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08/08/17 19:51:31 (7 years ago)

#2789: worked on nonlinear regression with constraints

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  • branches/MathNetNumerics-Exploration-2789/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental.csproj

    r15311 r15313  
    1010    <RootNamespace>HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental</RootNamespace>
    1111    <AssemblyName>HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental</AssemblyName>
    12     <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5.1</TargetFrameworkVersion>
     12    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.6</TargetFrameworkVersion>
    1313    <FileAlignment>512</FileAlignment>
    1414    <TargetFrameworkProfile />
     15    <NuGetPackageImportStamp>
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    1618  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
    3941      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>
    4042      <HintPath>..\..\..\trunk\sources\bin\AutoDiff-1.0.dll</HintPath>
     43    </Reference>
     44    <Reference Include="DiffSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
     45      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>
     46      <HintPath>.\DiffSharp.dll</HintPath>
    4147    </Reference>
    4248    <Reference Include="HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis-3.4">
    101107    </Reference>
    102108    <Reference Include="HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances-3.3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ba48961d6f65dcec" />
     109    <Reference Include="HeuristicLab.Random-3.3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ba48961d6f65dcec, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
     110      <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>
     111      <HintPath>..\..\..\trunk\sources\bin\HeuristicLab.Random-3.3.dll</HintPath>
     112    </Reference>
    103113    <Reference Include="System" />
    104114    <Reference Include="System.Core" />
    117127    <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    118128    <Compile Include="SymbolicRegressionConstantOptimizationEvaluator.cs" />
    119     <Compile Include="TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.cs">
    120       <SubType>Code</SubType>
    121     </Compile>
     129    <Compile Include="TreeToDiffSharpConverter.cs" />
    122130  </ItemGroup>
    123131  <ItemGroup>
    126134  <ItemGroup>
    127135    <Content Include="alglibnet2.dll">
     136      <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
     137    </Content>
     138    <Content Include="DiffSharp.dll">
     139      <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
     140    </Content>
     141    <Content Include="FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator.dll">
    128142      <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
    129143    </Content>
  • branches/MathNetNumerics-Exploration-2789/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental/SymbolicRegressionConstantOptimizationEvaluator.cs

    r15311 r15313  
    2323using System.Collections.Generic;
    2424using System.Linq;
    25 using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
    2625using HeuristicLab.Common;
    2726using HeuristicLab.Core;
    3332using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic;
    3433using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression;
     34using DiffSharp.Interop.Float64;
    3636namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental {
    168168      // A dictionary is used to find parameters
    169169      double[] initialConstants;
    170       var parameters = new List<TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.DataForVariable>();
    172       TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunction func;
    173       TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad;
    174       TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad_for_vars;
    175       if (!TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.TryConvertToAutoDiff(tree, updateVariableWeights, out parameters, out initialConstants,
    176         out func, out func_grad, out func_grad_for_vars))
     170      var parameters = new List<TreeToDiffSharpConverter.DataForVariable>();
     172      Func<DV, D> func;
     173      if (!TreeToDiffSharpConverter.TryConvertToDiffSharp(tree, updateVariableWeights, out parameters, out initialConstants,
     174        out func))
    177175        throw new NotSupportedException("Could not optimize constants of symbolic expression tree due to not supported symbols used in the tree.");
    178176      if (parameters.Count == 0) return 0.0; // gkronber: constant expressions always have a R² of 0.0
    182180      // extract inital constants
    183181      double[] c = new double[initialConstants.Length + 2];
     182      double[] s = new double[c.Length];
    184183      {
    185         c[0] = 0.0;
    186         c[1] = 1.0;
     184        c[0] = 1.0;
     185        c[1] = 0.0;
    187186        Array.Copy(initialConstants, 0, c, 2, initialConstants.Length);
    188       }
     188        // s[0] = 1.0;
     189        // s[1] = 1.0;
     190        // Array.Copy(initialConstants.Select(ci=>Math.Abs(ci)).ToArray()
     191        //   , 0, s, 2, initialConstants.Length);
     192      }
     193      s = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, c.Length).ToArray();
    189195      double[] originalConstants = (double[])c.Clone();
    190196      double originalQuality = SymbolicRegressionSingleObjectivePearsonRSquaredEvaluator.Calculate(interpreter, tree, lowerEstimationLimit, upperEstimationLimit, problemData, rows, applyLinearScaling);
