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HeuristicLab Change Log


  1. HeuristicLab 3.3.16 "Prague" - July 31st, 2019
  2. HeuristicLab 3.3.15 "Berlin" - January 11th, 2018
  3. HeuristicLab 3.3.14 "Denver" - July 24th, 2016
  4. HeuristicLab 3.3.13 "Windischgarsten" - November 20th, 2015
  5. HeuristicLab 3.3.12 "Madrid" - July 13th, 2015
  6. HeuristicLab 3.3.11 "Beach Bar" - February 13th, 2015
  7. HeuristicLab 3.3.10 "Vancouver" - July 10th, 2014
  8. HeuristicLab 3.3.9 - October 11th, 2013
  9. HeuristicLab 3.3.8 "Ann Arbor" - May 10th, 2013
  10. HeuristicLab 3.3.7 "Philadelphia" - July 8th, 2012
  11. HeuristicLab 3.3.6 - January 3rd, 2012
  12. HeuristicLab 3.3.5 "Dublin" - July 9th, 2011
  13. HeuristicLab 3.3.4 - May 4th, 2011
  14. HeuristicLab 3.3.3 "Las Palmas" - February 5th, 2011
  15. HeuristicLab 3.3.2 - November 22nd, 2010
  16. HeuristicLab 3.3.1 - September 29th, 2010
  17. HeuristicLab 3.3.0 - May 18th, 2010

HeuristicLab 3.3.16 "Prague" - July 31st, 2019

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.16 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#1973 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support more than 256 variables in linear regression models
#2847 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Implement M5'-(Meta-)-Regression
#2883 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Option to store actual model instead of a surrogate-model for GBT-Solutions
#2892 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Prediction intervals for linear regression models
#2902 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Performance improvement of NaN/Inf-check on a double-matrix
#2904 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Create new CalculateImpacts method for a set of variables
#2942 Algorithms.DataAnalysis KNN-Regression/Classification should allow "self" points
#2952 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Option to store actual model instead of a surrogate-model for RandomForest-Solutions
#2956 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Integration of A Priori Knowledge for Symbolic Regression
#2874 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Widgets for workers and folds are not aligned correctly in the CrossValidationView
#2890 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Overhaul of GradientBoostedTreesModelView
#2916 Analysis Improve serialization of IndexedDataTable
#2947 Analysis.Views Configure Dialog for IndexedDataTableView
#2930 Clients.OKB Prevent UI-Freeze in case of Endpoint-Failure
#1616 Core.Views CheckedItemCollectionView should have an option to select / deselect all items
#2919 Data Packed storage matrix type
#2960 Data Row and Column query methods for StringMatrix
#2435 ExtLibs Update AlgLib to most recent version
#2926 ExtLibs Update Sim# version
#2975 ExtLibs Update Sim# to 3.1.1
#2931 General Integration of LP and MIP Solvers based on Google OR-Tools in HeuristicLab
#2951 General Update Build.cmd and Test.cmd to use newer versions of MSBuild
#2839 Hive.General Implement project management for Hive
#2877 Hive.General Hive Improvements
#2845 MainForm Enhance Progress(View)
#2876 Optimization.Views Open BubbleChart from Boxplot View
#2885 Optimization.Views Select all with Ctrl+A in RunCollectionView
#3005 Parameters There should be an option to make ValueParameters read only
#2520 Persistence Persistence Overhaul
#2965 Persistence Cancelable Save (to File) Command
#2884 Problems.DataAnalysis Implement variable impacts for classification solutions
#2935 Problems.DataAnalysis It should be possible to insert a variable at a specific position in the ModifiableDataset
#2955 Problems.DataAnalysis Improve evaluating models on new data
#2966 Problems.DataAnalysis Implement Intervals and according calculation rules
#3002 Problems.DataAnalysis Build dataset with row-wise data
#2866 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Hyperbolic functions for symbolic regression
#2911 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Add TSQL Formatter for ISymbolicExpressionTreeStringFormatter
#2915 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Add support for abs(x), AQ(x) and CubeRoot(x) for symbolic regression problems
#2937 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for "analytical quotient" function in symbolic regression
#2948 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Symbolic differentiation
#2950 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support hash-based simplification of symbolic expressions
#2954 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic CubeRoot symbol
#2958 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Vectorized/batch-mode interpreter for symbolic expression trees
#2991 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic DiversitySelector for symbolic data analysis problems
#2998 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Allow specification of floating point number format for the InfixFormatter
#2361 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification Adapted symbolic classification evaluators to increase the sensitivity of a model
#2977 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Pearson R2 & Tree Similarity Multiobjective Evaluator
#2871 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The Order of VariableImpacts should be changeable
#2888 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Disallow zoom in Partial Dependence Plots
#2972 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Select Row for Partial Dependence Plot
#2923 Problems.Instances Penn ML Benchmark Problem Instances
#2932 Problems.Instances CSV import dialog should choose system values as default
#2957 Problems.Instances Implement symbolic regression problem instances from "A multilevel block building algorithm for fast modeling generalized separable systems"
#3014 Problems.Instances Extend physics problems to allow testing with simulated noise


Ticket Component Summary
#2891 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Neural network evaluation is not thread-safe
#2905 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Partial dependence plots throws exception for support vector regression solutions
#2909 Algorithms.DataAnalysis NCAModelCreator throws exception
#2940 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Linear regression drops the constant offset if only string variables are used for modeling
#2941 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Allow zero-variance features in k-nearest Neighbours
#3004 Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm IslandGA parameterizes Evaluator's Random to GlobalRandom instead of LocalRandom
#2928 Algorithms.NSGA2 NSGA-II is created with 0% mutation probability by default
#2879 Analysis.Views Cancelling a DataTableVisualPropertiesDialog may take very long and block GUI
#2992 Common External Evaluation leads to Exceptions during Object Graph Traversal
#2949 Core.Views AutoResize of columns in ItemListView reduces GUI update performance massively
#3010 Core.Views Checked item views are slow when a lot of items are checked at once
#3013 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing should not be Storable
#3006 DataPreprocessing.Views DataCompleteness Chart has Histogram View set as view name
#3008 DataPreprocessing.Views Search and Replace in Data Preprocessing is inverted
#2986 Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding RoundedNormalAllPositionsManipulator applies bounds incorrectly
#2962 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Subtree crossover distribution test displays incorrect statistics
#2900 General Upgrade .NET framework
#2961 Hive.Slave Hive slave does not properly unload plugins
#2561 Optimization TimeLimitRun does not work with the Hive Slave
#2740 Optimization Multi encoding operators are not parameterized correctly
#2855 Optimization Showing the encoding or its operators in the run is highly wasteful
#2894 Optimization Snapshots not initialized in TimeLimitRun
#2933 Optimization Parallel experiment execution can lead to identical seeds
#2880 Optimization.Views RunCollectionBoxPlotView axis-selection bug with DropDown
#2978 Optimization.Views Enabling & disabling of controls in HL is slow
#2995 Optimization.Views Support DateTimeValues in the RunCollectionBubbleChartView
#3000 Optimization.Views RunLengthDistributionView shows incorrect values for runs in which the target is reached in the last generation
#2897 Problems.DataAnalysis Dataset (and ModifiableDataset) constructor accepts unsupported values
#2910 Problems.DataAnalysis ImpactCalculation for IDiscriminantClassificationSolutions is wrong
#2934 Problems.DataAnalysis InputVariables of ProblemData can be renamed in the GUI
#2939 Problems.DataAnalysis Variables cannot be added to an empty ModifiableDataset
#2959 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Issues with the bottom-up similarity calculator
#3001 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The excel formatter produces incorrect output for divisions (1/1*x)
#3015 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Fix bug and improve robustness of SimplifyMultiplication
#2912 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification PositiveClass value not preserved in the SolutionComparisonView
#2878 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Error in Deserialization of ConstantOptimizationEvaluator
#2844 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression.Views The number of iterations for constant optimization is fixed in the simplifier view
#2964 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views 'Mathematical representation' does not work
#2383 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Some charts for regression solutions throw an exception if the target variable contains missing values
#2856 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views In the partial dependence plots the histograms are not updated when the axis range of the corresponding line chart is changed.
#2914 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views ResidualAnalysisView hides double columns containing NaN
#2953 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Multi-objective external evaluation problem does not filter single-objective operators
#2908 Problems.Instances Make ResourceRegressionInstanceProvider csv functionality useable from another assembly
#2976 Random SampleProportionalWithoutRepetition with Windowing may cause a NullReferenceException
#2967 Scripting Ctrl+Z removes all code in C# scripts
#2982 Scripting.Views VariableStoreView does not update variable values correctly
#2999 Tests Skip ContentViewAttributeTest for views that use System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser


