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Milestone HeuristicLab 3.3.11


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HeuristicLab 3.3.11 "Beach Bar" - February 13th, 2015

The changes made in HeuristicLab 3.3.11 are listed below:

Features and Enhancements:

Ticket Component Summary
#2282 Algorithms Implement PPP for HeuristicLab
#2234 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Implement grid search for LibSVM parameters
#2237 Algorithms.DataAnalysis Implement grid search for random forest parameters
#2232 Algorithms.VariableNeighborhoodSearch Split ILocalImprovementOperator
#2031 Analysis Implement views for statistical hypothesis testing
#2223 Core Directed graph class for HeuristicLab
#2245 DataPreprocessing Shuffle manipulation treats the training and test partition separately
#2253 Encodings.BinaryVectorEncoding BinaryVectorCreator should have a probability property
#2252 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Tree nodes for symbolic expression trees are derived from Item
#2268 Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding Tree grammars take up a lot of space in a persisted HL file containing multiple trees
#2265 MainForm.WindowsForms Support for opening .hl files via drag and drop from windows explorer.
#1668 Optimization Provide a SimpleAlgorithm base class or interface
#2120 Optimization RunCollection doesn't update ResultNames or ParameterNames when items are added to a run afterwards
#2174 Optimization Add programmable optimization problem
#2266 Optimization Synchronous control methods in IExecutable
#2271 Optimization.Views Change title of "Parameters"-tab to "Algorithm" in the algorithm view
#1802 Persistence Improve serialization and deserialization of enumerables of primitive types
#2242 Persistence Datatypes Queue and Queue<> are not serializable
#2294 PluginInfrastructure ApplicationManager should be able to discover types from specified assemblies
#2278 Problems.DataAnalysis New quality measures for ClassificationSolutions
#2098 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Excel export of symbolic data analysis solutions should support boolean functions
#2164 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Tree matching functionality for symbolic expression trees
#2215 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic More accurate tree similarity measure based on tree bottom-up distance
#2218 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Move the SymbolicExpressionImporter from HeuristicLab.Tests to the main solution
#2238 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic Reduce memory footprint of GP solutions
#2285 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic SymbolicDataAnalysisSingleObjectiveValidationAnalyzer does not implement IStochasticOperator
#2287 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic ConstantsOptimizationEvaluator cannot handle roots
#2220 Problems.Instances Improve the generation of all possible combinations of values in ValueGenerator.cs
#2229 Problems.VehicleRouting Enable loading of best known solutions for mult-depot VRP
#2262 Scripting Improve the scripting environment
#2303 Scripting Throw a more specific exception if script compilation fails
#2211 Tests Provide unit tests for samples and scripts creation and execution
#2279 Visualization.ChartControlsExtensions Improve HistogramControl


Ticket Component Summary
#2284 Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Views "Error creating window handle" for covariance function views
#2250 Algorithms.ScatterSearch Scatter search doesn't run without path relinkers
#2249 Analysis BestScopeSolutionAnalyzer chains previous best solutions in the scope
#2311 Core ItemSet<T> uses default comparer after cloning
#2214 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing cannot be started directly from the problem data
#2246 DataPreprocessing DataPreprocessing loses the selected input variables while restoring the problem data
#2257 DataPreprocessing The Apply button in the DataPreprocessing view only applies the first data manipulation operation, ignoring further manipulations.
#2248 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding Add missing parameters for strategy vector operators
#2293 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding Shaking Operators are missing the Bounds parameter to perform name translation for nested operators
#2296 Encodings.RealVectorEncoding RealVectorCreator does not honor Length parameter
#2230 ExtLibs Missing build platforms in Scilab/Matlab extlibs
#2233 ExtLibs Cloning exception in svm_parameter when performing symbolc regression with LibSVM
#2241 General ItemsRemoved event handling is incorrect in some places
#2149 MainForm.WindowsForms ViewHost shall stop displaying views after a certain nesting level
#2158 MainForm.WindowsForms Exception occurs for too many nested views. (BSOD on Win8)
#2315 Operators.Views.OperatorGraphVisualization Add scroll bars to GraphVisualizationInfoView
#2222 Optimizer Update Startpage text
#2096 Persistence Persistence has issues with certain characters
#2227 Problems.DataAnalysis FAQ links in data analysis providers are dead
#2273 Problems.DataAnalysis CSV import into a clustering problem deactives the last input variable
#2310 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The SymbolicExpressionTreeBottomUpSimilarityCalculator produces wrong results when the MatchConstantValues and MatchVariableWeights flags are disabled.
#2313 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic The bottom-up tree tree mapping sometimes maps too many nodes
#2286 Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views Variable names cannot be changed directy in the VariableSymbolView
#2216 Problems.DataAnalysis.Views Curve for the baseline is not shown in the ERC view
#2314 Problems.ExternalEvaluation.Views Duplicate default views for evaluation cache
#2224 Problems.Instances TableFileParser doesn't import numeric values into string columns
#2259 Problems.Instances ValueGenerator creates incorrect sequences due to the double arithmetic imprecision
#2263 Problems.TestFunctions Update TestFunctions Link
#2277 Problems.TestFunctions Missing class modifier in BestSingleObjectiveTestFunctionSolutionAnalyzer
#2251 Problems.TravelingSalesman TSPImprover should use InversionManipulator's Apply method
#2228 Problems.TravelingSalesman.Views TSP IndexOutOfBounds when changing instance
#2225 Problems.VehicleRouting VehicleRoutingProblem cannot load TSPLib(CVRP)
#2226 Problems.VehicleRouting Update VRP links in instance provider
#2239 Scripting.Views The VariableStoreView unnecessarily tries to serialize objects.
#2256 Scripting.Views Scripting and Programmable Operator do not work on systems with new .NET versions
#2112 Tests ThreadSafeLogThreadSafetyTest sometimes fails
#2295 Tests DeepCloneableCloningTest reports too many warnings
#2308 Tests Fix statistics unit tests


Ticket Component Summary
#2077 ExtLibs Update SharpDevelop to latest version (4.3)
#2312 ExtLibs Fix svn:ignore properties in ExtLibs
#2212 General Release HeuristicLab 3.3.11
#2247 General Find alternative to SharpZipLib
#2280 General Switch to .NET 4.5
#2290 General Fix project files and update Mono prepare script
#2244 Hive.General Update Installers for Hive
#2309 Scripting.Views Make code changed handler protected in ScriptView
#2144 Tests Interpreter Evaluation Tests could fail if VS2013 is installed

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.