selecting all children.
875 | */
876 | _fixSelectionState: function() {
877 | // alert("_fixSelectionState " + this);
878 | // this.tree.logDebug("_fixSelectionState(%s) - %o", this.bSelected, this);
879 | var p, i, l;
880 | if( this.bSelected ) {
881 | // Select all children
882 | this.visit(function(node){
883 | node.parent._setSubSel(true);
884 | if(!node.data.unselectable){
885 | node._select(true, false, false);
886 | }
887 | });
888 | // Select parents, if all children are selected
889 | p = this.parent;
890 | while( p ) {
891 | p._setSubSel(true);
892 | var allChildsSelected = true;
893 | for(i=0, l=p.childList.length; i<l; i++) {
894 | var n = p.childList[i];
895 | if( !n.bSelected && !n.data.isStatusNode && !n.data.unselectable) {
896 | // issue 305 proposes this:
897 | // if( !n.bSelected && !n.data.isStatusNode ) {
898 | allChildsSelected = false;
899 | break;
900 | }
901 | }
902 | if( allChildsSelected ){
903 | p._select(true, false, false);
904 | }
905 | p = p.parent;
906 | }
907 | } else {
908 | // Deselect all children
909 | this._setSubSel(false);
910 | this.visit(function(node){
911 | node._setSubSel(false);
912 | node._select(false, false, false);
913 | });
914 | // Deselect parents, and recalc hasSubSel
915 | p = this.parent;
916 | while( p ) {
917 | p._select(false, false, false);
918 | var isPartSel = false;
919 | for(i=0, l=p.childList.length; i<l; i++) {
920 | if( p.childList[i].bSelected || p.childList[i].hasSubSel ) {
921 | isPartSel = true;
922 | break;
923 | }
924 | }
925 | p._setSubSel(isPartSel);
926 | p = p.parent;
927 | }
928 | }
929 | },
930 |
931 | _select: function(sel, fireEvents, deep) {
932 | // Select - but not focus - this node.
933 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._select(%o) - %o", sel, this);
934 | var opts = this.tree.options;
935 | if( this.data.isStatusNode ){
936 | return;
937 | }
938 | //
939 | if( this.bSelected === sel ) {
940 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._select(%o) IGNORED - %o", sel, this);
941 | return;
942 | }
943 | // Allow event listener to abort selection
944 | if ( fireEvents && opts.onQuerySelect && opts.onQuerySelect.call(this.tree, sel, this) === false ){
945 | return; // Callback returned false
946 | }
947 | // Force single-selection
948 | if( opts.selectMode==1 && sel ) {
949 | this.tree.visit(function(node){
950 | if( node.bSelected ) {
951 | // Deselect; assuming that in selectMode:1 there's max. one other selected node
952 | node._select(false, false, false);
953 | return false;
954 | }
955 | });
956 | }
957 |
958 | this.bSelected = sel;
959 | // this.tree._changeNodeList("select", this, sel);
960 |
961 | if( sel ) {
962 | if( opts.persist ){
963 | this.tree.persistence.addSelect(this.data.key);
964 | }
965 | $(this.span).addClass(opts.classNames.selected);
966 |
967 | if( deep && opts.selectMode === 3 ){
968 | this._fixSelectionState();
969 | }
970 | if ( fireEvents && opts.onSelect ){
971 | opts.onSelect.call(this.tree, true, this);
972 | }
973 | } else {
974 | if( opts.persist ){
975 | this.tree.persistence.clearSelect(this.data.key);
976 | }
977 | $(this.span).removeClass(opts.classNames.selected);
978 |
979 | if( deep && opts.selectMode === 3 ){
980 | this._fixSelectionState();
981 | }
982 | if ( fireEvents && opts.onSelect ){
983 | opts.onSelect.call(this.tree, false, this);
984 | }
985 | }
986 | },
987 |
988 | select: function(sel) {
989 | // Select - but not focus - this node.
990 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.select(%o) - %o", sel, this);
991 | if( this.data.unselectable ){
992 | return this.bSelected;
993 | }
994 | return this._select(sel!==false, true, true);
995 | },
996 |
997 | toggleSelect: function() {
998 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.toggleSelect() - %o", this);
999 | return this.select(!this.bSelected);
1000 | },
1001 |
1002 | isSelected: function() {
1003 | return this.bSelected;
1004 | },
1005 |
1006 | isLazy: function() {
1007 | return !!this.data.isLazy;
1008 | },
1009 |
1010 | _loadContent: function() {
1011 | try {
1012 | var opts = this.tree.options;
1013 | this.tree.logDebug("_loadContent: start - %o", this);
1014 | this.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Loading);
1015 | if( true === opts.onLazyRead.call(this.tree, this) ) {
1016 | // If function returns 'true', we assume that the loading is done:
1017 | this.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Ok);
1018 | // Otherwise (i.e. if the loading was started as an asynchronous process)
1019 | // the onLazyRead(dtnode) handler is expected to call dtnode.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Ok/_Error) when done.
1020 | this.tree.logDebug("_loadContent: succeeded - %o", this);
1021 | }
1022 | } catch(e) {
1023 | this.tree.logWarning("_loadContent: failed - %o", e);
1024 | this.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Error, {tooltip: ""+e});
1025 | }
1026 | },
1027 |
1028 | _expand: function(bExpand, forceSync) {
1029 | if( this.bExpanded === bExpand ) {
1030 | this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._expand(%o) IGNORED - %o", bExpand, this);
1031 | return;
1032 | }
1033 | this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._expand(%o) - %o", bExpand, this);
1034 | var opts = this.tree.options;
1035 | if( !bExpand && this.getLevel() < opts.minExpandLevel ) {
1036 | this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._expand(%o) prevented collapse - %o", bExpand, this);
1037 | return;
1038 | }
1039 | if ( opts.onQueryExpand && opts.onQueryExpand.call(this.tree, bExpand, this) === false ){
1040 | return; // Callback returned false
1041 | }
1042 | this.bExpanded = bExpand;
1043 |
1044 | // Persist expand state
1045 | if( opts.persist ) {
1046 | if( bExpand ){
1047 | this.tree.persistence.addExpand(this.data.key);
1048 | }else{
1049 | this.tree.persistence.clearExpand(this.data.key);
1050 | }
1051 | }
1052 | // Do not apply animations in init phase, or before lazy-loading
1053 | var allowEffects = !(this.data.isLazy && this.childList === null)
1054 | && !this._isLoading
1055 | && !forceSync;
1056 | this.render(allowEffects);
1057 |
1058 | // Auto-collapse mode: collapse all siblings
1059 | if( this.bExpanded && this.parent && opts.autoCollapse ) {
1060 | var parents = this._parentList(false, true);
1061 | for(var i=0, l=parents.length; i<l; i++){
1062 | parents[i].collapseSiblings();
1063 | }
1064 | }
1065 | // If the currently active node is now hidden, deactivate it
1066 | if( opts.activeVisible && this.tree.activeNode && ! this.tree.activeNode.isVisible() ) {
1067 | this.tree.activeNode.deactivate();
1068 | }
1069 | // Expanding a lazy node: set 'loading...' and call callback
1070 | if( bExpand && this.data.isLazy && this.childList === null && !this._isLoading ) {
1071 | this._loadContent();
1072 | return;
1073 | }
1074 | if ( opts.onExpand ){
1075 | opts.onExpand.call(this.tree, bExpand, this);
1076 | }
1077 | },
1078 |
1079 | isExpanded: function() {
1080 | return this.bExpanded;
1081 | },
1082 |
1083 | expand: function(flag) {
1084 | flag = (flag !== false);
1085 | if( !this.childList && !this.data.isLazy && flag ){
1086 | return; // Prevent expanding empty nodes
1087 | } else if( this.parent === null && !flag ){
1088 | return; // Prevent collapsing the root
1089 | }
1090 | this._expand(flag);
1091 | },
1092 |
1093 | scheduleAction: function(mode, ms) {
1094 | /** Schedule activity for delayed execution (cancel any pending request).
1095 | * scheduleAction('cancel') will cancel the request.
1096 | */
1097 | if( this.tree.timer ) {
1098 | clearTimeout(this.tree.timer);
1099 | this.tree.logDebug("clearTimeout(%o)", this.tree.timer);
1100 | }
1101 | var self = this; // required for closures
1102 | switch (mode) {
1103 | case "cancel":
1104 | // Simply made sure that timer was cleared
1105 | break;
1106 | case "expand":
1107 | this.tree.timer = setTimeout(function(){
1108 | self.tree.logDebug("setTimeout: trigger expand");
1109 | self.expand(true);
1110 | }, ms);
1111 | break;
1112 | case "activate":
1113 | this.tree.timer = setTimeout(function(){
1114 | self.tree.logDebug("setTimeout: trigger activate");
1115 | self.activate();
1116 | }, ms);
1117 | break;
1118 | default:
1119 | throw "Invalid mode " + mode;
1120 | }
1121 | this.tree.logDebug("setTimeout(%s, %s): %s", mode, ms, this.tree.timer);
1122 | },
1123 |
1124 | toggleExpand: function() {
1125 | this.expand(!this.bExpanded);
1126 | },
1127 |
1128 | collapseSiblings: function() {
1129 | if( this.parent === null ){
1130 | return;
1131 | }
1132 | var ac = this.parent.childList;
1133 | for (var i=0, l=ac.length; i<l; i++) {
1134 | if ( ac[i] !== this && ac[i].bExpanded ){
1135 | ac[i]._expand(false);
1136 | }
1137 | }
1138 | },
1139 |
1140 | _onClick: function(event) {
1141 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.onClick(" + event.type + "): dtnode:" + this + ", button:" + event.button + ", which: " + event.which);
1142 | var targetType = this.getEventTargetType(event);
1143 | if( targetType === "expander" ) {
1144 | // Clicking the expander icon always expands/collapses
1145 | this.toggleExpand();
1146 | this.focus(); // issue 95
1147 | } else if( targetType === "checkbox" ) {
1148 | // Clicking the checkbox always (de)selects
1149 | this.toggleSelect();
1150 | this.focus(); // issue 95
1151 | } else {
1152 | this._userActivate();
1153 | var aTag = this.span.getElementsByTagName("a");
1154 | if(aTag[0]){
1155 | // issue 154, 313
1156 | if(!($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 9)){
1157 | aTag[0].focus();
1158 | }
1159 | }else{
1160 | // 'noLink' option was set
1161 | return true;
1162 | }
1163 | }
1164 | // Make sure that clicks stop, otherwise <a href='#'> jumps to the top
1165 | event.preventDefault();
1166 | },
1167 |
1168 | _onDblClick: function(event) {
1169 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.onDblClick(" + event.type + "): dtnode:" + this + ", button:" + event.button + ", which: " + event.which);
1170 | },
1171 |
1172 | _onKeydown: function(event) {
1173 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.onKeydown(" + event.type + "): dtnode:" + this + ", charCode:" + event.charCode + ", keyCode: " + event.keyCode + ", which: " + event.which);
1174 | var handled = true,
1175 | sib;
1176 | // alert("keyDown" + event.which);
1177 |
1178 | switch( event.which ) {
1179 | // charCodes:
1180 | // case 43: // '+'
1181 | case 107: // '+'
1182 | case 187: // '+' @ Chrome, Safari
1183 | if( !this.bExpanded ){ this.toggleExpand(); }
1184 | break;
1185 | // case 45: // '-'
1186 | case 109: // '-'
1187 | case 189: // '+' @ Chrome, Safari
1188 | if( this.bExpanded ){ this.toggleExpand(); }
1189 | break;
1190 | //~ case 42: // '*'
1191 | //~ break;
1192 | //~ case 47: // '/'
1193 | //~ break;
1194 | // case 13: // <enter>
1195 | // <enter> on a focused <a> tag seems to generate a click-event.