Ticket Component Summary
#2875 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.16
#2887 General Restructure HL SVN repository

HeuristicLab 3.3.15 "Berlin" - January 11th, 2018

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.15 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2592 Algorithms.CMAEvolutionStrategy MO-CMA-ES for Realnumbered Problem
#745 Algorithms.DataAnalysis More advanced linear regression methods with included feature selection
#2581 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for symbolic regression models
#2631 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Confidence Intervals for Random Forest Regression
#2657 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Possibility to do multiple random restarts for non-linear regression (curve fitting) algorithm
#2687 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support for time lags in non-linear function fitting
#2699 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Radial Basis Function Regression
#2700 Algorithms.DataAnalysis t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
#2734 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Linear models represented should use the linear tree interpreter for evaluation
#2755 Algorithms.DataAnalysis For gradient boosted trees with LogisticRegressionLoss the threshold for the discriminant function should be set to zero.
#2760 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Shuffle samples in the cross-validation wrapper for data analysis algorithms
#2771 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support for factor variables in elastic net regression
#2782 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Gaussian process regression should also calculate the leave-one-out predictive probability
#2850 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Extend tSNE with relevance weights
#2862 Algorithms.DataAnalysis NLR yields suboptimal results
#2690 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Implement views for decision tree models (random forest and gradient boosted trees)
#2715 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Multiple Histogram DataRows in DataTableView
#2792 Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm Genetic algorithm should choose a mutation operator by default
#2634 Analysis Run-length distribution (RLD) Analysis of Algorithm Instances
#2744 Analysis Add content and view for Gantt visualization
#2713 Analysis.Views Configuration Context Menu for DataTableView and ScatterPlotView
#2765 Analysis.Views ScatterPlot should support tag objects
#2729 Core Allow excluding generic type in item attribute
#2732 Data GetRow and GetColumn iterators for ValueTypeMatrix<T>
#2674 Data.Views Copy&paste should also copy the row names for DoubleArrays
#2724 Data.Views EnumValueView should consider the FlagsAttribute
#2809 DataPreprocessing Remove "Logic" Classes in DataPreprocessing
#2663 DataPreprocessing.Views Make Linechart and Histrogram of DataPreprocessing more userfriendly
#2693 DataPreprocessing.Views Allow multi-selection for columns in the datagrid in the data-preprocessing tool
#2698 DataPreprocessing.Views Multi-Scatterplot in Preprocessing crashes HL with high number of variables
#2709 DataPreprocessing.Views DataPreprocessing Enhancements
#2761 DataPreprocessing.Views DataPreprocessing should show the TypeSelectorDialog for creating filters
#2730 Encodings Add similarity calculators and equality comparers for encodings
#2666 Encodings.LinearLinkageEncoding Improve Performance of LinearLinkageEncoding
#2731 Encodings.PermutationEncoding Improve performance of certain manipulations on Permutation
#2651 ExtLibs Integrate igraph in HeuristicLab
#2814 General Remove CreatorsUpdate Quick-Fix
#2821 General Remove Creators-Update-Info in ChangeNestingLevelDialog
#2743 Hive.General Overhaul HL services
#2835 Hive.General Check service identity using the certificate's DNS/SN instead of the certificate itself
#2791 Hive.Slave Checkpointing within Hive slaves should be improved
#2258 Optimization Executable.Start executes it asynchronously
#2524 Optimization It should be possible to pause BasicAlgorithms
#2774 Optimization Individuals should be able to store additional data
#2783 Optimization Provide useful helper methods in BasicProblem
#2822 Optimization Support Running Experiments in Parallel
#2758 Optimization.Views RunCollectionView is too slow
#2800 Optimization.Views Hiding lots of runs in the BubbleChart should be faster
#2736 Problems Implement Graph Coloring Problem
#2739 Problems.BinPacking Improve binpacking visualization
#2762 Problems.BinPacking New heuristics for BinPacking
#2706 Problems.Binary Binary problems should include similarity calculators for population diversity analysis
#2649 Problems.DataAnalysis OnlineNMSECalculator should use population variance instead of sample variance
#2672 Problems.DataAnalysis Online calculators should be cloneable
#2697 Problems.DataAnalysis Refactor certain parts for data-based modeling
#2757 Problems.DataAnalysis Provide friction test datasets as regression problem instances
#2848 Problems.DataAnalysis Extract functionality to remove duplicate datasets into separate class
#2442 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Linq Expression Trees Interpreter for HeuristicLab
#2650 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for categorical variables (R factors) for symbolic regression with GP
#2677 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for multi-argument functions for non-linear function fitting
#2686 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for time lags in constant optimizer
#2692 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The 'mathematical view' for symbolic expressions should show factors = 1 directly in the formula.
#2742 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Possibility to store the history of best solutions for single-objective symbolic regression
#2741 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Extend the multi-objective symbolic regression analyzer to analyze the test error in the Pareto-front
#2802 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Provide a well-configured sample for symbolic regression with GP with strict offspring selection
#2852 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Improve Constants Optimization for Symbolic Regression
#1666 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views SimplifierViews for symbolic data analysis problems should give a visual clue when a background process is running
#2632 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Legends for charts for data analysis solutions should show the target variable when possible
#2662 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Show Y-Value in Target Response Gradients
#2670 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Target Response Gradient charts should be renamed
#2673 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Solution view for variable impacts
#2718 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views View to analyze residuals over the rows of the dataset for regression solutions
#2749 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views DataAnalysisSolutionViews should never show ResultViews
#2750 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views EstimatedValuesView for RegressionSolutions does not show residuals
#2759 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Change problemdata of DataAnalysisAlgorithms
#2779 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views For model validation and inspection an analysis of residuals over input variables could be insightful
#2860 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Clear filename if problemData of solutions is changed
#2553 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Provide access to script's compiled instance as dynamic object
#2660 Problems.Instances Extend VariableNetworkInstances to include problems with no noise and to calculate actual variable relevance
#2737 Problems.Instances TSPLIBInstanceProvider only sets best known quality if also optimal tour is known
#2853 Problems.Instances Reduce test set size of Keijzer problem instances
#2705 Problems.VehicleRouting Best-known quality only VRP solutions
#2703 Random Gamma distribution for HeuristicLab
#2560 Services.OKB Enable uploading and downloading of characteristic values in okb
#2588 Services.OKB Enable uploading and downloading of solutions in okb
#2694 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Lazy-loading of the ExportDialog in the EnchancedChart