    195201      IDataset ds = problemData.Dataset;
    196202      double[,] x = new double[rows.Count(), parameters.Count];
    197       double[,] constraints = new double[rows.Count(), parameters.Count + 1]; // +1 for constraint for f(x)
    198       string[,] comp = string[rows.Count(), parameters.Count + 1];
     203      int col = 0;
    199204      int row = 0;
    200       foreach (var r in rows) {
    201         int col = 0;
    202         foreach (var info in parameterEntries) {
     205      foreach (var info in parameterEntries) {
     206        row = 0;
     207        foreach (var r in rows) {
    203208          if (ds.VariableHasType<double>(info.variableName)) {
    204209            x[row, col] = ds.GetDoubleValue(info.variableName, r + info.lag);
    207212          } else throw new InvalidProgramException("found a variable of unknown type");
    209           // find the matching df/dx column
    210           var colName = string.Format("df/d({0})", info.variableName);
    211           constraints[row, col] = ds.GetDoubleValue(colName, r);
    213           var compColName = string.Format("df/d({0}) constraint-type")
    214           comp[row, col] = ds.GetStringValue(compColName, r);
    215           col++;
    216         }
     214          row++;
     215        }
     216        col++;
     217      }
     219      var target = problemData.TargetVariable;
     220      var constraintRows = Enumerable.Range(0, problemData.Dataset.Rows).Where(rIdx => double.IsNaN(ds.GetDoubleValue(target, rIdx)));
     221      double[,] constraints = new double[constraintRows.Count(), parameters.Count + 1]; // +1 for constraint for f(x)
     222      string[,] comp = new string[constraintRows.Count(), parameters.Count + 1];
     223      int eqConstraints = 0;
     224      int ieqConstraints = 0;
     225      col = 0;
     226      foreach (var info in parameterEntries) {
     227        row = 0;
     228        // find the matching df/dx column
     229        var colName = string.Format("df/d({0})", info.variableName);
     230        var compColName = string.Format("df/d({0}) constraint-type", info.variableName);
     232        if (ds.VariableNames.Contains(colName)) {
     233          foreach (var r in constraintRows) {
     234            constraints[row, col] = ds.GetDoubleValue(colName, r);
     235            comp[row, col] = ds.GetStringValue(compColName, r);
     237            if (comp[row, col] == "EQ") eqConstraints++;
     238            else if (comp[row, col] == "LEQ" || comp[row, col] == "GEQ") ieqConstraints++;
     240            row++;
     241          }
     242        }
     243        col++;
     244      }
     245      // f(x) constraint
     246      row = 0;
     247      col = constraints.GetLength(1) - 1;
     248      foreach (var r in constraintRows) {
    217249        constraints[row, col] = ds.GetDoubleValue("f(x)", r);
    218250        comp[row, col] = ds.GetStringValue("f(x) constraint-type", r);
     251        if (comp[row, col] == "EQ") eqConstraints++;
     252        else if (comp[row, col] == "LEQ" || comp[row, col] == "GEQ") ieqConstraints++;
    219253        row++;
    220254      }
    221257      double[] y = ds.GetDoubleValues(problemData.TargetVariable, rows).ToArray();
    222258      int n = x.GetLength(0);
    224260      int k = c.Length;
    226       // alglib.ndimensional_pfunc function_cx_1_func = CreatePFunc(func);
    227       // alglib.ndimensional_pgrad function_cx_1_grad = CreatePGrad(func_grad);
    228       alglib.ndimensional_jac jac = CreateJac(x, y, constraints, comp, func, func_grad, func_grad_for_vars);
    229       double[] s = c.Select(ci=>Math.Max(Math.Abs(ci), 1E-6)).ToArray(); // use absolute value of variables as scale
     262      alglib.ndimensional_jac jac = CreateJac(x, y, constraints, comp, func, AD.Grad(func));
    230263      double rho = 1000;
    231264      int outeriters = 3;
    243276        alglib.minnlcsetprecexactlowrank(state, updateFreq);
    244277        // TODO set constraints;
    245         alglib.minnlcsetnlc(state, 0, 2);
     278        alglib.minnlcsetnlc(state, eqConstraints, ieqConstraints);
    246279        alglib.minnlcoptimize(state, jac, null, null);
    247280        alglib.minnlcresults(state, out c, out rep);
    286319      double[,] x, // x longer than y
    287320      double[] y, // only targets
     321      double[,] constraints, // df/d(xi), same order as for x
    288322      string[,] comparison, // {LEQ, GEQ, EQ }
    289       double[,] constraints, // df/d(xi), same order as for x
    290       TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunction func,
    291       TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad,
    292       TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad_for_vars) {
     323      Func<DV, D> func,
     324      Func<DV, DV> func_grad) {
    293325      return (double[] c, double[] fi, double[,] jac, object o) => {
    294326        // objective function is sum of squared errors
    298330        Array.Clear(fi, 0, fi.Length);
    299331        Array.Clear(jac, 0, jac.Length);
    300         double[] xi = new double[nParams];
     332        var p = new double[nParams + c.Length];
     333        Array.Copy(c, 0, p, nParams, c.Length); // copy c to the end of the function parameters vector
    301334        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < nRows; rowIdx++) {
    302           // copy row
     335          // copy x_i to the beginning of the function parameters vector
    303336          for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < nParams; cIdx++)