1196 | // this._userActivate();
1197 | // break;
1198 | case 32: // <space>
1199 | this._userActivate();
1200 | break;
1201 | case 8: // <backspace>
1202 | if( this.parent ){
1203 | this.parent.focus();
1204 | }
1205 | break;
1206 | case 37: // <left>
1207 | if( this.bExpanded ) {
1208 | this.toggleExpand();
1209 | this.focus();
1210 | // } else if( this.parent && (this.tree.options.rootVisible || this.parent.parent) ) {
1211 | } else if( this.parent && this.parent.parent ) {
1212 | this.parent.focus();
1213 | }
1214 | break;
1215 | case 39: // <right>
1216 | if( !this.bExpanded && (this.childList || this.data.isLazy) ) {
1217 | this.toggleExpand();
1218 | this.focus();
1219 | } else if( this.childList ) {
1220 | this.childList[0].focus();
1221 | }
1222 | break;
1223 | case 38: // <up>
1224 | sib = this.getPrevSibling();
1225 | while( sib && sib.bExpanded && sib.childList ){
1226 | sib = sib.childList[sib.childList.length-1];
1227 | }
1228 | // if( !sib && this.parent && (this.tree.options.rootVisible || this.parent.parent) )
1229 | if( !sib && this.parent && this.parent.parent ){
1230 | sib = this.parent;
1231 | }
1232 | if( sib ){
1233 | sib.focus();
1234 | }
1235 | break;
1236 | case 40: // <down>
1237 | if( this.bExpanded && this.childList ) {
1238 | sib = this.childList[0];
1239 | } else {
1240 | var parents = this._parentList(false, true);
1241 | for(var i=parents.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
1242 | sib = parents[i].getNextSibling();
1243 | if( sib ){ break; }
1244 | }
1245 | }
1246 | if( sib ){
1247 | sib.focus();
1248 | }
1249 | break;
1250 | default:
1251 | handled = false;
1252 | }
1253 | // Return false, if handled, to prevent default processing
1254 | // return !handled;
1255 | if(handled){
1256 | event.preventDefault();
1257 | }
1258 | },
1259 |
1260 | _onKeypress: function(event) {
1261 | // onKeypress is only hooked to allow user callbacks.
1262 | // We don't process it, because IE and Safari don't fire keypress for cursor keys.
1263 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.onKeypress(" + event.type + "): dtnode:" + this + ", charCode:" + event.charCode + ", keyCode: " + event.keyCode + ", which: " + event.which);
1264 | },
1265 |
1266 | _onFocus: function(event) {
1267 | // Handles blur and focus events.
1268 | // this.tree.logDebug("dtnode._onFocus(%o): %o", event, this);
1269 | var opts = this.tree.options;
1270 | if ( event.type == "blur" || event.type == "focusout" ) {
1271 | if ( opts.onBlur ){
1272 | opts.onBlur.call(this.tree, this);
1273 | }
1274 | if( this.tree.tnFocused ){
1275 | $(this.tree.tnFocused.span).removeClass(opts.classNames.focused);
1276 | }
1277 | this.tree.tnFocused = null;
1278 | if( opts.persist ){
1279 | $.cookie(opts.cookieId+"-focus", "", opts.cookie);
1280 | }
1281 | } else if ( event.type=="focus" || event.type=="focusin") {
1282 | // Fix: sometimes the blur event is not generated
1283 | if( this.tree.tnFocused && this.tree.tnFocused !== this ) {
1284 | this.tree.logDebug("dtnode.onFocus: out of sync: curFocus: %o", this.tree.tnFocused);
1285 | $(this.tree.tnFocused.span).removeClass(opts.classNames.focused);
1286 | }
1287 | this.tree.tnFocused = this;
1288 | if ( opts.onFocus ){
1289 | opts.onFocus.call(this.tree, this);
1290 | }
1291 | $(this.tree.tnFocused.span).addClass(opts.classNames.focused);
1292 | if( opts.persist ){
1293 | $.cookie(opts.cookieId+"-focus", this.data.key, opts.cookie);
1294 | }
1295 | }
1296 | // TODO: return anything?
1297 | // return false;
1298 | },
1299 |
1300 | visit: function(fn, includeSelf) {
1301 | // Call fn(node) for all child nodes. Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.
1302 | var res = true;
1303 | if( includeSelf === true ) {
1304 | res = fn(this);
1305 | if( res === false || res == "skip" ){
1306 | return res;
1307 | }
1308 | }
1309 | if(this.childList){
1310 | for(var i=0, l=this.childList.length; i<l; i++){
1311 | res = this.childList[i].visit(fn, true);
1312 | if( res === false ){
1313 | break;
1314 | }
1315 | }
1316 | }
1317 | return res;
1318 | },
1319 |
1320 | visitParents: function(fn, includeSelf) {
1321 | // Visit parent nodes (bottom up)
1322 | if(includeSelf && fn(this) === false){
1323 | return false;
1324 | }
1325 | var p = this.parent;
1326 | while( p ) {
1327 | if(fn(p) === false){
1328 | return false;
1329 | }
1330 | p = p.parent;
1331 | }
1332 | return true;
1333 | },
1334 |
1335 | remove: function() {
1336 | // Remove this node
1337 | // this.tree.logDebug ("%s.remove()", this);
1338 | if ( this === this.tree.root ){
1339 | throw "Cannot remove system root";
1340 | }
1341 | return this.parent.removeChild(this);
1342 | },
1343 |
1344 | removeChild: function(tn) {
1345 | // Remove tn from list of direct children.
1346 | var ac = this.childList;
1347 | if( ac.length == 1 ) {
1348 | if( tn !== ac[0] ){
1349 | throw "removeChild: invalid child";
1350 | }
1351 | return this.removeChildren();
1352 | }
1353 | if( tn === this.tree.activeNode ){
1354 | tn.deactivate();
1355 | }
1356 | if( this.tree.options.persist ) {
1357 | if( tn.bSelected ){
1358 | this.tree.persistence.clearSelect(tn.data.key);
1359 | }
1360 | if ( tn.bExpanded ){
1361 | this.tree.persistence.clearExpand(tn.data.key);
1362 | }
1363 | }
1364 | tn.removeChildren(true);
1365 | // this.div.removeChild(tn.div);
1366 | this.ul.removeChild(tn.li);
1367 | for(var i=0, l=ac.length; i<l; i++) {
1368 | if( ac[i] === tn ) {
1369 | this.childList.splice(i, 1);
1370 | // delete tn; // JSLint complained
1371 | break;
1372 | }
1373 | }
1374 | },
1375 |
1376 | removeChildren: function(isRecursiveCall, retainPersistence) {
1377 | // Remove all child nodes (more efficiently than recursive remove())
1378 | this.tree.logDebug("%s.removeChildren(%o)", this, isRecursiveCall);
1379 | var tree = this.tree;
1380 | var ac = this.childList;
1381 | if( ac ) {
1382 | for(var i=0, l=ac.length; i<l; i++) {
1383 | var tn = ac[i];
1384 | if ( tn === tree.activeNode && !retainPersistence ){
1385 | tn.deactivate();
1386 | }
1387 | if( this.tree.options.persist && !retainPersistence ) {
1388 | if( tn.bSelected ){
1389 | this.tree.persistence.clearSelect(tn.data.key);
1390 | }
1391 | if ( tn.bExpanded ){
1392 | this.tree.persistence.clearExpand(tn.data.key);
1393 | }
1394 | }
1395 | tn.removeChildren(true, retainPersistence);
1396 | if(this.ul){
1397 | // this.ul.removeChild(tn.li);
1398 | $("li", $(this.ul)).remove(); // issue 231
1399 | }
1400 | // delete tn; JSLint complained
1401 | }
1402 | // Set to 'null' which is interpreted as 'not yet loaded' for lazy
1403 | // nodes
1404 | this.childList = null;
1405 | }
1406 | if( ! isRecursiveCall ) {
1407 | // this._expand(false);
1408 | // this.isRead = false;
1409 | this._isLoading = false;
1410 | this.render();
1411 | }
1412 | },
1413 |
1414 | setTitle: function(title) {
1415 | this.fromDict({title: title});
1416 | },
1417 |
1418 | reload: function(force) {
1419 | throw "Use reloadChildren() instead";
1420 | },
1421 |
1422 | reloadChildren: function(callback) {
1423 | // Reload lazy content (expansion state is maintained).
1424 | if( this.parent === null ){
1425 | throw "Use tree.reload() instead";
1426 | }else if( ! this.data.isLazy ){
1427 | throw "node.reloadChildren() requires lazy nodes.";
1428 | }
1429 | // appendAjax triggers 'nodeLoaded' event.
1430 | // We listen to this, if a callback was passed to reloadChildren
1431 | if(callback){
1432 | var self = this;
1433 | var eventType = "nodeLoaded.dynatree." + this.tree.$tree.attr("id")
1434 | + "." + this.data.key;
1435 | this.tree.$tree.bind(eventType, function(e, node, isOk){
1436 | self.tree.$tree.unbind(eventType);
1437 | self.tree.logDebug("loaded %o, %o, %o", e, node, isOk);
1438 | if(node !== self){
1439 | throw "got invalid load event";
1440 | }
1441 | callback.call(self.tree, node, isOk);
1442 | });
1443 | }
1444 | // The expansion state is maintained
1445 | this.removeChildren();
1446 | this._loadContent();
1447 | // if( this.bExpanded ) {
1448 | // // Remove children first, to prevent effects being applied
1449 | // this.removeChildren();
1450 | // // then force re-expand to trigger lazy loading
1451 | //// this.expand(false);
1452 | //// this.expand(true);
1453 | // this._loadContent();
1454 | // } else {
1455 | // this.removeChildren();
1456 | // this._loadContent();
1457 | // }
1458 | },
1459 |
1460 | /**
1461 | * Make sure the node with a given key path is available in the tree.
1462 | */
1463 | _loadKeyPath: function(keyPath, callback) {
1464 | var tree = this.tree;
1465 | tree.logDebug("%s._loadKeyPath(%s)", this, keyPath);
1466 | if(keyPath === ""){
1467 | throw "Key path must not be empty";
1468 | }
1469 | var segList = keyPath.split(tree.options.keyPathSeparator);
1470 | if(segList[0] === ""){
1471 | throw "Key path must be relative (don't start with '/')";
1472 | }
1473 | var seg = segList.shift();
1474 | if(this.childList){
1475 | for(var i=0, l=this.childList.length; i < l; i++){
1476 | var child = this.childList[i];
1477 | if( child.data.key === seg ){
1478 | if(segList.length === 0) {
1479 | // Found the end node
1480 | callback.call(tree, child, "ok");
1481 |
1482 | }else if(child.data.isLazy && (child.childList === null || child.childList === undefined)){
1483 | tree.logDebug("%s._loadKeyPath(%s) -> reloading %s...", this, keyPath, child);
1484 | var self = this;
1485 | // Note: this line gives a JSLint warning (Don't make functions within a loop)
1486 | /*jshint loopfunc:true */
1487 | child.reloadChildren(function(node, isOk){
1488 | // After loading, look for direct child with that key
1489 | if(isOk){
1490 | tree.logDebug("%s._loadKeyPath(%s) -> reloaded %s.", node, keyPath, node);
1491 | callback.call(tree, child, "loaded");
1492 | node._loadKeyPath(segList.join(tree.options.keyPathSeparator), callback);
1493 | }else{
1494 | tree.logWarning("%s._loadKeyPath(%s) -> reloadChildren() failed.", self, keyPath);
1495 | callback.call(tree, child, "error");
1496 | }
1497 | });
1498 | // we can ignore it, since it will only be exectuted once, the the loop is ended
1499 | // See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3037598/how-to-get-around-the-jslint-error-dont-make-functions-within-a-loop
1500 | } else {
1501 | callback.call(tree, child, "loaded");
1502 | // Look for direct child with that key
1503 | child._loadKeyPath(segList.join(tree.options.keyPathSeparator), callback);
1504 | }
1505 | return;
1506 | }
1507 | }
1508 | }
1509 | // Could not find key
1510 | // Callback params: child: undefined, the segment, isEndNode (segList.length === 0)
1511 | callback.call(tree, undefined, "notfound", seg, segList.length === 0);
1512 | tree.logWarning("Node not found: " + seg);
1513 | return;
1514 | },
1515 |
1516 | resetLazy: function() {
1517 | // Discard lazy content.
1518 | if( this.parent === null ){
1519 | throw "Use tree.reload() instead";
1520 | }else if( ! this.data.isLazy ){
1521 | throw "node.resetLazy() requires lazy nodes.";
1522 | }
1523 | this.expand(false);
1524 | this.removeChildren();
1525 | },
1526 |
1527 | _addChildNode: function(dtnode, beforeNode) {
1528 | /**
1529 | * Internal function to add one single DynatreeNode as a child.
