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Ticket Component Summary
#1817 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Validation analyzers should have a parameter for the number of solutions that are analyzed
#1733 ExtLibs Upgrade to most recent alglib version 3.4.0
#1738 Analysis.Views Tooltip for DataRows in the DataTableView should show more descriptive information
#1879 Tests ToString Unit Test stops after first exception
#1862 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views The zoom interval in the ScatterPlot is not set correctly
#1797 Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm The visibility of ConstrainedValueParameters of algorithms must be public to allow external usage of the algorithms
#1809 Clients.Common The client password should be stored encrypted
#1838 Optimization The Name of Runs should be modifiable
#1794 MainForm The MainformManager does not take the interfaces hierarchy correctly into account
#1790 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views The GrammarEditor should open a new view when symbols are double clicked
#1823 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Symbolic data analysis analyzer that collects the Pareto-optimal solutions regarding complexity and accuracy
#1750 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support vector regression and classification algorithms should provide more results
#1773 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Show symbolic regression or classification models in math notation
#1711 Hive.Client Show all available resources for computation in the Hive Job Manager
#1787 Optimization Set the parallel engine as default for new EngineAlgorithms
#1683 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Semantic similarity crossover
#1871 Selection Selectors should check for double.Nan and infinity qualities
#1788 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Provide more evaluators for symbolic regression problems
#1864 Optimization Problems should provide more than operators to algorithms
#1682 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Probabilistic functional crossover
#1863 Tests Plugin dependencies for external libraries are not tested
#1692 Data PercentArray and PercentMatrix data types similar to DoubleArray and Double Matrix
#1174 Services.OKB Overhaul OKB data model, services and client
#1811 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views MouseOver in Error Characteristics Curve
#1700 Hive.Slave Make the number of used cores on the slave configurable
#1848 General Integrate useful enumerable extension methods
#1782 Problems.Instances Integrate problem instances in HeuristicLab
#1177 Problems.VehicleRouting Integrate different VRP variants
#1775 Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding IntegerVector Encoding should have more flexible bounds
#1732 Problems.DataAnalysis Increase the limit for the number of different classes for classification problems
#1695 Optimization Include only the name of operators in a run
#1821 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Improve View for the VariableCondition Symbol
#1830 Problems.DataAnalysis Improve Memory Allocation for DataAnalysis Problems and Solutions
#1801 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Improve MATLAB formatter
#1709 Hive.Client Improve ExecutionHistory in the Hive JobManager
#1855 Problems.LinearAssignment Implement the linear assignment problem
#1876 ZZZ OBSOLETE: Problems.LawnMower Implement the lawn mower demo problem for genetic programming
#1845 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Implement breadth-first traversal of symbolic expression trees
#1810 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Implement additional symbols for symbolic data analysis
#1850 Analysis Implement a scatter plot
#1708 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Implement a residuals histogram for regression solutions
#1859 Hive.General Implement Hive resource permission management
#1854 Hive.Server Hive slaves that were offline for too long should be deleted automatically
#1860 Hive.Server Hive resources should be sharable
#1813 Optimization.Operators ExponentialDiscreteDoubleModifier uses implicit distribution shape
#1552 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Experiments for regression and classification
#1720 Problems.DataAnalysis Estimated value caching for ensemble solutions
#1851 Optimizer Enhance "Create Experiment" dialog
#1396 Problems.TravelingSalesman Enable to solve TSPs which are specified only by a distance matrix
#1869 Optimization.Views Display multiple DataTables in one view
#1691 General Default operators can not be specified in the problem
#1754 Data.Views Copy & Paste support for StringConvertibleArrayView
#1693 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Context-aware crossover
#1710 Optimization.Views Coloring of the BubbleChart should exclude filtered runs
#1722 General Code maintenance and minor changes
#1648 General Client and User Management
#1812 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Change title of the Symbolic Expression Tree Length charts
#1737 Problems.DataAnalysis Calculate the mean error (in addition to the mean absolute error) for regression solutions
#1745 Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm Calculate islands of the Island GA in parallel
#1828 Algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing Add a temperature analyzer to simulated annealing
#1761 MainForm.WindowsForms Add a delay to the DragOverTabControl
#1748 Analysis Add StepLine chart to DataRowChartType
#1784 Problems.Instances Add Regression and Classification problem instances
#1856 Problems.QuadraticAssignment Add GilmoreLawler lower bound for the QAP
#1759 General Add FxCop rules to HeuristicLab
#1726 Optimization.Views "Collapse All" feature in Optimizers View (Experiment)
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