Ticket Component Summary
#2753 Algorithms.ALPS ALPS does not reparameterize the evaluator
#2529 Algorithms.DataAnalysis AR1 is not evaluated correctly on the test partition
#2652 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Scaling of variable values is missing for k-nearest neighbors models
#2653 Algorithms.DataAnalysis GetEstimatedValues is not thread-safe for k-nearest neighbours model
#2712 Algorithms.DataAnalysis GaussianProcesses define a Maximization parameter
#2752 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Dataset partitions are not set correctly in for GBT with logistic regression loss
#2756 Algorithms.DataAnalysis GBT with logistic regression loss function cannot be used in cross-validation
#2763 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Qualities-Chart for GBT should start at 0
#2854 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Random Forest Results are wrong
#2826 Algorithms.MOCMAEvolutionStrategy MO-CMAES ignores maximum evaluated solutions limit
#2815 Algorithms.ParameterlessPopulationPyramid Implement cloning and serialization of P3 correctly
#2797 Algorithms.ParticleSwarmOptimization Improve PSO implementation
#2799 Analysis.Views DataTable and ScatterPlotView (De)RegisterEvents base-calls missing
#2547 Clients.OKB Method ConvertToOptimizationRun should be moved from QueryView to QueryClient
#2746 Common Overflow issues in binomial coefficient calculation
#2778 DataPreprocessing Shuffling manipulation in the DataPreprocessing does not work as expected
#2714 DataPreprocessing.Views DataGridView key events do not work correctly
#2837 DataPreprocessing.Views Lost Exception in DataPreprocessing during Import
#2540 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding StringConvertibleMatrixView may throw an exception if it is reused
#2647 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Crossover does not remove swapped subtrees from the non-root parent
#2685 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding SymbolicExpressionGrammars calculate the min length and depth of expression wrong
#2689 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Parameters of SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding are not prefixed with the encoding name which causes problems when used in MultiEncoding
#2794 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views Pad and center tree chart & layout
#2648 ExtLibs Correct outputpath of sim# 3.0.9
#2735 ExtLibs Netron diagramming build problems using Build.cmd
#2803 ExtLibs Fix igraph tests
#2664 General Adapt project files for linux
#2781 General BioBoost: Demo file cannot be opened because of a missing plugin dependency
#2788 General Blue screen on some Windows 10 systems
#2764 Hive.Client MenuItem CreateHiveJob operates on the displayed content
#2846 Hive.Client Uncaught ObjectDisposedExceptions
#2784 Hive.General Pausing of Hive tasks does not work
#2833 Hive.Server Hive service does not reschedule tasks
#2667 MainForm.WindowsForms ObjectDisposedException might crash HL in ProgressView in combination with importing data from CSV file
#2716 MainForm.WindowsForms Exception in RemoveOperationProgressFromContent
#2711 Optimization The execution state of algorithms is not synchronized correctly if an exception occurs during the stop operation
#2786 Optimization Cursor keys in optimizer menu navigate in wrong direction
#2816 Optimization BasicAlgorithms are not cloned correctly
#2823 Optimization Synchronous Experiment.Start call might return too early
#2810 Optimization.Views Tooltips in Bubblechart for non-numerical values is wrong
#2818 Optimization.Views GUI is unresponsive if multiple displayed algorithms are running
#2830 Optimization.Views Uncought Exceptions in IOptimizers get lost
#2831 ParallelEngine Breakpoints in ParallelEngine can cause unexpected behavior
#2785 Problems.BinPacking BinPacking doesn't respect stacking constraints
#2820 Problems.BinPacking Bug in residual update in Bin packing
#2669 Problems.DataAnalysis TargetVariable information is lost in DataAnalysisModels
#2683 Problems.DataAnalysis Exception when trying to open the data preprocessing view for regression solutions
#2723 Problems.DataAnalysis Providing variable values as double[] to Dataset fails at runtime
#2843 Problems.DataAnalysis Changing of ProblemData for DataAnalysisSolution does not work as expected
#2859 Problems.DataAnalysis Improve TableFileParser column-type deduction for missing values
#2861 Problems.DataAnalysis Ctor of ClassificationProblemData is broken
#2710 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Editing variable nodes in the tree simplifier fails if the variable symbol does not contain any variable names
#2675 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views TimeframeFeatureCorrelationCalculator cuts the observations within the window at the start and appends them to the end
#2702 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Axis for estimated values and for predicted values should be switched in the scatter plot view
#2717 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The feature correlation view sometimes shows wrong double.NaN values
#2807 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views PartialDependencePlot throws Exception with constant values
#2371 Problems.Instances Setting the seed for ValueGenerator not possible (for data analysis problems)
#2661 Problems.Instances Remove bugs in TableFileParser
#2688 Problems.Instances Encoding is not forwarded to the table file parser while importing CSV files
#2720 Problems.Instances Exporting of JSSP problem instances does not work
#2801 Problems.Instances Typos in csv importer dialog
#2790 Problems.Scheduling Island GA throws exception when applied to JSSP
#2775 Problems.TestFunctions MultiRealVectorCrossover throws exception when applied during multi-objective optimization
#2827 Problems.TestFunctions.Views SingleObjectiveTestFunctionSolutionView throws Exception for ProblemSize == 1
#2696 Problems.VehicleRouting Clear BestKnownSolution and BestKnownQuality when problem instances changes
#2721 Random Shuffle extension method throws on empty enumerable
#2787 Scripting.Views Opening a C# script on Windows10 causes a change of DPI settings (scaling of widgets)
#2824 Tests Test's app config contains service definitions
#2728 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Fix EnhancedChart resetting the zoom level


Ticket Component Summary
#2640 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.15
#2751 General Upgrade build process for HL
#2805 General Update mergeinfo of stable branch to include already merged revisions

HeuristicLab 3.3.14 "Denver" - July 24th, 2016

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.14 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2639 ### Undefined ### Fix build warnings in trunk solution
#2571 Algorithms Create a RandomSearchAlgorithm
#2527 Algorithms.ALPS Implement ALPS with Offspring Selection
#1795 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Gradient boosting meta-learner for regression and classification
#2591 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Evaluation of GaussianProcessModels should be faster
#2612 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Regression tree models should support evaluation even when some of the variables are missing or contain missing values
#2627 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Non-linear regression based on a given model structure
#2542 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Estimated values view should also show predictive variance for each point especially for Gaussian processes
#2597 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Gradient chart view for regression solutions
#2602 Common Enumerable extensions for generating k-combinations of elements from a collection
#2626 Common Make it possible to exclude fields from object graph traversal explicitly.
#2628 Common Population variance should be available as enumerable extension
#2569 Core.Views View for ParameterizedItem
#2589 Data Possibility to prevent resizing of ValueTypeArrays
#2637 Data Conversions from ValueTypeArray/Matrix to standard arrays
#2610 Data.Views TimeSpanValue Parse
#2559 DataPreprocessing Decouple DataPreprocessing from SymbolicDataAnalysis
#2545 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding It should be allowed to create the SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding in the GUI
#2504 ExtLibs Transport plugin for SharpDX external library
#2586 Hive.Server.DataAccess Reduce HIVE load on downloading jobs
#1235 MainForm.WindowsForms Context menu to close tabs/views
#2566 Operators Improve collecting (Before|After)ExecutionOperators in Run
#2281 Optimization New parameter type for storing results
#2060 Optimization.Views Hitting the Enter-key in the experiment dialog closes the dialog
#2494 Optimizer NewItem-Dialog should consider Categories in search results
#2567 Optimizer HeuristicLab Applications do not respect their previous location and size
#2587 Optimizer CreateExperimentDialog should show parameter descriptions
#2580 PluginInfrastructure Command line argument handling is too restrictive
#2641 Problems.BinPacking Bin Packing Trunk Integration
#2417 Problems.DataAnalysis Extend interface for IDataset to allow access by column index
#2536 Problems.DataAnalysis Dataset should implement IStringConvertibleMatrix explicitly
#2590 Problems.DataAnalysis RegressionEnsembles should support weighting of the estimated values
#2593 Problems.DataAnalysis Add method to convert a Dataset into a Modifiable dataset and possibility to replace columns
#2595 Problems.DataAnalysis VariableImpactsCalculator for RegressionSolutions
#2604 Problems.DataAnalysis Retrieve variables used for prediction in data analysis solutions/models
#2619 Problems.DataAnalysis FeatureCorrelation should have an option to ignore missing values
#2572 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression SymbolicRegressionSolutionsAnalyzer should also add training and test R² values to the scope so that they can be read by other analyzers
#2584 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression ConstantOptimization should be configurable to ignore variable weights
#2620 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views RegressionSolution Scatterplots should use semi-transparent data points
#2071 Problems.Instances Refactor TableFileParser
#2611 Problems.Instances Add SARCOS (inverse dynamics) as a real world regression problem instance
#2618 Problems.Instances Create benchmark problem instances for variable network modeling
#2221 Problems.ProbabilisticTravelingSalesman Implement the probabilistic traveling salesman problem
#2579 Problems.Programmable.Views Changing Name of a ProgrammableProblem does not change caption in view
#1087 Problems.TestFunctions Implement multiobjective test functions
#2546 Services.OKB OKB run should return the algorithm id
#2549 Services.OKB.DataAccess Optimize OKB Query Service
#2594 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Better axis scaling in scatter plot and related charts


