- 15:16 Changeset [7848] by
#1648 added roles management
- 14:34 Changeset [7847] by
#1722: added some integrity constraints in Initialize Hive Database.sql
- 14:08 Changeset [7846] by
- Moved common methods from problem instance management into a ProblemInstanceManager
- Made experiment creation asynchronous by using a BackgroundWorker
- Added a progress bar to display the progress as well as the instance that is currently processed
- Added "select all" and "select none" options which are updated to the state of the listview
- 13:04 Changeset [7845] by
#1837: added prototype for sliding window GP
- 11:50 Changeset [7844] by
#1174 worked on upload view
- 16:58 Changeset [7843] by
#1081: fixed compile errors after merging changes from the trunk
- 16:28 Changeset [7842] by
merged r7609:7840 from trunk into time series branch
- 16:10 Changeset [7841] by
#1851: Updated CreateExperimentDialog to discover and display available problem instances...
- 16:02 Changeset [7840] by
- included files from metaopt branch
- ignored mutation and crossover
- updated plugin frame
- 15:40 Changeset [7839] by
#1174 added drag and drop support for the experiment upload view
- 14:52 Changeset [7838] by
#1853: parameter configuration tree encoding initial commit
- 14:26 Ticket #1853 (Move ParameterConfigrationTree encoding from MetaOpt branch into own plugin) created by
- 13:38 Changeset [7837] by
#1837: Branched HL.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views for sliding window GP.
- 13:22 Changeset [7836] by
#1852: Corrected cloning bug in SymbolicExpressionTreeNode.
- 13:22 Ticket #1852 (Cloning bug in SymbolicExpressionTreeNode) created by
- The cloning ctor does not call the correct base ctor and therefore a …
- 11:09 Ticket #1851 (Enhance "Create Experiment" dialog) created by
- Using the new problem instance infrastructure we can automatically …
- 09:38 Changeset [7835] by
#1784: Added missing reference to HL.problems.instances.views in HL.tests.
- 07:53 Changeset [7834] by
#1784: added missing plugin dependency
- 00:49 Changeset [7833] by
- made GRASP+PR an IStorableContent
- fixed bug in GreedyRandomizedSolutionCreator
- 19:09 Changeset [7832] by
#1847 added operator for replacing branches with semantically similar branches
- 16:44 Changeset [7831] by
#1784: adjusted the version numbers in branch
- 16:25 Changeset [7830] by
#1784: adjusted the version numbers of some projects
- 16:11 Changeset [7829] by
#1850: added and modified the scatter plot from the FLA branch
- 16:07 Changeset [7828] by
#1848: fixed a bug in SampleProportional
- 16:01 Changeset [7827] by
#1784: The branch has been prepared so that only the Trent McConaghy problem instance are in there. The problem instances are in an additional plugin and can be added to HeuristicLab anytime.
- 15:57 Changeset [7826] by
#1784: changed the class name in the Plugin.cs.frame files.
- 14:33 Changeset [7825] by
#1784: changes in the references and output directories
- 14:11 Changeset [7824] by
- added new wizard pages
- removed AssemblyInfo files and replaced them with frame file
- disable buttons when wizardbuttons set to 'none'
- introduce data analysis context class
- 13:54 Changeset [7823] by
#1784: merge branch ProblemInstancesRegressionAndClassification into trunk
- 12:27 Ticket #1850 (Implement a scatter plot) created by
- Erik has programmed a scatter plot in his FLA branch. We should …
- 12:14 Changeset [7822] by
Worked on VRP path relinking (#1331)
- 10:42 Changeset [7821] by
Worked on VRP path relinking (#1331)
- 10:29 Changeset [7820] by
#1837: Added HL.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic to sliding window GP branch.
- 10:22 Changeset [7819] by
#1837: Corrected location of accidentally create folder sliding window GP.
- 10:17 Changeset [7818] by
#1837: Created folder for sliding window GP in branches directory
- 09:06 Ticket #1849 (The CancellationToken should be passed to the programmable method in ...) created by
- Currently it gets the reference to the operator instance itself as …
- 00:21 Changeset [7817] by
#1772: Fixed a small bug in the TracingSymbolicExpressionTreeCrossover. Fixed bug in fragment matching code.
- 17:58 Changeset [7816] by
- moved banner to wizardpage
- set dock style when setting active page
- set content in problem view
- 17:55 Changeset [7815] by
Added first working version of VRP path relinker (#1331)
- 17:32 Changeset [7814] by
#1722: fixed trigger creation in Prepare Hive Database.sql
- 17:22 Changeset [7813] by
- moved extension methods to trunk and added reference to HeuristicLab.Random
- 17:20 Changeset [7812] by
- Added extension methods to trunk
- 16:29 Changeset [7811] by
#1722: Removed unnecessary project references and plugin dependencies in HL.Operators.Programmable.Views and HL.Problems.QuadraticAssignment.Views.