    304             xi[cIdx] = x[rowIdx, cIdx];
    305           var fg = func_grad(c, xi);
    306           double f = fg.Item2;
    307           double[] g = fg.Item1;
     337            p[cIdx] = x[rowIdx, cIdx];
     339          double f = (double)func(p);
     340          double[] g = (double[])func_grad(p);
    308341          var e = y[rowIdx] - f;
    309342          fi[0] += e * e;
    310343          // update gradient
    311344          for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < c.Length; colIdx++) {
    312             jac[0, colIdx] += -2 * e * g[colIdx];
     345            jac[0, colIdx] += -2 * e * g[nParams + colIdx]; // skip the elements for the variable values
    313346          }
    314347        }
    316         // constraints
    317         var nConstraintPoints = constraints.GetLength(0);
    319         // TODO: AutoDiff for gradients d/d(c) d/d(xi) f(xi,c) for all xi
    320         // converter should produce the differentials for all variables as functions which can be differentiated wrt the parameters c
     349        int fidx = 1;
     350        int constraintRows = constraints.GetLength(0);
     352        // eq constraints
     353        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < constraintRows; rowIdx++) {
     354          for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < constraints.GetLength(1); colIdx++) {
     355            if (comparison[rowIdx, colIdx] == "EQ") {
     356              throw new NotSupportedException();
     357            }
     358          }
     359        }
     360        // ineq constraints
     361        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < constraintRows; rowIdx++) {
     362          for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < constraints.GetLength(1); colIdx++) {
     363            // there is a constraint value
     364            if (!double.IsNaN(constraints[rowIdx, colIdx]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comparison[rowIdx, colIdx])) {
     365              var factor = (comparison[rowIdx, colIdx] == "LEQ") ? 1.0
     366              : comparison[rowIdx, colIdx] == "GEQ" ? -1.0 : 0.0;
     368              // f(x) constraint
     369              if (colIdx == constraints.GetLength(1) - 1) {
     370                // copy x_i to the beginning of the function parameters vector
     371                for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < nParams; cIdx++)
     372                  p[cIdx] = x[rowIdx, cIdx];
     374                fi[fidx] = factor * ((double)(func(p)) - constraints[rowIdx, colIdx]);
     375                var g = (double[])func_grad(p);
     376                for (int jacIdx = 0; jacIdx < c.Length; jacIdx++) {
     377                  jac[fidx, jacIdx] = factor * g[nParams + jacIdx]; // skip the elements for the variable values
     378                }
     379                fidx++;
     380              } else {
     381                // df / dxi constraint
     382                var g = (double[])func_grad(p);
     383                fi[fidx] = factor * g[colIdx];
     384                var hess = AD.Hessian(func, p);
     385                for (int jacIdx = 0; jacIdx < c.Length; jacIdx++) {
     386                  jac[fidx, jacIdx] = factor * (double)hess[nParams + colIdx, nParams + jacIdx]; // skip the elements for the variable values
     387                }
     388                fidx++;
     389              }
     390            }
     391          }
     392        }
    322393      };
    323394    }
    325     // private static alglib.ndimensional_pfunc CreatePFunc(TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunction func) {
    326     //   return (double[] c, double[] x, ref double fx, object o) => {
    327     //     fx = func(c, x);
    328     //   };
    329     // }
    330     //
    331     // private static alglib.ndimensional_pgrad CreatePGrad(TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad) {
    332     //   return (double[] c, double[] x, ref double fx, double[] grad, object o) => {
    333     //     var tupel = func_grad(c, x);
    334     //     fx = tupel.Item2;
    335     //     Array.Copy(tupel.Item1, grad, grad.Length);
    336     //   };
    337     // }
    338396    public static bool CanOptimizeConstants(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) {
    339397      return TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter.IsCompatible(tree);
  • branches/MathNetNumerics-Exploration-2789/HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental/TreeToDiffSharpConverter.cs

    r15312 r15313  
    2424using System.Linq;
    2525using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    26 using AutoDiff;
    2726using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
     27using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic;
     28using DiffSharp.Interop.Float64;
     29using System.Linq.Expressions;
     30using System.Reflection;
    2932namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental {
    30   public class TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter {
    31     public delegate double ParametricFunction(double[] vars, double[] @params);
    33     public delegate Tuple<double[], double> ParametricFunctionGradient(double[] vars, double[] @params);
     33  public class TreeToDiffSharpConverter {
     34    public delegate double ParametricFunction(double[] vars);
     36    public delegate Tuple<double[], double> ParametricFunctionGradient(double[] vars);
    3538    #region helper class
    5962    #endregion
    61     #region derivations of functions
    62     // create function factory for arctangent
    63     private static readonly Func<Term, UnaryFunc> arctan = UnaryFunc.Factory(