Ticket Component Summary
#2563 CodeEditor Exceptions thrown during code folding/completion are not handled
#2575 Collections ObservableList's AddRange enumerates multiple times
#2544 Core ScopeList clones list items twice
#2600 Core Incorrect set method of directed graph arc label property causes NullReferenceException
#2535 Data.Views TextBox in StringConvertibleValueView is truncated
#2568 Data.Views UpdateRow/ColumnHeaders in StringConvertibleMatrixView should be public
#2599 DataPreprocessing DateManipulation throws a GDI exception
#2616 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing StatisticsView throws an exception for columns without any values
#2393 DataPreprocessing.Views DataCompleteness chart is slow
#2570 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding SymbolicExpressionTree GetLength and GetDepth could return wrong results
#2643 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Subtree crossover can fail when tree size is larger than maximum tree size
#2644 ExtLibs Upgrade Sim# to 3.0.9
#2534 General Build.cmd does not work with Visual Studio 2015-only installations
#2539 General MergeConfigs.cmd does not work correctly
#2562 Hive.Server Fix problem with tasks that get paused
#2578 MainForm MainForm throws NullReferenceException when default ctor is used
#2596 Optimization ExecutionTimeTerminator cloning error
#2565 Optimization.Views AlgorithmView clears the ViewType of the ProblemViewHost leaving the Viewhost in an invalid state
#2530 Optimizer CreateExperimentDialog Error (EnumValue + FixedValueParameter)
#2585 Optimizer Create experiment dialog throws an exception if more than one instance provider does not have any data descriptors
#2603 Optimizer Unnecessary use of EventWaitHandle in CreateExperimentDialog
#2642 Problems.BinPacking Bin packing fails tests
#2543 Problems.DataAnalysis ClassNames cannot be changed for loaded and cloned ClassificationProblemData
#2574 Problems.DataAnalysis ClassificationPerformanceMeasures throw exceptions if only one class is present
#2598 Problems.DataAnalysis ProblemData cannot be changed for DataAnalysisProblems
#2601 Problems.DataAnalysis ClassificationPerformanceMeasures are not recalculated when the data changes
#2576 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic VariableCondition symbol is deserialized incorrectly
#2609 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Cannot apply constant optimization on simplified trees
#2243 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views JavaScript error when showing symbolic models in mathematical notation (MathJax)
#2525 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Some types are missing a StorableClassAttribute
#2551 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Encoding cannot be set through API for the ExternalEvaluationProblem
#2557 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Cached objects are troublesome for object graph traversal
#2614 Problems.Scheduling Name of Job Shop Scheduling Solution is not set (GUI lockup)
#2532 Problems.VehicleRouting PotvinPDExchangeSingleMoveGenerator throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException


Ticket Component Summary
#2526 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.14
#2538 General Delete outdated plugins

HeuristicLab 3.3.13 "Windischgarsten" - November 20th, 2015

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.13 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2027 Algorithms Customizable termination criteria
#2269 Algorithms Implement ALPS
#1967 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Evolution of mean and covariance functions for Gaussian processes using GP
#1998 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Model Comparison for Classification
#2385 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Boolean parameter for data-analysis algorithms to disable creation of a final solution
#2488 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Quantile regression loss for gradient boosted trees
#2501 Algorithms.DataAnalysis It should be possible to use any IRegressionModel as mean function in a Gaussian process
#2478 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm Offspring selection for Evolution Strategy
#2473 Analysis.Views Automatically hide all columns containing only a single value in the "Table" run collection view
#2418 Common More efficient implementation of median
#2470 Core ItemDictionary should allow to use a custom comparer
#2116 Core.Views Implement a breadcrumb navigation for view hosts
#2486 DataPreprocessing Allow add columns and rows for data preprocessing
#2469 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Create base class for problems using the SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding
#2454 General The ItemName of Creatables should include their respective acronym
#2461 Hive.Client Enable paging for downloading Hive Jobs
#2496 Hive.Client Provide more detailed information when no connection can be established in the Hive Job Manager
#2388 Hive.Server Improve new Hive statistics web page
#2429 Hive.Server Implement a maintenance WebApp plugin
#2468 Hive.Slave Implement Checkpointing for the Hive Slave
#2377 Optimization.Operators Parallelize SimilarityCalculators
#2495 Optimization.Operators Allow configuring of migration direction in UnidirectionalRingMigrator
#2492 Problems.DataAnalysis Bound the return value of the OnlinePearsonsRCalculator to [-1,+1]
#2175 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Calculate the complexity of symbolic expression trees
#2264 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Exporter for symbolic data analysis solutions to C# source code
#2484 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Mathematica formatter for symbolic data analysis models
#2480 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Add optional flag to the evaluator to save the estimated values in the tree scope for symbolic regression problems
#1736 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views View for the ConstantRegressionModel
#2391 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Error characteristics curve should support showing multiple regression solutions at once to easily compare solutions.
#1674 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Implement multi-objective external evaluation problem
#2507 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Open ExternalEvaluationProblem for extension
#2069 Problems.GeneticProgramming Implement GP problem for code generation
#2472 Problems.GeneticProgramming Create HeuristicLab.Problems.GeneticProgramming
#2298 Scripting Add execution time to scripts
#2421 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.ArtificialAnt Port artificial ant problem to new symbolic expression encoding
#2422 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.LawnMower Port lawn mower problem to new symbolic expression encoding


