This package provides various common selection operators. In ECJ, selection operators (called SelectionMethods) appear as leaf nodes in breeding pipelines. If you're having trouble selecting, we suggest you use TournamentSelection, perhaps with a tournament size of 2. Some of these methods require that all fitnesses be >= 0. Other methods, when first requested to select an individual, buffer up a large number of precomputed selections to provide later, or compute certain statistics to be used later. Such selection methods cannot be used efficiently in steady state algorithms. This isn't a selection method so much as a utility procedure. The algorithm maintains some number of subsidiary selection methods (the 'selects'). When asked to produce a child, it picks a subsidiary according to its associated probability; it then asks for a child from that subsidiary. The probability is defined in the 'probability' parameter in the subsidiary pipeline. Compare to ec.breed.MultiBreedingPipeline, which does more or less the same thing, but as a BreedingPipeline, always copies the children produced from its sources. MultiSelection, like a good selection operator, makes no such copies (and so is a bit more efficient in this context). Always selects uniformly from among the best N individuals in the population. Can also optionally select from among the N worst. [acceptable for Steady State] When asked to select an individual, first picks N individuals at random with replacement, then returns the fittest individual among those N. The size of N is known as the tournament size, and you specify this. Can also optionally select the worst among the N. Selects from among the individuals in the population in proportion to their fitness values (which must all be >= 0). Performs Stochastic Universal Sampling selection, a variant of fitness proportionate selection which guarantees that sufficiently fit individuals will always be selected at least once. When first asked to select, SUSSelection computes selection choices for an entire populations' worth of individuals beforehand. It then begins handing these choices out in response to successive requests. When the choices have been depleted, SUSSelection computes another populations's worth. Like fitness proportionate selection, SUSSelection requires that all fitnesses be >= 0. A version of FitProportionateSelection used in early forms of genetic programming. The individuals are divided by fitness into two groups: the good group and the bad group. To select an individual, the algorithm first picks either the good group or the bad group, then performs fitness proportionate selection within that group. You specify the size of the good group and the probability that it will be selected. Like fitness proportionate selection, SUSSelection requires that all fitnesses be >= 0. [acceptable for Steady State] Always provides a random individual. This is equivalent to a tournament selection with a tournament size of 1. [acceptable for Steady State] Always selects the first individual in the population array. Only used for debugging purposes. [NOTE: UNTESTED] Performs Boltzman Selection, variation of fitness proportionate selection which makes fitness differences insignificant initially and more prominent as time goes on (think Simulated Annealing). Each generatiowe compute a temperature, defined as the initial temperature (which you define) minus the current generation times the cooling rate (which you also define). If the temperature is below 1.0, the fitnesses are not adjusted. Otherwise each fitness is adjusted as E^(fitness / temperature). [NOTE: UNTESTED] Performs Sigma Scaling, a variation of fitness propoprtionate selection which stretches fitnesses out if they have been all bunched up together, enabling fitness proportionate selection methods to still distinguish between them. We begin by computing the mean and standard deviation of the current fitnesses. If the standard deviation is not zero, we then adjust each fitness as 1 + (fitness - mean)/(2 * standardDeviation). If the standard deviation is zero, all fitnesses are set to 1. If any fitness is less than a minimal acceptable fitness (the "floor"), it is set to the floor. This prevents fitnesses from getting stretched so small that they cannot compete. You specify the floor.