    64       eval: Math.Atan,
    65       diff: x => 1 / (1 + x * x));
    67     private static readonly Func<Term, UnaryFunc> sin = UnaryFunc.Factory(
    68       eval: Math.Sin,
    69       diff: Math.Cos);
    71     private static readonly Func<Term, UnaryFunc> cos = UnaryFunc.Factory(
    72       eval: Math.Cos,
    73       diff: x => -Math.Sin(x));
    75     private static readonly Func<Term, UnaryFunc> tan = UnaryFunc.Factory(
    76       eval: Math.Tan,
    77       diff: x => 1 + Math.Tan(x) * Math.Tan(x));
    79     private static readonly Func<Term, UnaryFunc> erf = UnaryFunc.Factory(
    80       eval: alglib.errorfunction,
    81       diff: x => 2.0 * Math.Exp(-(x * x)) / Math.Sqrt(Math.PI));
    83     private static readonly Func<Term, UnaryFunc> norm = UnaryFunc.Factory(
    84       eval: alglib.normaldistribution,
    85       diff: x => -(Math.Exp(-(x * x)) * Math.Sqrt(Math.Exp(x * x)) * x) / Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI));
    87     #endregion
    89     public static bool TryConvertToAutoDiff(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, bool makeVariableWeightsVariable,
     65    public static bool TryConvertToDiffSharp(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, bool makeVariableWeightsVariable,
    9066      out List<DataForVariable> parameters, out double[] initialConstants,
    91       out ParametricFunction func,
    92       out ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad,
    93       out ParametricFunctionGradient func_grad_for_vars) {
     67      out Func<DV, D> func) {
    9569      // use a transformator object which holds the state (variable list, parameter list, ...) for recursive transformation of the tree
    96       var transformator = new TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter(makeVariableWeightsVariable);
    97       AutoDiff.Term term;
     70      var transformator = new TreeToDiffSharpConverter(makeVariableWeightsVariable);
    9871      try {
    99         term = transformator.ConvertToAutoDiff(tree.Root.GetSubtree(0));
     73        // the list of variable names represents the names for dv[0] ... dv[d-1] where d is the number of input variables
     74        // the remaining entries of d represent the parameter values
     75        transformator.ExtractParameters(tree.Root.GetSubtree(0));
     77        var lambda = transformator.CreateDelegate(tree, transformator.parameters);
     78        func = lambda.Compile();
    10080        var parameterEntries = transformator.parameters.ToArray(); // guarantee same order for keys and values
    101         var compiledTerm = term.Compile(
    102           transformator.variables.ToArray(),
    103           parameterEntries.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToArray());
    10581        parameters = new List<DataForVariable>(parameterEntries.Select(kvp => kvp.Key));
    10682        initialConstants = transformator.initialConstants.ToArray();
    107         func = (vars, @params) => compiledTerm.Evaluate(vars, @params);
    108         func_grad = (vars, @params) => compiledTerm.Differentiate(vars, @params);
    109         func_grad_for_vars = (vars, @params) => compiledTerm.Differentiate(@params,vars);
    11083        return true;
    11184      } catch (ConversionException) {
    11285        func = null;
    113         func_grad = null;
    114         func_grad_for_vars = null;
    11586        parameters = null;
    11687        initialConstants = null;
    11990    }
     92    public Expression<Func<DV, D>> CreateDelegate(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, Dictionary<DataForVariable, int> parameters) {
     93      paramIdx = parameters.Count; // first non-variable parameter
     94      var dv = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DV));
     95      var expr = MakeExpr(tree.Root.GetSubtree(0), parameters, dv);
     96      var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<DV, D>>(expr, dv);
     97      return lambda;
     98    }
    121100    // state for recursive transformation of trees
    122     private readonly
    123     List<double> initialConstants;
    124     private readonly Dictionary<DataForVariable, AutoDiff.Variable> parameters;
    125     private readonly List<AutoDiff.Variable> variables;
     101    private readonly List<double> initialConstants;
     102    private readonly Dictionary<DataForVariable, int> parameters;
    126103    private readonly bool makeVariableWeightsVariable;
    128     private TreeToAutoDiffTermConverter(bool makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
     104    private int paramIdx;
     106    private TreeToDiffSharpConverter(bool makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
    129107      this.makeVariableWeightsVariable = makeVariableWeightsVariable;
    130108      this.initialConstants = new List<double>();
    131       this.parameters = new Dictionary<DataForVariable, AutoDiff.Variable>();
    132       this.variables = new List<AutoDiff.Variable>();
    133     }
    135     private AutoDiff.Term ConvertToAutoDiff(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) {
    136       if (node.Symbol is Constant) {
     109      this.parameters = new Dictionary<DataForVariable, int>();
     110    }
     112    private void ExtractParameters(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) {
     113      if (node.Symbol is HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Constant) {
    137114        initialConstants.Add(((ConstantTreeNode)node).Value);
    138         var var = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    139         variables.Add(var);
    140         return var;
