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Custom Query (155 matches)


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Status: new (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1934 Operator equalisation operator from feature branch #1142 mkommend feature request low Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.7
#1989 NormalDistributedCutPointsThresholdCalculator ignores misclassification penalties gkronber defect low Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.7
#2014 Parameter BestKnownQuality is not used in Regression and Classification problems gkronber enhancement low Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.7
#2033 Additive covariance function gkronber feature request low Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.7
#3029 Tree complexity calculation does not support all currenlty available functions defect low Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic
#851 Implement Ant Colony Optimization swagner feature request medium ### Undefined ### 3.3
#1066 Store Batchrun name and Experiment name in a Run object swagner feature request medium Optimization 3.3
#1075 Analyzers disappear when changing the evaluation function for real-valued test-functions swagner defect medium Problems.TestFunctions 3.3.1
#1181 Problems should have a solution creator that constructs its best known solution swagner feature request medium General 3.3
#1205 Collections should cache the according ReadOnlyCollection swagner enhancement medium Collections 3.3.0
#1317 Misleading tooltip if data values are too large swagner defect medium Data.Views 3.3.2
#1328 Implement SSGA swagner feature request medium Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm 3.3.2
#1458 Provide a mechanism in algorithms to call problem-specific initialization operators swagner enhancement medium Core 3.3.3
#1484 Crossover probability for evolutionary algorithms swagner feature request medium General 3.3.3
#1495 Add references to algorithms, problems, and operators swagner enhancement medium General 3.3.3
#1565 Parameter properties in algorithms should be public swagner enhancement medium General 3.3.4
#1566 ValueParameters in algorithms should be changed to FixedValueParameters swagner enhancement medium General 3.3.4
#1625 The experiment tree view allows to overwrite optimizers and the plus button's functionality is inconsistent swagner feature request medium Optimization.Views 3.3.5
#1658 The BestAverageQualityAnalyzer should not output a quality chart in every case swagner enhancement medium Analysis 3.3.5
#1785 The VariableFrequencies DataTable is slow when displaying more than 100 variables mkommend defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic 3.3.6
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