1530 | *
1531 | */
1532 | var tree = this.tree,
1533 | opts = tree.options,
1534 | pers = tree.persistence;
1535 |
1536 | // tree.logDebug("%s._addChildNode(%o)", this, dtnode);
1537 |
1538 | // --- Update and fix dtnode attributes if necessary
1539 | dtnode.parent = this;
1540 | // if( beforeNode && (beforeNode.parent !== this || beforeNode === dtnode ) )
1541 | // throw "<beforeNode> must be another child of <this>";
1542 |
1543 | // --- Add dtnode as a child
1544 | if ( this.childList === null ) {
1545 | this.childList = [];
1546 | } else if( ! beforeNode ) {
1547 | // Fix 'lastsib'
1548 | if(this.childList.length > 0) {
1549 | $(this.childList[this.childList.length-1].span).removeClass(opts.classNames.lastsib);
1550 | }
1551 | }
1552 | if( beforeNode ) {
1553 | var iBefore = $.inArray(beforeNode, this.childList);
1554 | if( iBefore < 0 ){
1555 | throw "<beforeNode> must be a child of <this>";
1556 | }
1557 | this.childList.splice(iBefore, 0, dtnode);
1558 | } else {
1559 | // Append node
1560 | this.childList.push(dtnode);
1561 | }
1562 |
1563 | // --- Handle persistence
1564 | // Initial status is read from cookies, if persistence is active and
1565 | // cookies are already present.
1566 | // Otherwise the status is read from the data attributes and then persisted.
1567 | var isInitializing = tree.isInitializing();
1568 | if( opts.persist && pers.cookiesFound && isInitializing ) {
1569 | // Init status from cookies
1570 | // tree.logDebug("init from cookie, pa=%o, dk=%o", pers.activeKey, dtnode.data.key);
1571 | if( pers.activeKey === dtnode.data.key ){
1572 | tree.activeNode = dtnode;
1573 | }
1574 | if( pers.focusedKey === dtnode.data.key ){
1575 | tree.focusNode = dtnode;
1576 | }
1577 | dtnode.bExpanded = ($.inArray(dtnode.data.key, pers.expandedKeyList) >= 0);
1578 | dtnode.bSelected = ($.inArray(dtnode.data.key, pers.selectedKeyList) >= 0);
1579 | // tree.logDebug(" key=%o, bSelected=%o", dtnode.data.key, dtnode.bSelected);
1580 | } else {
1581 | // Init status from data (Note: we write the cookies after the init phase)
1582 | // tree.logDebug("init from data");
1583 | if( dtnode.data.activate ) {
1584 | tree.activeNode = dtnode;
1585 | if( opts.persist ){
1586 | pers.activeKey = dtnode.data.key;
1587 | }
1588 | }
1589 | if( dtnode.data.focus ) {
1590 | tree.focusNode = dtnode;
1591 | if( opts.persist ){
1592 | pers.focusedKey = dtnode.data.key;
1593 | }
1594 | }
1595 | dtnode.bExpanded = ( dtnode.data.expand === true ); // Collapsed by default
1596 | if( dtnode.bExpanded && opts.persist ){
1597 | pers.addExpand(dtnode.data.key);
1598 | }
1599 | dtnode.bSelected = ( dtnode.data.select === true ); // Deselected by default
1600 | /*
1601 | Doesn't work, cause pers.selectedKeyList may be null
1602 | if( dtnode.bSelected && opts.selectMode==1
1603 | && pers.selectedKeyList && pers.selectedKeyList.length>0 ) {
1604 | tree.logWarning("Ignored multi-selection in single-mode for %o", dtnode);
1605 | dtnode.bSelected = false; // Fixing bad input data (multi selection for mode:1)
1606 | }
1607 | */
1608 | if( dtnode.bSelected && opts.persist ){
1609 | pers.addSelect(dtnode.data.key);
1610 | }
1611 | }
1612 |
1613 | // Always expand, if it's below minExpandLevel
1614 | // tree.logDebug ("%s._addChildNode(%o), l=%o", this, dtnode, dtnode.getLevel());
1615 | if ( opts.minExpandLevel >= dtnode.getLevel() ) {
1616 | // tree.logDebug ("Force expand for %o", dtnode);
1617 | this.bExpanded = true;
1618 | }
1619 |
1620 | // In multi-hier mode, update the parents selection state
1621 | // issue #82: only if not initializing, because the children may not exist yet
1622 | // if( !dtnode.data.isStatusNode && opts.selectMode==3 && !isInitializing )
1623 | // dtnode._fixSelectionState();
1624 |
1625 | // In multi-hier mode, update the parents selection state
1626 | if( dtnode.bSelected && opts.selectMode==3 ) {
1627 | var p = this;
1628 | while( p ) {
1629 | if( !p.hasSubSel ){
1630 | p._setSubSel(true);
1631 | }
1632 | p = p.parent;
1633 | }
1634 | }
1635 | // render this node and the new child
1636 | if ( tree.bEnableUpdate ){
1637 | this.render();
1638 | }
1639 | return dtnode;
1640 | },
1641 |
1642 | addChild: function(obj, beforeNode) {
1643 | /**
1644 | * Add a node object as child.
1645 | *
1646 | * This should be the only place, where a DynaTreeNode is constructed!
1647 | * (Except for the root node creation in the tree constructor)
1648 | *
1649 | * @param obj A JS object (may be recursive) or an array of those.
1650 | * @param {DynaTreeNode} beforeNode (optional) sibling node.
1651 | *
1652 | * Data format: array of node objects, with optional 'children' attributes.
1653 | * [
1654 | * { title: "t1", isFolder: true, ... }
1655 | * { title: "t2", isFolder: true, ...,
1656 | * children: [
1657 | * {title: "t2.1", ..},
1658 | * {..}
1659 | * ]
1660 | * }
1661 | * ]
1662 | * A simple object is also accepted instead of an array.
1663 | *
1664 | */
1665 | // this.tree.logDebug("%s.addChild(%o, %o)", this, obj, beforeNode);
1666 | if(typeof(obj) == "string"){
1667 | throw "Invalid data type for " + obj;
1668 | }else if( !obj || obj.length === 0 ){ // Passed null or undefined or empty array
1669 | return;
1670 | }else if( obj instanceof DynaTreeNode ){
1671 | return this._addChildNode(obj, beforeNode);
1672 | }
1673 |
1674 | if( !obj.length ){ // Passed a single data object
1675 | obj = [ obj ];
1676 | }
1677 | var prevFlag = this.tree.enableUpdate(false);
1678 |
1679 | var tnFirst = null;
1680 | for (var i=0, l=obj.length; i<l; i++) {
1681 | var data = obj[i];
1682 | var dtnode = this._addChildNode(new DynaTreeNode(this, this.tree, data), beforeNode);
1683 | if( !tnFirst ){
1684 | tnFirst = dtnode;
1685 | }
1686 | // Add child nodes recursively
1687 | if( data.children ){
1688 | dtnode.addChild(data.children, null);
1689 | }
1690 | }
1691 | this.tree.enableUpdate(prevFlag);
1692 | return tnFirst;
1693 | },
1694 |
1695 | append: function(obj) {
1696 | this.tree.logWarning("node.append() is deprecated (use node.addChild() instead).");
1697 | return this.addChild(obj, null);
1698 | },
1699 |
1700 | appendAjax: function(ajaxOptions) {
1701 | var self = this;
1702 | this.removeChildren(false, true);
1703 | this.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Loading);
1704 | // Debug feature: force a delay, to simulate slow loading...
1705 | if(ajaxOptions.debugLazyDelay){
1706 | var ms = ajaxOptions.debugLazyDelay;
1707 | ajaxOptions.debugLazyDelay = 0;
1708 | this.tree.logInfo("appendAjax: waiting for debugLazyDelay " + ms);
1709 | setTimeout(function(){self.appendAjax(ajaxOptions);}, ms);
1710 | return;
1711 | }
1712 | // Ajax option inheritance: $.ajaxSetup < $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.ajaxDefaults < tree.options.ajaxDefaults < ajaxOptions
1713 | var orgSuccess = ajaxOptions.success,
1714 | orgError = ajaxOptions.error,
1715 | eventType = "nodeLoaded.dynatree." + this.tree.$tree.attr("id") + "." + this.data.key;
1716 | var options = $.extend({}, this.tree.options.ajaxDefaults, ajaxOptions, {
1717 | success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
1718 | // <this> is the request options
1719 | // self.tree.logDebug("appendAjax().success");
1720 | var prevPhase = self.tree.phase;
1721 | self.tree.phase = "init";
1722 | // postProcess is similar to the standard dataFilter hook,
1723 | // but it is also called for JSONP
1724 | if( options.postProcess ){
1725 | data = options.postProcess.call(this, data, this.dataType);
1726 | }
1727 | // Process ASPX WebMethod JSON object inside "d" property
1728 | // http://code.google.com/p/dynatree/issues/detail?id=202
1729 | else if (data && data.hasOwnProperty("d")) {
1730 | data = (typeof data.d) == "string" ? $.parseJSON(data.d) : data.d;
1731 | }
1732 | if(!$.isArray(data) || data.length !== 0){
1733 | self.addChild(data, null);
1734 | }
1735 | self.tree.phase = "postInit";
1736 | if( orgSuccess ){
1737 | orgSuccess.call(options, self, data, textStatus);
1738 | }
1739 | self.tree.logDebug("trigger " + eventType);
1740 | self.tree.$tree.trigger(eventType, [self, true]);
1741 | self.tree.phase = prevPhase;
1742 | // This should be the last command, so node._isLoading is true
1743 | // while the callbacks run
1744 | self.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Ok);
1745 | if($.isArray(data) && data.length === 0){
1746 | // Set to [] which is interpreted as 'no children' for lazy
1747 | // nodes
1748 | self.childList = [];
1749 | self.render();
1750 | }
1751 | },
1752 | error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
1753 | // <this> is the request options
1754 | self.tree.logWarning("appendAjax failed:", textStatus, ":\n", jqXHR, "\n", errorThrown);
1755 | if( orgError ){
1756 | orgError.call(options, self, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);
1757 | }
1758 | self.tree.$tree.trigger(eventType, [self, false]);
1759 | self.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Error, {info: textStatus, tooltip: "" + errorThrown});
1760 | }
1761 | });
1762 | $.ajax(options);
1763 | },
1764 |
1765 | move: function(targetNode, mode) {
1766 | /**Move this node to targetNode.
1767 | * mode 'child': append this node as last child of targetNode.
1768 | * This is the default. To be compatble with the D'n'd
1769 | * hitMode, we also accept 'over'.
1770 | * mode 'before': add this node as sibling before targetNode.
1771 | * mode 'after': add this node as sibling after targetNode.