    141       }
    142       if (node.Symbol is Variable || node.Symbol is BinaryFactorVariable) {
     115      } else if (node.Symbol is HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable || node.Symbol is BinaryFactorVariable) {
     116        var varNode = node as VariableTreeNodeBase;
     117        var factorVarNode = node as BinaryFactorVariableTreeNode;
     118        // factor variable values are only 0 or 1 and set in x accordingly
     119        var varValue = factorVarNode != null ? factorVarNode.VariableValue : string.Empty;
     120        FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, varNode.VariableName, varValue);
     122        if (makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
     123          initialConstants.Add(varNode.Weight);
     124        }
     125      } else if (node.Symbol is FactorVariable) {
     126        var factorVarNode = node as FactorVariableTreeNode;
     127        var products = new List<D>();
     128        foreach (var variableValue in factorVarNode.Symbol.GetVariableValues(factorVarNode.VariableName)) {
     129          FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, factorVarNode.VariableName, variableValue);
     131          initialConstants.Add(factorVarNode.GetValue(variableValue));
     132        }
     133      } else if (node.Symbol is LaggedVariable) {
     134        var varNode = node as LaggedVariableTreeNode;
     135        FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, varNode.VariableName, string.Empty, varNode.Lag);
     137        if (makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
     138          initialConstants.Add(varNode.Weight);
     139        }
     140      } else if (node.Symbol is Addition) {
     141        foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees) {
     142          ExtractParameters(subTree);
     143        }
     144      } else if (node.Symbol is Subtraction) {
     145        for (int i = 0; i < node.SubtreeCount; i++) {
     146          ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(i));
     147        }
     148      } else if (node.Symbol is Multiplication) {
     149        foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees) {
     150          ExtractParameters(subTree);
     151        }
     152      } else if (node.Symbol is Division) {
     153        foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees) {
     154          ExtractParameters(subTree);
     155        }
     156      } else if (node.Symbol is Logarithm) {
     157        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     158      } else if (node.Symbol is Exponential) {
     159        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     160      } else if (node.Symbol is Square) {
     161        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     162      } else if (node.Symbol is SquareRoot) {
     163        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     164      } else if (node.Symbol is Sine) {
     165        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     166      } else if (node.Symbol is Cosine) {
     167        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     168      } else if (node.Symbol is Tangent) {
     169        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     170      } else if (node.Symbol is StartSymbol) {
     171        ExtractParameters(node.GetSubtree(0));
     172      } else throw new ConversionException();
     173    }
     175    private Func<DV, D> CreateDiffSharpFunc(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node, Dictionary<DataForVariable, int> parameters) {
     176      this.paramIdx = parameters.Count; // first idx of non-variable parameter     
     177      var f = CreateDiffSharpFunc(node, parameters);
     178      return (DV paramValues) => f(paramValues);
     179    }
     181    private static readonly MethodInfo DvIndexer = typeof(DV).GetMethod("get_Item", new[] { typeof(int) });
     182    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Add_d = typeof(D).GetMethod("op_Addition", new[] { typeof(D), typeof(D) });
     183    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Neg = typeof(D).GetMethod("Neg", new[] { typeof(D) });
     184    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Mul_d = typeof(D).GetMethod("op_Multiply", new[] { typeof(D), typeof(D) });
     185    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Mul_f = typeof(D).GetMethod("op_Multiply", new[] { typeof(D), typeof(double) });
     186    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Div_d = typeof(D).GetMethod("op_Division", new[] { typeof(D), typeof(D) });
     187    private static readonly MethodInfo f_Div_d = typeof(D).GetMethod("op_Division", new[] { typeof(double), typeof(D) });
     188    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Sub_d = typeof(D).GetMethod("op_Subtraction", new[] { typeof(D), typeof(D) });
     189    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Pow_f = typeof(D).GetMethod("Pow", new[] { typeof(D), typeof(double) });
     190    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Log = typeof(D).GetMethod("Log", new[] { typeof(D) });
     191    private static readonly MethodInfo d_Exp = typeof(D).GetMethod("Exp", new[] { typeof(D) });
     195    private Expression MakeExpr(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node, Dictionary<DataForVariable, int> parameters, ParameterExpression dv) {
     196      if (node.Symbol is HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Constant) {
     197        return Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(paramIdx++));
     198      }