- 16:20 Changeset [7810] by
- removed obsolete import & export methods from RegressionProblem and ClassificationProblem, because they are implemented in the base classes
- removed unnecessary references in Problems.QuadraticAssignment.Views
- 16:04 Changeset [7809] by
#1784: merged r7771:7805 from trunk into branch ProblemInstancesRegressionAndClassification
- 16:01 Changeset [7808] by
- experiment wizard initial commit
- plugin file frames added
- wizard renamed
- 15:59 Changeset [7807] by
- updated extension methods and operators that use them
- 15:46 Changeset [7806] by
#1331: VRPPathRelinker now performs tour matching
- 15:21 Changeset [7805] by
#1784: changes have been applied, according to the review comments of mkommend
- 14:02 Ticket #1848 (Integrate useful enumerable extension methods) created by
- For HeuristicLab.Random: * T SampleRandom<T>(IRandom random) * …
- 13:49 Changeset [7804] by
#1807: added PreBuildEvent and enabled signing
- 13:41 Changeset [7803] by
- data analysis service initial commit
- wizard added
- 10:27 Changeset [7802] by
#1847 added initial implementation of move operators for symbolic expression tree encoding
- 10:26 Changeset [7801] by
#1847 created branch for move operators for symbolic expression tree encoding
- 10:24 Ticket #1847 (Operators for tabu search for symbolic expression tree encoding) created by
- 02:09 Changeset [7800] by
#1772: Fixed display of genetic fragments (received via crossover) in the GenealogyGraphView. Added parent, offspring and fragment lengths histogram.
- 17:29 Changeset [7799] by
#1772: Sanitized IGenealogyGraph interface, implemented new graph arc semantics (an arc signifies an interaction between the two nodes that it connects and has a data object containing specific information about the interaction).
- 16:48 Changeset [7798] by
#1843: Cleared dataType cache in RunCollection on collection reset.
- 16:42 Changeset [7797] by
#1722: Removed harmful check during the preparation of IOptimizers contained in an Experiment.
- 16:24 Changeset [7796] by
#1846: Excluded DateTime[] and string[] from object graph traversing.
- 16:23 Ticket #1846 (Changing the InputVariables of a ProblemData can be very slow) created by
- When dealing with larger datasets changing the allowed input variables …
- 14:25 Changeset [7795] by
#1845: Implemented breadth-first traversal of nodes for symbolic expression trees. The new method is called IterateNodesBreadth().
- 14:23 Ticket #1845 (Implement breadth-first traversal of symbolic expression trees) created by
- Presently only the depth-first traversal of symbolic expression trees …
- 14:17 Changeset [7794] by
#1784: Changed check for ProblemInstanceConsumer in ProblemView.
- 18:05 Changeset [7793] by
- added operators for the VehicleRouting problem
- minor code improvements
- 17:17 Changeset [7792] by
#1772: Changelog:
- Removed GetCutIndex method, and corresponding index field in the GenealogyGraphNode.
- Implemented tracking for mutated fragments.
- Improved FindMatch method.
- Added IterateNodesBreadth functionality to symbolic expression trees and nodes.
- Added check conditions for clearing global tracking structures so that the 2 analyzers are not mutually exclusive anymore.
- 15:31 Changeset [7791] by
Improved PDP moves (#1177)
- 15:17 Changeset [7790] by
Fixed some issues in the UTS (#1177)
- 10:42 Changeset [7789] by
- added Scatter Search algorithm
- added problem specific operators for improvement, path relinking and similarity calculation
- adjusted event handling
- 17:29 Changeset [7788] by
#1772: Fixed bug in fragment tracing.
- 15:39 Ticket #1844 (Implement the Schaffer F6 test function) created by
- It is good looking
- 12:38 Changeset [7787] by
#1331: created branch for ScatterSearch (trunk integration)
- 12:22 Changeset [7786] by
- fixed bug in path relinking selection
- fixed bug in ScatterSearch.Prepare()
- added custom interface (IImprovementOperator) for Scatter Search specific improvement operators
- switched from diversity calculation to similarity calculation
- separated IPathRelinker from ICrossover
- changed TestFunctionsImprovementOperator to use reflection for evaluating functions
- changed SolutionPoolUpdateMethod to use similarity calculation for solution comparison
- improved TravelingSalesmanImprovementOperator
- improved operator graph
- removed specific operators used to evaluate TestFunctions problems
- removed custom crossover operator (NChildCrossover)
- added parameters and adjusted types
- adjusted event handling
- changed access levels
- minor code improvements
- 09:56 Changeset [7785] by
#1772: Moved tree matching functionality in separate class, implemented new tree fragments analyzer. Fixed bug in GetCutIndex method.
- 10:15 Ticket #1832 (Support tree edit operations in the simplifier view) closed by
- duplicate
- 10:10 Changeset [7784] by
#1832: Moved replacement and impact values calculation code from view to separate files. Implemented simplifier actions: copy, cut, delete, insert node/subtree.
- 15:14 Changeset [7783] by
#1696 add neutrality breadth analysis by including and analyzing the number of possible neutral neighbors both overall and inside neutral areas