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04/05/11 15:37:04 (13 years ago)


  • seperated ExperimentMangerClient (OKB-Style, contains business logic) and HiveExperiment (mainly only contains information)
  • fixed redundant cloning methods in dtos
  • added simple statistics in HiveExperiment which the user can see before downloading an experiment
  • added db-delete cascade for slaves and statelogs - now slaves can be safely deleted
1 edited


  • branches/HeuristicLab.Hive-3.4/sources/HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive/3.4/ServiceClients/HiveExperiment.cs

    r5779 r5955  
     22using System;
     23using System.Collections.Generic;
     24using System.ComponentModel;
     25using System.Linq;
     26using HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Jobs;
    2227using HeuristicLab.Common;
     28using HeuristicLab.Core;
     29using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
    2431namespace HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive {
    26   public partial class HiveExperiment : IDeepCloneable, IContent {
    28     public HiveExperiment() { }
     33  public partial class HiveExperiment : IDeepCloneable, IContent, IProgressReporter {
     34    private JobResultPoller jobResultPoller;
     36    private bool useLocalPlugins;
     37    public bool UseLocalPlugins {
     38      get { return useLocalPlugins; }
     39      set { useLocalPlugins = value; }
     40    }
     42    private ExecutionState executionState;
     43    public ExecutionState ExecutionState {
     44      get { return executionState; }
     45      internal set {
     46        if (executionState != value) {
     47          executionState = value;
     48          OnExecutionStateChanged();
     49        }
     50      }
     51    }
     53    private TimeSpan executionTime;
     54    public TimeSpan ExecutionTime {
     55      get { return executionTime; }
     56      internal set {
     57        if (executionTime != value) {
     58          executionTime = value;
     59          OnExecutionTimeChanged();
     60        }
     61      }
     62    }
     64    private HiveJob hiveJob;
     65    public HiveJob HiveJob {
     66      get { return hiveJob; }
     67      set {
     68        DeregisterHiveJobEvents();
     69        if (hiveJob != value) {
     70          hiveJob = value;
     71          RegisterHiveJobEvents();
     72          OnHiveJobChanged();
     73        }
     74      }
     75    }
     77    private bool isProgressing;
     78    public bool IsProgressing {
     79      get { return isProgressing; }
     80      set {
     81        if (isProgressing != value) {
     82          isProgressing = value;
     83          OnIsProgressingChanged();
     84        }
     85      }
     86    }
     88    /** include jobs when refreshing **/
     89    private bool includeJobs;
     90    public bool IncludeJobs {
     91      get { return includeJobs; }
     92      set { includeJobs = value; }
     93    }
     95    private bool refreshAutomatically;
     96    public bool RefreshAutomatically {
     97      get { return refreshAutomatically; }
     98      set {
     99        if (refreshAutomatically != value) {
     100          refreshAutomatically = value;
     101          OnRefreshAutomaticallyChanged();
     102          if (RefreshAutomatically) {
     103            StartResultPolling();
     104          } else {
     105            StopResultPolling();
     106          }
     107        }
     108      }
     109    }
     111    private IProgress progress;
     112    public IProgress Progress {
     113      get { return progress; }
     114      set { this.progress = value; }
     115    }
     117    #region Constructors and Cloning
     118    public HiveExperiment() {
     119      this.ResourceNames = "HEAL";
     120      this.includeJobs = true;
     121      this.refreshAutomatically = true;
     122    }
    30124    protected HiveExperiment(HiveExperiment original, Cloner cloner) {
    38132      this.Description = original.Description;
    39133      this.Id = original.Id;
    40     }
    41     public IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
     135      this.UseLocalPlugins = original.UseLocalPlugins;
     136      this.ExecutionTime = original.ExecutionTime;
