package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "sort" "strings" "time" config "" pge "" probs "" ) // defines the interface to a search type [GP,PE] type Search interface { // parse a params file ParseConfig(filename string) // initialize the search, sending signal on chan when done // the input will be something for the search to connect to // in order to provide updates, be monitored, and receive control signals Init(done chan int, prob *probs.ExprProblem, logdir string, input interface{}) // start the actual search procedure (Init is required before a new call to Run) Run() // clean up internal structures (Init is required before a new call to Run) Clean() } // parameters to a main search, which sets up the global system // and instructs in where to find the sub-searches type mainConfig struct { dataDir string cfgDir string logDir string probCfg string srchCfg []string } func mainConfigParser(field, value string, config interface{}) (err error) { DC := config.(*mainConfig) switch strings.ToUpper(field) { case "CONFIGDIR": DC.cfgDir = value case "DATADIR": DC.dataDir = value case "LOGDIR": DC.logDir = value case "PROBLEMCFG": DC.probCfg = value case "SEARCHCFG": DC.srchCfg = strings.Fields(value) default: log.Printf("Main Not Implemented %s, %s\n\n", field, value) } return err } // defines the global level search, which may use different sub-searches one or more times type MainSearch struct { cnfg mainConfig // problem and best results prob *probs.ExprProblem eqns probs.ExprReportArray per_eqns []*probs.ExprReportArray // sub-searches and comm srch []Search comm []*probs.ExprProblemComm iter []int // logs logDir string mainLog *log.Logger mainLogBuf *bufio.Writer eqnsLog *log.Logger eqnsLogBuf *bufio.Writer errLog *log.Logger errLogBuf *bufio.Writer } func (DS *MainSearch) ParseConfig(filename string) { fmt.Printf("Parsing Main Config: %s\n", filename) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = config.ParseConfig(data, mainConfigParser, &DS.cnfg) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("%v\n", DS.cnfg) } func (DS *MainSearch) Init(done chan int, input interface{}) { fmt.Printf("Init'n PGE1\n----------\n") DC := DS.cnfg // read and setup problem eprob := new(probs.ExprProblem) fmt.Printf("Parsing Problem Config: %s\n", DC.probCfg) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(DC.cfgDir + DC.probCfg) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = config.ParseConfig(data, probs.ProbConfigParser, eprob) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Prob: %v\n", eprob) fmt.Printf("TCfg: %v\n\n", eprob.TreeCfg) // setup log dir and open main log files DC.logDir += eprob.Name + "/" if DC.srchCfg[0][:4] == "pge1" { DC.logDir += "pge1/" } else if DC.srchCfg[0][:3] == "pge" { DC.logDir += "pge/" } os.MkdirAll(DC.logDir, os.ModePerm) now := time.Now() fmt.Println("LogDir: ", DC.logDir) os.MkdirAll(DC.logDir, os.ModePerm) DS.initLogs(DC.logDir) DS.mainLog.Println(DC.logDir, now) // // setup data fmt.Printf("Setting up problem: %s\n", eprob.Name) eprob.Train = make([]*probs.PointSet, len(eprob.TrainFns)) for i, fn := range eprob.TrainFns { fmt.Printf("Reading Trainging File: %s\n", fn) eprob.Train[i] = new(probs.PointSet) if strings.HasSuffix(fn, ".dataF2") || strings.HasSuffix(fn, ".mat") { eprob.Train[i].ReadLakeFile(DC.dataDir + fn) } else { eprob.Train[i].ReadPointSet(DC.dataDir + fn) } } eprob.Test = make([]*probs.PointSet, len(eprob.TestFns)) for i, fn := range eprob.TestFns { fmt.Printf("Reading Testing File: %s\n", fn) eprob.Test[i] = new(probs.PointSet) if strings.HasSuffix(fn, ".dataF2") || strings.HasSuffix(fn, ".mat") { eprob.Test[i].ReadLakeFile(DC.dataDir + fn) } else { eprob.Test[i].ReadPointSet(DC.dataDir + fn) } } DS.prob = eprob fmt.Println() // read search configs for _, cfg := range DC.srchCfg { if cfg[:4] == "pge1" { GS := new(pge.PgeSearch) GS.ParseConfig(DC.cfgDir + cfg) DS.srch = append(DS.srch, GS) } else if cfg[:3] == "pge" { PS := new(pge.PgeSearch) PS.ParseConfig(DC.cfgDir + cfg) DS.srch = append(DS.srch, PS) /************/ // temporary hack DS.prob.MaxIter = PS.GetMaxIter() /************/ if *arg_pge_iter >= 0 { DS.prob.MaxIter = *arg_pge_iter PS.SetMaxIter(*arg_pge_iter) } if *arg_pge_peel >= 0 { PS.SetPeelCount(*arg_pge_peel) } if *arg_pge_init != "" { PS.SetInitMethod(*arg_pge_init) } if *arg_pge_grow != "" { PS.SetGrowMethod(*arg_pge_grow) } PS.SetEvalrCount(*arg_pge_evals) } else { log.Fatalf("unknown config type: %v from %v\n", cfg[:4], cfg) } } // setup best results DS.eqns = make(probs.ExprReportArray, 32) DS.per_eqns = make([]*probs.ExprReportArray, len(DS.srch)) // setup communication struct DS.comm = make([]*probs.ExprProblemComm, len(DS.srch)) for i, _ := range DS.comm { DS.comm[i] = new(probs.ExprProblemComm) DS.comm[i].Cmds = make(chan int) DS.comm[i].Rpts = make(chan *probs.ExprReportArray, 64) DS.comm[i].Gen = make(chan [2]int, 64) } DS.iter = make([]int, len(DS.srch)) fmt.Println("\n******************************************************\n") // initialize searches sdone := make(chan int) for i, _ := range DS.srch { DS.srch[i].Init(sdone, eprob, DC.logDir, DS.comm[i]) } fmt.Println("\n******************************************************\n") } func (DS *MainSearch) Run() { fmt.Printf("Running Main\n") fmt.Println("numSrch = ", len(DS.srch)) for i := 0; i < len(DS.srch); i++ { go DS.srch[i].Run() } counter := 0 for { // fmt.Println("DS: ", counter) DS.checkMessages() // time.Sleep(time.Second / 20) counter++ if DS.checkStop() { DS.doStop() break } } for i, R := range DS.eqns { if R == nil || R.Expr() == nil { continue } trn := DS.prob.Train[0] f_x := "df(" + trn.GetIndepNames()[DS.prob.SearchVar] + ")" str := R.Expr().PrettyPrint(trn.GetIndepNames(), trn.GetSysNames(), R.Coeff()) fmt.Printf("%d: %s = %s\n%v\n\n", i, f_x, str, R) } DS.Clean() fmt.Println("DS leaving Run()") } func (DS *MainSearch) Clean() { fmt.Printf("Cleaning Main\n") DS.errLogBuf.Flush() DS.mainLogBuf.Flush() DS.eqnsLogBuf.Flush() } func (DS *MainSearch) checkStop() bool { if DS.iter[0] > DS.prob.MaxIter { return true } return false } func (DS *MainSearch) doStop() { done := make(chan int) for i, _ := range DS.comm { func() { c := i C := DS.comm[i] go func() { C.Cmds <- -1 fmt.Printf("DS sent -1 to Srch %d\n", c) <-C.Cmds done <- 1 }() }() } cnt := 0 for cnt < len(DS.comm) { DS.checkMessages() _, ok := <-done if ok { cnt++ fmt.Println("DS done = ", cnt, len(DS.comm)) } } fmt.Println("DAMD checking last messages") DS.checkMessages() fmt.Println("DS done stopping") } func (DS *MainSearch) checkMessages() { msg := false for i := 0; i < len(DS.comm); i++ { select { case gen, ok := <-DS.comm[i].Gen: if ok { DS.iter[i] = gen[1] if gen[0] == 0 { fmt.Println("Gen: ", gen[1]) } i-- msg = true } case rpt, ok := <-DS.comm[i].Rpts: if ok { msg = true DS.per_eqns[i] = rpt i-- } default: continue } } if !msg { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } DS.accumExprs() } func (DS *MainSearch) accumExprs() { union := make(probs.ExprReportArray, 0) for i := 0; i < len(DS.per_eqns); i++ { if DS.per_eqns[i] != nil { union = append(union, (*DS.per_eqns[i])[:]...) } } union = append(union, DS.eqns[:]...) // remove duplicates sort.Sort(union) last := 0 for last < len(union) && union[last] == nil { last++ } for i := last + 1; i < len(union); i++ { if union[i] == nil { continue } if union[i].Expr().AmIAlmostSame(union[last].Expr()) { union[i] = nil } else { last = i } } queue := probs.NewQueueFromArray(union) queue.SetSort(probs.GPSORT_PARETO_TST_ERR) queue.Sort() copy(DS.eqns, union[:len(DS.eqns)]) // DS.eqnsLog.Printf("\n\n\nLatest Eqns:\n") // DS.eqnsLog.Println(DS.eqns) // DS.Clean() } func (DS *MainSearch) initLogs(logdir string) { // open logs DS.logDir = logdir os.Mkdir(DS.logDir, os.ModePerm) tmpF0, err5 := os.Create(DS.logDir + "main:err.log") if err5 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create errs log", err5) } DS.errLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF0) DS.errLogBuf.Flush() DS.errLog = log.New(DS.errLogBuf, "", log.LstdFlags) tmpF1, err1 := os.Create(DS.logDir + "main:main.log") if err1 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create main log", err1) } DS.mainLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF1) DS.mainLogBuf.Flush() DS.mainLog = log.New(DS.mainLogBuf, "", log.LstdFlags) tmpF2, err2 := os.Create(DS.logDir + "main:eqns.log") if err2 != nil { log.Fatal("couldn't create eqns log", err2) } DS.eqnsLogBuf = bufio.NewWriter(tmpF2) DS.eqnsLogBuf.Flush() DS.eqnsLog = log.New(DS.eqnsLogBuf, "", log.LstdFlags) }