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Custom Query (158 matches)


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Results (61 - 80 of 158)

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Status: closed (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2711 The execution state of algorithms is not synchronized correctly if an exception occurs during the stop operation mkommend defect medium Optimization 3.3.14
#2712 GaussianProcesses define a Maximization parameter mkommend defect medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2713 Configuration Context Menu for DataTableView and ScatterPlotView pfleck enhancement medium Analysis.Views 3.3.14
#2714 DataGridView key events do not work correctly mkommend defect medium DataPreprocessing.Views 3.3.14
#2715 Multiple Histogram DataRows in DataTableView pfleck feature request medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2716 Exception in RemoveOperationProgressFromContent gkronber defect medium MainForm.WindowsForms 3.3.14
#2718 View to analyze residuals over the rows of the dataset for regression solutions gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2720 Exporting of JSSP problem instances does not work abeham defect medium Problems.Instances 3.3.14
#2721 Shuffle extension method throws on empty enumerable abeham defect medium Random 3.3.14
#2723 Providing variable values as double[] to Dataset fails at runtime gkronber defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2724 EnumValueView should consider the FlagsAttribute mkommend feature request medium Data.Views 3.3.14
#2728 Fix EnhancedChart resetting the zoom level abeham defect medium Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions 3.3.14
#2729 Allow excluding generic type in item attribute abeham enhancement medium Core 3.3.14
#2730 Add similarity calculators and equality comparers for encodings abeham enhancement medium Encodings 3.3.14
#2731 Improve performance of certain manipulations on Permutation abeham enhancement medium Encodings.PermutationEncoding 3.3.14
#2732 GetRow and GetColumn iterators for ValueTypeMatrix<T> abeham feature request medium Data 3.3.14
#2734 Linear models represented should use the linear tree interpreter for evaluation mkommend enhancement medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis 3.3.14
#2736 Implement Graph Coloring Problem abeham feature request medium Problems 3.3.14
#2737 TSPLIBInstanceProvider only sets best known quality if also optimal tour is known swagner enhancement medium Problems.Instances 3.3.14
#2739 Improve binpacking visualization abeham enhancement medium Problems.BinPacking 3.3.14
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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