     199      if (node.Symbol is HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable || node.Symbol is BinaryFactorVariable) {
    143200        var varNode = node as VariableTreeNodeBase;
    144201        var factorVarNode = node as BinaryFactorVariableTreeNode;
    149206        if (makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
    150           initialConstants.Add(varNode.Weight);
    151           var w = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    152           variables.Add(w);
    153           return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Product(w, par);
     207          var w = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(paramIdx++));
     208          var v = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(par));
     209          return Expression.Call(d_Mul_d, w, v);
    154210        } else {
    155           return varNode.Weight * par;
     211          var w = Expression.Constant(varNode.Weight);
     212          var v = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(par));
     213          return Expression.Call(d_Mul_f, v, w);
    156214        }
    157215      }
    158216      if (node.Symbol is FactorVariable) {
    159217        var factorVarNode = node as FactorVariableTreeNode;
    160         var products = new List<Term>();
    161         foreach (var variableValue in factorVarNode.Symbol.GetVariableValues(factorVarNode.VariableName)) {
     218        var products = new List<D>();
     219        var firstValue = factorVarNode.Symbol.GetVariableValues(factorVarNode.VariableName).First();
     220        var parForFirstValue = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, factorVarNode.VariableName, firstValue);
     221        var weightForFirstValue = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(paramIdx++));
     222        var valForFirstValue = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(parForFirstValue));
     223        var res = Expression.Call(d_Mul_d, weightForFirstValue, valForFirstValue);
     225        foreach (var variableValue in factorVarNode.Symbol.GetVariableValues(factorVarNode.VariableName).Skip(1)) {
    162226          var par = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, factorVarNode.VariableName, variableValue);
    164           initialConstants.Add(factorVarNode.GetValue(variableValue));
    165           var wVar = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    166           variables.Add(wVar);
    168           products.Add(AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Product(wVar, par));
    169         }
    170         return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Sum(products);
    171       }
    172       if (node.Symbol is LaggedVariable) {
    173         var varNode = node as LaggedVariableTreeNode;
    174         var par = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, varNode.VariableName, string.Empty, varNode.Lag);
    176         if (makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
    177           initialConstants.Add(varNode.Weight);
    178           var w = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    179           variables.Add(w);
    180           return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Product(w, par);
     228          var weight = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(paramIdx++));
     229          var v = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(par));
     231          res = Expression.Call(d_Add_d, res, Expression.Call(d_Mul_d, weight, v));
     232        }
     233        return res;
     234      }
     235      // if (node.Symbol is LaggedVariable) {
     236      //   var varNode = node as LaggedVariableTreeNode;
     237      //   var par = FindOrCreateParameter(parameters, varNode.VariableName, string.Empty, varNode.Lag);
     238      //
     239      //   if (makeVariableWeightsVariable) {
     240      //     initialConstants.Add(varNode.Weight);
     241      //     var w = paramValues[paramIdx++];
     242      //     return w * paramValues[par];
     243      //   } else {
     244      //     return varNode.Weight * paramValues[par];
     245      //   }
     246      // }
     247      if (node.Symbol is Addition) {
     248        var f = MakeExpr(node.Subtrees.First(), parameters, dv);
     250        foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees.Skip(1)) {
     251          f = Expression.Call(d_Add_d, f, MakeExpr(subTree, parameters, dv));
     252        }
     253        return f;
     254      }
     255      if (node.Symbol is Subtraction) {
     256        if (node.SubtreeCount == 1) {
     257          return Expression.Call(d_Neg, MakeExpr(node.Subtrees.First(), parameters, dv));
    181258        } else {
    182           return varNode.Weight * par;
    183         }
    184       }
    185       if (node.Symbol is Addition) {
    186         List<AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List<Term>();
    187         foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees) {
    188           terms.Add(ConvertToAutoDiff(subTree));
    189         }
    190         return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Sum(terms);
    191       }
    192       if (node.Symbol is Subtraction) {
    193         List<AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List<Term>();
    194         for (int i = 0; i < node.SubtreeCount; i++) {
    195           AutoDiff.Term t = ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(i));
    196           if (i > 0) t = -t;
    197           terms.Add(t);
    198         }
    199         if (terms.Count == 1) return -terms[0];
    200         else return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Sum(terms);
