# find ms build $programFilesX86Dir = ($Env:ProgramFiles, ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)})[[bool]${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}] $locations = @( [System.IO.Path]::Combine($programFilesX86Dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio", "2017", "Enterprise") [System.IO.Path]::Combine($programFilesX86Dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio", "2017", "Community") [System.IO.Path]::Combine($programFilesX86Dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio", "2017", "BuildTools") ) $vstestPath = $undefined Foreach ($loc in $locations) { $vstestloc = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($loc, "Common7", "IDE", "CommonExtensions", "Microsoft", "TestWindow", "vstest.console.exe") If([System.IO.File]::Exists($vstestloc)) { $vstestPath = $vstestloc Break; } } If ($vstestPath -eq $undefined) { "Could not locate vstest.console.exe, ABORTING ..." Return } $testcontainer = "HeuristicLab.Tests.dll" $input = Read-Host "Which container to test? [$($testcontainer)]" $testcontainer = ($testcontainer, $input)[[bool]$input] $testplatform = "x64" $input = Read-Host "Which platform to run the tests? [$($testplatform)]" $testplatform = ($testplatform, $input)[[bool]$input] $testcategory = "Essential" $input = Read-Host "Which category do you want to run? [$($testcategory)]" $testcategory = ($testcategory, $input)[[bool]$input] # query whether to build $input = Read-Host "Should the tests be rebuilt y/N?" $input = ([string]("n", $input)[[bool]$input]).ToLowerInvariant() $dobuild = $input -eq "y" If($dobuild) { $msBuildPath = $undefined Foreach ($loc in $locations) { $msbuildloc64 = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($loc, "MSBuild", "15.0", "Bin", "amd64", "MSBuild.exe") $msbuildloc32 = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($loc, "MSBuild", "15.0", "Bin", "MSBuild.exe") If ([System.IO.File]::Exists($msbuildloc64)) { $msBuildPath = $msbuildloc64 Break; } ElseIf ([System.IO.File]::Exists($msbuildloc32)) { $msBuildPath = $msbuildloc32 Break; } } If ($msBuildPath -eq $undefined) { "Could not locate MSBuild, ABORTING ..." Return } $curPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $curDir = Split-Path $curPath $slnFiles = Get-ChildItem $curDir -Filter *Tests.sln If ($slnFiles.Count -le 0) { "No solutions found, ABORTING ..." Return } $slnIndices = @() If ($slnFiles.Count -eq 1) { "Selecting the only solution found: `"{0}`"" -f $slnFiles[0].Name $slnIndices += 0 } Else { "Found the following solutions:" "" $slnFiles | % { $i = 0 } { (" {0}. `"{1}`"" -f ($i + 1), $_.Name); $i++ } "" $success = $false # query solution to build $slnIndex = -1 Do { $input = Read-Host "Which solution(s) to build? (e.g.: 1 2 3) { 1..$($slnFiles.Count) }" $inputParts = $input -Split " " Foreach ($part in $inputParts) { If ($part -eq "") { Continue } $success = [int]::TryParse($part, [ref]$slnIndex) -and ($slnIndex -gt 0) -and ($slnIndex -le $slnFiles.Count) If ($success) { $slnIndices += $slnIndex - 1 } Else { $slnIndices = @() Break } } } While (-Not $success) $slnIndices = $slnIndices | Select-Object -Unique } # query configuration to build $config = "Release" $input = Read-Host "Which configuration to build? [$($config)]" $config = ($config, $input)[[bool]$input] # query platform to build $platform = "Any CPU" $input = Read-Host "Which platform to build? [$($platform)]" $platform = ($platform, $input)[[bool]$input] # query clean desire $clean = $false Do { $input = Read-Host "Would you like to clean before building? [y/N]" $input = ([string]("n", $input)[[bool]$input]).ToLowerInvariant() $success = $input -eq "n" -or ($clean = $input -eq "y") } While (-Not $success) "" If ($clean) { Foreach ($slnIndex in $slnIndices) { $solution = $slnFiles[$slnIndex] "Cleaning `"$($solution.Name)`" ..." $args = @( $solution.FullName, "/t:Clean", "/p:Configuration=`"$config`",Platform=`"$platform`"", "/m", "/nologo", "/verbosity:q", "/clp:ErrorsOnly" ) & $msBuildPath $args "===== CLEAN FINISHED =====" } } Foreach ($slnIndex in $slnIndices) { $solution = $slnFiles[$slnIndex] "Building `"$($solution.Name)`" ($config|$platform) ..." $args = @( $solution.FullName, "/t:Restore,Build", "/p:Configuration=`"$config`",Platform=`"$platform`"", "/m", "/nologo", "/verbosity:q", "/clp:ErrorsOnly" ) & $msBuildPath $args "===== BUILD FINISHED =====" } } & $vstestPath "bin\$testcontainer" /Framework:framework40 /Platform:$testplatform /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=$testcategory"