package pge import ( // "fmt" "sort" expr "go-symexpr" ) func (PS *PgeSearch) ExpandMethod1(O expr.Expr) (ret []expr.Expr) { O.Sort() ret = make([]expr.Expr, 0) // fmt.Printf("Expanding expression: %v\n", O) for i := 0; i < O.Size(); i++ { I := i E := O.GetExpr(&I) switch E.ExprType() { case expr.ADD: tmp := PS.AddTermToExprMethod1(O, E, i) ret = append(ret, tmp[:]...) case expr.MUL: tmp := PS.WidenTermInExprMethod1(O, E, i) ret = append(ret, tmp[:]...) case expr.VAR: tmp := PS.DeepenTermInExprMethod1(O, E, i) ret = append(ret, tmp[:]...) default: // expr.DIV,expr.COS,expr.SIN,expr.EXP,expr.LOG,expr.ABS,expr.POW continue } } return ret } // add another term to an add expr func (PS *PgeSearch) AddTermToExprMethod1(O, E expr.Expr, pos int) (ret []expr.Expr) { ret = make([]expr.Expr, 0) A := E.(*expr.Add) // f() + cL for _, L := range PS.GenLeafs { c := new(expr.Constant) c.P = -1 l := L.Clone() // mul it M := expr.NewMul() M.Insert(c) M.Insert(l) // skip if the same term already exists in the add skip := false for _, e := range A.CS { if e == nil { continue } // fmt.Printf("ACMP %v %v\n", M, e) if e.AmIAlmostSame(M) || M.AmIAlmostSame(e) { skip = true break } } if skip { continue } C := O.Clone() P := pos AM := C.GetExpr(&P).(*expr.Add) AM.Insert(M) sort.Sort(AM) C.CalcExprStats() good := PS.cnfg.treecfg.CheckExpr(C) if good { ret = append(ret, C) } } // f() + c*node(L) for _, N := range PS.GenNodes { for _, L := range PS.GenLeafs { c := new(expr.Constant) c.P = -1 l := L.Clone() n := N.Clone() p := 1 n.SetExpr(&p, l) var E expr.Expr if N.ExprType() == expr.DIV { E = expr.NewDiv(c, l) } else { // mul it M := expr.NewMul() M.Insert(c) M.Insert(n) E = M } // skip if the same term already exists in the add skip := false for _, e := range A.CS { if e == nil { continue } // fmt.Printf("ACMP %v %v\n", M, e) if e.AmIAlmostSame(E) || E.AmIAlmostSame(e) { skip = true break } } if skip { continue } // fmt.Println(E.String()) C := O.Clone() P := pos AM := C.GetExpr(&P).(*expr.Add) AM.Insert(E) sort.Sort(AM) C.CalcExprStats() good := PS.cnfg.treecfg.CheckExpr(C) if good { ret = append(ret, C) } } } return ret } // add complexity to a single multiplication term func (PS *PgeSearch) WidenTermInExprMethod1(O, E expr.Expr, pos int) (ret []expr.Expr) { ret = make([]expr.Expr, 0) // insert leafs f()*L for _, L := range PS.GenLeafs { l := L.Clone() C := O.Clone() P := pos e := C.GetExpr(&P) // fmt.Printf("pos(%d): %v\n", pos, e) M := e.(*expr.Mul) M.Insert(l) sort.Sort(M) C.CalcExprStats() good := PS.cnfg.treecfg.CheckExpr(C) if good { ret = append(ret, C) } } // insert node(L) : f() * c*node(L) for _, N := range PS.GenNodes { for _, L := range PS.GenLeafs { c := new(expr.Constant) c.P = -1 l := L.Clone() n := N.Clone() p := 1 n.SetExpr(&p, l) var E expr.Expr if N.ExprType() == expr.DIV { E = expr.NewDiv(c, l) } else { // mul it M := expr.NewMul() M.Insert(c) M.Insert(n) E = M } C := O.Clone() P := pos e := C.GetExpr(&P) // fmt.Printf("pos(%d): %v\n", pos, e) M := e.(*expr.Mul) M.Insert(E) sort.Sort(M) C.CalcExprStats() good := PS.cnfg.treecfg.CheckExpr(C) if good { ret = append(ret, C) } } } return ret } // change any term to something more complex... func (PS *PgeSearch) DeepenTermInExprMethod1(O, E expr.Expr, pos int) []expr.Expr { exprs := make([]expr.Expr, 0) // make into add A := expr.NewAdd() A.Insert(E.Clone()) OA := A.Clone() exprs = append(exprs, PS.AddTermToExprMethod1(OA, A, 0)[:]...) // make into mul M := expr.NewMul() M.Insert(E.Clone()) OM := M.Clone() exprs = append(exprs, PS.WidenTermInExprMethod1(OM, M, 0)[:]...) // // make into div // if E.ExprType() != expr.DIV { // D := new(expr.Div) // c := new(expr.Constant) // c.P = -1 // D.Numer = c // D.Denom = E.Clone() // exprs = append(exprs, D) // } // make inside of nodes for _, N := range PS.GenNodes { if N.ExprType() == expr.DIV { continue } T := N.Clone() P := 1 T.SetExpr(&P, E.Clone()) exprs = append(exprs, T) } ret := make([]expr.Expr, 0) for _, e := range exprs { C := O.Clone() P := pos C.SetExpr(&P, e) ret = append(ret, C) } return ret }