This package defines ECJ's Grammatical Evolution package. Grammatical Evolution uses an arbitrarily-long integer list representation. An individual is evaluated by taking the list and interpreting it according to a grammar to produce (in the case of ECJ) a GP tree-style Individual, which is then evaluated. The fitness of the GP individual becomes the fitness of the Grammatical Evolution list representation individual Grammatical Evolution's mapping from list to tree uses a grammar file specified in GESpecies. The grammar file defines the grammar for the tree. Here is a very simple example for Artificial Ant: ::= ::= (if-food-ahead ) ::= (progn2 ) ::= (progn3 ) ::= (left) | (right) | (move) We say this is simple because practically the only expanded variable name is . This doesn't have to be the case -- a GE grammar can have a rich collection of expanded variables. Grammatical Evolution's use of a grammar in fact allows it to define a fairly complex type system that's not easy to replicate with ECJ's (or GP in general) standard typing options. The mapping works as follows. We start with the first variable (in this case, . It expands solely to . Now we have a choice -- what should expand to? There are six choices from the grammar above. To make the decision, we consult the first number in the GE Individual, mod 6. That result is our expansion. We then proceed to expand each of the new elements: for example, if had expanded to (if-food-ahead ), we now have two new s to expand. We proceed depth-first, each time consulting the next number in the GE Individual. When the GPTree is completed and there are no more expansions, it's handed to a GPProblem to be tested. If the Individual doesn't have enough integers to cover all the needs of the grammar, it is considered to be a "bad" Individual and is given a poor fitness. Thus a Grammatical Evolution problem requires several pieces: 1. A grammar file to interpret by. 2. A GEIndividual (basically a ByteVectorIndividual) to hold the numbers. 3. A GESpecies to load the grammar and be available to perform the mapping from GEIndividual to GPIndividual. 4. A GEProblem to take a GEIndividual, map it through the GEPSpecies, and hand it off to a GPProblem to be tested. 5. A GPProblem to do the testing. Grammatical Evolution can handle ERCs and ADFs as well. To handle the multiple trees required by an ADF, we provide multiple grammar files. See the Lawnmower example (ec/app/lawnmower) for a demonstration. Grammatical Evolution requires quite a lot of manipulation of the GP subsystem to pull all this off. Notably: 1. The problem will be a GEProbem. It in turn holds onto the "true" GPProblem in a 'problem' parameter 2. The species will be a GESpecies. It in turn holds onto the "true" GPSpecies in a 'gp-species' parameter. Generally Grammatical Evolution is surprisingly easy to implement in ECJ. The ec/gp/ge/ge.params file will do most of the heavy lifting for you if you're dealing with just a single tree (no ADFs say). But in some cases we'll need to add special GP elements to this subsidiary GPSpecies, mostly for additiona trees. For example, in the Lawnmower problem, to have three trees, we need to define them manually as shown in ec/app/lawnmower/ge.params Grammatical Evolution has two common breeding operators for its lists of integers: - TRUNCATION: Integers unused during the mapping process are later chopped off the end of the Individual. - GENE DUPLICATION: A string of integers in the list is copied and reinserted "downstream" in the list. This is implemented elsehwere by the class ec/vector/breed/GeneDuplicationPipeline To this any number of other list crossover and mutation operators could be used. NOTE that the pipeline defined in ge.params is pretty arbitrary -- you might want to build something better. EXAMPLES See the ec/app/ant, ec/app/regression, and ec/app/lawnmower directories for GE versions of these GP problems. CLASSES This class is just a simple subclass of ByteVectorIndividual which also prints out the tree form of the Individual. A version of IntegerVectorSpecies which loads the grammar file or files, holds onto the GPSpecies, and performs the actual mapping prior to evaluation of GEIndividuals. The parser which reads the grammar rules from the provided grammar files and converts them into a parse graph. This parse graph is then what's actually used by GESpecies to map GEIndividuals into GPIndividuals. You can replace this parser with one of your own. These form the actual objects in the parse graph. GrammarNode is an abstract superclass. GrammarFunctionNode defines functions with arguments (its children). GrammarRuleNode defines rules with rule options (its children). A version of Problem which is inserted in lieu of the GPProblem, and which in turn holds onto the GPProblem. The GEProblem first maps the GEIndividual into a GPIndividual using the GESpecies. It then hands the GPIndividual to the GPProblem to be evaluated. [in the subpackage] A special list operator which only works with GEIndividuals. Truncates from the list all those integers which weren't used during the mapping process. [elsewhere in the ec.vector.breed package] A special list operator which duplicates genes downstream. Generally used by GEIndividuals but it's available in ec.vector.breed because it can be used by any VectorIndividual if you'd really want to.