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01/18/18 15:08:25 (7 years ago)


  • updated Heartbeat processing (regarding: checking against AssignedJobResources and handling of the updated Job deletion routine)
  • updated Job deletion routine(still in progress at GenerateStatistics)
1 added
7 edited


  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/Converter.cs

    r15628 r15630  
    121121        OwnerUserId = source.OwnerUserId,
    122122        DateCreated = source.DateCreated,
    123         ProjectId = source.ProjectId
     123        ProjectId = source.ProjectId,
     124        State = source.State.ToDto()
    124125      };
    125126    }
    140141      target.DateCreated = source.DateCreated;
    141142      target.ProjectId = source.ProjectId;
     143      target.State = source.State.ToEntity();
    142144    }
    143145    #endregion
    242244    #endregion
    244     #region State
     246    #region TaskState
    245247    public static DT.TaskState ToDto(this DA.TaskState source) {
    246248      switch (source) {
    268270        case DT.TaskState.Waiting: return DA.TaskState.Waiting;
    269271        default: return DA.TaskState.Failed;
     272      }
     273    }
     274    #endregion
     276    #region JobState
     277    public static DT.JobState ToDto(this DA.JobState source) {
     278      switch (source) {
     279        case DA.JobState.Online: return DT.JobState.Online;
     280        case DA.JobState.StatisticsPending: return DT.JobState.StatisticsPending;
     281        case DA.JobState.DeletionPending: return DT.JobState.DeletionPending;
     282        default: return DT.JobState.Online;
     283      }
     284    }
     286    public static DA.JobState ToEntity(this DT.JobState source) {
     287      switch (source) {
     288        case DT.JobState.Online: return DA.JobState.Online;
     289        case DT.JobState.StatisticsPending: return DA.JobState.StatisticsPending;
     290        case DT.JobState.DeletionPending: return DA.JobState.DeletionPending;
     291        default: return DA.JobState.Online;
    270292      }
    271293    }
  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/DataTransfer/Job.cs

    r15399 r15630  
    3737    [DataMember]
    3838    public string OwnerUsername { get; set; }
     39    [DataMember]
     40    public JobState State { get; set; }
    4042    /* ==== some computed statistics ==== */
  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive-3.3.csproj

    r15628 r15630  
    122122    <Compile Include="DataTransfer\AssignedProjectResource.cs" />
    123123    <Compile Include="DataTransfer\Command.cs" />
     124    <Compile Include="DataTransfer\JobState.cs" />
    124125    <Compile Include="DataTransfer\Project.cs" />
    125126    <Compile Include="DataTransfer\ProjectPermission.cs" />
  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/HiveService.cs

    r15628 r15630  
    361361        return pm.UseTransaction(() => {
    362362          var jobs = jobDao.GetAll()
    363             .Where(x => x.OwnerUserId == currentUserId
    364                      || x.JobPermissions.Count(y => y.Permission != DA.Permission.NotAllowed
    365                                                  && y.GrantedUserId == currentUserId) > 0)
     363            .Where(x => x.State == DA.JobState.Online
     364                          && (x.OwnerUserId == currentUserId
     365                            || x.JobPermissions.Count(y => y.Permission != DA.Permission.NotAllowed
     366                              && y.GrantedUserId == currentUserId) > 0)
     367                          )
    366368            .Select(x => x.ToDto())
    367369            .ToList();
    524526    }
    526     public void DeleteJob(Guid jobId) {
     528    public void UpdateJobState(Guid jobId, DT.JobState jobState) {
    527529      RoleVerifier.AuthenticateForAnyRole(HiveRoles.Administrator, HiveRoles.Client);
    528530      AuthorizationManager.AuthorizeForJob(jobId, DT.Permission.Full);
    529531      var pm = PersistenceManager;
    530       using (new PerformanceLogger("DeleteJob")) {
     532      using (new PerformanceLogger("UpdateJobState")) {
    531533        var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
    532534        pm.UseTransaction(() => {
    533           // not necessary anymore: child tasks will be deleted by db-trigger
    534           // now: tasks are deleted by jobId
    535           // entries in AssignedJobResource will be deleted by foreign key clause CASCADE ON DELETE
    536           jobDao.Delete(jobId);
    537           pm.SubmitChanges();
     535          var job = jobDao.GetById(jobId);
     536          if(job != null) {
     537            var jobStateEntity = jobState.ToEntity();
     538            // note: allow solely state changes from "Online" to "StatisticsPending"
     539            // and from "StatisticsPending" to "DeletionPending"
     540            if (job.State == DA.JobState.Online && jobStateEntity == DA.JobState.StatisticsPending) {
     541              job.State = jobStateEntity;
     542              foreach(var task in job.Tasks
     543              .Where(x => x.State == DA.TaskState.Waiting
     544                || x.State == DA.TaskState.Paused
     545                || x.State == DA.TaskState.Offline)) {
     546                task.State = DA.TaskState.Aborted;
     547              }
     548              pm.SubmitChanges();
     549            } else if(job.State == DA.JobState.StatisticsPending && jobStateEntity == DA.JobState.DeletionPending) {
     550              job.State = jobStateEntity;
     551              pm.SubmitChanges();
     552            }
     553          }
    538554        });
    539555      }
  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/Manager/EventManager.cs