1772 | */
1773 | var pos;
1774 | if(this === targetNode){
1775 | return;
1776 | }
1777 | if( !this.parent ){
1778 | throw "Cannot move system root";
1779 | }
1780 | if(mode === undefined || mode == "over"){
1781 | mode = "child";
1782 | }
1783 | var prevParent = this.parent;
1784 | var targetParent = (mode === "child") ? targetNode : targetNode.parent;
1785 | if( targetParent.isDescendantOf(this) ){
1786 | throw "Cannot move a node to it's own descendant";
1787 | }
1788 | // Unlink this node from current parent
1789 | if( this.parent.childList.length == 1 ) {
1790 | this.parent.childList = this.parent.data.isLazy ? [] : null;
1791 | this.parent.bExpanded = false;
1792 | } else {
1793 | pos = $.inArray(this, this.parent.childList);
1794 | if( pos < 0 ){
1795 | throw "Internal error";
1796 | }
1797 | this.parent.childList.splice(pos, 1);
1798 | }
1799 | // Remove from source DOM parent
1800 | if(this.parent.ul){
1801 | this.parent.ul.removeChild(this.li);
1802 | }
1803 |
1804 | // Insert this node to target parent's child list
1805 | this.parent = targetParent;
1806 | if( targetParent.hasChildren() ) {
1807 | switch(mode) {
1808 | case "child":
1809 | // Append to existing target children
1810 | targetParent.childList.push(this);
1811 | break;
1812 | case "before":
1813 | // Insert this node before target node
1814 | pos = $.inArray(targetNode, targetParent.childList);
1815 | if( pos < 0 ){
1816 | throw "Internal error";
1817 | }
1818 | targetParent.childList.splice(pos, 0, this);
1819 | break;
1820 | case "after":
1821 | // Insert this node after target node
1822 | pos = $.inArray(targetNode, targetParent.childList);
1823 | if( pos < 0 ){
1824 | throw "Internal error";
1825 | }
1826 | targetParent.childList.splice(pos+1, 0, this);
1827 | break;
1828 | default:
1829 | throw "Invalid mode " + mode;
1830 | }
1831 | } else {
1832 | targetParent.childList = [ this ];
1833 | }
1834 | // Parent has no <ul> tag yet:
1835 | if( !targetParent.ul ) {
1836 | // This is the parent's first child: create UL tag
1837 | // (Hidden, because it will be
1838 | targetParent.ul = document.createElement("ul");
1839 | targetParent.ul.style.display = "none";
1840 | targetParent.li.appendChild(targetParent.ul);
1841 | }
1842 | // Issue 319: Add to target DOM parent (only if node was already rendered(expanded))
1843 | if(this.li){
1844 | targetParent.ul.appendChild(this.li);
1845 | }
1846 |
1847 | if( this.tree !== targetNode.tree ) {
1848 | // Fix node.tree for all source nodes
1849 | this.visit(function(node){
1850 | node.tree = targetNode.tree;
1851 | }, null, true);
1852 | throw "Not yet implemented.";
1853 | }
1854 | // TODO: fix selection state
1855 | // TODO: fix active state
1856 | if( !prevParent.isDescendantOf(targetParent)) {
1857 | prevParent.render();
1858 | }
1859 | if( !targetParent.isDescendantOf(prevParent) ) {
1860 | targetParent.render();
1861 | }
1862 | // this.tree.redraw();
1863 | /*
1864 | var tree = this.tree;
1865 | var opts = tree.options;
1866 | var pers = tree.persistence;
1867 |
1868 |
1869 | // Always expand, if it's below minExpandLevel
1870 | // tree.logDebug ("%s._addChildNode(%o), l=%o", this, dtnode, dtnode.getLevel());
1871 | if ( opts.minExpandLevel >= dtnode.getLevel() ) {
1872 | // tree.logDebug ("Force expand for %o", dtnode);
1873 | this.bExpanded = true;
1874 | }
1875 |
1876 | // In multi-hier mode, update the parents selection state
1877 | // issue #82: only if not initializing, because the children may not exist yet
1878 | // if( !dtnode.data.isStatusNode && opts.selectMode==3 && !isInitializing )
1879 | // dtnode._fixSelectionState();
1880 |
1881 | // In multi-hier mode, update the parents selection state
1882 | if( dtnode.bSelected && opts.selectMode==3 ) {
1883 | var p = this;
1884 | while( p ) {
1885 | if( !p.hasSubSel )
1886 | p._setSubSel(true);
1887 | p = p.parent;
1888 | }
1889 | }
1890 | // render this node and the new child
1891 | if ( tree.bEnableUpdate )
1892 | this.render();
1893 |
1894 | return dtnode;
1895 |
1896 | */
1897 | },
1898 |
1899 | // --- end of class
1900 | lastentry: undefined
1901 | };
1902 |
1903 | /*************************************************************************
1904 | * class DynaTreeStatus
1905 | */
1906 |
1907 | var DynaTreeStatus = Class.create();
1908 |
1909 |
1910 | DynaTreeStatus._getTreePersistData = function(cookieId, cookieOpts) {
1911 | // Static member: Return persistence information from cookies
1912 | var ts = new DynaTreeStatus(cookieId, cookieOpts);
1913 | ts.read();
1914 | return ts.toDict();
1915 | };
1916 | // Make available in global scope
1917 | getDynaTreePersistData = DynaTreeStatus._getTreePersistData; // TODO: deprecated
1918 |
1919 |
1920 | DynaTreeStatus.prototype = {
1921 | // Constructor
1922 | initialize: function(cookieId, cookieOpts) {
1923 | // this._log("DynaTreeStatus: initialize");
1924 | if( cookieId === undefined ){
1925 | cookieId = $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.cookieId;
1926 | }
1927 | cookieOpts = $.extend({}, $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.cookie, cookieOpts);
1928 |
1929 | this.cookieId = cookieId;
1930 | this.cookieOpts = cookieOpts;
1931 | this.cookiesFound = undefined;
1932 | this.activeKey = null;
1933 | this.focusedKey = null;
1934 | this.expandedKeyList = null;
1935 | this.selectedKeyList = null;
1936 | },
1937 | // member functions
1938 | _log: function(msg) {
1939 | // this.logDebug("_changeNodeList(%o): nodeList:%o, idx:%o", mode, nodeList, idx);
1940 | Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arguments, ["debug"]);
1941 | _log.apply(this, arguments);
1942 | },
1943 | read: function() {
1944 | // this._log("DynaTreeStatus: read");
1945 | // Read or init cookies.
1946 | this.cookiesFound = false;
1947 |
1948 | var cookie = $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-active");
1949 | this.activeKey = ( cookie === null ) ? "" : cookie;
1950 | if( cookie !== null ){
1951 | this.cookiesFound = true;
1952 | }
1953 | cookie = $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-focus");
1954 | this.focusedKey = ( cookie === null ) ? "" : cookie;
1955 | if( cookie !== null ){
1956 | this.cookiesFound = true;
1957 | }
1958 | cookie = $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-expand");
1959 | this.expandedKeyList = ( cookie === null ) ? [] : cookie.split(",");
1960 | if( cookie !== null ){
1961 | this.cookiesFound = true;
1962 | }
1963 | cookie = $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-select");
1964 | this.selectedKeyList = ( cookie === null ) ? [] : cookie.split(",");
1965 | if( cookie !== null ){
1966 | this.cookiesFound = true;
1967 | }
1968 | },
1969 | write: function() {
1970 | // this._log("DynaTreeStatus: write");
1971 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-active", ( this.activeKey === null ) ? "" : this.activeKey, this.cookieOpts);
1972 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-focus", ( this.focusedKey === null ) ? "" : this.focusedKey, this.cookieOpts);
1973 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-expand", ( this.expandedKeyList === null ) ? "" : this.expandedKeyList.join(","), this.cookieOpts);
1974 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-select", ( this.selectedKeyList === null ) ? "" : this.selectedKeyList.join(","), this.cookieOpts);
1975 | },
1976 | addExpand: function(key) {
1977 | // this._log("addExpand(%o)", key);
1978 | if( $.inArray(key, this.expandedKeyList) < 0 ) {
1979 | this.expandedKeyList.push(key);
1980 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-expand", this.expandedKeyList.join(","), this.cookieOpts);
1981 | }
1982 | },
1983 | clearExpand: function(key) {
1984 | // this._log("clearExpand(%o)", key);
1985 | var idx = $.inArray(key, this.expandedKeyList);
1986 | if( idx >= 0 ) {
1987 | this.expandedKeyList.splice(idx, 1);
1988 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-expand", this.expandedKeyList.join(","), this.cookieOpts);
1989 | }
1990 | },
1991 | addSelect: function(key) {
1992 | // this._log("addSelect(%o)", key);
1993 | if( $.inArray(key, this.selectedKeyList) < 0 ) {
1994 | this.selectedKeyList.push(key);
1995 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-select", this.selectedKeyList.join(","), this.cookieOpts);
1996 | }
1997 | },
1998 | clearSelect: function(key) {
1999 | // this._log("clearSelect(%o)", key);
2000 | var idx = $.inArray(key, this.selectedKeyList);
2001 | if( idx >= 0 ) {
2002 | this.selectedKeyList.splice(idx, 1);
2003 | $.cookie(this.cookieId + "-select", this.selectedKeyList.join(","), this.cookieOpts);
2004 | }
2005 | },
2006 | isReloading: function() {
2007 | return this.cookiesFound === true;
2008 | },
2009 | toDict: function() {
2010 | return {
2011 | cookiesFound: this.cookiesFound,
2012 | activeKey: this.activeKey,
2013 | focusedKey: this.activeKey,
2014 | expandedKeyList: this.expandedKeyList,
2015 | selectedKeyList: this.selectedKeyList
2016 | };
2017 | },
2018 | // --- end of class
2019 | lastentry: undefined
2020 | };
2021 |
2022 |
2023 | /*************************************************************************
2024 | * class DynaTree
2025 | */
2026 |
2027 | var DynaTree = Class.create();
2028 |
2029 | // --- Static members ----------------------------------------------------------
2030 |
2031 | DynaTree.version = "$Version:$";
2032 |
2033 | /*
2034 | DynaTree._initTree = function() {
2035 | };
2036 |
2037 | DynaTree._bind = function() {
2038 | };
2039 | */
2040 | //--- Class members ------------------------------------------------------------
2041 |
2042 | DynaTree.prototype = {
2043 | // Constructor
2044 | // initialize: function(divContainer, options) {
2045 | initialize: function($widget) {
2046 | // instance members
2047 | this.phase = "init";
2048 | this.$widget = $widget;
2049 | this.options = $widget.options;
2050 | this.$tree = $widget.element;
2051 | this.timer = null;
2052 | // find container element
2053 | this.divTree = this.$tree.get(0);
2054 |
2055 | // var parentPos = $(this.divTree).parent().offset();
2056 | // this.parentTop = parentPos.top;
2057 | // this.parentLeft = parentPos.left;
2058 |
2059 | _initDragAndDrop(this);
2060 | },
2061 |
2062 | // member functions
2063 |
2064 | _load: function(callback) {
2065 | var $widget = this.$widget;
2066 | var opts = this.options,
2067 | self = this;
2068 | this.bEnableUpdate = true;
2069 | this._nodeCount = 1;
2070 | this.activeNode = null;
2071 | this.focusNode = null;
2072 |
2073 | // Some deprecation warnings to help with migration
2074 | if( opts.rootVisible !== undefined ){
2075 | this.logWarning("Option 'rootVisible' is no longer supported.");
2076 | }
2077 | if( opts.minExpandLevel < 1 ) {
2078 | this.logWarning("Option 'minExpandLevel' must be >= 1.");
2079 | opts.minExpandLevel = 1;
2080 | }
2081 | // _log("warn", "jQuery.support.boxModel " + jQuery.support.boxModel);
2082 |
2083 | // If a 'options.classNames' dictionary was passed, still use defaults
2084 | // for undefined classes:
2085 | if( opts.classNames !== $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.classNames ) {
2086 | opts.classNames = $.extend({}, $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.classNames, opts.classNames);
2087 | }
2088 | if( opts.ajaxDefaults !== $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.ajaxDefaults ) {
2089 | opts.ajaxDefaults = $.extend({}, $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.ajaxDefaults, opts.ajaxDefaults);
2090 | }
2091 | if( opts.dnd !== $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.dnd ) {
2092 | opts.dnd = $.extend({}, $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options.dnd, opts.dnd);
2093 | }
2094 | // Guess skin path, if not specified
2095 | if(!opts.imagePath) {
2096 | $("script").each( function () {
2097 | var _rexDtLibName = /.*dynatree[^\/]*\.js$/i;
2098 | if( this.src.search(_rexDtLibName) >= 0 ) {
2099 | if( this.src.indexOf("/")>=0 ){ // issue #47
2100 | opts.imagePath = this.src.slice(0, this.src.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/skin/";
2101 | }else{
2102 | opts.imagePath = "skin/";
2103 | }
2104 | self.logDebug("Guessing imagePath from '%s': '%s'", this.src, opts.imagePath);
2105 | return false; // first match
2106 | }
2107 | });
2108 | }
2109 |
2110 | this.persistence = new DynaTreeStatus(opts.cookieId, opts.cookie);
2111 | if( opts.persist ) {
2112 | if( !$.cookie ){
2113 | _log("warn", "Please include jquery.cookie.js to use persistence.");
2114 | }
2115 | this.persistence.read();
2116 | }
2117 | this.logDebug("DynaTree.persistence: %o", this.persistence.toDict());
2118 |
2119 | // Cached tag strings
2120 | this.cache = {
2121 | tagEmpty: "<span class='" + opts.classNames.empty + "'></span>",
2122 | tagVline: "<span class='" + opts.classNames.vline + "'></span>",
2123 | tagExpander: "<span class='" + opts.classNames.expander + "'></span>",
2124 | tagConnector: "<span class='" + opts.classNames.connector + "'></span>",
2125 | tagNodeIcon: "<span class='" + opts.classNames.nodeIcon + "'></span>",
2126 | tagCheckbox: "<span class='" + opts.classNames.checkbox + "'></span>",
2127 | lastentry: undefined
2128 | };
2129 |
2130 | // Clear container, in case it contained some 'waiting' or 'error' text
2131 | // for clients that don't support JS.
2132 | // We don't do this however, if we try to load from an embedded UL element.
