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Custom Query (78 matches)


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Results (1 - 20 of 78)

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Status: accepted (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2679 Trunk integration of GoalSeekingProblem bburlacu feature request high ### Undefined ### branch
#2906 Variable-Transformations for Data Analysis pfleck feature request high Problems.DataAnalysis branch
#3059 Disallow upload of Hive jobs with unprepared algorithms jkarder defect high Hive.Client
#3072 Hive tasks receive statelog updates from unauthorized slaves jkarder defect high Hive.Server trunk
#2389 Implement lexicase selection for GP gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic branch
#2635 Predict if a child should be rejected during OSGA offspring selection bburlacu defect medium Algorithms.OffspringSelectionGeneticAlgorithm branch
#2704 Generate random regression benchmark instances gkronber feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic branch
#2719 Datastream Analysis jzenisek feature request medium Analysis branch
#2817 Improve speed of bin packing rhanghof enhancement medium Problems.BinPacking branch
#2825 Implement NSGA-III chaider feature request medium Algorithms
#2922 DataCompletenessChart is still slow gkronber defect medium DataPreprocessing.Views branch
#2989 Moving Peaks Benchmark swagner feature request medium Problems branch
#2990 Variable-Impact-based Feature Selection pfleck feature request medium Algorithms.DataAnalysis branch
#2997 When using multi encoding in combination with several symbolic expression trees, only the grammar of the first used symbolic expression tree is used to generate syntax trees. mkommend defect medium Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding
#3043 Addition of new problem instances for scaling gkronber enhancement medium Problems.Instances branch
#3062 Hive janitor does not properly clean up / generate statistics jkarder defect medium Hive.General trunk
#3063 Remove dead / useless code in Hive jkarder enhancement medium Hive.General trunk
#3075 Implement symbolic regression problem instances from "AI Feynman" paper. chaider feature request medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression trunk
#3078 HL might crash after data import from CSV file for data-analysis problems gkronber defect medium Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views trunk
#3103 Add G-SEMO multi-objective EA abeham feature request medium Algorithms trunk
(more results for this group on next page)
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