using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Windows.Forms; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.Visualization.DataExport; using HeuristicLab.Visualization.Legend; using HeuristicLab.Visualization.Options; using HeuristicLab.Visualization.Test; namespace HeuristicLab.Visualization { public partial class LineChart : ViewBase { private readonly IChartDataRowsModel model; private readonly Canvas canvas; private readonly TextShape titleShape = new TextShape("Title"); private readonly LegendShape legendShape = new LegendShape(); private readonly XAxis xAxis = new XAxis(); private readonly XAxisGrid xAxisGrid = new XAxisGrid(); private readonly List rowEntries = new List(); private readonly Dictionary rowToRowEntry = new Dictionary(); private readonly ViewSettings viewSettings; private readonly WorldShape userInteractionShape = new WorldShape(); private readonly RectangleShape rectangleShape = new RectangleShape(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.FromArgb(50, 0, 0, 255)); private IMouseEventListener mouseEventListener; private const int YAxisWidth = 100; private const int XAxisHeight = 40; /// /// This constructor shouldn't be called. Only required for the designer. /// public LineChart() { InitializeComponent(); } /// /// Initializes the chart. /// /// Referenz to the model, for data public LineChart(IChartDataRowsModel model) : this() { if (model == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Model cannot be null."); } canvas = canvasUI.Canvas; this.model = model; viewSettings = model.ViewSettings; viewSettings.OnUpdateSettings += UpdateViewSettings; Item = model; UpdateLayout(); canvasUI.Resize += delegate { UpdateLayout(); }; ZoomToFullView(); } /// /// updates the view settings /// private void UpdateViewSettings() { titleShape.Font = viewSettings.TitleFont; titleShape.Color = viewSettings.TitleColor; titleShape.Text = model.Title; legendShape.Font = viewSettings.LegendFont; legendShape.Color = viewSettings.LegendColor; xAxis.Font = viewSettings.XAxisFont; xAxis.Color = viewSettings.XAxisColor; SetLegendPosition(); canvasUI.Invalidate(); } /// /// Layout management - arranges the inner shapes. /// private void UpdateLayout() { canvas.ClearShapes(); titleShape.Text = model.Title; if (model.ShowXAxisGrid) { canvas.AddShape(xAxisGrid); } foreach (YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor in model.YAxes) { YAxisInfo info = GetYAxisInfo(yAxisDescriptor); if (yAxisDescriptor.ShowGrid) { info.Grid.Color = yAxisDescriptor.GridColor; canvas.AddShape(info.Grid); } } foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { canvas.AddShape(rowEntry.LinesShape); } xAxis.ShowLabel = model.ShowXAxisLabel; xAxis.Label = model.XAxisLabel; canvas.AddShape(xAxis); int yAxesWidthLeft = 0; int yAxesWidthRight = 0; foreach (YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor in model.YAxes) { YAxisInfo info = GetYAxisInfo(yAxisDescriptor); if (yAxisDescriptor.ShowYAxis) { canvas.AddShape(info.YAxis); info.YAxis.ShowLabel = yAxisDescriptor.ShowYAxisLabel; info.YAxis.Label = yAxisDescriptor.Label; info.YAxis.Position = yAxisDescriptor.Position; switch (yAxisDescriptor.Position) { case AxisPosition.Left: yAxesWidthLeft += YAxisWidth; break; case AxisPosition.Right: yAxesWidthRight += YAxisWidth; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } canvas.AddShape(titleShape); canvas.AddShape(legendShape); canvas.AddShape(userInteractionShape); titleShape.X = 10; titleShape.Y = canvasUI.Height - 10; RectangleD linesAreaBoundingBox = new RectangleD(yAxesWidthLeft, XAxisHeight, canvasUI.Width - yAxesWidthRight, canvasUI.Height); foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { rowEntry.LinesShape.BoundingBox = linesAreaBoundingBox; } xAxisGrid.BoundingBox = linesAreaBoundingBox; foreach (YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor in model.YAxes) { YAxisInfo info = GetYAxisInfo(yAxisDescriptor); info.Grid.BoundingBox = linesAreaBoundingBox; } int yAxisLeft = 0; int yAxisRight = (int)linesAreaBoundingBox.X2; foreach (YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor in model.YAxes) { YAxisInfo info = GetYAxisInfo(yAxisDescriptor); if (yAxisDescriptor.ShowYAxis) { switch (yAxisDescriptor.Position) { case AxisPosition.Left: info.YAxis.