    r14185 r15630  
    3434    public void Cleanup() {
    3535      var pm = PersistenceManager;
     37      pm.UseTransaction(() => {
     38        FinishJobDeletion(pm);
     39        pm.SubmitChanges();
     40      });
    3642      pm.UseTransaction(() => {
    3743        SetTimeoutSlavesOffline(pm);
    4551        pm.SubmitChanges();
    4652      });
     53    }
     55    /// <summary>
     56    /// Deletes all jobs which are in state "DeletionPending" (this will include all corresponding tasks).
     57    /// The state "DeletionPending" is set by HiveJanitor > StatisticsGenerator
     58    /// </summary>
     59    private void FinishJobDeletion(IPersistenceManager pm) {
     60      var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
     61      jobDao.DeleteByState(JobState.DeletionPending);
    4762    }
  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/Manager/HeartbeatManager.cs

    r15411 r15630  
    141141    /// </summary>
    142142    private IEnumerable<MessageContainer> UpdateTasks(IPersistenceManager pm, Heartbeat heartbeat, bool isAllowedToCalculate) {
     143      var taskDao = pm.TaskDao;
     144      var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
     145      var assignedJobResourceDao = pm.AssignedJobResourceDao;
     146      var actions = new List<MessageContainer>();
     147      if (heartbeat.JobProgress == null || !heartbeat.JobProgress.Any())
     148        return actions;
     150      var jobIdsWithStatisticsPending = jobDao.GetJobIdsByState(DA.JobState.StatisticsPending).ToList();
     152      // select all tasks and statelogs with one query
     153      var taskIds = heartbeat.JobProgress.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
     154      var taskInfos = pm.UseTransaction(() =>
     155        (from task in taskDao.GetAll()
     156          where taskIds.Contains(task.TaskId)
     157          let lastStateLog = task.StateLogs.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateTime).FirstOrDefault()
     158          select new {
     159            TaskId = task.TaskId,
     160            JobId = task.JobId,
     161            State = task.State,
     162            Command = task.Command,
     163            SlaveId = lastStateLog != null ? lastStateLog.SlaveId : default(Guid)
     164          }).ToList()
     165      );
     167      // process the jobProgresses
     168      foreach (var jobProgress in heartbeat.JobProgress) {
     169        var progress = jobProgress;
     170        var curTask = taskInfos.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TaskId == progress.Key);
     171        if (curTask == null) {
     172          actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.AbortTask, progress.Key));
     173          LogFactory.GetLogger(this.GetType().Namespace).Log("Task on slave " + heartbeat.SlaveId + " does not exist in DB: " + jobProgress.Key);
     174        } else if (jobIdsWithStatisticsPending.Contains(curTask.JobId)) {
     175          // parenting job of current task has been requested for deletion (indicated by job state "Statistics Pending")
     176          // update task execution time
     177          pm.UseTransaction(() => {
     178            taskDao.UpdateExecutionTime(curTask.TaskId, progress.Value.TotalMilliseconds);
     179          });
     180          actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.AbortTask, curTask.TaskId));
     181          LogFactory.GetLogger(this.GetType().Namespace).Log("Abort task " + curTask.TaskId + " on slave " + heartbeat.SlaveId + ". The parenting job " + curTask.JobId + " was requested to be deleted.");
     182        } else if (curTask.SlaveId == Guid.Empty || curTask.SlaveId != heartbeat.SlaveId) {
     183          // assigned slave does not match heartbeat
     184          actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.AbortTask, curTask.TaskId));
     185          LogFactory.GetLogger(this.GetType().Namespace).Log("The slave " + heartbeat.SlaveId + " is not supposed to calculate task: " + curTask.TaskId);
     186        } else if (!isAllowedToCalculate) {
     187          actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.PauseTask, curTask.TaskId));
     188          LogFactory.GetLogger(this.GetType().Namespace).Log("The slave " + heartbeat.SlaveId + " is not allowed to calculate any tasks tue to a downtime. The task is paused.");
     189        } else if (assignedJobResourceDao.CheckJobGrantedForResource(curTask.JobId, heartbeat.SlaveId)) {
     190          // assigned resources ids of task do not match with slaveId (and parent resourceGroupIds); this might happen when slave is moved to different group
     191          actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.PauseTask, curTask.TaskId));
     192          LogFactory.GetLogger(this.GetType().Namespace).Log("The slave " + heartbeat.SlaveId + " is not granted to calculate task: " + curTask.TaskId);
     193        } else {
     194          // update task execution time
     195          pm.UseTransaction(() => {
     196            taskDao.UpdateExecutionTime(curTask.TaskId, progress.Value.TotalMilliseconds);
     197          });
     198          switch (curTask.Command) {
     199            case DA.Command.Stop:
     200              actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.StopTask, curTask.TaskId));
     201              break;
     202            case DA.Command.Pause:
     203              actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.PauseTask, curTask.TaskId));
     204              break;
     205            case DA.Command.Abort:
     206              actions.Add(new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.AbortTask, curTask.TaskId));
     207              break;
     208          }
     209        }
     211      }
     212      return actions;
     213    }
     215    /// <summary>
     216    /// Update the progress of each task
     217    /// Checks if all the task sent by heartbeat are supposed to be calculated by this slave
     218    /// </summary>
     219    private IEnumerable<MessageContainer> UpdateTasks_Old(IPersistenceManager pm, Heartbeat heartbeat, bool isAllowedToCalculate) {
    143220      var taskDao = pm.TaskDao;
    144221      var assignedResourceDao = pm.AssignedTaskResourceDao;
  • branches/HiveProjectManagement/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/ServiceContracts/IHiveService.cs

    r15628 r15630  
    9494    [OperationContract]
    95     void DeleteJob(Guid JobId);
     95    void UpdateJobState(Guid JobId, JobState jobState);
    9797    [OperationContract]
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.