# ------------------------------------------------- # qhull-app-cpp.pri -- Qt include project for static CPP qhull applications using Qt # ------------------------------------------------- include(qhull-warn.pri) DESTDIR = ../../bin TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console warn_on CONFIG -= rtti LIBS += -L../../lib build_pass:CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ LIBS += -lqhullcpp_d LIBS += -lqhullstatic_pd # Must be last, otherwise qh_fprintf,etc. are loaded from here instead of qhullcpp-d.lib OBJECTS_DIR = Debug }else:build_pass:CONFIG(release, debug|release){ LIBS += -lqhullcpp LIBS += -lqhullstatic_p # Must be last, otherwise qh_fprintf,etc. are loaded from here instead of qhullcpp.lib OBJECTS_DIR = Release } win32-msvc* : QMAKE_LFLAGS += /INCREMENTAL:NO DEFINES += qh_QHpointer # libqhull/user.h INCLUDEPATH += ../libqhullcpp INCLUDEPATH += ../../src # "libqhull/qhull_a.h"