This package implements various Differential Evolution algorithms from "Differential Evolution: A Practical Approach to Global Optimization" by Kenneth Price, Rainer Storn, and Jouni Lampinen. ECJ's implementation of Differential Evolution requires that the user specify one of several Breeders, and also that you (optionally but highly suggested) use a specific Evaluator. The Breeder options implement various Differential Evolution Algorithms. Options include: breed = breed = breed = The Evaluator is eval = The ec/app/ecsuite/de.params file contains an example. ECJ's DE implementation (for now) --------------------------------- ECJ implements Differential Evolution by largely by replacing the Breeder. The various DE breeders work like this: for each individual i in the population, construct a new individual using a function called createIndividual(..., i, ...). Then replace the entire population with the newly constructed individuals only if they are superior to the parents from which they were derived. The "only if" part is implemented by DEEvaluator, and if you don't use it, the children will directly replace their parents. In DE, all individuals are DoubleVectorIndividuals. DEBreeder has an additional method called crossover(...) which crosses the original parent into the child. Some operators use this method, others do not. You can override the method to perform your own custom kind of crossover; the default does a uniform crossover, while guaranteeing that at least one gene (chosen at random) from the child will be preserved. The different breeders differ largely based on how createIndividual(..., i, ...) is implemented. In all versions, createIndividual(..., i, ...) begins by choosing three random individuals r0, r1, and r2 which are different from one another and from i. Let j be the new individual. There are four parameters which may affect the operation below: F: scaling factor for mutating individuals CR: the probability, per-gene, of crossing over F_NOISE: Bounds on random noise added to F PF: Probability of picking one of two subalgorithms for mutation The default version, implemented by ... creates a new individual as follows. j[g] <-- r0[g] + F * (r1[g] - r2[g]) This is the "classic" DE algorithm The next version, implemented by ... works like this. We first determine the best individual in the population. Then we say: j[g] <-- best[g] + (F + random(-F_NOISE / 2, F_NOISE / 2)) * (r1[g] - r2[g]) The final version, implemented by ` ... works like this. First we flip a coin of probability PF. If it comes up 'true', then we generate the individual as the classic form: j[g] <-- r0[g] + F * (r1[g] - r2[g]) ... else we generate the individual as: j[g] <-- r0[g] + 0.5 * (F + 1) * (r1[g] + r2[g] - 2 * r0[g]) Don't like any of these? It should be fairly straightforward to copy an existing one and modify it. Note that DEBreeder is a subclass of Breeder and does NOT implement multithreaded breeding: but DEEvaluator, as a subclass of SimpleEvaluator, DOES implement multithreaded evaluation.