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Custom Query (158 matches)


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Results (101 - 120 of 158)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Resolution: done (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2784 Pausing of Hive tasks does not work jkarder defect medium Hive.General 3.3.14
#2785 BinPacking doesn't respect stacking constraints abeham defect medium Problems.BinPacking 3.3.14
#2787 Opening a C# script on Windows10 causes a change of DPI settings (scaling of widgets) gkronber defect medium Scripting.Views 3.3.14
#2788 Blue screen on some Windows 10 systems pfleck defect medium General 3.3.14
#2790 Island GA throws exception when applied to JSSP abeham defect medium Problems.Scheduling 3.3.14
#2791 Checkpointing within Hive slaves should be improved jkarder enhancement medium Hive.Slave 3.3.14
#2792 Genetic algorithm should choose a mutation operator by default mkommend enhancement medium Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm 3.3.14
#2794 Pad and center tree chart & layout mkommend defect medium Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views 3.3.14
#2797 Improve PSO implementation abeham defect medium Algorithms.ParticleSwarmOptimization 3.3.14
#2799 DataTable and ScatterPlotView (De)RegisterEvents base-calls missing pfleck defect medium Analysis.Views 3.3.14
#2800 Hiding lots of runs in the BubbleChart should be faster gkronber feature request medium Optimization.Views 3.3.14
#2801 Typos in csv importer dialog gkronber defect medium Problems.Instances 3.3.14
#2802 Provide a well-configured sample for symbolic regression with GP with strict offspring selection gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression 3.3.14
#2803 Fix igraph tests abeham defect medium ExtLibs 3.3.14
#2805 Update mergeinfo of stable branch to include already merged revisions gkronber task medium General 3.3.14
#2807 PartialDependencePlot throws Exception with constant values mkommend defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Views 3.3.14
#2809 Remove "Logic" Classes in DataPreprocessing pfleck enhancement medium DataPreprocessing trunk
#2810 Tooltips in Bubblechart for non-numerical values is wrong mkommend defect medium Optimization.Views 3.3.14
#2815 Implement cloning and serialization of P3 correctly mkommend defect medium Algorithms.ParameterlessPopulationPyramid 3.3.14
#2816 BasicAlgorithms are not cloned correctly abeham defect medium Optimization 3.3.14
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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