package pge import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "os" "strconv" "strings" levmar "" config "" probs "" expr "" ) type pgeConfig struct { // search params maxGen int pgeRptEpoch int pgeRptCount int pgeArchiveCap int simprules expr.SimpRules treecfg *probs.TreeParams // PGE specific options peelCnt int sortType probs.SortType zeroEpsilon float64 initMethod string growMethod string evalrCount int } func pgeConfigParser(field, value string, config interface{}) (err error) { PC := config.(*pgeConfig) switch strings.ToUpper(field) { case "MAXGEN": PC.maxGen, err = strconv.Atoi(value) case "PGERPTEPOCH": PC.pgeRptEpoch, err = strconv.Atoi(value) case "PGERPTCOUNT": PC.pgeRptCount, err = strconv.Atoi(value) case "PGEARCHIVECAP": PC.pgeArchiveCap, err = strconv.Atoi(value) case "PEELCOUNT": PC.peelCnt, err = strconv.Atoi(value) case "EVALRCOUNT": PC.evalrCount, err = strconv.Atoi(value) case "SORTTYPE": switch strings.ToLower(value) { case "paretotrainerror": PC.sortType = probs.PESORT_PARETO_TRN_ERR case "paretotesterror": PC.sortType = probs.PESORT_PARETO_TST_ERR default: log.Printf("PGE Config Not Implemented: %s, %s\n\n", field, value) } case "ZEROEPSILON": PC.zeroEpsilon, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) default: // check augillary parsable structures [only TreeParams for now] if PC.treecfg == nil { PC.treecfg = new(probs.TreeParams) } found, ferr := probs.ParseTreeParams(field, value, PC.treecfg) if ferr != nil { log.Fatalf("error parsing PGE - treecfg Config\n") return ferr } if !found { log.Printf("PGE Config Not Implemented: %s, %s\n\n", field, value) } } return } type PgeSearch struct { id int cnfg pgeConfig prob *probs.ExprProblem iter int stop bool // comm up commup *probs.ExprProblemComm // comm down // best exprs Best *probs.ReportQueue // training data in C format c_input []levmar.C_double c_ygiven []levmar.C_double // logs logDir string mainLog *log.Logger mainLogBuf *bufio.Writer eqnsLog *log.Logger eqnsLogBuf *bufio.Writer errLog *log.Logger errLogBuf *bufio.Writer fitnessLog *log.Logger fitnessLogBuf *bufio.Writer ipreLog *log.Logger ipreLogBuf *bufio.Writer // equations visited Trie *IpreNode Queue *probs.ReportQueue // eval channels eval_in chan expr.Expr eval_out chan *probs.ExprReport // genStuff GenRoots []expr.Expr GenLeafs []expr.Expr GenNodes []expr.Expr GenNonTrig []expr.Expr // FFXish stuff ffxBases []expr.Expr // statistics neqns int ipreCnt int maxSize int maxScore int minError float64 } func (PS *PgeSearch) GetMaxIter() int { return PS.cnfg.maxGen } func (PS *PgeSearch) SetMaxIter(iter int) { PS.cnfg.maxGen = iter } func (PS *PgeSearch) SetPeelCount(cnt int) { PS.cnfg.peelCnt = cnt } func (PS *PgeSearch) SetInitMethod(init string) { PS.cnfg.initMethod = init } func (PS *PgeSearch) SetGrowMethod(grow string) { PS.cnfg.growMethod = grow } func (PS *PgeSearch) SetEvalrCount(cnt int) { PS.cnfg.evalrCount = cnt } func (PS *PgeSearch) ParseConfig(filename string) { fmt.Printf("Parsing PGE Config: %s\n", filename) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = config.ParseConfig(data, pgeConfigParser, &PS.cnfg) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func (PS *PgeSearch) Init(done chan int, prob *probs.ExprProblem, logdir string, input interface{}) { fmt.Printf("Init'n PGE\n") // setup data // open logs PS.initLogs(logdir) // copy in common config options PS.prob = prob if PS.cnfg.treecfg == nil { PS.cnfg.treecfg = PS.prob.TreeCfg.Clone() } srules := expr.DefaultRules() srules.ConvertConsts = true PS.cnfg.simprules = srules fmt.Println("Roots: ", PS.cnfg.treecfg.RootsS) fmt.Println("Nodes: ", PS.cnfg.treecfg.NodesS) fmt.Println("Leafs: ", PS.cnfg.treecfg.LeafsS) fmt.Println("NonTrig: ", PS.cnfg.treecfg.NonTrigS) PS.GenRoots = make([]expr.Expr, len(PS.cnfg.treecfg.Roots)) for i := 0; i < len(PS.GenRoots); i++ { PS.GenRoots[i] = PS.cnfg.treecfg.Roots[i].Clone() } PS.GenNodes = make([]expr.Expr, len(PS.cnfg.treecfg.Nodes)) for i := 0; i < len(PS.GenNodes); i++ { PS.GenNodes[i] = PS.cnfg.treecfg.Nodes[i].Clone() } PS.GenNonTrig = make([]expr.Expr, len(PS.cnfg.treecfg.NonTrig)) for i := 0; i < len(PS.GenNonTrig); i++ { PS.GenNonTrig[i] = PS.cnfg.treecfg.NonTrig[i].Clone() } PS.GenLeafs = make([]expr.Expr, 0) for _, t := range PS.cnfg.treecfg.LeafsT { switch t { case expr.TIME: PS.GenLeafs = append(PS.GenLeafs, expr.NewTime()) case expr.VAR: fmt.Println("Use Vars: ", PS.cnfg.treecfg.UsableVars) for _, i := range PS.cnfg.treecfg.UsableVars { PS.GenLeafs = append(PS.GenLeafs, expr.NewVar(i)) } case expr.SYSTEM: for i := 0; i < PS.prob.Train[0].NumSys(); i++ { PS.GenLeafs = append(PS.GenLeafs, expr.NewSystem(i)) } } } /*** FIX ME PS.GenLeafs = make([]expr.Expr, len(PS.cnfg.treecfg.Leafs)) for i := 0; i < len(PS.GenLeafs); i++ { PS.GenLeafs[i] = PS.cnfg.treecfg.Leafs[i].Clone() } ***/ fmt.Println("Roots: ", PS.GenRoots) fmt.Println("Nodes: ", PS.GenNodes) fmt.Println("Leafs: ", PS.GenLeafs) fmt.Println("NonTrig: ", PS.GenNonTrig) // setup communication struct PS.commup = input.(*probs.ExprProblemComm) // initialize bbq PS.Trie = new(IpreNode) PS.Trie.val = -1 = make(map[int]*IpreNode) PS.Best = probs.NewReportQueue() PS.Best.SetSort(probs.GPSORT_PARETO_TST_ERR) PS.Queue = PS.GenInitExpr() PS.Queue.SetSort(probs.PESORT_PARETO_TST_ERR) PS.neqns = PS.Queue.Len() PS.minError = math.Inf(1) PS.eval_in = make(chan expr.Expr, 4048) PS.eval_out = make(chan *probs.ExprReport, 4048) for i := 0; i < PS.cnfg.evalrCount; i++ { go PS.Evaluate() } } func (PS *PgeSearch) Evaluate() { for !PS.stop { e := <-PS.eval_in if e == nil { continue } PS.eval_out <- RegressExpr(e, PS.prob) } } func (PS *PgeSearch) Run() { fmt.Printf("Running PGE\n") PS.loop() fmt.Println("PGE exitting") PS.Clean() PS.commup.Cmds <- -1 } func (PS *PgeSearch) loop() { PS.checkMessages() for !PS.stop { fmt.Println("in: PS.step() ", PS.iter) PS.step() // if PS.iter%PS.cnfg.pgeRptEpoch == 0 { PS.reportExpr() // } // report current iteration PS.commup.Gen <- [2]int{, PS.iter} PS.iter++ PS.Clean() PS.checkMessages() } // done expanding, pull the rest of the regressed solutions from the queue p := 0 for PS.Queue.Len() > 0 { e := PS.Queue.Pop().(*probs.ExprReport) bPush := true if len(e.Coeff()) == 1 && math.Abs(e.Coeff()[0]) < PS.cnfg.zeroEpsilon { // fmt.Println("No Best Push") bPush = false } if bPush { // fmt.Printf("pop/push(%d,%d): %v\n", p, PS.Best.Len(), e.Expr()) PS.Best.Push(e) p++ } if e.TestScore() > PS.maxScore { PS.maxScore = e.TestScore() } if e.TestError() < PS.minError { PS.minError = e.TestError() fmt.Printf("EXITING New Min Error: %v\n", e) } if e.Size() > PS.maxSize { PS.maxSize = e.Size() } } fmt.Println("PGE sending last report") PS.reportExpr() } func (PS *PgeSearch) step() { loop := 0 eval_cnt := 0 // for channeled eval es := PS.peel() ex := PS.expandPeeled(es) for cnt := range ex { E := ex[cnt] if E == nil { continue } for _, e := range E { if e == nil { continue } if !PS.cnfg.treecfg.CheckExpr(e) { continue } // check ipre_trie serial := make([]int, 0, 64) serial = e.Serial(serial) ins := PS.Trie.InsertSerial(serial) if !ins { continue } // for serial eval // re := RegressExpr(e, PS.prob) // start channeled eval PS.eval_in <- e eval_cnt++ } } for i := 