2133 | if( opts.children || (opts.initAjax && opts.initAjax.url) || opts.initId ){
2134 | $(this.divTree).empty();
2135 | }
2136 | var $ulInitialize = this.$tree.find(">ul:first").hide();
2137 |
2138 | // Create the root element
2139 | this.tnRoot = new DynaTreeNode(null, this, {});
2140 | this.tnRoot.bExpanded = true;
2141 | this.tnRoot.render();
2142 | this.divTree.appendChild(this.tnRoot.ul);
2143 |
2144 | var root = this.tnRoot,
2145 | isReloading = ( opts.persist && this.persistence.isReloading() ),
2146 | isLazy = false,
2147 | prevFlag = this.enableUpdate(false);
2148 |
2149 | this.logDebug("Dynatree._load(): read tree structure...");
2150 |
2151 | // Init tree structure
2152 | if( opts.children ) {
2153 | // Read structure from node array
2154 | root.addChild(opts.children);
2155 |
2156 | } else if( opts.initAjax && opts.initAjax.url ) {
2157 | // Init tree from AJAX request
2158 | isLazy = true;
2159 | root.data.isLazy = true;
2160 | this._reloadAjax(callback);
2161 |
2162 | } else if( opts.initId ) {
2163 | // Init tree from another UL element
2164 | this._createFromTag(root, $("#"+opts.initId));
2165 |
2166 | } else {
2167 | // Init tree from the first UL element inside the container <div>
2168 | // var $ul = this.$tree.find(">ul:first").hide();
2169 | this._createFromTag(root, $ulInitialize);
2170 | $ulInitialize.remove();
2171 | }
2172 |
2173 | this._checkConsistency();
2174 | // Fix part-sel flags
2175 | if(!isLazy && opts.selectMode == 3){
2176 | root._updatePartSelectionState();
2177 | }
2178 | // Render html markup
2179 | this.logDebug("Dynatree._load(): render nodes...");
2180 | this.enableUpdate(prevFlag);
2181 |
2182 | // bind event handlers
2183 | this.logDebug("Dynatree._load(): bind events...");
2184 | this.$widget.bind();
2185 |
2186 | // --- Post-load processing
2187 | this.logDebug("Dynatree._load(): postInit...");
2188 | this.phase = "postInit";
2189 |
2190 | // In persist mode, make sure that cookies are written, even if they are empty
2191 | if( opts.persist ) {
2192 | this.persistence.write();
2193 | }
2194 | // Set focus, if possible (this will also fire an event and write a cookie)
2195 | if( this.focusNode && this.focusNode.isVisible() ) {
2196 | this.logDebug("Focus on init: %o", this.focusNode);
2197 | this.focusNode.focus();
2198 | }
2199 | if( !isLazy ) {
2200 | if( opts.onPostInit ) {
2201 | opts.onPostInit.call(this, isReloading, false);
2202 | }
2203 | if( callback ){
2204 | callback.call(this, "ok");
2205 | }
2206 | }
2207 | this.phase = "idle";
2208 | },
2209 |
2210 | _reloadAjax: function(callback) {
2211 | // Reload
2212 | var opts = this.options;
2213 | if( ! opts.initAjax || ! opts.initAjax.url ){
2214 | throw "tree.reload() requires 'initAjax' mode.";
2215 | }
2216 | var pers = this.persistence;
2217 | var ajaxOpts = $.extend({}, opts.initAjax);
2218 | // Append cookie info to the request
2219 | // this.logDebug("reloadAjax: key=%o, an.key:%o", pers.activeKey, this.activeNode?this.activeNode.data.key:"?");
2220 | if( ajaxOpts.addActiveKey ){
2221 | ajaxOpts.data.activeKey = pers.activeKey;
2222 | }
2223 | if( ajaxOpts.addFocusedKey ){
2224 | ajaxOpts.data.focusedKey = pers.focusedKey;
2225 | }
2226 | if( ajaxOpts.addExpandedKeyList ){
2227 | ajaxOpts.data.expandedKeyList = pers.expandedKeyList.join(",");
2228 | }
2229 | if( ajaxOpts.addSelectedKeyList ){
2230 | ajaxOpts.data.selectedKeyList = pers.selectedKeyList.join(",");
2231 | }
2232 | // Set up onPostInit callback to be called when Ajax returns
2233 | if( ajaxOpts.success ){
2234 | this.logWarning("initAjax: success callback is ignored; use onPostInit instead.");
2235 | }
2236 | if( ajaxOpts.error ){
2237 | this.logWarning("initAjax: error callback is ignored; use onPostInit instead.");
2238 | }
2239 | var isReloading = pers.isReloading();
2240 | ajaxOpts.success = function(dtnode, data, textStatus) {
2241 | if(opts.selectMode == 3){
2242 | dtnode.tree.tnRoot._updatePartSelectionState();
2243 | }
2244 | if(opts.onPostInit){
2245 | opts.onPostInit.call(dtnode.tree, isReloading, false);
2246 | }
2247 | if(callback){
2248 | callback.call(dtnode.tree, "ok");
2249 | }
2250 | };
2251 | ajaxOpts.error = function(dtnode, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
2252 | if(opts.onPostInit){
2253 | opts.onPostInit.call(dtnode.tree, isReloading, true, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown);
2254 | }
2255 | if(callback){
2256 | callback.call(dtnode.tree, "error", XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown);
2257 | }
2258 | };
2259 | // }
2260 | this.logDebug("Dynatree._init(): send Ajax request...");
2261 | this.tnRoot.appendAjax(ajaxOpts);
2262 | },
2263 |
2264 | toString: function() {
2265 | // return "DynaTree '" + this.options.title + "'";
2266 | return "Dynatree '" + this.$tree.attr("id") + "'";
2267 | },
2268 |
2269 | toDict: function() {
2270 | return this.tnRoot.toDict(true);
2271 | },
2272 |
2273 | serializeArray: function(stopOnParents) {
2274 | // Return a JavaScript array of objects, ready to be encoded as a JSON
2275 | // string for selected nodes
2276 | var nodeList = this.getSelectedNodes(stopOnParents),
2277 | name = this.$tree.attr("name") || this.$tree.attr("id"),
2278 | arr = [];
2279 | for(var i=0, l=nodeList.length; i<l; i++){
2280 | arr.push({name: name, value: nodeList[i].data.key});
2281 | }
2282 | return arr;
2283 | },
2284 |
2285 | getPersistData: function() {
2286 | return this.persistence.toDict();
2287 | },
2288 |
2289 | logDebug: function(msg) {
2290 | if( this.options.debugLevel >= 2 ) {
2291 | Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arguments, ["debug"]);
2292 | _log.apply(this, arguments);
2293 | }
2294 | },
2295 |
2296 | logInfo: function(msg) {
2297 | if( this.options.debugLevel >= 1 ) {
2298 | Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arguments, ["info"]);
2299 | _log.apply(this, arguments);
2300 | }
2301 | },
2302 |
2303 | logWarning: function(msg) {
2304 | Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arguments, ["warn"]);
2305 | _log.apply(this, arguments);
2306 | },
2307 |
2308 | isInitializing: function() {
2309 | return ( this.phase=="init" || this.phase=="postInit" );
2310 | },
2311 | isReloading: function() {
2312 | return ( this.phase=="init" || this.phase=="postInit" ) && this.options.persist && this.persistence.cookiesFound;
2313 | },
2314 | isUserEvent: function() {
2315 | return ( this.phase=="userEvent" );
2316 | },
2317 |
2318 | redraw: function() {
2319 | // this.logDebug("dynatree.redraw()...");
2320 | this.tnRoot.render(false, false);
2321 | // this.logDebug("dynatree.redraw() done.");
2322 | },
2323 | renderInvisibleNodes: function() {
2324 | this.tnRoot.render(false, true);
2325 | },
2326 | reload: function(callback) {
2327 | this._load(callback);
2328 | },
2329 |
2330 | getRoot: function() {
2331 | return this.tnRoot;
2332 | },
2333 |
2334 | enable: function() {
2335 | this.$widget.enable();
2336 | },
2337 |
2338 | disable: function() {
2339 | this.$widget.disable();
2340 | },
2341 |
2342 | getNodeByKey: function(key) {
2343 | // Search the DOM by element ID (assuming this is faster than traversing all nodes).
2344 | // $("#...") has problems, if the key contains '.', so we use getElementById()
2345 | var el = document.getElementById(this.options.idPrefix + key);
2346 | if( el ){
2347 | return el.dtnode ? el.dtnode : null;
2348 | }
2349 | // Not found in the DOM, but still may be in an unrendered part of tree
2350 | var match = null;
2351 | this.visit(function(node){
2352 | // window.console.log("%s", node);
2353 | if(node.data.key == key) {
2354 | match = node;
2355 | return false;
2356 | }
2357 | }, true);
2358 | return match;
2359 | },
2360 |
2361 | getActiveNode: function() {
2362 | return this.activeNode;
2363 | },
2364 |
2365 | reactivate: function(setFocus) {
2366 | // Re-fire onQueryActivate and onActivate events.
2367 | var node = this.activeNode;
2368 | // this.logDebug("reactivate %o", node);
2369 | if( node ) {
2370 | this.activeNode = null; // Force re-activating
2371 | node.activate();
2372 | if( setFocus ){
2373 | node.focus();
2374 | }
2375 | }
2376 | },
2377 |
2378 | getSelectedNodes: function(stopOnParents) {
2379 | var nodeList = [];
2380 | this.tnRoot.visit(function(node){
2381 | if( node.bSelected ) {
2382 | nodeList.push(node);
2383 | if( stopOnParents === true ){
2384 | return "skip"; // stop processing this branch
2385 | }
2386 | }
2387 | });
2388 | return nodeList;
2389 | },
2390 |
2391 | activateKey: function(key) {
2392 | var dtnode = (key === null) ? null : this.getNodeByKey(key);
2393 | if( !dtnode ) {
2394 | if( this.activeNode ){
2395 | this.activeNode.deactivate();
2396 | }
2397 | this.activeNode = null;
2398 | return null;
2399 | }
2400 | dtnode.focus();
2401 | dtnode.activate();
2402 | return dtnode;
2403 | },
2404 |
2405 | loadKeyPath: function(keyPath, callback) {
2406 | var segList = keyPath.split(this.options.keyPathSeparator);
2407 | // Remove leading '/'
2408 | if(segList[0] === ""){
2409 | segList.shift();
2410 | }
2411 | // Remove leading system root key
2412 | if(segList[0] == this.tnRoot.data.key){
2413 | this.logDebug("Removed leading root key.");
2414 | segList.shift();
2415 | }
2416 | keyPath = segList.join(this.options.keyPathSeparator);
2417 | return this.tnRoot._loadKeyPath(keyPath, callback);
2418 | },
2419 |
2420 | selectKey: function(key, select) {
2421 | var dtnode = this.getNodeByKey(key);
2422 | if( !dtnode ){
2423 | return null;
2424 | }
2425 | dtnode.select(select);
2426 | return dtnode;
2427 | },
2428 |
2429 | enableUpdate: function(bEnable) {
2430 | if ( this.bEnableUpdate==bEnable ){
2431 | return bEnable;
2432 | }
2433 | this.bEnableUpdate = bEnable;
2434 | if ( bEnable ){
2435 | this.redraw();
2436 | }
2437 | return !bEnable; // return previous value
2438 | },
2439 |
2440 | count: function() {
2441 | return this.tnRoot.countChildren();
2442 | },
2443 |
2444 | visit: function(fn, includeRoot) {
2445 | return this.tnRoot.visit(fn, includeRoot);
2446 | },
2447 |
2448 | _createFromTag: function(parentTreeNode, $ulParent) {
2449 | // Convert a <UL>...</UL> list into children of the parent tree node.
2450 | var self = this;
2451 | /*
2452 | TODO: better?
2453 | this.$lis = $("li:has(a[href])", this.element);
2454 | this.$tabs = this.$lis.map(function() { return $("a", this)[0]; });
2455 | */
2456 | $ulParent.find(">li").each(function() {
2457 | var $li = $(this),
2458 | $liSpan = $li.find(">span:first"),
2459 | $liA = $li.find(">a:first"),
2460 | title,
2461 | href = null,
2462 | target = null,
2463 | tooltip;
2464 | if( $liSpan.length ) {
2465 | // If a <li><span> tag is specified, use it literally.
2466 | title = $liSpan.html();
2467 | } else if( $liA.length ) {
2468 | title = $liA.html();
2469 | href = $liA.attr("href");
2470 | target = $liA.attr("target");
2471 | tooltip = $liA.attr("title");
2472 | } else {
2473 | // If only a <li> tag is specified, use the trimmed string up to
2474 | // the next child <ul> tag.
