This directory contains GPNodeBuilder subclasses other than the most common ones (GPHalfBuilder, GPGrowBuilder, GPFullBuilder) found in the 'koza' directory. A good description of most of these algorithms may be found in "A Survey and Comparison of Tree Generation Algorithms" by Sean Luke and Liviu Panait, GECCO 2001. Google for it. Implements the PTC1 algorithm, a variation of the GROW algorithm which guarantees that generated trees will have a certain mean size. Implements the PTC2 algorithm, which guarantees that generated trees will be "more or less" a certain desired size. A subclass of GPFunctionSet with additional probabilistic arguments required by the PTC1 and PTC2 algorithms. Implements the RANDOMBRANCH algorithm (Chellapilla), which creates roughly evenly distributed algorithms Implements the RandTree algorithm (Iba), which picks trees uniformly according to structure, then labels the tree with appropriate nodes. Note that we believe this code may be flakey and do not recommend it. Implements an algorithm from (Bohm and Geyer-Schulz) which draws trees entirely uniformly. The version in ECJ aso considers set and atomic types. If you're struggling to pick a more versatile tree generator than the Koza standard ones, we strongly suggest PTC2.