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Ticket Component Summary
#2694 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Lazy-loading of the ExportDialog in the EnchancedChart
#2560 Services.OKB Enable uploading and downloading of characteristic values in okb
#2588 Services.OKB Enable uploading and downloading of solutions in okb
#2703 Random Gamma distribution for HeuristicLab
#2705 Problems.VehicleRouting Best-known quality only VRP solutions
#2660 Problems.Instances Extend VariableNetworkInstances to include problems with no noise and to calculate actual variable relevance
#2737 Problems.Instances TSPLIBInstanceProvider only sets best known quality if also optimal tour is known
#2853 Problems.Instances Reduce test set size of Keijzer problem instances
#2553 Problems.ExternalEvaluation Provide access to script's compiled instance as dynamic object
#2632 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Legends for charts for data analysis solutions should show the target variable when possible
#2662 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Show Y-Value in Target Response Gradients
#2670 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Target Response Gradient charts should be renamed
#2673 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Solution view for variable impacts
#2718 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views View to analyze residuals over the rows of the dataset for regression solutions
#2749 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views DataAnalysisSolutionViews should never show ResultViews
#2750 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views EstimatedValuesView for RegressionSolutions does not show residuals
#2759 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Change problemdata of DataAnalysisAlgorithms
#2779 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views For model validation and inspection an analysis of residuals over input variables could be insightful
#2860 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Clear filename if problemData of solutions is changed
#1666 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views SimplifierViews for symbolic data analysis problems should give a visual clue when a background process is running
#2741 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Extend the multi-objective symbolic regression analyzer to analyze the test error in the Pareto-front
#2802 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Provide a well-configured sample for symbolic regression with GP with strict offspring selection
#2852 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression Improve Constants Optimization for Symbolic Regression
#2442 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Linq Expression Trees Interpreter for HeuristicLab
#2650 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for categorical variables (R factors) for symbolic regression with GP
#2677 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for multi-argument functions for non-linear function fitting
#2686 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Support for time lags in constant optimizer
#2692 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The 'mathematical view' for symbolic expressions should show factors = 1 directly in the formula.
#2742 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Possibility to store the history of best solutions for single-objective symbolic regression
#2649 Problems.DataAnalysis OnlineNMSECalculator should use population variance instead of sample variance
#2672 Problems.DataAnalysis Online calculators should be cloneable
#2697 Problems.DataAnalysis Refactor certain parts for data-based modeling
#2757 Problems.DataAnalysis Provide friction test datasets as regression problem instances
#2848 Problems.DataAnalysis Extract functionality to remove duplicate datasets into separate class
#2706 Problems.Binary Binary problems should include similarity calculators for population diversity analysis
#2739 Problems.BinPacking Improve binpacking visualization
#2762 Problems.BinPacking New heuristics for BinPacking
#2736 Problems Implement Graph Coloring Problem
#2758 Optimization.Views RunCollectionView is too slow
#2800 Optimization.Views Hiding lots of runs in the BubbleChart should be faster
#2258 Optimization Executable.Start executes it asynchronously
#2524 Optimization It should be possible to pause BasicAlgorithms
#2774 Optimization Individuals should be able to store additional data
#2783 Optimization Provide useful helper methods in BasicProblem
#2822 Optimization Support Running Experiments in Parallel
#2791 Hive.Slave Checkpointing within Hive slaves should be improved
#2743 Hive.General Overhaul HL services
#2835 Hive.General Check service identity using the certificate's DNS/SN instead of the certificate itself
#2814 General Remove CreatorsUpdate Quick-Fix
#2821 General Remove Creators-Update-Info in ChangeNestingLevelDialog
#2651 ExtLibs Integrate igraph in HeuristicLab
#2731 Encodings.PermutationEncoding Improve performance of certain manipulations on Permutation
#2666 Encodings.LinearLinkageEncoding Improve Performance of LinearLinkageEncoding
#2730 Encodings Add similarity calculators and equality comparers for encodings
#2663 DataPreprocessing.Views Make Linechart and Histrogram of DataPreprocessing more userfriendly
#2693 DataPreprocessing.Views Allow multi-selection for columns in the datagrid in the data-preprocessing tool
#2698 DataPreprocessing.Views Multi-Scatterplot in Preprocessing crashes HL with high number of variables
#2709 DataPreprocessing.Views DataPreprocessing Enhancements
#2761 DataPreprocessing.Views DataPreprocessing should show the TypeSelectorDialog for creating filters
#2809 DataPreprocessing Remove "Logic" Classes in DataPreprocessing
#2674 Data.Views Copy&paste should also copy the row names for DoubleArrays
#2724 Data.Views EnumValueView should consider the FlagsAttribute
#2732 Data GetRow and GetColumn iterators for ValueTypeMatrix<T>
#2729 Core Allow excluding generic type in item attribute
#2713 Analysis.Views Configuration Context Menu for DataTableView and ScatterPlotView
#2765 Analysis.Views ScatterPlot should support tag objects
#2634 Analysis Run-length distribution (RLD) Analysis of Algorithm Instances
#2744 Analysis Add content and view for Gantt visualization
#2792 Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm Genetic algorithm should choose a mutation operator by default
#2690 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Implement views for decision tree models (random forest and gradient boosted trees)
#2715 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views Multiple Histogram DataRows in DataTableView
#745 Algorithms.DataAnalysis More advanced linear regression methods with included feature selection
#2581 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for symbolic regression models
#2631 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Confidence Intervals for Random Forest Regression
#2657 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Possibility to do multiple random restarts for non-linear regression (curve fitting) algorithm
#2687 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support for time lags in non-linear function fitting
#2699 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Radial Basis Function Regression
#2700 Algorithms.DataAnalysis t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
#2734 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Linear models represented should use the linear tree interpreter for evaluation
#2755 Algorithms.DataAnalysis For gradient boosted trees with LogisticRegressionLoss the threshold for the discriminant function should be set to zero.
#2760 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Shuffle samples in the cross-validation wrapper for data analysis algorithms
#2771 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Support for factor variables in elastic net regression
#2782 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Gaussian process regression should also calculate the leave-one-out predictive probability
#2850 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Extend tSNE with relevance weights
#2862 Algorithms.DataAnalysis NLR yields suboptimal results
#2592 Algorithms.CMAEvolutionStrategy MO-CMA-ES for Realnumbered Problem
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