Ticket Component Summary
#2487 Algorithms.CMAEvolutionStrategy Long running CMA-ES could lead to Nan values
#2449 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Persistence of Gaussian process models is inefficient
#2450 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Persistence of gradient boosted trees solutions takes a long time and creates really big files
#2465 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Persistence of SVM solutions takes a long time and creates really big files
#2490 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Evaluation of GBT models is not thread-safe
#2497 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Improve scaling of inputs and optionally target values for the Gaussian process
#2502 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Calculation of confidence bounds for Gaussian process models seems incorrect
#2439 Algorithms.GradientDescent Remove bugs in LM-BFGS
#2466 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm SASEGASA terminates too early
#2432 Algorithms.RAPGA RAPGA cannot be restored from file
#2433 Algorithms.ScatterSearch ScatterSearch cannot be restored from file
#2440 Analysis.Statistics.Views KeyNotFoundException when opening StatisticalTestsView
#2477 Clients.OKB OKBExperimentUploadView does not work with RunCollections
#2491 Common Implementation of Percentile function is incorrect as it assumes that values are sorted.
#2467 DataPreprocessing.Views Add 25th and 75th Percentile columns to the DataPreprocessing statistics view
#2451 Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding (Integer|Real)VectorEncoding constructor fails when individual bounds per dimension are used
#2458 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Full and Grow tree creator use a different depth restrictions as PTC2
#2430 General Some project files don't adhere to the naming rules
#2475 General Update HL Mono Compatibility
#2479 Hive.Client Deleting groups in the Hive Administrator does not work anymore
#2503 Hive.Server Resource Locator Dialog in the Hive Job Manager does not work
#2355 Hive.Slave Fix problem with Hive slave sandboxing
#2061 Optimization Synchronization in Experiment class causes contention problems for experiments with many parallel tasks
#2483 Optimization Encodings don't store the SolutionCreator
#2436 Optimization.Views BoxplotView throws an exception when color is selected
#2441 Optimization.Views RunCollection Chart Aggregation View throws Exception
#2493 Optimization.Views Editing labels in the experiment (tree) view don't update the respective item's name
#2446 Optimizer Name and description of VNS OP sample is wrong
#2448 Problems.DataAnalysis Ensemble solutions do not store individual solutions
#2452 Problems.DataAnalysis Support drag&drop of new solutions in the RegressionSolutionErrorCharacteristicsCurveView
#2459 Problems.DataAnalysis IRegressionSolution is missing properties for the RMSE
#2489 Problems.DataAnalysis Cloning of the ModifiableDataset does not clone the values
#2485 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic CSharp formatter for symbolic data analysis expressions does not produce correct expressions in all cases
#2453 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Double precision artifacts cause exceptions in the phenotypic similarity calculator
#2512 Problems.GrammaticalEvolution GEArtificialAntProblem does not synchronize access to random parameter
#2444 Problems.QuadraticAssignment Robust Taboo Search doesn't output evaluated moves
#2445 Problems.QuadraticAssignment QAP LocalImprovers replace evaluated solutions instead of incrementing
#2481 Problems.TravelingSalesman No move operators for TSP distance matrix evaluator
#2510 Tests Unit tests don't work in Visual Studio 2015
#1723 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.ArtificialAnt Tree creators from the symbolic data analysis plugin are discovered as tree creators for the artificial ant problem


Ticket Component Summary
#2428 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.13
#2500 General Delete unused .cs files in the solution
#2518 Problems.NK Set svn:ignore properties correctly for Problems.NK

HeuristicLab 3.3.12 "Madrid" - July 13th, 2015

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.12 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2337 ### Undefined ### Fix build warnings in trunk solution
#2261 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Gradient Boosted Trees
#2276 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Create interface for Dataset class, refactor code
#2321 Algorithms.NSGA2 NSGA2: Provide option for dominating solutions with equal quality values
#2411 Algorithms.NSGA2 FastNonDominatedSort performance should be improved
#2351 Analysis.Statistics.Views Kernel density estimation for histogram control
#2352 Analysis.Statistics.Views Correlation matrix should only show correlations to 3 or 4 digits accuracy
#2305 Analysis.Views Statistical Tests View should also work with problem variations
#2340 Core.Views Copy & Paste from ItemListView
#2387 Core.Views Adapt TypeSelector to changes from NewItemDialog
#2327 Data Implement a generic EnumValue and a generic EnumValueView
#2335 DataPreprocessing Data Preprocessing Improvements
#2319 Encodings.LinearLinkageEncoding Add LinearLinkageEncoding (LLE)
#2320 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Add SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding
#2341 ExtLibs Updated EPPlus to the newest version
#2420 ExtLibs Add Sim# as simulation framework to ExtLibs
#2328 Hive.Client Improve handling of batchruns in Hive Job Manager
#2413 Hive.Server Add QuickSelection to WebApp Status page and obfuscate email links
#2342 Operators Change ReductionOperation-Parameter of the DataReducer to ValueLookupParameter
#1985 Optimization Create optimizer that limits runtime of an optimizer
#2332 Optimization Overhaul operators for similarity calculation and analysis
#2344 Optimization Improve Calculator
#2025 Optimizer Improve structure for elements in the "new item" dialog.
#2301 Optimizer Improve numeric accuracy in create experiment dialog
#2366 Optimizer Utilize EnumValue-Parameters in the "Create Experiment"-Dialog.
#2427 Optimizer Add sample that uses linear linkage encoding
#2368 Persistence Make reading/writing HL data with typecache to stream available
#2374 Problems.DataAnalysis Make RegressionSolution class non-abstract
#2412 Problems.DataAnalysis Include the RMSE for RegressionSolutions
#2326 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Diversity analyzers based on the genotypic and phenotypic tree similarity measures
#2359 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Improve the SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionPruningOperator
#2396 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Add a symbolic expression tree formatter for C#
#2369 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Support chart for relative error in the error characteristic view
#2423 Problems.Instances Add regression dataset (powermeter)
#2306 Problems.NK Integrate NK landscapes
#2208 Problems.Orienteering Implement Orienteering Problem
#2400 Problems.VehicleRouting Setting new penalty values in VRP instances are not respected
#2329 Scripting.Views Make CodeEditor available on Linux
#2358 Scripting.Views Improve performance of the VariableStoreView
#2362 Tools Update SymbolicExpressionTreeNode Debugger Visualizer to .Net 4.5


Ticket Component Summary
#2318 ### Undefined ### Clean up copyrights and assembly infos
#2367 Algorithms.CMAEvolutionStrategy Eigendecomposition fails on some computers in release builds
#2386 Algorithms.ParameterlessPopulationPyramid Poor hash function affects performance in the Parameter-less Population Pyramid
#2354 Analysis.Statistics.Views Statistical tests view throws exception before opening
#2348 Analysis.Views Fix chart analysis view
#2401 CodeEditor Add missing plugin dependency to HeuristicLab.NRefactory
#2419 CodeEditor ObjectDisposedException in CSharpCodeCompletionStrategy
#2378 Collections Setter for Vertex label throws exception when the label is null
#2381 Common Object-graph traversal does not finish in some cases / algorithm does not stop
#2338 Core.Views Missing default view for read-only collections
#2395 Data double.MaxValue cannot be parsed from string
#2373 Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding Typo in RandomBinaryVectorCreator
#2322 Encodings.PermutationEncoding Fix typos in PermutationEncoding class
#2365 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views SymbolicExpressionTreeChart: node impact colors are not preserved when saving to file
#2399 General Fix new problems with HL on Linux
#2402 Hive.Client Don't reschedule failing tasks
#2408 Hive.Client Fix exception handling in Hive client
#2409 Hive.Client Dependent plugins of programmable items cannot be determined through serialization
#2357 Hive.Server DeleteObsoleteSlaves should respect the downtime foreign key
#2404 Hive.Server Hive JobManager displays wrong number of finished jobs
#2346 Hive.Slave Fix service install of Hive Slave
#2356 Hive.Slave Fix generation of unique IDs of Hive slave
#2347 MainForm.WindowsForms Make links in InfoBox clickable
#2325 Optimization RunCollection doesn't register all events after cloning or deserialization
#2364 Optimization The BasicProblem's Evaluator should be InstrumentedOperators
#2270 Optimization.Views Fix event handling in RunCollectionViews
#2334 Optimization.Views Fix export of box plots
#2339 Problems.DataAnalysis Classification ensembles aren't aware of the classification positive class
#2323 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Remove obsolete diversity analyzer and similarity calculator for symbolic data analysis
#2324 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Remove obsolete diversity analyzer and similarity calculator for symbolic data analysis
#2363 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic TreeSimplifier performance gets worse the deeper a tree is nested
#2376 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Selection of function symbols from the grammar is biased
#2398 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Pruning operators mistakenly try to calculate impacts for the program root symbol and the start symbol
#2415 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic DataPreprocessing transformations cannot be persisted
#2307 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Investigate problem with parents and SymbolicExpressionTreeBottomUpSimilarityCalculator
#2274 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Cluster Visualization View cannot handle one dimensional data points
#2345 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The x-axis in the error-characteristic-curve view is always at least 1.0
#2392 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views In the correlation matrix there are no negative values for Pearson's correlation
#2403 Problems.ExternalEvaluation ClearState might throw NullReferenceException in MATLAB evaluator
#2426 Problems.Programmable Update Programmable Problem template code
#2424 Scripting Console in C# script base passes wrong arguments
#2343 Scripting.Views Values of variables are not updated correctly in the VariableStoreView
#2416 Scripting.Views VariableStoreView needs to check for invoke required
#2372 Services.Authentication Fix user creation in access service admin tool


