work in progres ... = How to … implement a new VRP ProblemInstance = == Goals == One way to implement a new VRP variant is by implementing a new {{{VRPProblemInstance}}}. This is a suitable possibility if the VRP variant requires additional model data. A {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} is responsible for storing all information about a VRP instance like coordinates, distances, demands, etc. By extending a {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} it is possible to add additional data as additional constraints or flexibility to a VRP variant. It is also necessary to implement a new {{{VRPEvaluator}}} (see [wiki:UsersHowtosImplementANewVRPEvaluator How to ... implement a new VRP Evaluator]) to interpret the new data. In addition to the new {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} a new ''parser'' for reading the additional data from a file is required. In order to integrate the new parser into HeuristicLab a {{{VRPInstanceProvider}}} and other components are also required. After this tutorial you will be able to implement you own VRP variants that require additional model data. You will also have a basic understanding of the concepts and architecture concerning the {{{VRPProblemInstance}}}, the {{{VRPInstanceProvider}}} and related components. == The Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem == To show the procedure of implementing a new {{{VRPProblemInstance}}}, the implementation of the [ Time Dependent Travel Time Vehicle Routing Problem] (TDVRP) is demonstrated. The TDVPR considers the travel time variation during a day. In this tutorial, the TDVRP is based on the ''Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows'' (CVRPTW). The additional data are the ''travel times'', which associate a ''travel time'' factor for a specific time. There are multiple ways to assign the ''travel time'' to the VRP. One way is to specify a ''global function'' which maps a ''time of a day'' to a ''travel time'' for all connections, as shown the following figure ([ source]). [[Image(1_TDVRP_travel_time, 700px)]] In this tutorial we use ''travel-times matrices''. Each matrix stores a ''travel time factor'' for every connection. Every ''travel time matrix'' also specifies a unique ''timestamp''. Between the timestamp of a matrix and the subsequent matrix the travel times of the first matrix is used, resulting in hard steps of the travel time during the day. == Prerequisites == Before you start, make sure you have the latest version of the HeuristicLab source code ready. Then create a new plugin called {{{HeuristicLab.PollutionRoutingProblem}}}. For additional help for creating a new plugin, see [wiki:UsersHowtosImplementPluginsStepByStep How to ... create HeuristicLab plugins (step by step)]. Your plugin need an additional dependency onto the {{{HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting}}} and the {{{HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.VehicleRouting}}} plugin. The plugin should look like this: {{{ #!cs [Plugin("HeuristicLab.TimeDependentVRP", "")] [PluginFile("HeuristicLab.TimeDependentVRP.dll", PluginFileType.Assembly)] [PluginDependency("HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting", "3.4")] [PluginDependency("HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.VehicleRouting", "3.4")] public class TimeDependentVRPPlugin : PluginBase { } }}} In addition you will need references onto following HeuristicLab assemblies: - HeuristicLab.Collections - HeuristicLab.Common - HeuristicLab.Core - HeuristicLab.Data - HeuristicLab.Operators - HeuristicLab.Optimization - HeuristicLab.Parameters - HeuristicLab.Persistence - '''HeuristicLab.Problems.VehicleRouting''' - '''HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances''' - '''HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.VehicleRouting''' = ProblemInstance = == Foundations == A {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} contains all data for a specific VRP problem, for example the number of cities, their coordinates and demands. In addition the {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} provides methods for calculate the distance between two cities. Internally a ''distance matrix'' is created beforehand for a fast calculation. A {{{VRPEvaluator}}} uses the {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} and a ''solution candidate'' for the {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} to evaluate the ''solution candidate''. [[Image(2_TDVRP_ProblemInstance_simple, 700px)]] HeuristicLab implements several common VRP variants like the ''Capaciated VRP (CVRP)'' and ''VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW)''. Every VRP variant extends an existing {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} and adds the new data, for example the capacity for the vehicles in the CVRP. In order to interpret the new data a new {{{VRPEvaluator}}} for each {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} is also necessary. == Extending ProblemInstance and Evaluator == To implement a new VRP variant with additional model data you have to extend an existing {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} and {{{VRPEvaluator}}}. For this tutorial we extend the available CVRPTW. [[Image(3_TDVRP_ProblemInstance_full, 800px)]] == Implement new ProblemInstance == The new {{{TimeDependentProblemInstance}}} derives from the existing {{{TimeWindowedProblemInstance}}}. In addition we store the ''travel times'' as dictionary of a ''timestamp'' and the ''travel time matrix''. We also specify a method for determining the travel time between two cities for a specific time. {{{ #!cs public interface ITimeDependentProblemInstance : IVRPProblemInstance { ItemDictionary TravelTimes { get; } double GetTravelTime(double time, int x, int y); } }}} To implement the {{{TimeDependentProblemInstance}}} in HeuristicLab you have to add specific code for cloning and persistence. {{{ #!cs [Item("TimeDependentProblemInstance", "Represents a time dependant CVRPTW instance.")] [StorableClass] public class TimeDependentProblemInstance : CVRPTWProblemInstance, ITimeDependentProblemInstance { [StorableConstructor] protected TimeDependentProblemInstance(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { } public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { return new TimeDependentProblemInstance(this, cloner); } protected TimeDependentProblemInstance(TimeDependentProblemInstance original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { AttachEventHandlers(); } [StorableHook(HookType.AfterDeserialization)] private void AfterDeserialization() { AttachEventHandlers(); } } }}} To store the dictionary of timestamps and travel time matrices we use a {{{ValueParameter}}}. Furthermore we need to register an event handler to the parameter. If the travel times change we have to re-evaluate our known solution. To link the new {{{VRPProblemInstance}}} to a new {{{VRPEvaluator}}} we have to override the Evaluator property and return our new {{{TimeDependentVRPEvaluator}}}. {{{ #!cs public class TimeDependentProblemInstance : CVRPTWProblemInstance, ITimeDependentProblemInstance { protected IValueParameter> TravelTimesParameter { get { return (IValueParameter>)Parameters["TravelTimes"]; } } public ItemDictionary TravelTimes { get { return TravelTimesParameter.Value; } set { TravelTimesParameter.Value = value; } } public TimeDependentProblemInstance() { Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter>("TravelTimes", "The time dependent travel times.", new ItemDictionary())); AttachEventHandlers(); } private void AttachEventHandlers() { TravelTimesParameter.ValueChanged += TravelTimesParameterOnValueChanged; } private void TravelTimesParameterOnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { EvalBestKnownSolution(); } protected override IVRPEvaluator Evaluator { get { return new TimeDependentVRPEvaluator(); } } } }}} The {{{GetTravelTime}}} method is used for determining the travel time between two cities for a given time by first determining the timestamp key for the dictionary. This is done by finding the highest timestamp in the keys that is smaller than the given time. {{{ #!cs public double GetTravelTime(double time, int x, int y) { double travelTime = 1; if (TravelTimes != null) { var sortedKeys = TravelTimes.Keys.OrderBy(k => k.Value).ToList(); int i = 0; IntValue key = null; while (i < sortedKeys.Count && sortedKeys[i].Value <= time) { key = sortedKeys[i]; i++; } if (key != null) travelTime = TravelTimes[key][x, y]; } return travelTime; } }}} == Implement new Evaluator == === EvaluateTour === === GetTourInsertionCosts === = Read, provide and interpret Data = == Parser == == InstanceProvider == == Interpreter == = Result =