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Custom Query (54 matches)


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Results (21 - 40 of 54)

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Resolution: rejected (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1744 Implement a Hive engine which can be executed in the Hive ascheibe enhancement medium Hive.Engine branch
#1873 Improve the Legends of the DataTableView gkronber feature request medium Analysis.Views 3.3.6
#2379 Improve Bubble Chart pfleck enhancement medium Analysis.Views branch
#2390 Support for selection of a partition variable in problem data for data analysis gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.11
#2425 StorableHooks are not called for structs epitzer defect medium Persistence 3.3.11
#1290 Implement symbols for reading and writing memory cells (stores) for GP gkronber feature request low Problems.DataAnalysis branch
#1415 Implement LocalSelection gkronber enhancement low Problems.DataAnalysis
#1702 Optimizer can crash when closing the StarterForm while the update service is still running gkronber defect low PluginInfrastructure 3.3.5
#2058 Approximate inference for Gaussian processes gkronber feature request low Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.8
#752 Plugin for data-modeling with decision trees gkronber feature request lowest Algorithms.DataAnalysis branch
#882 Artificial neural networks engine for time series prognosis gkronber feature request lowest Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3
#1089 Plugin for multi-variate data analysis problems gkronber feature request lowest Algorithms.DataAnalysis branch

Resolution: invalid (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1840 Create data type for MDS view swagner feature request medium Analysis 3.3.6
#2447 Improve Hive scheduler ascheibe feature request medium Hive.Server 3.3.12

Resolution: obsolete (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3 Plugins in directories and sub-directories of the application directory gkronber enhancement medium PluginInfrastructure 3.3
#1111 Experiments and Batchruns do not extract runs of newly added optimizers architects defect medium Optimization 3.3.1
#1196 Implement user management service architects feature request medium Services.Authentication branch
#1198 Implement HeuristicLab web application ascheibe feature request medium WebApplication branch
#1746 Reevaluate and improve constant optimizer mkommend enhancement medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic branch
#1764 The Hive Status page should show which resources are allowed to calculate at the moment ascheibe feature request medium Hive.Server 3.3.6
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