Ticket Component Summary
#2397 ExtLibs Move GeoIP project to ExtLibs folder
#2317 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.12
#2331 General Remove outdated plugins
#2394 Hive.Server Integrate Services Web App and new Hive Status Monitor into trunk

HeuristicLab 3.3.11 "Beach Bar" - February 13th, 2015

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.11 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2282 Algorithms Implement PPP for HeuristicLab
#2234 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Implement grid search for LibSVM parameters
#2237 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Implement grid search for random forest parameters
#2232 Algorithms.VariableNeighborhoodSearch Split ILocalImprovementOperator
#2031 Analysis Implement views for statistical hypothesis testing
#2223 Core Directed graph class for HeuristicLab
#2245 DataPreprocessing Shuffle manipulation treats the training and test partition separately
#2253 Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding BinaryVectorCreator should have a probability property
#2252 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Tree nodes for symbolic expression trees are derived from Item
#2268 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Tree grammars take up a lot of space in a persisted HL file containing multiple trees
#2265 MainForm.WindowsForms Support for opening .hl files via drag and drop from windows explorer.
#1668 Optimization Provide a SimpleAlgorithm base class or interface
#2120 Optimization RunCollection doesn't update ResultNames or ParameterNames when items are added to a run afterwards
#2174 Optimization Add programmable optimization problem
#2266 Optimization Synchronous control methods in IExecutable
#2271 Optimization.Views Change title of "Parameters"-tab to "Algorithm" in the algorithm view
#1802 Persistence Improve serialization and deserialization of enumerables of primitive types
#2242 Persistence Datatypes Queue and Queue<> are not serializable
#2294 PluginInfrastructure ApplicationManager should be able to discover types from specified assemblies
#2278 Problems.DataAnalysis New quality measures for ClassificationSolutions
#2098 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Excel export of symbolic data analysis solutions should support boolean functions
#2164 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Tree matching functionality for symbolic expression trees
#2215 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic More accurate tree similarity measure based on tree bottom-up distance
#2218 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Move the SymbolicExpressionImporter from HeuristicLab.Tests to the main solution
#2238 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Reduce memory footprint of GP solutions
#2285 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic SymbolicDataAnalysisSingleObjectiveValidationAnalyzer does not implement IStochasticOperator
#2287 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic ConstantsOptimizationEvaluator cannot handle roots
#2220 Problems.Instances Improve the generation of all possible combinations of values in ValueGenerator.cs
#2229 Problems.VehicleRouting Enable loading of best known solutions for mult-depot VRP
#2262 Scripting Improve the scripting environment
#2303 Scripting Throw a more specific exception if script compilation fails
#2211 Tests Provide unit tests for samples and scripts creation and execution
#2279 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Improve HistogramControl


Ticket Component Summary
#2284 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views "Error creating window handle" for covariance function views
#2250 Algorithms.ScatterSearch Scatter search doesn't run without path relinkers
#2249 Analysis BestScopeSolutionAnalyzer chains previous best solutions in the scope
#2311 Core ItemSet<T> uses default comparer after cloning
#2214 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing cannot be started directly from the problem data
#2246 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing loses the selected input variables while restoring the problem data
#2257 DataPreprocessing The Apply button in the DataPreprocessing view only applies the first data manipulation operation, ignoring further manipulations.
#2248 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding Add missing parameters for strategy vector operators
#2293 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding Shaking Operators are missing the Bounds parameter to perform name translation for nested operators
#2296 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding RealVectorCreator does not honor Length parameter
#2230 ExtLibs Missing build platforms in Scilab/Matlab extlibs
#2233 ExtLibs Cloning exception in svm_parameter when performing symbolc regression with LibSVM
#2241 General ItemsRemoved event handling is incorrect in some places
#2149 MainForm.WindowsForms ViewHost shall stop displaying views after a certain nesting level
#2158 MainForm.WindowsForms Exception occurs for too many nested views. (BSOD on Win8)
#2315 Operators.Views.OperatorGraphVisualization Add scroll bars to GraphVisualizationInfoView
#2222 Optimizer Update Startpage text
#2096 Persistence Persistence has issues with certain characters
#2227 Problems.DataAnalysis FAQ links in data analysis providers are dead
#2273 Problems.DataAnalysis CSV import into a clustering problem deactives the last input variable
#2310 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The SymbolicExpressionTreeBottomUpSimilarityCalculator produces wrong results when the MatchConstantValues and MatchVariableWeights flags are disabled.
#2313 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The bottom-up tree tree mapping sometimes maps too many nodes
#2286 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Variable names cannot be changed directy in the VariableSymbolView
#2216 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Curve for the baseline is not shown in the ERC view
#2314 Problems.ExternalEvaluation.Views Duplicate default views for evaluation cache
#2224 Problems.Instances TableFileParser doesn't import numeric values into string columns
#2259 Problems.Instances ValueGenerator creates incorrect sequences due to the double arithmetic imprecision
#2263 Problems.TestFunctions Update TestFunctions Link
#2277 Problems.TestFunctions Missing class modifier in BestSingleObjectiveTestFunctionSolutionAnalyzer
#2251 Problems.TravelingSalesman TSPImprover should use InversionManipulator's Apply method
#2228 Problems.TravelingSalesman.Views TSP IndexOutOfBounds when changing instance
#2225 Problems.VehicleRouting VehicleRoutingProblem cannot load TSPLib(CVRP)
#2226 Problems.VehicleRouting Update VRP links in instance provider
#2239 Scripting.Views The VariableStoreView unnecessarily tries to serialize objects.
#2256 Scripting.Views Scripting and Programmable Operator do not work on systems with new .NET versions
#2112 Tests ThreadSafeLogThreadSafetyTest sometimes fails
#2295 Tests DeepCloneableCloningTest reports too many warnings
#2308 Tests Fix statistics unit tests


Ticket Component Summary
#2077 ExtLibs Update SharpDevelop to latest version (4.3)
#2312 ExtLibs Fix svn:ignore properties in ExtLibs
#2212 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.11
#2247 General Find alternative to SharpZipLib
#2280 General Switch to .NET 4.5
#2290 General Fix project files and update Mono prepare script
#2244 Hive.General Update Installers for Hive
#2309 Scripting.Views Make code changed handler protected in ScriptView
#2144 Tests Interpreter Evaluation Tests could fail if VS2013 is installed