     137    }
     138    public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
    42139      return new HiveExperiment(this, cloner);
    43140    }
     141    #endregion
    45143    public override string ToString() {
    46       return base.ToString() + "Name: " + Name + ", Description: " + Description;
    47     }
    49     public object Clone() {
    50       return Clone(new Cloner());
     144      return Name;
     145    }
     147    #region Events
     148    public event EventHandler ExecutionTimeChanged;
     149    private void OnExecutionTimeChanged() {
     150      EventHandler handler = ExecutionTimeChanged;
     151      if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     152    }
     154    public event EventHandler ExecutionStateChanged;
     155    private void OnExecutionStateChanged() {
     156      EventHandler handler = ExecutionStateChanged;
     157      if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     158    }
     160    public event EventHandler HiveJobChanged;
     161    private void OnHiveJobChanged() {
     162      if (jobResultPoller != null && jobResultPoller.IsPolling) {
     163        jobResultPoller.Stop();
     164        DeregisterResultPollingEvents();
     165      }
     166      if (HiveJob != null && HiveJob.Job.Id != Guid.Empty) {
     167        if (this.RefreshAutomatically)
     168          StartResultPolling();
     169      }
     170      EventHandler handler = HiveJobChanged;
     171      if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     172    }
     174    public event EventHandler IsProgressingChanged;
     175    private void OnIsProgressingChanged() {
     176      EventHandler handler = IsProgressingChanged;
     177      if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     178    }
     180    public event EventHandler RefreshAutomaticallyChanged;
     181    private void OnRefreshAutomaticallyChanged() {
     182      EventHandler handler = RefreshAutomaticallyChanged;
     183      if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     184    }
     185    #endregion
     187    private void RegisterHiveJobEvents() {
     188      if (HiveJob != null) {
     189        HiveJob.JobStateChanged += new EventHandler(HiveJob_JobStateChanged);
     190      }
     191    }
     193    private void DeregisterHiveJobEvents() {
     194      if (HiveJob != null) {
     195        HiveJob.JobStateChanged -= new EventHandler(HiveJob_JobStateChanged);
     196      }
     197    }
     199    private void HiveJob_JobStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     200      if (this.HiveJob != null) {
     201        this.RootJobId = HiveJob.Job.Id;
     202      }
     203    }
     205    public Experiment GetExperiment() {
     206      if (this.HiveJob != null) {
     207        return HiveJob.OptimizerJob.OptimizerAsExperiment;
     208      }
     209      return null;
     210    }
     212    public void SetExperiment(Experiment experiment) {
     213      this.HiveJob = new HiveJob(experiment);
     214    }
     216    protected override void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
     217      base.OnPropertyChanged(e);
     218      if (e.PropertyName == "Name") {
     219        OnToStringChanged();
     220      }
     221    }
     223    #region JobResultPoller Events
     225    public void StartResultPolling() {
     226      if (jobResultPoller == null) {
     227        jobResultPoller = new JobResultPoller(HiveJob, /*ApplicationConstants.ResultPollingInterval*/new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); //TODO: find a better place for ApplicationConstants
     228        RegisterResultPollingEvents();
     229      }
     231      if (!jobResultPoller.IsPolling) {
     232        jobResultPoller.Start();
     233      }
     234    }
     236    public void StopResultPolling() {
     237      if (jobResultPoller.IsPolling) {
     238        jobResultPoller.Stop();
     239      }
     240    }
     242    private void RegisterResultPollingEvents() {
     243      jobResultPoller.ExceptionOccured += new EventHandler<EventArgs<Exception>>(jobResultPoller_ExceptionOccured);
     244      jobResultPoller.JobResultsReceived += new EventHandler<EventArgs<IEnumerable<LightweightJob>>>(jobResultPoller_JobResultReceived);