2475 | title = $li.html();
2476 | var iPos = title.search(/<ul/i);
2477 | if( iPos >= 0 ){
2478 | title = $.trim(title.substring(0, iPos));
2479 | }else{
2480 | title = $.trim(title);
2481 | }
2482 | // self.logDebug("%o", title);
2483 | }
2484 | // Parse node options from ID, title and class attributes
2485 | var data = {
2486 | title: title,
2487 | tooltip: tooltip,
2488 | isFolder: $li.hasClass("folder"),
2489 | isLazy: $li.hasClass("lazy"),
2490 | expand: $li.hasClass("expanded"),
2491 | select: $li.hasClass("selected"),
2492 | activate: $li.hasClass("active"),
2493 | focus: $li.hasClass("focused"),
2494 | noLink: $li.hasClass("noLink")
2495 | };
2496 | if( href ){
2497 | data.href = href;
2498 | data.target = target;
2499 | }
2500 | if( $li.attr("title") ){
2501 | data.tooltip = $li.attr("title"); // overrides <a title='...'>
2502 | }
2503 | if( $li.attr("id") ){
2504 | data.key = $li.attr("id");
2505 | }
2506 | // If a data attribute is present, evaluate as a JavaScript object
2507 | if( $li.attr("data") ) {
2508 | var dataAttr = $.trim($li.attr("data"));
2509 | if( dataAttr ) {
2510 | if( dataAttr.charAt(0) != "{" ){
2511 | dataAttr = "{" + dataAttr + "}";
2512 | }
2513 | try {
2514 | $.extend(data, eval("(" + dataAttr + ")"));
2515 | } catch(e) {
2516 | throw ("Error parsing node data: " + e + "\ndata:\n'" + dataAttr + "'");
2517 | }
2518 | }
2519 | }
2520 | var childNode = parentTreeNode.addChild(data);
2521 | // Recursive reading of child nodes, if LI tag contains an UL tag
2522 | var $ul = $li.find(">ul:first");
2523 | if( $ul.length ) {
2524 | self._createFromTag(childNode, $ul); // must use 'self', because 'this' is the each() context
2525 | }
2526 | });
2527 | },
2528 |
2529 | _checkConsistency: function() {
2530 | // this.logDebug("tree._checkConsistency() NOT IMPLEMENTED - %o", this);
2531 | },
2532 |
2533 | _setDndStatus: function(sourceNode, targetNode, helper, hitMode, accept) {
2534 | // hitMode: 'after', 'before', 'over', 'out', 'start', 'stop'
2535 | var $source = sourceNode ? $(sourceNode.span) : null,
2536 | $target = $(targetNode.span);
2537 | if( !this.$dndMarker ) {
2538 | this.$dndMarker = $("<div id='dynatree-drop-marker'></div>")
2539 | .hide()
2540 | .css({"z-index": 1000})
2541 | .prependTo($(this.divTree).parent());
2542 |
2543 | // logMsg("Creating marker: %o", this.$dndMarker);
2544 | }
2545 | /*
2546 | if(hitMode === "start"){
2547 | }
2548 | if(hitMode === "stop"){
2549 | // sourceNode.removeClass("dynatree-drop-target");
2550 | }
2551 | */
2552 | if(hitMode === "after" || hitMode === "before" || hitMode === "over"){
2553 | // $source && $source.addClass("dynatree-drag-source");
2554 | // $target.addClass("dynatree-drop-target");
2555 |
2556 | var markerOffset = "0 0";
2557 |
2558 | switch(hitMode){
2559 | case "before":
2560 | this.$dndMarker.removeClass("dynatree-drop-after dynatree-drop-over");
2561 | this.$dndMarker.addClass("dynatree-drop-before");
2562 | markerOffset = "0 -8";
2563 | break;
2564 | case "after":
2565 | this.$dndMarker.removeClass("dynatree-drop-before dynatree-drop-over");
2566 | this.$dndMarker.addClass("dynatree-drop-after");
2567 | markerOffset = "0 8";
2568 | break;
2569 | default:
2570 | this.$dndMarker.removeClass("dynatree-drop-after dynatree-drop-before");
2571 | this.$dndMarker.addClass("dynatree-drop-over");
2572 | $target.addClass("dynatree-drop-target");
2573 | markerOffset = "8 0";
2574 | }
2575 | // logMsg("Creating marker: %o", this.$dndMarker);
2576 | // logMsg(" $target.offset=%o", $target);
2577 | // logMsg(" pos/$target.offset=%o", pos);
2578 | // logMsg(" $target.position=%o", $target.position());
2579 | // logMsg(" $target.offsetParent=%o, ot:%o", $target.offsetParent(), $target.offsetParent().offset());
2580 | // logMsg(" $(this.divTree).offset=%o", $(this.divTree).offset());
2581 | // logMsg(" $(this.divTree).parent=%o", $(this.divTree).parent());
2582 | // var pos = $target.offset();
2583 | // var parentPos = $target.offsetParent().offset();
2584 | // var bodyPos = $target.offsetParent().offset();
2585 |
2586 | this.$dndMarker
2587 | .show()
2588 | .position({
2589 | my: "left top",
2590 | at: "left top",
2591 | of: $target,
2592 | offset: markerOffset
2593 | });
2594 |
2595 | // helper.addClass("dynatree-drop-hover");
2596 | } else {
2597 | // $source && $source.removeClass("dynatree-drag-source");
2598 | $target.removeClass("dynatree-drop-target");
2599 | this.$dndMarker.hide();
2600 | // helper.removeClass("dynatree-drop-hover");
2601 | }
2602 | if(hitMode === "after"){
2603 | $target.addClass("dynatree-drop-after");
2604 | } else {
2605 | $target.removeClass("dynatree-drop-after");
2606 | }
2607 | if(hitMode === "before"){
2608 | $target.addClass("dynatree-drop-before");
2609 | } else {
2610 | $target.removeClass("dynatree-drop-before");
2611 | }
2612 | if(accept === true){
2613 | if($source){
2614 | $source.addClass("dynatree-drop-accept");
2615 | }
2616 | $target.addClass("dynatree-drop-accept");
2617 | helper.addClass("dynatree-drop-accept");
2618 | }else{
2619 | if($source){
2620 | $source.removeClass("dynatree-drop-accept");
2621 | }
2622 | $target.removeClass("dynatree-drop-accept");
2623 | helper.removeClass("dynatree-drop-accept");
2624 | }
2625 | if(accept === false){
2626 | if($source){
2627 | $source.addClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2628 | }
2629 | $target.addClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2630 | helper.addClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2631 | }else{
2632 | if($source){
2633 | $source.removeClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2634 | }
2635 | $target.removeClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2636 | helper.removeClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2637 | }
2638 | },
2639 |
2640 | _onDragEvent: function(eventName, node, otherNode, event, ui, draggable) {
2641 | /**
2642 | * Handles drag'n'drop functionality.
2643 | *
2644 | * A standard jQuery drag-and-drop process may generate these calls:
2645 | *
2646 | * draggable helper():
2647 | * _onDragEvent("helper", sourceNode, null, event, null, null);
2648 | * start:
2649 | * _onDragEvent("start", sourceNode, null, event, ui, draggable);
2650 | * drag:
2651 | * _onDragEvent("leave", prevTargetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
2652 | * _onDragEvent("over", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
2653 | * _onDragEvent("enter", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
2654 | * stop:
2655 | * _onDragEvent("drop", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
2656 | * _onDragEvent("leave", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
2657 | * _onDragEvent("stop", sourceNode, null, event, ui, draggable);
2658 | */
2659 | // if(eventName !== "over"){
2660 | // this.logDebug("tree._onDragEvent(%s, %o, %o) - %o", eventName, node, otherNode, this);
2661 | // }
2662 | var opts = this.options,
2663 | dnd = this.options.dnd,
2664 | res = null,
2665 | nodeTag = $(node.span),
2666 | hitMode,
2667 | enterResponse;
2668 |
2669 | switch (eventName) {
2670 | case "helper":
2671 | // Only event and node argument is available
2672 | var $helper = $("<div class='dynatree-drag-helper'><span class='dynatree-drag-helper-img' /></div>")
2673 | .append($(event.target).closest('a').clone());
2674 | // issue 244: helper should be child of scrollParent
2675 | $("ul.dynatree-container", node.tree.divTree).append($helper);
2676 | // $(node.tree.divTree).append($helper);
2677 | // Attach node reference to helper object
2678 | $helper.data("dtSourceNode", node);
2679 | // this.logDebug("helper=%o", $helper);
2680 | // this.logDebug("helper.sourceNode=%o", $helper.data("dtSourceNode"));
2681 | res = $helper;
2682 | break;
2683 | case "start":
2684 | if(node.isStatusNode()) {
2685 | res = false;
2686 | } else if(dnd.onDragStart) {
2687 | res = dnd.onDragStart(node);
2688 | }
2689 | if(res === false) {
2690 | this.logDebug("tree.onDragStart() cancelled");
2691 | //draggable._clear();
2692 | // NOTE: the return value seems to be ignored (drag is not canceled, when false is returned)
2693 | ui.helper.trigger("mouseup");
2694 | ui.helper.hide();
2695 | } else {
2696 | nodeTag.addClass("dynatree-drag-source");
2697 | }
2698 | break;
2699 | case "enter":
2700 | res = dnd.onDragEnter ? dnd.onDragEnter(node, otherNode) : null;
2701 | if(!res){
2702 | // convert null, undefined, false to false
2703 | res = false;
2704 | }else{
2705 | res = {
2706 | over: ((res === true) || (res === "over") || $.inArray("over", res) >= 0),
2707 | before: ((res === true) || (res === "before") || $.inArray("before", res) >= 0),
2708 | after: ((res === true) || (res === "after") || $.inArray("after", res) >= 0)
2709 | };
2710 | }
2711 | ui.helper.data("enterResponse", res);
2712 | // this.logDebug("helper.enterResponse: %o", res);
2713 | break;
2714 | case "over":
2715 | enterResponse = ui.helper.data("enterResponse");
2716 | hitMode = null;
2717 | if(enterResponse === false){
2718 | // Don't call onDragOver if onEnter returned false.
2719 | // issue 332
2720 | // break;
2721 | } else if(typeof enterResponse === "string") {
2722 | // Use hitMode from onEnter if provided.
2723 | hitMode = enterResponse;
2724 | } else {
2725 | // Calculate hitMode from relative cursor position.