HeuristicLab 3.3.10 "Vancouver" - July 10th, 2014

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.10 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2109 Algorithms Grammatical Evolution
#2124 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Spectral Mixture Kernel
#2138 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm The successful offspring analyzer should be made more user friendly
#2172 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm OffspringSelector should be configurable to use the parents for filling the population
#2189 Algorithms.TabuSearch Tabu Search should hide moves for which there are no tabu operators
#2142 Collections Values properties in BidirectionalLookup are confusing
#2135 Data Add possibility to restrict PercentValues to [0,1]
#2201 Data Enhance PathValue Datatypes
#2206 DataPreprocessing Integrate DataPreprocessing into HeuristicLab
#2159 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Hierarchical textual formatter of symbolic expression trees
#2076 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views The Reingold-Tilford tree layout algorithm for HeuristicLab
#2179 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views Use the PTC2 as the default tree creator in the show sample tree dialog
#2147 Hive.Client Add lower priorities for Hive Jobs
#2119 Operators Implement an operator base class for instrumentation
#2123 Operators ReductionOperations for BoolValues
#2178 Optimization.Views Reorder statistics in the BoxPlotView
#2195 Optimizer Redesign start page
#2198 Optimizer HL should suggest better file names
#1972 PluginInfrastructure The TypeSelector dialog takes too long to show
#1758 Problems.DataAnalysis Change Dataset of RegressionModel
#2143 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Pruning of introns/negative impact nodes in symbolic data analysis expressions
#2170 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Analyzers should track the best generation of the reported solution
#2177 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Implement XOR symbol
#2093 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Evaluator for symbolic data analysis that calculates the mean of logarithmic residuals
#2134 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression AverageRelativeErrorEvaluator for Symbolic Regression
#2169 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Tracking of training and test quality for solutions
#1763 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Support changing of constants and variable weights in the simplifier for symbolic data analysis models
#2156 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views More efficient way to calculate impacts and replacement values in the InteractiveSymbolicDataAnalysisSolutionSimplifierView
#2194 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Ensemble should only be created from visible runs
#2082 Problems.ExternalEvaluation External evaluation problems for Scilab and Matlab
#2204 Problems.TravelingSalesman.Views PathTSPTourView should allow to view partial tours
#2152 Problems.VehicleRouting The extensibility of the VRPProblem should be improved for creating new problem instances
#2136 Scripting Create a scripting environment
#2209 Scripting Implement an string-based access to the VariableStore for Scripts
#2133 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.LawnMower Calculation of mower position for Frog is implemented incorrectly (lawn mower benchmark problem for GP)


Ticket Component Summary
#2176 Algorithms.CMAEvolutionStrategy CMA-ES doesn't use SolutionCreator
#1721 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Persistence of random forest solutions takes a long time and creates really big files
#2125 Algorithms.DataAnalysis All covariance functions return the full gradient vector even when parameters are partially fixed
#2173 Core Wrong argument is passed into base constructor in ComparisonConstraint
#1971 Core.Views Adding and removing multiple items in the ItemCollectionView<T> takes too long
#2183 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding The linear interpreter fails with an ArithmeticOverflow exception when compiling trees with length>255
#2196 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Caching in symbolic expression grammar is not thread safe
#2092 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views The root node of symbolic expression trees should not be shown if it has only one child
#2202 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views Visual glitch in the symbolic expression grammar editor
#2207 General Adapt project files for linux
#2210 General Add missing changes to stable
#2117 Hive.Client Open Hive Job Manager for more task types
#2122 Hive.Client Exception appears on multiple refreshes of Hive Job Manager
#2090 Hive.Server HiveException: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.
#2113 Hive.Slave Update Hive Slave Configurations
#2153 Hive.Slave Add a timeout for stopping a Hive task
#2154 Hive.Slave Failed Hive tasks should not be rescheduled
#2167 MainForm.WindowsForms Illegal cross-thread exception in MainForm when removing progress control from view
#2121 Optimization.Views Bubble chart view throws exception on hidden categories
#2104 Optimizer When closing the optimizer a warning is shown to save views even though they cannot be saved
#2155 Optimizer Exception when samples on the start page cannot be loaded
#2111 Persistence Unit test for font persistence fails
#2192 Persistence Discovering of StoreableHooks is not cached
#2145 Problems.DataAnalysis The dataset constructor type check is too restrictive
#2166 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic SymbolicDataAnalysisAnalyzer must not use AsParallel for parallel execution
#2132 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification Impact calculation for symbolic classification solutions throws a NullReferenceException
#2157 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Incorrect naming for y-axis in the error characteristic view for regression solutions
#2160 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views CreateEnsembleMenuItem doesn't clone the selected DataAnalysisSolutions
#2187 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Typo in message box for "Export to Excel"
#2197 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Error characteristics curve shows an exception for data sets with empty training set
#2137 Problems.Instances The calculated stdev of the noise for feature selection problems is wrong
#2131 Problems.LinearAssignment Maximization is ignored in linear assignment problem
#2193 Problems.ParameterOptimization BestSolutionAnalyzer does not add a result if the best quality is not better than the best known quality
#2126 Problems.Scheduling UI glitch in Job Shop Scheduling Problem View
#2129 Problems.Scheduling Strings for JSSP jobs and tasks are not updated in job list and task list
#2130 Problems.Scheduling Exception occurs in the JSSP decoder for a basic problem instance (1 job, 3 tasks on 3 different resources)
#2127 Problems.Scheduling.Views Visualization in Job Shop Scheduling Problem View doesn't get refreshed when changing problem instances
#2180 Problems.TestFunctions Best solution analyzer does not clone the real-vector
#2140 Problems.VehicleRouting Fix event handling for the Vehicle Routing Problem
#2141 Problems.VehicleRouting The evaluator is incorrectly initialized after deserialization
#2182 Problems.VehicleRouting KeyNotFoundException in PushForwardInsertionCreator
#2184 Problems.VehicleRouting IndexOutOfRangeException when changing VRP Instances
#2190 Problems.VehicleRouting Tabu search with the MultiVRPMoveGenerator throws an exception
#2191 Problems.VehicleRouting Bug in IterativeInsertionCreator
#2146 Random Bug in SampleProportionalWithoutRepetition extension method
#2203 Scripting VariableStore is not cloned when a CSharpScript is cloned
#2199 Scripting.Views VariableStoreView incorrectly labels variables as non-serializable
#2181 Selection OffspringSelector should have a default value for the FillPopulationWithParents parameter
#2106 Tests SubScopeSorter is not using a stable sort


Ticket Component Summary
#1638 General Implement unit test to create and run all additional GP samples (in misc folder)
#2115 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.10
#2171 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Integrate ScilabParameterOptimizationProblem in the trunk

HeuristicLab 3.3.9 - October 11th, 2013

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.9 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2038 Algorithms Reevaluation of elite individuals
#1961 Algorithms.CMAEvolutionStrategy CMAES algorithm implementation
#2032 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Polynomial covariance function
#2059 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Piece-wise polynomial covariance function
#2095 Common Improve object graph traversal by using a cache
#2075 Data ValueTypeArrays should provide element names similar to row names for matrix types
#2081 Data New HL data types for dealing with files and paths
#2079 Data.Views StringConvertibleValueView cannot be subclassed
#1270 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Implement representation of symbolic expressions in Smalltalk syntax
#2062 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Analyzer that tracks the best symbolic expression tree in the results
#2084 General OS X Compile Support for HL
#2100 MainForm.WindowsForms Views should support displaying help texts
#2099 Optimization.Views Improve names of RunCollection views
#1042 Optimizer Indication which view is currently saving
#1508 Problems.DataAnalysis Plugin for optimization of trading rules
#1730 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Exporting symbolic data analysis solutions to excel files
#2021 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic SymbolicExpressionTreeLinearInterpreter
#2094 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Show the training and test split for discriminant function classification models in the EstimatedValuesView
#2047 Problems.Instances Handling of white spaces in the DataAnalysisImportDialog
#1909 Problems.TestFunctions Support for different real valued test functions should be implemented through a problem instance provider
#2055 Tools Tool to reduce the file size of data analysis experiments
#2054 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Option to hide axis when exporting images for publications


