Getting started with Protocol Buffers on Mono --------------------------------------------- Prerequisites: o Mono 2.4 or higher. Earlier versions of Mono had too many issues with the weird and wonderful generic type relationships in Protocol Buffers. (Even Mono 2.4 *did* have a few compile-time problems, but I've worked round them.) o Some sort of Linux/Unix system You can try running with Bash on Windows via MINGW32 or something similar, but you're on your own :) It's easier to build and test everything with .NET if you're on Windows. o The native Protocol Buffers build for your system. Get it from After building it, copy the executable protoc file into this directory. o The NUnit binaries from I generally just download the latest version, which may not be the one which goes with nunit.framework.dll in ../lib, but I've never found this to be a problem. Building the code with current sources -------------------------------------- 1) Edit to tell it where to find nunit-console.exe (and possibly change other options) 2) Run from this directory. It should build the main library code + tests and ProtoGen code + tests, running each set of tests after building it. Note that currently one test is ignored in ServiceTest.cs. This made the Mono VM blow up - I suspect it's some interaction with Rhino which doesn't quite work on Mono 2.4. If you want to see a truly nasty stack trace, just comment out the Ignore attribute in ServiceTest.cs and rerun. The binaries will be produced in a bin directory under this one. The build currently starts from scratch each time, cleaning out the bin directory first. Once I've decided on a full NAnt or xbuild strategy, I'll do something a little cleaner. Rebuilding sources for generated code ------------------------------------- 1) Build the current code first. The bootstrapping issue is why the generated source code is in the source repository :) See the steps above. 2) Run from this directory. This will create a temporary directory, compile the .proto files into a binary format, then run ProtoGen to generate .cs files from the binary format. It will copy these files to the right places in the tree, and finally delete the temporary directory. 3) Rebuild to test that your newly generated sources work. (Optionally regenerate as well, and hash the generated files to check that the new build generates the same code as the old build :) Running the code ---------------- Once you've built the binaries, you should be able to use them just as if you'd built them with .NET. (And indeed, you should be able to use binaries built with .NET as if you'd built them with Mono :) See the getting started guide for more information: FAQ (Frequently Anticipated Questions) -------------------------------------- Q) This build process sucks! Why aren't you doing X, Y, Z? A) My Mono skills are limited. My NAnt skills are limited. My MSBuild/xbuild skils are limited. My shell script skills are limited. Any help is *very* welcome! Q) Why doesn't it build ProtoBench etc? A) This is a first initial "release" I'll add more bits to the build script. I'll be interested to see the results of benchmarking it on Mono :) Any further questions or suggestions? Please email or leave a request at