using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using HeuristicLab.Visualization.LabelProvider; namespace HeuristicLab.Visualization { public enum Action { Added, Modified, Deleted } public delegate void DataRowChangedHandler(IDataRow row); public delegate void ValuesChangedHandler(IDataRow row, double[] values, int index, Action action); public delegate void ValueChangedHandler(IDataRow row, double value, int index, Action action); public class DataRow : IDataRow { private string label = ""; private Color color = Color.Black; private int thickness = 2; private DrawingStyle style = DrawingStyle.Solid; private DataRowType lineType = DataRowType.Normal; private readonly List dataRow = new List(); private ILabelProvider labelProvider = new ContinuousLabelProvider("0.##"); public DataRowType LineType{ get { return lineType; } set { lineType = value; OnDataRowChanged(this); } } public ILabelProvider YAxisLabelProvider { get { return labelProvider; } set { this.labelProvider = value; OnDataRowChanged(this); } } public DataRow() { } public DataRow(string label) { this.Label = label; } public DataRow(string label, Color color, int thickness, DrawingStyle style, List dataRow) { this.Label = label; this.Color = color; this.Thickness = thickness; this.Style = style; this.dataRow = dataRow; } public event DataRowChangedHandler DataRowChanged; protected void OnDataRowChanged(IDataRow row) { if (DataRowChanged != null) { DataRowChanged(this); } } public event ValuesChangedHandler ValuesChanged; protected void OnValuesChanged(double[] values, int index, Action action) { if (ValuesChanged != null) { ValuesChanged(this, values, index, action); } } public event ValueChangedHandler ValueChanged; protected void OnValueChanged(double value, int index, Action action) { if (ValueChanged != null) { ValueChanged(this, value, index, action); } } public string Label { get { return label; } set { label = value; OnDataRowChanged(this); } } public Color Color { get { return color; } set { color = value; OnDataRowChanged(this); } } public int Thickness { get { return thickness; } set { thickness = value; OnDataRowChanged(this); } } public DrawingStyle Style { get { return style; } set { style = value; OnDataRowChanged(this); } } public void AddValue(double value) { dataRow.Add(value); OnValueChanged(value, dataRow.Count - 1, Action.Added); } public void AddValue(double value, int index) { //check if index is valid if (index >= 0 && index < dataRow.Count) { dataRow.Insert(index, value); OnValueChanged(value, index, Action.Added); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } public void AddValues(double[] values) { int startInd = dataRow.Count; foreach (double d in values) { dataRow.Add(d); } OnValuesChanged(values, startInd, Action.Added); } public void AddValues(double[] values, int index) { int j = index; //check if index to start changes is valid if (index >=0 && (index + values.Length) < dataRow.Count) { foreach (double d in values) { dataRow.Insert(j, d); j++; } OnValuesChanged(values, index, Action.Added); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } public void ModifyValue(double value, int index) { //check if index is valid if (index >= 0 && index < dataRow.Count) { dataRow[index] = value; OnValueChanged(value, index, Action.Modified); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } public void ModifyValues(double[] values, int index) { int startInd = index; int modInd = index; //check if index to start modification is valid if (startInd >=0 && startInd + values.Length < dataRow.Count) { foreach (double d in values) { dataRow[modInd] = d; modInd++; } OnValuesChanged(values, startInd, Action.Modified); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } public void RemoveValue(int index) { double remVal = dataRow[index]; //check if index is valid if (index >= 0 && index < dataRow.Count) { dataRow.RemoveAt(index); OnValueChanged(remVal, index, Action.Deleted); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } public void RemoveValues(int index, int count) { double[] remValues = new double[count]; //removed values int j = 0; //check if count is valid if (count > 0) { //check if index is valid if ((index >= 0) && (index + count <= dataRow.Count)) { for (int i = index; i < (index + count); i++) { remValues.SetValue(i, j); dataRow.RemoveAt(i); j++; } OnValuesChanged(remValues, index, Action.Deleted); } else { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } else { throw new Exception("parameter count must be > 0!"); } } public int Count { get { return dataRow.Count; } } public double this[int index] { get { return dataRow[index]; } set { dataRow[index] = value; OnValueChanged(value, index, Action.Modified); } } } }