Ticket Component Summary
#2052 Algorithms.DataAnalysis BatchRun only executes one run of a CrossValidation
#2065 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Neural network covariance function does not work correctly in combination with masking
#2101 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Several incorrect names/descriptions in class NeuralNetworkClassification
#1483 Analysis The default constructor for DataRow should not be public
#2044 Core.Views Checked state of Items in a CheckedItemsListView is changed when the item positions are changed
#1421 Data.Views Change of StringValue in ItemCollection View does not react on Enter
#2078 General Mono Fixes for HeuristicLab 3.3.9
#2064 Hive.Client Fix sorting in Hive Job Manager and ItemCollectionView
#2085 Hive.Client InvalidOperationException when refreshing in the Hive Job Manager
#2097 Hive.Client Hive Job Manager crashes when downloading a job that cannot be deserialized
#2030 Hive.Server Improve Hive Server performance
#2087 Hive.Server HiveException: Add task fails with: The query results cannot be enumerated more than once.
#1833 Operators Checked operator information is lost in run
#1501 Optimization.Views `RunCollectionBubbleChartView` crashes when a run is added during a foreach loop over runs
#1677 Optimization.Views Rows in the RunCollectionTabularView don't respect filters
#2043 Optimizer Create experiment dialog doesn't handle ConstrainedValueParameter<ValueTypeValue> correctly
#2056 Problems.DataAnalysis File name `OnlineOnlineCovarianceCalcualtor.cs` spelled wrong
#2066 Problems.DataAnalysis TimeSeriesProblemData does not adapt training and test ranges
#2102 Problems.DataAnalysis The "Data Analysis" menu should not be a top-level menu in the optimizer
#2067 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Relative error is calculated incorrectly in the RegressionSolutionEstimatedValuesView
#2070 Problems.Instances TableFilesParser does not parse correctly
#2110 Problems.Instances Import/Export for ProblemInstanceConsumers of multiple data types is not shown
#2010 Problems.TravelingSalesman Some TSP instances do not load
#2107 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Chart export dialog saves emf files as png


Ticket Component Summary
#2053 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Update implementation of covariance functions to match GPML version 3.2 released in 01/2013
#1591 General Remove outdated versions of plugins which were kept for compatibility reasons
#2049 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.9
#1099 Tests Create unit tests for NamedItems
#2088 Tests Restructure Unit Tests
#2108 Tests Adapt unit tests to VS 2012

HeuristicLab 3.3.8 "Ann Arbor" - May 10th, 2013

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.8 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#1331 Algorithms Implement Scatter Search
#1913 Algorithms Implement Neighborhood Components Analysis (NCA)
#1902 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Gaussian Process Regression Algorithm
#1947 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Allow setting the degree for the polynomial kernel function for support vector machines
#1968 Algorithms.DataAnalysis The number of used variable per tree should be configurable in random forests modeling
#2000 Algorithms.DataAnalysis ModelCreator for Gaussian processes should be configurable in the algorithm
#1423 Algorithms.GradientDescent Gradient descent algorithms for HL (already implemented in alglib)
#1247 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm Implement RAPGA
#1892 Analysis Enhance scatter plot
#1893 Analysis Enhance allele frequency analyzer
#1899 Analysis Diversity Analyzers should use the new Diversity Calculators from Scatter Search
#2002 Analysis Support for logarithmic scaling in charts
#1946 Collections Implement ObservableKeyedList
#1992 Core.Views CheckItemListView shall display how many items are checked
#2034 Data.Views Add method for querying the current row index in StringConvertibleMatrixView
#1070 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Port SymbolicExpressionTree manipulation operators from 3.2 to 3.3
#1905 ExtLibs Update alglib to version 3.6.0
#1960 ExtLibs Add AutoDiff to external libraries
#1890 General Code maintenance and minor changes
#1937 General Trunk integration of Mono patches
#2036 General PreBuildEvent.cmd shouldn't fail when there is no subwcrev installed
#1950 Hive.Client Improve Hive UI stability
#1959 Hive.Client The Hive JobManager should show the jobs per user sorted by date
#2005 Hive.Client Add Unload Jobs in the Hive Job Manager
#1994 Hive.Server Improvements for Hive Performance and Status page
#1712 Hive.Server.Scheduler Implement Round Robin Scheduling for Hive
#1986 Hive.Slave Hive should be able to shutdown slaves
#1906 Operators SubScopesCounter should be able to assign the number of counted subscopes
#1747 Operators.Views.OperatorGraphVisualization Implement scrolling with the mouse wheel for the OperatorGraphVisualization
#1043 Optimization BatchRuns should show which repetition is currently processed
#1895 Optimization.Operators Implement ProgrammableAnalyzer
#1673 Optimization.Views The Title of RunCollectionViews should be more specific
#1789 Optimization.Views Invert bubble size in the runcollection bubble chart view and add transparency
#2008 Optimization.Views Add option to get data matrix from bubble chart grouping
#2016 Optimization.Views RunCollectionBubbleChart improvements
#2048 Optimization.Views Enlarge DropDownHeight and DropDownWidth in BubbleChart and BoxPlots
#1914 Optimizer Improve CreateExperimentDialog
#2024 ParallelEngine Make the degree of parallelization configurable in the ParallelEngine
#1427 Parameters Move actual value caching down to those parameters where it is required
#1952 Persistence Mono support for Persistence
#1452 PluginInfrastructure Show exact HL version string in exception dialog
#1923 PluginInfrastructure CheckTypeCompatibility does not check constraints on generic type parameters
#1926 PluginInfrastructure Add support for command line arguments
#1081 Problems.DataAnalysis Plugin for symbolic time series prognosis with GP
#1964 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Symbolic Regression and Classification Solutions do not indicate if EstimationLimits are hit
#1976 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Implement ConstantOptimizationAnalyzer to perform constant optimization after a generation is completed
#2004 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Flag to determine if the best solutions should be updated regardless of their quality
#1924 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification Evaluator for classification problems that considers classification penalties
#1940 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification Unify model creation in SymbolicClassificationDataAnalysis
#1943 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Classification Add nearest neighbour model for symbolic classification
#1962 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Use analytic gradient for constant optimization of symbolic regression models
#1292 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Show correlation of dataset features as HeatMap
#1481 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Visual view for clustering solutions displaying cluster centers and distributions
#1681 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Drag & Drop support for the allowed InputVariables of ProblemData instances
#1949 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The classification threshold view should display for which class the threshold applies
#2023 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The CreateEnsemble MenuItem should utilize the selected Runs of the BubbleChart
#1896 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Allow extension of external evaluation messages
#1841 Problems.Instances Add additional problem instances for the QAP
#1922 Problems.Instances Improve CSV export
#1927 Problems.Instances The CSV problem instance provider should automatically disable input variables that are constant in the training partition
#1941 Problems.Instances Additional classification problem instances
#1942 Problems.Instances Improve CSV import for data analysis problems
#1999 Problems.Instances Regression problem instances for testing feature selection
#2045 Problems.Instances Minor DataAnalysisImportDialog Improvements
#1904 Problems.QuadraticAssignment