0; i < eval_cnt; i++ { re := <-PS.eval_out // end channeled eval // check for NaN/Inf in re.error and if so, skip if math.IsNaN(re.TestError()) || math.IsInf(re.TestError(), 0) { // fmt.Printf("Bad Error\n%v\n", re) continue } if re.TestError() < PS.minError { PS.minError = re.TestError() } // check for coeff == 0 doIns := true for _, c := range re.Coeff() { // i > 0 for free coeff if math.Abs(c) < PS.cnfg.zeroEpsilon { doIns = false break } } if doIns { re.SetProcID( re.SetIterID(PS.iter) re.SetUnitID(loop) re.SetUniqID(PS.neqns) loop++ PS.neqns++ // fmt.Printf("Queue.Push(): %v\n%v\n\n", re.Expr(), serial) // fmt.Printf("Queue.Push(): %v\n", re) // fmt.Printf("Queue.Push(): %v\n", re.Expr()) PS.Queue.Push(re) } } // } // for sequential eval PS.Queue.Sort() } func (PS *PgeSearch) peel() []*probs.ExprReport { es := make([]*probs.ExprReport, PS.cnfg.peelCnt) for p := 0; p < PS.cnfg.peelCnt && PS.Queue.Len() > 0; p++ { e := PS.Queue.Pop().(*probs.ExprReport) bPush := true if len(e.Coeff()) == 1 && math.Abs(e.Coeff()[0]) < PS.cnfg.zeroEpsilon { fmt.Println("No Best Push") p-- continue } if bPush { fmt.Printf("pop/push(%d,%d): %v\n", p, PS.Best.Len(), e.Expr()) PS.Best.Push(e) } es[p] = e if e.TestScore() > PS.maxScore { PS.maxScore = e.TestScore() } if e.TestError() < PS.minError { PS.minError = e.TestError() fmt.Printf("Best New Min Error: %v\n", e) } if e.Size() > PS.maxSize { PS.maxSize = e.Size() } } return es } func (PS *PgeSearch) expandPeeled(es []*probs.ExprReport) [][]expr.Expr { eqns := make([][]expr.Expr, PS.cnfg.peelCnt) for p := 0; p < PS.cnfg.peelCnt; p++ { if es[p] == nil { continue } // fmt.Printf("expand(%d): %v\n", p, es[p].Expr()) if es[p].Expr().ExprType() != expr.ADD { add := expr.NewAdd() add.Insert(es[p].Expr()) add.CalcExprStats() es[p].SetExpr(add) } eqns[p] = PS.Expand(es[p].Expr()) // fmt.Printf("Results:\n") // for i, e := range eqns[p] { // fmt.Printf("%d,%d: %v\n", p, i, e) // } // fmt.Println() } fmt.Println("\n") return eqns } func (PS *PgeSearch) reportExpr() { cnt := PS.cnfg.pgeRptCount PS.Best.Sort() // repot best equations rpt := make(probs.ExprReportArray, cnt) if PS.Best.Len() < cnt { cnt = PS.Best.Len() } copy(rpt, PS.Best.GetQueue()[:cnt]) errSum, errCnt := 0.0, 0 PS.eqnsLog.Println("\n\nReport", PS.iter) for i, r := range rpt { PS.eqnsLog.Printf("\n%d: %v\n", i, r) if r != nil && r.Expr() != nil { errSum += r.TestError() errCnt++ } } PS.mainLog.Printf("Iter: %d %f %f\n", PS.iter, errSum/float64(errCnt), PS.minError) PS.ipreLog.Println(PS.iter, PS.neqns, PS.Trie.cnt, PS.Trie.vst) PS.fitnessLog.Println(PS.iter, PS.neqns, PS.Trie.cnt, PS.Trie.vst, errSum/float64(errCnt), PS.minError) PS.commup.Rpts <- &rpt } func (PS *PgeSearch) Clean() { // fmt.Printf("Cleaning PGE\n") PS.errLogBuf.Flush() PS.mainLogBuf.Flush() PS.eqnsLogBuf.Flush() PS.fitnessLogBuf.Flush() PS.ipreLogBuf.Flush() } func (PS *PgeSearch) initLogs(logdir string) { // open logs PS.logDir = logdir + "pge/" os.Mkdir(PS.logDir, os.ModePerm) tmpF0, err5 := os.Create(PS.logDir + "pge:err.log") if err5 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create errs log") } PS.errLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF0) PS.errLogBuf.Flush() PS.errLog = log.New(PS.errLogBuf, "", log.LstdFlags) tmpF1, err1 := os.Create(PS.logDir + "pge:main.log") if err1 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create main log") } PS.mainLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF1) PS.mainLogBuf.Flush() PS.mainLog = log.New(PS.mainLogBuf, "", log.LstdFlags) tmpF2, err2 := os.Create(PS.logDir + "pge:eqns.log") if err2 