     259          var f = MakeExpr(node.Subtrees.First(), parameters, dv);
     261          foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees.Skip(1)) {
     262            f = Expression.Call(d_Sub_d, f, MakeExpr(subTree, parameters, dv));
     263          }
     264          return f;
     265        }
    201266      }
    202267      if (node.Symbol is Multiplication) {
    203         List<AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List<Term>();
    204         foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees) {
    205           terms.Add(ConvertToAutoDiff(subTree));
    206         }
    207         if (terms.Count == 1) return terms[0];
    208         else return terms.Aggregate((a, b) => new AutoDiff.Product(a, b));
     268        var f = MakeExpr(node.Subtrees.First(), parameters, dv);
     269        foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees.Skip(1)) {
     270          f = Expression.Call(d_Mul_d, f, MakeExpr(subTree, parameters, dv));
     271        }
     272        return f;
    209273      }
    210274      if (node.Symbol is Division) {
    211         List<AutoDiff.Term> terms = new List<Term>();
    212         foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees) {
    213           terms.Add(ConvertToAutoDiff(subTree));
    214         }
    215         if (terms.Count == 1) return 1.0 / terms[0];
    216         else return terms.Aggregate((a, b) => new AutoDiff.Product(a, 1.0 / b));
     275        if (node.SubtreeCount == 1) {
     276          return Expression.Call(f_Div_d, Expression.Constant(1.0), MakeExpr(node.Subtrees.First(), parameters, dv));
     277        } else {
     278          var f = MakeExpr(node.Subtrees.First(), parameters, dv);
     280          foreach (var subTree in node.Subtrees.Skip(1)) {
     281            f = Expression.Call(d_Div_d, f, MakeExpr(subTree, parameters, dv));
     282          }
     283          return f;
     284        }
    217285      }
    218286      if (node.Symbol is Logarithm) {
    219         return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Log(
    220           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
     287        return Expression.Call(d_Log, MakeExpr(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, dv));
    221288      }
    222289      if (node.Symbol is Exponential) {
    223         return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Exp(
    224           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
     290        return Expression.Call(d_Exp, MakeExpr(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, dv));
    225291      }
    226292      if (node.Symbol is Square) {
    227         return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Power(
    228           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)), 2.0);
     293        return Expression.Call(d_Pow_f, MakeExpr(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, dv), Expression.Constant(2.0));
    229294      }
    230295      if (node.Symbol is SquareRoot) {
    231         return AutoDiff.TermBuilder.Power(
    232           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)), 0.5);
    233       }
    234       if (node.Symbol is Sine) {
    235         return sin(
    236           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
    237       }
    238       if (node.Symbol is Cosine) {
    239         return cos(
    240           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
    241       }
    242       if (node.Symbol is Tangent) {
    243         return tan(
    244           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
    245       }
    246       if (node.Symbol is Erf) {
    247         return erf(
    248           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
    249       }
    250       if (node.Symbol is Norm) {
    251         return norm(
    252           ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)));
    253       }
     296        return Expression.Call(d_Pow_f, MakeExpr(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, dv), Expression.Constant(0.5));
     297      }
     298      // if (node.Symbol is Sine) {
     299      //   return AD.Sin(CreateDiffSharpFunc(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, paramValues));
     300      // }
     301      // if (node.Symbol is Cosine) {
     302      //   return AD.Cos(CreateDiffSharpFunc(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, paramValues));
     303      // }
     304      // if (node.Symbol is Tangent) {
     305      //   return AD.Tan(CreateDiffSharpFunc(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, paramValues));
     306      // }
    254307      if (node.Symbol is StartSymbol) {
    255         var alpha = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    256         var beta = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    257         variables.Add(beta);
    258         variables.Add(alpha);
    259         return ConvertToAutoDiff(node.GetSubtree(0)) * alpha + beta;
     308        var alpha = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(paramIdx++));
     309        var beta = Expression.Call(dv, DvIndexer, Expression.Constant(paramIdx++));
     311        return Expression.Call(d_Add_d, beta,
     312          Expression.Call(d_Mul_d, alpha, MakeExpr(node.GetSubtree(0), parameters, dv)));
    260313      }
    261314      throw new ConversionException();
    265318    // for each factor variable value we need a parameter which represents a binary indicator for that variable & value combination
    266319    // each binary indicator is only necessary once. So we only create a parameter if this combination is not yet available.
