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Additional Material for Publications

This page contains a collection of additional material related to publications of members of the research group HEAL.


22nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS)

Mutation Effects in Genetic Algorithms with Offspring Selection Applied to Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Authors: S. Wagner, M. Affenzeller, A. Beham, G. Kronberger, S.M. Winkler

The HeuristicLab experiments described in the paper can be downloaded here.

Dissertation Kronberger

The following datasets are used in experiments in the thesis.

Artificial benchmark datasets



This dataset is described in (Friedman, 1991), where it is used to benchmark the multi-variate adaptive regression splines (MARS) algorithm. The signal-to-noise ratio in this dataset is rather low, so it is difficult to rediscover the generating function f(x) especially the terms below the noise level (x4 and x5).

Variables x01,..., x10 are sampled uniformly from the unit hypercube (x~U(0,1)). Epsilon is generated from the standard normal distribution (e~N(0,1)).



This dataset is also described in (Friedman, 1991). The signal-to-noise ratio in this dataset is larger compared to the Friedman-I function.

Variables x1,..., x5 are sampled uniformly from the unit hypercube (x~U(0,1)).



This dataset is described in (Breiman et al., 1984), where it is used to benchmark the classification and regression trees (CART) algorithm. The signal-to-noise ratio is rather low and additionally it contains a crisp conditional which makes it rather difficult to rediscover the generating function with a symbolic regression approach.

Epsilon is generated from the normal distribution (e~N(0,2)).

Variables x01,..., x10 are randomly sampled attributes following the probability distributions:

Real-world datasets












Jerome H. Friedman, Multivariate adaptive regression splines, The Annals of Statistics, 19(1):1-141, 1991.
Leo Breiman, Jerome H. Friedman, Charles J. Stone and R. A. Olson, Classification and Regression Trees, Chapman and Hall, 1984


13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (eurocast)

Tutorial Algorithm and Experiment Design with HeuristicLab

Demo dataset for symbolic regression. polynomial.csv

Demo dataset for symbolic time series modeling. Mackey-Glass-17.txt

GECCO 2011

Tutorial Algorithm and Experiment Design with HeuristicLab

Demo TSP instance from TSPLIB. ch130.tsp ch130.opt.tour

Demo experiment and results. exp.hl exp_results.hl

Demo dataset for symbolic regression. poly-10.csv

Demo dataset for symbolic classification. mammography.csv

evo* 2011

Macro-economic Time Series Modeling and Interaction Networks

Data set of macro economic variables: macroeconomicdata.txt

ICCGI 2011

6th International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 19th of June, 2011, Luxemburg

Tutorial Algorithm and Experiment Design with HeuristicLab

Demo dataset for symbolic regression. poly-10.csv

Demo dataset for symbolic classification. mammography.csv

LINDI 2011

3rd IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics, August 25-27, 2011 in Budapest, Hungary

Demo dataset for warehouse slotting

Stock keeping units: SKUsLindi.txt

Order profile: OrderProfileLindi.txt

IMMM 2011

1st International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, 23th of October, 2011, Barcelona

System Identification and Data Mining with HeuristicLab

Demo TSP instance from TSPLIB. ch130.tsp ch130.opt.tour

Demo experiment and results. exp.hl exp_results.hl

Demo dataset for symbolic regression. poly-10.csv

Demo dataset for symbolic classification. mammography.csv


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Special section on Software Engineering in Factory and Energy Automation

Simulation-based optimization with HeuristicLab

A description of how to provide an evaluation service for AnyLogic simulation models is given here?.

InterPSS - Internet technology based Power System Simulator, retrieved 7.12.2011

MATPOWER - A MATLAB Power System Simulation Package, retrieved 7.12.2011

Protocol buffers, retrieved 11.12.2011

Attachments (4)

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