== List of available HL3 workbenches == This listing contains all the documented workbenches that have been created and used with HeuristicLab 3.0. The minimal documentation should be the description of the main idea and/or purpose of the workbench. A list of the parameters would be very nice to have and optionally a short conclusion or result. The workbenches are listed in three categories: Algorithm, Problem and Project and can appear in multiple categories, e.g. a good algorithm setting together with a good result, which was achieved in the course of a specific project should be listed in all three categories. If workbenches fit together they should also be placed on the same wiki page, e.g. application of the same algorithm on a number of problem instances of the same problem. There is also a [wiki:workbench_documentation_template documentation template] which you should use as base structure for the documentation of your workbenches. === By algorithm === * Basic Examples * [wiki:Counter] * Evolution Strategies * [wiki:ES_TSP (μ+λ)-ES (TSP)] * Genetic Algorithms * [wiki:SGA_TSP SGA (TSP)] * [wiki:MultiPopGA_TSP Multi-Population GA (TSP)] * [wiki:IslandGA_TSP IslandGA (TSP)] * Genetic Programming * [wiki:SGP_Wisconsin SGP for UCI Wisconsin dataset (Classification)] === By problem === === By project ===