2726 | var nodeOfs = nodeTag.offset();
2727 | // var relPos = { x: event.clientX - nodeOfs.left,
2728 | // y: event.clientY - nodeOfs.top };
2729 | // nodeOfs.top += this.parentTop;
2730 | // nodeOfs.left += this.parentLeft;
2731 | var relPos = { x: event.pageX - nodeOfs.left,
2732 | y: event.pageY - nodeOfs.top };
2733 | var relPos2 = { x: relPos.x / nodeTag.width(),
2734 | y: relPos.y / nodeTag.height() };
2735 | // this.logDebug("event.page: %s/%s", event.pageX, event.pageY);
2736 | // this.logDebug("event.client: %s/%s", event.clientX, event.clientY);
2737 | // this.logDebug("nodeOfs: %s/%s", nodeOfs.left, nodeOfs.top);
2738 | //// this.logDebug("parent: %s/%s", this.parentLeft, this.parentTop);
2739 | // this.logDebug("relPos: %s/%s", relPos.x, relPos.y);
2740 | // this.logDebug("relPos2: %s/%s", relPos2.x, relPos2.y);
2741 | if( enterResponse.after && relPos2.y > 0.75 ){
2742 | hitMode = "after";
2743 | } else if(!enterResponse.over && enterResponse.after && relPos2.y > 0.5 ){
2744 | hitMode = "after";
2745 | } else if(enterResponse.before && relPos2.y <= 0.25) {
2746 | hitMode = "before";
2747 | } else if(!enterResponse.over && enterResponse.before && relPos2.y <= 0.5) {
2748 | hitMode = "before";
2749 | } else if(enterResponse.over) {
2750 | hitMode = "over";
2751 | }
2752 | // Prevent no-ops like 'before source node'
2753 | // TODO: these are no-ops when moving nodes, but not in copy mode
2754 | if( dnd.preventVoidMoves ){
2755 | if(node === otherNode){
2756 | // this.logDebug(" drop over source node prevented");
2757 | hitMode = null;
2758 | }else if(hitMode === "before" && otherNode && node === otherNode.getNextSibling()){
2759 | // this.logDebug(" drop after source node prevented");
2760 | hitMode = null;
2761 | }else if(hitMode === "after" && otherNode && node === otherNode.getPrevSibling()){
2762 | // this.logDebug(" drop before source node prevented");
2763 | hitMode = null;
2764 | }else if(hitMode === "over" && otherNode
2765 | && otherNode.parent === node && otherNode.isLastSibling() ){
2766 | // this.logDebug(" drop last child over own parent prevented");
2767 | hitMode = null;
2768 | }
2769 | }
2770 | // this.logDebug("hitMode: %s - %s - %s", hitMode, (node.parent === otherNode), node.isLastSibling());
2771 | ui.helper.data("hitMode", hitMode);
2772 | }
2773 | // Auto-expand node (only when 'over' the node, not 'before', or 'after')
2774 | if(hitMode === "over"
2775 | && dnd.autoExpandMS && node.hasChildren() !== false && !node.bExpanded) {
2776 | node.scheduleAction("expand", dnd.autoExpandMS);
2777 | }
2778 | if(hitMode && dnd.onDragOver){
2779 | res = dnd.onDragOver(node, otherNode, hitMode);
2780 | if(res === "over" || res === "before" || res === "after") {
2781 | hitMode = res;
2782 | }
2783 | }
2784 | // issue 332
2785 | // this._setDndStatus(otherNode, node, ui.helper, hitMode, res!==false);
2786 | this._setDndStatus(otherNode, node, ui.helper, hitMode, res!==false && hitMode !== null);
2787 | break;
2788 | case "drop":
2789 | // issue 286: don't trigger onDrop, if DnD status is 'reject'
2790 | var isForbidden = ui.helper.hasClass("dynatree-drop-reject");
2791 | hitMode = ui.helper.data("hitMode");
2792 | if(hitMode && dnd.onDrop && !isForbidden){
2793 | dnd.onDrop(node, otherNode, hitMode, ui, draggable);
2794 | }
2795 | break;
2796 | case "leave":
2797 | // Cancel pending expand request
2798 | node.scheduleAction("cancel");
2799 | ui.helper.data("enterResponse", null);
2800 | ui.helper.data("hitMode", null);
2801 | this._setDndStatus(otherNode, node, ui.helper, "out", undefined);
2802 | if(dnd.onDragLeave){
2803 | dnd.onDragLeave(node, otherNode);
2804 | }
2805 | break;
2806 | case "stop":
2807 | nodeTag.removeClass("dynatree-drag-source");
2808 | if(dnd.onDragStop){
2809 | dnd.onDragStop(node);
2810 | }
2811 | break;
2812 | default:
2813 | throw "Unsupported drag event: " + eventName;
2814 | }
2815 | return res;
2816 | },
2817 |
2818 | cancelDrag: function() {
2819 | var dd = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
2820 | if(dd){
2821 | dd.cancel();
2822 | }
2823 | },
2824 |
2825 | // --- end of class
2826 | lastentry: undefined
2827 | };
2828 |
2829 | /*************************************************************************
2830 | * Widget $(..).dynatree
2831 | */
2832 |
2833 | $.widget("ui.dynatree", {
2834 | /*
2835 | init: function() {
2836 | // ui.core 1.6 renamed init() to _init(): this stub assures backward compatibility
2837 | _log("warn", "ui.dynatree.init() was called; you should upgrade to jquery.ui.core.js v1.8 or higher.");
2838 | return this._init();
2839 | },
2840 | */
2841 | _init: function() {
2842 | if( parseFloat($.ui.version) < 1.8 ) {
2843 | // jquery.ui.core 1.8 renamed _init() to _create(): this stub assures backward compatibility
2844 | if(this.options.debugLevel >= 0){
2845 | _log("warn", "ui.dynatree._init() was called; you should upgrade to jquery.ui.core.js v1.8 or higher.");
2846 | }
2847 | return this._create();
2848 | }
2849 | // jquery.ui.core 1.8 still uses _init() to perform "default functionality"
2850 | if(this.options.debugLevel >= 2){
2851 | _log("debug", "ui.dynatree._init() was called; no current default functionality.");
2852 | }
2853 | },
2854 |
2855 | _create: function() {
2856 | var opts = this.options;
2857 | if(opts.debugLevel >= 1){
2858 | logMsg("Dynatree._create(): version='%s', debugLevel=%o.", $.ui.dynatree.version, this.options.debugLevel);
2859 | }
2860 | // The widget framework supplies this.element and this.options.
2861 | this.options.event += ".dynatree"; // namespace event
2862 |
2863 | var divTree = this.element.get(0);
2864 | /* // Clear container, in case it contained some 'waiting' or 'error' text
2865 | // for clients that don't support JS
2866 | if( opts.children || (opts.initAjax && opts.initAjax.url) || opts.initId )
2867 | $(divTree).empty();
2868 | */
2869 | // Create the DynaTree object
2870 | this.tree = new DynaTree(this);
2871 | this.tree._load();
2872 | this.tree.logDebug("Dynatree._init(): done.");
2873 | },
2874 |
2875 | bind: function() {
2876 | // Prevent duplicate binding
2877 | this.unbind();
2878 |
2879 | var eventNames = "click.dynatree dblclick.dynatree";
2880 | if( this.options.keyboard ){
2881 | // Note: leading ' '!
2882 | eventNames += " keypress.dynatree keydown.dynatree";
2883 | }
2884 | this.element.bind(eventNames, function(event){
2885 | var dtnode = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(event.target);
2886 | if( !dtnode ){
2887 | return true; // Allow bubbling of other events
2888 | }
2889 | var tree = dtnode.tree;
2890 | var o = tree.options;
2891 | tree.logDebug("event(%s): dtnode: %s", event.type, dtnode);
2892 | var prevPhase = tree.phase;
2893 | tree.phase = "userEvent";
2894 | try {
2895 | switch(event.type) {
2896 | case "click":
2897 | return ( o.onClick && o.onClick.call(tree, dtnode, event)===false ) ? false : dtnode._onClick(event);
2898 | case "dblclick":
2899 | return ( o.onDblClick && o.onDblClick.call(tree, dtnode, event)===false ) ? false : dtnode._onDblClick(event);
2900 | case "keydown":
2901 | return ( o.onKeydown && o.onKeydown.call(tree, dtnode, event)===false ) ? false : dtnode._onKeydown(event);
2902 | case "keypress":
2903 | return ( o.onKeypress && o.onKeypress.call(tree, dtnode, event)===false ) ? false : dtnode._onKeypress(event);
2904 | }
2905 | } catch(e) {
2906 | var _ = null; // issue 117
2907 | tree.logWarning("bind(%o): dtnode: %o, error: %o", event, dtnode, e);
2908 | } finally {
2909 | tree.phase = prevPhase;
2910 | }
2911 | });
2912 |
2913 | // focus/blur don't bubble, i.e. are not delegated to parent <div> tags,
2914 | // so we use the addEventListener capturing phase.
2915 | // See http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/javascript/domevents
2916 | function __focusHandler(event) {
2917 | // Handles blur and focus.
2918 | // Fix event for IE:
2919 | // doesn't pass JSLint:
2920 | // event = arguments[0] = $.event.fix( event || window.event );
2921 | // what jQuery does:
2922 | // var args = jQuery.makeArray( arguments );
2923 | // event = args[0] = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
2924 | event = $.event.fix( event || window.event );
2925 | var dtnode = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(event.target);
2926 | return dtnode ? dtnode._onFocus(event) : false;
2927 | }
2928 | var div = this.tree.divTree;
2929 |
2930 | if( div.addEventListener ) {
2931 | div.addEventListener("focus", __focusHandler, true);
2932 | div.addEventListener("blur", __focusHandler, true);
2933 | } else {
2934 | div.onfocusin = div.onfocusout = __focusHandler;
2935 | }
2936 | // EVENTS
2937 | // disable click if event is configured to something else
2938 | // if (!(/^click/).test(o.event))
2939 | // this.$tabs.bind("click.tabs", function() { return false; });
2940 |
2941 | },
2942 |
2943 | unbind: function() {
2944 | this.element.unbind(".dynatree");
2945 | },
2946 |
2947 | /* TODO: we could handle option changes during runtime here (maybe to re-render, ...)
2948 | setData: function(key, value) {
2949 | this.tree.logDebug("dynatree.setData('" + key + "', '" + value + "')");
2950 | },
2951 | */
2952 | enable: function() {
2953 | this.bind();
2954 | // Call default disable(): remove -disabled from css:
2955 | $.Widget.prototype.enable.apply(this, arguments);
2956 | },
2957 |
2958 | disable: function() {
2959 | this.unbind();
2960 | // Call default disable(): add -disabled to css:
2961 | $.Widget.prototype.disable.apply(this, arguments);
2962 | },
2963 |
2964 | // --- getter methods (i.e. NOT returning a reference to $)
2965 | getTree: function() {
2966 | return this.tree;
2967 | },
2968 |
2969 | getRoot: function() {
2970 | return this.tree.getRoot();
2971 | },
2972 |
2973 | getActiveNode: function() {
2974 | return this.tree.getActiveNode();
2975 | },
2976 |
2977 | getSelectedNodes: function() {
2978 | return this.tree.getSelectedNodes();
2979 | },
2980 |
2981 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2982 | lastentry: undefined
2983 | });
2984 |
2985 |
2986 | // The following methods return a value (thus breaking the jQuery call chain):
2987 | if( parseFloat($.ui.version) < 1.8 ) {
2988 | $.ui.dynatree.getter = "getTree getRoot getActiveNode getSelectedNodes";
2989 | }
2990 |
2991 | /*******************************************************************************
2992 | * Tools in ui.dynatree namespace
2993 | */
2994 | $.ui.dynatree.version = "$Version:$";
2995 |
2996 | /**
2997 | * Return a DynaTreeNode object for a given DOM element
2998 | */
2999 | $.ui.dynatree.getNode = function(el) {
3000 | if(el instanceof DynaTreeNode){
3001 | return el; // el already was a DynaTreeNode
3002 | }
3003 | if(el.selector !== undefined){
3004 | el = el[0]; // el was a jQuery object: use the DOM element
3005 | }
3006 | // TODO: for some reason $el.parents("[dtnode]") does not work (jQuery 1.6.1)
3007 | // maybe, because dtnode is a property, not an attribute
3008 | while( el ) {
3009 | if(el.dtnode) {
3010 | return el.dtnode;
3011 | }
3012 | el = el.parentNode;
3013 | }
3014 | return null;
3015 | /*
3016 | var $el = el.selector === undefined ? $(el) : el,
3017 | // parent = $el.closest("[dtnode]"),
3018 | // parent = $el.parents("[dtnode]").first(),
3019 | useProp = (typeof $el.prop == "function"),
3020 | node;
3021 | $el.parents().each(function(){
3022 | node = useProp ? $(this).prop("dtnode") : $(this).attr("dtnode");
3023 | if(node){
3024 | return false;
3025 | }
3026 | });
3027 | return node;
3028 | */
3029 | };
3030 |
3031 | /**Return persistence information from cookies.*/
3032 | $.ui.dynatree.getPersistData = DynaTreeStatus._getTreePersistData;
3033 |
3034 | /*******************************************************************************
3035 | * Plugin default options:
3036 | */
3037 | $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options = {
3038 | title: "Dynatree", // Tree's name (only used for debug output)
3039 | minExpandLevel: 1, // 1: root node is not collapsible
3040 | imagePath: null, // Path to a folder containing icons. Defaults to 'skin/' subdirectory.
3041 | children: null, // Init tree structure from this object array.
3042 | initId: null, // Init tree structure from a <ul> element with this ID.
3043 | initAjax: null, // Ajax options used to initialize the tree strucuture.
3044 | autoFocus: true, // Set focus to first child, when expanding or lazy-loading.
3045 | keyboard: true, // Support keyboard navigation.
3046 | persist: false, // Persist expand-status to a cookie
3047 | autoCollapse: false, // Automatically collapse all siblings, when a node is expanded.
3048 | clickFolderMode: 3, // 1:activate, 2:expand, 3:activate and expand
3049 | activeVisible: true, // Make sure, active nodes are visible (expanded).
3050 | checkbox: false, // Show checkboxes.
3051 | selectMode: 2, // 1:single, 2:multi, 3:multi-hier
3052 | fx: null, // Animations, e.g. null or { height: "toggle", duration: 200 }
3053 | noLink: false, // Use <span> instead of <a> tags for all nodes
3054 | // Low level event handlers: onEvent(dtnode, event): return false, to stop default processing
3055 | onClick: null, // null: generate focus, expand, activate, select events.
3056 | onDblClick: null, // (No default actions.)
3057 | onKeydown: null, // null: generate keyboard navigation (focus, expand, activate).
3058 | onKeypress: null, // (No default actions.)
3059 | onFocus: null, // null: set focus to node.
3060 | onBlur: null, // null: remove focus from node.
3061 |
3062 | // Pre-event handlers onQueryEvent(flag, dtnode): return false, to stop processing
3063 | onQueryActivate: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) before a node is (de)activated.
3064 | onQuerySelect: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) before a node is (de)selected.
3065 | onQueryExpand: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) before a node is expanded/collpsed.
3066 |
3067 | // High level event handlers
3068 | onPostInit: null, // Callback(isReloading, isError) when tree was (re)loaded.
3069 | onActivate: null, // Callback(dtnode) when a node is activated.
3070 | onDeactivate: null, // Callback(dtnode) when a node is deactivated.
3071 | onSelect: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) when a node is (de)selected.
3072 | onExpand: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) when a node is expanded/collapsed.
3073 | onLazyRead: null, // Callback(dtnode) when a lazy node is expanded for the first time.