     245      jobResultPoller.IsPollingChanged += new EventHandler(jobResultPoller_IsPollingChanged);
     246    }
     247    private void DeregisterResultPollingEvents() {
     248      jobResultPoller.ExceptionOccured -= new EventHandler<EventArgs<Exception>>(jobResultPoller_ExceptionOccured);
     249      jobResultPoller.JobResultsReceived -= new EventHandler<EventArgs<IEnumerable<LightweightJob>>>(jobResultPoller_JobResultReceived);
     250      jobResultPoller.IsPollingChanged -= new EventHandler(jobResultPoller_IsPollingChanged);
     251    }
     252    private void jobResultPoller_IsPollingChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     253      this.refreshAutomatically = jobResultPoller.IsPolling;
     254      OnRefreshAutomaticallyChanged();
     255    }
     256    private void jobResultPoller_JobResultReceived(object sender, EventArgs<IEnumerable<LightweightJob>> e) {
     257      foreach (LightweightJob lightweightJob in e.Value) {
     258        HiveJob hj = hiveJob.GetHiveJobByJobId(lightweightJob.Id);
     259        if (hj != null) {
     260          DateTime lastJobDataUpdate = hj.Job.LastJobDataUpdate;
     261          hj.UpdateFromLightweightJob(lightweightJob);
     263          // lastJobDataUpdate equals DateTime.MinValue right after it was uploaded. When the first results are polled, this value is updated
     264          if (lastJobDataUpdate != DateTime.MinValue && lastJobDataUpdate < hj.Job.LastJobDataUpdate) {
     265            OptimizerJob optimizerJob = ExperimentManagerClient.LoadOptimizerJob(hj.Job.Id);
     266            if (optimizerJob == null) {
     267              // something bad happened to this job. bad job, BAAAD job!
     268            } else {
     269              // if the job is paused, download but don't integrate into parent optimizer (to avoid Prepare)
     270              if (hj.Job.State == JobState.Paused) {
     271                hj.OptimizerJob = optimizerJob;
     272              } else {
     273                if (lightweightJob.ParentJobId.HasValue) {
     274                  HiveJob parentHiveJob = HiveJob.GetHiveJobByJobId(lightweightJob.ParentJobId.Value);
     275                  parentHiveJob.UpdateChildOptimizer(optimizerJob, hj.Job.Id);
     276                }
     277              }
     278            }
     279          }
     280        }
     281      }
     282      GC.Collect(); // force GC, because .NET is too lazy here (deserialization takes a lot of memory)
     283      if (AllJobsFinished()) {
     284        this.ExecutionState = Core.ExecutionState.Stopped;
     285        StopResultPolling();
     286        //OnStopped();
     287      }
     288      UpdateTotalExecutionTime();
     289      UpdateStats();
     290    }
     292    private void UpdateStats() {
     293      var jobs = HiveJob.GetAllHiveJobs();
     294      this.JobCount = jobs.Count();
     295      this.CalculatingCount = jobs.Count(j => j.Job.State == JobState.Calculating);
     296      this.FinishedCount = jobs.Count(j => j.Job.State == JobState.Finished);
     297    }
     299    private bool AllJobsFinished() {
     300      return HiveJob.GetAllHiveJobs().All(j => j.Job.State == JobState.Finished
     301                                            || j.Job.State == JobState.Aborted
     302                                            || j.Job.State == JobState.Failed);
     303    }
     305    private void jobResultPoller_ExceptionOccured(object sender, EventArgs<Exception> e) {
     306      //OnExceptionOccured(e.Value);
     307    }
     309    public void UpdateTotalExecutionTime() {
     310      this.ExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(HiveJob.GetAllHiveJobs().Sum(x => x.Job.ExecutionTime.HasValue ? x.Job.ExecutionTime.Value.TotalMilliseconds : 0));
     311    }
     312    #endregion
     314    protected override void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
     315      if (!(propertyName == "ExecutionTime")
     316        && !(propertyName == "JobCount")
     317        && !(propertyName == "CalculatingCount")
     318        && !(propertyName == "FinishedCount")) {
     319        base.RaisePropertyChanged(propertyName);
     320      }
    51321    }
    52322  }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.