- 21:05 Ticket #2226 (Update VRP links in instance provider) created by
- The links for "Cordeau (MDCVRPTW)", "Homberger (CVRPTW)", and "LiLim …
- 10:31 Documentation edited by
- (diff)
- 17:32 Changeset [11279] by
updated add material for ANOR
- 16:41 Changeset [11278] by
#1772: GenealogyAnalyzer: add histogram and heatmap for absolute reproductive success values (how many offspring produced by a parent individual).
- 15:22 Ticket #2225 (VehicleRoutingProblem cannot load TSPLib(CVRP)) created by
- The VehicleRoutingProblem cannot load the CVRPData from the TSPLIB. …
- 14:36 Changeset [11277] by
#2208 implemented InstanceConsumer of TSPData for OrienteeringProblem
- 14:34 Changeset [11276] by
#2208 fixed OrienteeringSolutionView when score range is zero
- 12:40 Changeset [11275] by
#2208 Removed manual add of the LocalImprovementOperator since VNS performs the lookup itself.
- 13:38 Blog: Industrial Challenge at GECCO 2014 edited by
- added categories
- 13:36 Blog: Industrial Challenge at GECCO 2014 created by
- 13:28 Changeset [11274] by
#2224: Inserted string represenation (ToString) of non string data into string columns and increased the interval for column datatype detection from 10 to 100 in the TableFileParser.
- 13:26 Ticket #2224 (TableFileParser doesn't import numeric values into string columns) created by
- If a column of a csv file contains numeric and string data and the …
- 12:26 Ticket #2096 (Persistence has issues with certain characters) closed by
- done: r11273: merged r10960 from trunk to stable
- 12:26 Changeset [11273] by
- 20:59 Changeset [11272] by
#1772: Adjusted SolutionVariableName for symbolic data analysis similarity calculators.
- 16:34 Changeset [11271] by
#1772: Added specialized diversity analyzers (phenotypic and bottom-up) and phenotypic similarity calculator.
- 15:52 Changeset [11270] by
#2208 fixed dimension bug and wrong initial endpoint when loading CVPR data
- 11:37 Changeset [11269] by
#2208 Uses DistanceHelper for calculating initial distance matrix
- 10:43 Changeset [11268] by
#2208 added additional missing value changed event handlers
- 10:12 Changeset [11267] by
#2208 Added missing ValueChanged events for visualization
- 09:54 Changeset [11266] by
- Changed path visualization to line strip instead of polygon since start and end point must not match
- Used correct incremental length calculation in CleanupTour
- 15:27 Changeset [11265] by
#2208 Improved orienteering solution view by labeling start and endpoint
- 15:04 Changeset [11264] by
#2208 Fixed random index calculation bug in shaking operator
- 14:58 Changeset [11263] by
- Vertex: remove cloning of arcs in the cloning constructor
- DirectedGraph; Adjust cloning constructor to add arcs to cloned vertices
- 14:50 Changeset [11262] by
#1772: Added missing Storable constructor to GenealogyGraphNode<T> class. Prefer cloning vertices in the GenealogyAnalyzer. Add In/Out Degree in node tooltip in the GenealogyGraphChart.
- 14:12 Changeset [11261] by
- Added Schilde instances zip
- Implemented additional InstanceConsumer of OPData in OrienteeringProblem
- 13:05 Changeset [11260] by
- Added OPData
- Added SchildeOPParser and SchildOPInstanceProvider
- 13:01 Changeset [11259] by
- 09:27 Changeset [11258] by
#2208 Added Orienteering Instances Plugin
- 20:58 Documentation/DevelopmentCenter edited by
- added link to source browser (diff)
- 20:25 Changeset [11257] by
- GenealogyAnalyzer: compute relative success ratios per individual and save them in a DataTableHistory chart and as a heat map
- GenealogyGraph: remove rank if it contains no vertices
- BeforeManipulatorOperator: avoid "collection was modified" exception