3074 | onCustomRender: null, // Callback(dtnode) before a node is rendered. Return a HTML string to override.
3075 | onCreate: null, // Callback(dtnode, nodeSpan) after a node was rendered for the first time.
3076 | onRender: null, // Callback(dtnode, nodeSpan) after a node was rendered.
3077 | // postProcess is similar to the standard dataFilter hook,
3078 | // but it is also called for JSONP
3079 | postProcess: null, // Callback(data, dataType) before an Ajax result is passed to dynatree
3080 |
3081 | // Drag'n'drop support
3082 | dnd: {
3083 | // Make tree nodes draggable:
3084 | onDragStart: null, // Callback(sourceNode), return true, to enable dnd
3085 | onDragStop: null, // Callback(sourceNode)
3086 | // helper: null,
3087 | // Make tree nodes accept draggables
3088 | autoExpandMS: 1000, // Expand nodes after n milliseconds of hovering.
3089 | preventVoidMoves: true, // Prevent dropping nodes 'before self', etc.
3090 | onDragEnter: null, // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode)
3091 | onDragOver: null, // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode, hitMode)
3092 | onDrop: null, // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode, hitMode)
3093 | onDragLeave: null // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode)
3094 | },
3095 | ajaxDefaults: { // Used by initAjax option
3096 | cache: false, // false: Append random '_' argument to the request url to prevent caching.
3097 | timeout: 0, // >0: Make sure we get an ajax error for invalid URLs
3098 | dataType: "json" // Expect json format and pass json object to callbacks.
3099 | },
3100 | strings: {
3101 | loading: "Loading…",
3102 | loadError: "Load error!"
3103 | },
3104 | generateIds: false, // Generate id attributes like <span id='dynatree-id-KEY'>
3105 | idPrefix: "dynatree-id-", // Used to generate node id's like <span id="dynatree-id-<key>">.
3106 | keyPathSeparator: "/", // Used by node.getKeyPath() and tree.loadKeyPath().
3107 | // cookieId: "dynatree-cookie", // Choose a more unique name, to allow multiple trees.
3108 | cookieId: "dynatree", // Choose a more unique name, to allow multiple trees.
3109 | cookie: {
3110 | expires: null //7, // Days or Date; null: session cookie
3111 | // path: "/", // Defaults to current page
3112 | // domain: "jquery.com",
3113 | // secure: true
3114 | },
3115 | // Class names used, when rendering the HTML markup.
3116 | // Note: if only single entries are passed for options.classNames, all other
3117 | // values are still set to default.
3118 | classNames: {
3119 | container: "dynatree-container",
3120 | node: "dynatree-node",
3121 | folder: "dynatree-folder",
3122 | // document: "dynatree-document",
3123 |
3124 | empty: "dynatree-empty",
3125 | vline: "dynatree-vline",
3126 | expander: "dynatree-expander",
3127 | connector: "dynatree-connector",
3128 | checkbox: "dynatree-checkbox",
3129 | nodeIcon: "dynatree-icon",
3130 | title: "dynatree-title",
3131 | noConnector: "dynatree-no-connector",
3132 |
3133 | nodeError: "dynatree-statusnode-error",
3134 | nodeWait: "dynatree-statusnode-wait",
3135 | hidden: "dynatree-hidden",
3136 | combinedExpanderPrefix: "dynatree-exp-",
3137 | combinedIconPrefix: "dynatree-ico-",
3138 | nodeLoading: "dynatree-loading",
3139 | // disabled: "dynatree-disabled",
3140 | hasChildren: "dynatree-has-children",
3141 | active: "dynatree-active",
3142 | selected: "dynatree-selected",
3143 | expanded: "dynatree-expanded",
3144 | lazy: "dynatree-lazy",
3145 | focused: "dynatree-focused",
3146 | partsel: "dynatree-partsel",
3147 | lastsib: "dynatree-lastsib"
3148 | },
3149 | debugLevel: 2, // 0:quiet, 1:normal, 2:debug $REPLACE: debugLevel: 1,
3150 |
3151 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3152 | lastentry: undefined
3153 | };
3154 | //
3155 | if( parseFloat($.ui.version) < 1.8 ) {
3156 | $.ui.dynatree.defaults = $.ui.dynatree.prototype.options;
3157 | }
3158 |
3159 | /*******************************************************************************
3160 | * Reserved data attributes for a tree node.
3161 | */
3162 | $.ui.dynatree.nodedatadefaults = {
3163 | title: null, // (required) Displayed name of the node (html is allowed here)
3164 | key: null, // May be used with activate(), select(), find(), ...
3165 | isFolder: false, // Use a folder icon. Also the node is expandable but not selectable.
3166 | isLazy: false, // Call onLazyRead(), when the node is expanded for the first time to allow for delayed creation of children.
3167 | tooltip: null, // Show this popup text.
3168 | href: null, // Added to the generated <a> tag.
3169 | icon: null, // Use a custom image (filename relative to tree.options.imagePath). 'null' for default icon, 'false' for no icon.
3170 | addClass: null, // Class name added to the node's span tag.
3171 | noLink: false, // Use <span> instead of <a> tag for this node
3172 | activate: false, // Initial active status.
3173 | focus: false, // Initial focused status.
3174 | expand: false, // Initial expanded status.
3175 | select: false, // Initial selected status.
3176 | hideCheckbox: false, // Suppress checkbox display for this node.
3177 | unselectable: false, // Prevent selection.
3178 | // disabled: false,
3179 | // The following attributes are only valid if passed to some functions:
3180 | children: null, // Array of child nodes.
3181 | // NOTE: we can also add custom attributes here.
3182 | // This may then also be used in the onActivate(), onSelect() or onLazyTree() callbacks.
3183 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3184 | lastentry: undefined
3185 | };
3186 |
3187 | /*******************************************************************************
3188 | * Drag and drop support
3189 | */
3190 | function _initDragAndDrop(tree) {
3191 | var dnd = tree.options.dnd || null;
3192 | // Register 'connectToDynatree' option with ui.draggable
3193 | if(dnd && (dnd.onDragStart || dnd.onDrop)) {
3194 | _registerDnd();
3195 | }
3196 | // Attach ui.draggable to this Dynatree instance
3197 | if(dnd && dnd.onDragStart ) {
3198 | tree.$tree.draggable({
3199 | addClasses: false,
3200 | appendTo: "body",
3201 | containment: false,
3202 | delay: 0,
3203 | distance: 4,
3204 | revert: false,
3205 | scroll: true, // issue 244: enable scrolling (if ul.dynatree-container)
3206 | scrollSpeed: 7,
3207 | scrollSensitivity: 10,
3208 | // Delegate draggable.start, drag, and stop events to our handler
3209 | connectToDynatree: true,
3210 | // Let source tree create the helper element
3211 | helper: function(event) {
3212 | var sourceNode = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(event.target);
3213 | if(!sourceNode){ // issue 211
3214 | return "<div></div>";
3215 | }
3216 | return sourceNode.tree._onDragEvent("helper", sourceNode, null, event, null, null);
3217 | },
3218 | start: function(event, ui) {
3219 | // See issues 211, 268, 278
3220 | // var sourceNode = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(event.target);
3221 | var sourceNode = ui.helper.data("dtSourceNode");
3222 | return !!sourceNode; // Abort dragging if no Node could be found
3223 | },
3224 | _last: null
3225 | });
3226 | }
3227 | // Attach ui.droppable to this Dynatree instance
3228 | if(dnd && dnd.onDrop) {
3229 | tree.$tree.droppable({
3230 | addClasses: false,
3231 | tolerance: "intersect",
3232 | greedy: false,
3233 | _last: null
3234 | });
3235 | }
3236 | }
3237 |
3238 | //--- Extend ui.draggable event handling --------------------------------------
3239 | var didRegisterDnd = false;
3240 | var _registerDnd = function() {
3241 | if(didRegisterDnd){
3242 | return;
3243 | }
3244 | // Register proxy-functions for draggable.start/drag/stop
3245 | $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "connectToDynatree", {
3246 | start: function(event, ui) {
3247 | var draggable = $(this).data("draggable"),
3248 | sourceNode = ui.helper.data("dtSourceNode") || null;
3249 | // logMsg("draggable-connectToDynatree.start, %s", sourceNode);
3250 | // logMsg(" this: %o", this);
3251 | // logMsg(" event: %o", event);
3252 | // logMsg(" draggable: %o", draggable);
3253 | // logMsg(" ui: %o", ui);
3254 |
3255 | if(sourceNode) {
3256 | // Adjust helper offset, so cursor is slightly outside top/left corner
3257 | // draggable.offset.click.top -= event.target.offsetTop;
3258 | // draggable.offset.click.left -= event.target.offsetLeft;
3259 | draggable.offset.click.top = -2;
3260 | draggable.offset.click.left = + 16;
3261 | // logMsg(" draggable2: %o", draggable);
3262 | // logMsg(" draggable.offset.click FIXED: %s/%s", draggable.offset.click.left, draggable.offset.click.top);
3263 | // Trigger onDragStart event
3264 | // TODO: when called as connectTo..., the return value is ignored(?)
3265 | return sourceNode.tree._onDragEvent("start", sourceNode, null, event, ui, draggable);
3266 | }
3267 | },
3268 | drag: function(event, ui) {
3269 | var draggable = $(this).data("draggable"),
3270 | sourceNode = ui.helper.data("dtSourceNode") || null,
3271 | prevTargetNode = ui.helper.data("dtTargetNode") || null,
3272 | targetNode = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(event.target);
3273 | // logMsg("$.ui.dynatree.getNode(%o): %s", event.target, targetNode);
3274 | // logMsg("connectToDynatree.drag: helper: %o", ui.helper[0]);
3275 | if(event.target && !targetNode){
3276 | // We got a drag event, but the targetNode could not be found
3277 | // at the event location. This may happen,
3278 | // 1. if the mouse jumped over the drag helper,
3279 | // 2. or if non-dynatree element is dragged
3280 | // We ignore it:
3281 | var isHelper = $(event.target).closest("div.dynatree-drag-helper,#dynatree-drop-marker").length > 0;
3282 | if(isHelper){
3283 | // logMsg("Drag event over helper: ignored.");
3284 | return;
3285 | }
3286 | }
3287 | // logMsg("draggable-connectToDynatree.drag: targetNode(from event): %s, dtTargetNode: %s", targetNode, ui.helper.data("dtTargetNode"));
3288 | ui.helper.data("dtTargetNode", targetNode);
3289 | // Leaving a tree node
3290 | if(prevTargetNode && prevTargetNode !== targetNode ) {
3291 | prevTargetNode.tree._onDragEvent("leave", prevTargetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
3292 | }
3293 | if(targetNode){
3294 | if(!targetNode.tree.options.dnd.onDrop) {
3295 | // not enabled as drop target
3296 | // noop(); // Keep JSLint happy
3297 | } else if(targetNode === prevTargetNode) {
3298 | // Moving over same node
3299 | targetNode.tree._onDragEvent("over", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
3300 | }else{
3301 | // Entering this node first time
3302 | targetNode.tree._onDragEvent("enter", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
3303 | }
3304 | }
3305 | // else go ahead with standard event handling
3306 | },
3307 | stop: function(event, ui) {
3308 | var draggable = $(this).data("draggable"),
3309 | sourceNode = ui.helper.data("dtSourceNode") || null,
3310 | targetNode = ui.helper.data("dtTargetNode") || null,
3311 | mouseDownEvent = draggable._mouseDownEvent,
3312 | eventType = event.type,
3313 | dropped = (eventType == "mouseup" && event.which == 1);
3314 | // logMsg("draggable-connectToDynatree.stop: targetNode(from event): %s, dtTargetNode: %s", targetNode, ui.helper.data("dtTargetNode"));
3315 | // logMsg("draggable-connectToDynatree.stop, %s", sourceNode);
3316 | // logMsg(" type: %o, downEvent: %o, upEvent: %o", eventType, mouseDownEvent, event);
3317 | // logMsg(" targetNode: %o", targetNode);
3318 | if(!dropped){
3319 | logMsg("Drag was cancelled");
3320 | }
3321 | if(targetNode) {
3322 | if(dropped){
3323 | targetNode.tree._onDragEvent("drop", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
3324 | }
3325 | targetNode.tree._onDragEvent("leave", targetNode, sourceNode, event, ui, draggable);
3326 | }
3327 | if(sourceNode){
3328 | sourceNode.tree._onDragEvent("stop", sourceNode, null, event, ui, draggable);
3329 | }
3330 | }
3331 | });
3332 | didRegisterDnd = true;
3333 | };
3334 |
3335 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3336 | }(jQuery));