    267     private static Term FindOrCreateParameter(Dictionary<DataForVariable, AutoDiff.Variable> parameters,
     320    private static int FindOrCreateParameter(Dictionary<DataForVariable, int> parameters,
    268321      string varName, string varValue = "", int lag = 0) {
    269322      var data = new DataForVariable(varName, varValue, lag);
    271       AutoDiff.Variable par = null;
    272       if (!parameters.TryGetValue(data, out par)) {
    273         // not found -> create new parameter and entries in names and values lists
    274         par = new AutoDiff.Variable();
    275         parameters.Add(data, par);
    276       }
    277       return par;
     323      int idx = -1;
     324      if (parameters.TryGetValue(data, out idx)) return idx;
     325      else parameters[data] = parameters.Count;
     326      return idx;
    278327    }
    282331        from n in tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).IterateNodesPrefix()
    283332        where
    284           !(n.Symbol is Variable) &&
     333          !(n.Symbol is HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable) &&
    285334          !(n.Symbol is BinaryFactorVariable) &&
    286335          !(n.Symbol is FactorVariable) &&
    287336          !(n.Symbol is LaggedVariable) &&
    288           !(n.Symbol is Constant) &&
     337          !(n.Symbol is HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Constant) &&
    289338          !(n.Symbol is Addition) &&
    290339          !(n.Symbol is Subtraction) &&
    298347          !(n.Symbol is Cosine) &&
    299348          !(n.Symbol is Tangent) &&
    300           !(n.Symbol is Erf) &&
    301           !(n.Symbol is Norm) &&
    302349          !(n.Symbol is StartSymbol)
    303350        select n).Any();
  • branches/MathNetNumerics-Exploration-2789/HeuristicLab.ExtLibs.MathNetNumerics/Plugin.cs.frame

    r14991 r15313  
    2626  [PluginFile("HeuristicLab.ExtLibs.MathNetNumerics.dll", PluginFileType.Assembly)]
    2727  [PluginFile("MathNet.Numerics.dll", PluginFileType.Assembly)]
    28   [PluginFile("x64/libiomp5md.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
    29   [PluginFile("x64/MathNet.Numerics.MKL.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
    30   [PluginFile("x86/libiomp5md.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
    31   [PluginFile("x86/MathNet.Numerics.MKL.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
     28  //[PluginFile("x64/libiomp5md.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
     29  //[PluginFile("x64/MathNet.Numerics.MKL.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
     30  //[PluginFile("x86/libiomp5md.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
     31  //[PluginFile("x86/MathNet.Numerics.MKL.dll", PluginFileType.NativeDll)]
    3232  public class Plugin : PluginBase {
    3333  }
  • branches/MathNetNumerics-Exploration-2789/MathNetNumerics-Exploration.sln

    r14991 r15313  
    88Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental", "HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental\HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.Experimental.csproj", "{D97F91B5-B71B-412D-90A5-177EED948A3A}"
     10Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Test", "Test\Test.csproj", "{F5F7CF4D-F560-4B26-9552-21F2DE441F1F}"
    2224    {D97F91B5-B71B-412D-90A5-177EED948A3A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
    2325    {D97F91B5-B71B-412D-90A5-177EED948A3A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
     26    {F5F7CF4D-F560-4B26-9552-21F2DE441F1F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
     27    {F5F7CF4D-F560-4B26-9552-21F2DE441F1F}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
     28    {F5F7CF4D-F560-4B26-9552-21F2DE441F1F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
     29    {F5F7CF4D-F560-4B26-9552-21F2DE441F1F}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
    2430  EndGlobalSection
    2531  GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
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