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create eqns log") } PS.eqnsLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF2) PS.eqnsLogBuf.Flush() PS.eqnsLog = log.New(PS.eqnsLogBuf, "", 0) tmpF3, err3 := os.Create(PS.logDir + "pge:fitness.log") if err3 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create eqns log") } PS.fitnessLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF3) PS.fitnessLogBuf.Flush() PS.fitnessLog = log.New(PS.fitnessLogBuf, "", log.Ltime|log.Lmicroseconds) tmpF4, err4 := os.Create(PS.logDir + "pge:ipre.log") if err4 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create eqns log") } PS.ipreLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF4) PS.ipreLogBuf.Flush() PS.ipreLog = log.New(PS.ipreLogBuf, "", log.Ltime|log.Lmicroseconds) } func (PS *PgeSearch) checkMessages() { // check messages from superior select { case cmd, ok := <-PS.commup.Cmds: if ok { if cmd == -1 { fmt.Println("PGE: stop sig recv'd") PS.stop = true return } } default: return } } var c_input, c_ygiven []levmar.C_double func RegressExpr(E expr.Expr, P *probs.ExprProblem) (R *probs.ExprReport) { guess := make([]float64, 0) guess, eqn := E.ConvertToConstants(guess) var coeff []float64 if len(guess) > 0 { // fmt.Printf("x_dims: %d %d\n", x_dim, x_dim2) // Callback version coeff = levmar.LevmarExpr(eqn, P.SearchVar, P.SearchType, guess, P.Train, P.Test) // Stack version // x_dim := P.Train[0].NumDim() // if c_input == nil { // ps := P.Train[0].NumPoints() // PS := len(P.Train) * ps // x_tot := PS * x_dim // c_input = make([]levmar.C_double, x_tot) // c_ygiven = make([]levmar.C_double, PS) // for i1, T := range P.Train { // for i2, p := range T.Points() { // i := i1*ps + i2 // c_ygiven[i] = levmar.MakeCDouble(p.Depnd(P.SearchVar)) // for i3, x_p := range p.Indeps() { // j := i1*ps*x_dim + i2*x_dim + i3 // c_input[j] = levmar.MakeCDouble(x_p) // } // } // } // } // coeff = levmar.StackLevmarExpr(eqn, x_dim, guess, c_ygiven, c_input) // serial := make([]int, 0) // serial = eqn.StackSerial(serial) // fmt.Printf("StackSerial: %v\n", serial) // fmt.Printf("%v\n%v\n%v\n\n", eqn, coeff, steff) } R = new(probs.ExprReport) R.SetExpr(eqn) /*.ConvertToConstantFs(coeff)*/ R.SetCoeff(coeff) R.Expr().CalcExprStats() // hitsL1, hitsL2, evalCnt, nanCnt, infCnt, l1_err, l2_err := scoreExpr(E, P, coeff) _, _, _, trnNanCnt, _, trn_l1_err, _ := scoreExpr(E, P, P.Train, coeff) _, _, tstEvalCnt, tstNanCnt, _, tst_l1_err, tst_l2_err := scoreExpr(E, P, P.Test, coeff) R.SetTrainScore(trnNanCnt) R.SetTrainError(trn_l1_err) R.SetPredScore(tstNanCnt) R.SetTestScore(tstEvalCnt) R.SetTestError(tst_l1_err) R.SetPredError(tst_l2_err) return R } func scoreExpr(e expr.Expr, P *probs.ExprProblem, dataSets []*probs.PointSet, coeff []float64) (hitsL1, hitsL2, evalCnt, nanCnt, infCnt int, l1_err, l2_err float64) { var l1_sum, l2_sum float64 for _, PS := range dataSets { for _, p := range PS.Points() { y := p.Depnd(P.SearchVar) var out float64 if P.SearchType == probs.ExprBenchmark { out = e.Eval(0, p.Indeps(), coeff, PS.SysVals()) } else if P.SearchType == probs.ExprDiffeq { out = e.Eval(p.Indep(0), p.Indeps()[1:], coeff, PS.SysVals()) } if math.IsNaN(out) { nanCnt++ continue } else if math.IsInf(out, 0) { infCnt++ continue } else { evalCnt++ } diff := out - y l1_val := math.Abs(diff) l2_val := diff * diff l1_sum += l1_val l2_sum += l2_val if l1_val < P.HitRatio { hitsL1++ } if l2_val < P.HitRatio { hitsL2++ } } } if evalCnt == 0 { l1_err = math.NaN() l2_err = math.NaN() } else { fEvalCnt := float64(evalCnt + 1) l1_err = l1_sum / fEvalCnt l2_err = math.Sqrt(l2_sum / fEvalCnt) } return }