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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#422 gkronber gkronber done Persistence doesn't work for types in plugins with multiple assemblies

The persistence manager creates an overall list of necessary plugins for the persisted document. For this it tries to find a class inheriting from IPlugin in the declaring assembly of the persisted type (via DiscoveryService). However, if the plugin is made up of multiple assemblies then only one of them contains a class inheriting from IPlugin and thus, discovery in the declaring assembly doesn't work.

#699 gkronber gkronber duplicate Refactor ManagerForm
#831 gkronber gkronber done Activate restricted permission set for sandboxed AppDomains

Currently the permission policy for 'sandboxed' AppDomains is unrestricted.

This is relevant for plugins HeuristicLab.Hive.Client and HeuristicLab.Grid which create a new appdomain for each job. Additionally HeuristicLab.Hive.Client loads plugins dynamically which causes additional troubles in combination with the security policy.

Probably the sandboxing mechanism has to be changed completely. Ideally we create a temporary directory for each job where we can store the files (assemblies) that are necessary for that job and use this directory as base-path (or private bin path) for the job-specific sandbox.

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