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(yAxisLeft, linesAreaBoundingBox.Y1, yAxisLeft + YAxisWidth, linesAreaBoundingBox.Y2); yAxisLeft += YAxisWidth; break; case AxisPosition.Right: info.YAxis.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(yAxisRight, linesAreaBoundingBox.Y1, yAxisRight + YAxisWidth, linesAreaBoundingBox.Y2); yAxisRight += YAxisWidth; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } userInteractionShape.BoundingBox = linesAreaBoundingBox; userInteractionShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(0, 0, userInteractionShape.BoundingBox.Width, userInteractionShape.BoundingBox.Height); xAxis.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(linesAreaBoundingBox.X1, 0, linesAreaBoundingBox.X2, linesAreaBoundingBox.Y1); SetLegendPosition(); } private readonly Dictionary yAxisInfos = new Dictionary(); private YAxisInfo GetYAxisInfo(YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor) { YAxisInfo info; if (!yAxisInfos.TryGetValue(yAxisDescriptor, out info)) { info = new YAxisInfo(); yAxisInfos[yAxisDescriptor] = info; } return info; } /// /// sets the legend position /// private void SetLegendPosition() { switch (viewSettings.LegendPosition) { case LegendPosition.Bottom: setLegendBottom(); break; case LegendPosition.Top: setLegendTop(); break; case LegendPosition.Left: setLegendLeft(); break; case LegendPosition.Right: setLegendRight(); break; } } public void setLegendRight() { // legend right legendShape.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(canvasUI.Width - legendShape.GetMaxLabelLength(), 10, canvasUI.Width, canvasUI.Height - 50); legendShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(0, 0, legendShape.BoundingBox.Width, legendShape.BoundingBox.Height); legendShape.Row = false; legendShape.CreateLegend(); } public void setLegendLeft() { // legend left legendShape.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(10, 10, canvasUI.Width, canvasUI.Height - 50); legendShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(0, 0, legendShape.BoundingBox.Width, legendShape.BoundingBox.Height); legendShape.Row = false; legendShape.CreateLegend(); canvasUI.Invalidate(); } public void setLegendTop() { // legend top legendShape.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(100, canvasUI.Height - canvasUI.Height, canvasUI.Width, canvasUI.Height - 10); legendShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(0, 0, legendShape.BoundingBox.Width, legendShape.BoundingBox.Height); legendShape.Row = true; legendShape.Top = true; legendShape.CreateLegend(); } public void setLegendBottom() { // legend bottom legendShape.BoundingBox = new RectangleD(100, 10, canvasUI.Width, canvasUI.Height /*legendShape.GetHeight4Rows()*/); legendShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(0, 0, legendShape.BoundingBox.Width, legendShape.BoundingBox.Height); legendShape.Row = true; legendShape.Top = false; legendShape.CreateLegend(); } private void optionsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog optionsdlg = new OptionsDialog(model); optionsdlg.Show(); } private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExportDialog exportdlg = new ExportDialog(); exportdlg.ShowDialog(this); IExporter exporter = exportdlg.SelectedExporter; if (exporter != null) exporter.Export(model); } public void OnDataRowChanged(IDataRow row) { RowEntry rowEntry = rowToRowEntry[row]; rowEntry.LinesShape.UpdateStyle(row); UpdateLayout(); canvasUI.Invalidate(); } #region Add-/RemoveItemEvents protected override void AddItemEvents() { base.AddItemEvents(); model.DataRowAdded += OnDataRowAdded; model.DataRowRemoved += OnDataRowRemoved; model.ModelChanged += OnModelChanged; foreach (IDataRow row in model.Rows) { OnDataRowAdded(row); } } protected override void RemoveItemEvents() { base.RemoveItemEvents(); model.DataRowAdded -= OnDataRowAdded; model.DataRowRemoved -= OnDataRowRemoved; model.ModelChanged -= OnModelChanged; } private void OnDataRowAdded(IDataRow row) { row.ValueChanged += OnRowValueChanged; row.ValuesChanged += OnRowValuesChanged; row.DataRowChanged += OnDataRowChanged; legendShape.AddLegendItem(new LegendItem(row.Label, row.Color, row.Thickness)); legendShape.CreateLegend(); InitLineShapes(row); UpdateLayout(); } private void OnDataRowRemoved(IDataRow row) { row.ValueChanged -= OnRowValueChanged; row.ValuesChanged -= OnRowValuesChanged; row.DataRowChanged -= OnDataRowChanged; rowToRowEntry.Remove(row); rowEntries.RemoveAll(delegate(RowEntry rowEntry) { return rowEntry.DataRow == row; }); UpdateLayout(); } #endregion public void ZoomToFullView() { SetClipX(-0.1, model.MaxDataRowValues - 0.9); foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor = rowEntry.DataRow.YAxis; SetClipY(rowEntry, yAxisDescriptor.MinValue - ((yAxisDescriptor.MaxValue - yAxisDescriptor.MinValue)*0.05), yAxisDescriptor.MaxValue + ((yAxisDescriptor.MaxValue - yAxisDescriptor.MinValue)*0.05)); } canvasUI.Invalidate(); } private void SetClipX(double x1, double x2) { xAxisGrid.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(x1, xAxisGrid.ClippingArea.Y1, x2, xAxisGrid.ClippingArea.Y2); xAxis.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(x1, 0, x2, XAxisHeight); foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(x1, rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea.Y1, x2, rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea.Y2); } foreach (YAxisDescriptor yAxisDescriptor in model.YAxes) { YAxisInfo info = GetYAxisInfo(yAxisDescriptor); info.Grid.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(x1, info.Grid.ClippingArea.Y1, x2, info.Grid.ClippingArea.Y2); info.YAxis.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(0, info.YAxis.ClippingArea.Y1, YAxisWidth, info.YAxis.ClippingArea.Y2); } } private void SetClipY(RowEntry rowEntry, double y1, double y2) { xAxisGrid.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(xAxisGrid.ClippingArea.X1, y1, xAxisGrid.ClippingArea.X2, y2); rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea.X1, y1, rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea.X2, y2); YAxisInfo info = GetYAxisInfo(rowEntry.DataRow.YAxis); info.Grid.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(info.Grid.ClippingArea.X1, y1, info.Grid.ClippingArea.X2, y2); info.YAxis.ClippingArea = new RectangleD(info.YAxis.ClippingArea.X1, y1, info.YAxis.ClippingArea.X2, y2); } private void InitLineShapes(IDataRow row) { RowEntry rowEntry = new RowEntry(row); rowEntries.Add(rowEntry); rowToRowEntry[row] = rowEntry; if ((row.LineType == DataRowType.SingleValue)) { if (row.Count > 0) { LineShape lineShape = new HorizontalLineShape(0, row[0], double.MaxValue, row[0], row.Color, row.Thickness, row.Style); rowEntry.LinesShape.AddShape(lineShape); } } else { rowEntry.showMarkers(row.ShowMarkers); for (int i = 1; i < row.Count; i++) { LineShape lineShape = new LineShape(i - 1, row[i - 1], i, row[i], row.Color, row.Thickness, row.Style); rowEntry.LinesShape.AddShape(lineShape); rowEntry.LinesShape.AddMarkerShape(new MarkerShape(i - 1, row[i - 1], 8, row.Color)); } if (row.Count > 0) { rowEntry.LinesShape.AddMarkerShape(new MarkerShape((row.Count - 1), row[(row.Count - 1)], 8, row.Color)); } } ZoomToFullView(); } private void OnRowValueChanged(IDataRow row, double value, int index, Action action) { RowEntry rowEntry = rowToRowEntry[row]; if (row.LineType == DataRowType.SingleValue) { if (action == Action.Added) { LineShape lineShape = new HorizontalLineShape(0, row[0], double.MaxValue, row[0], row.Color, row.Thickness, row.Style); rowEntry.LinesShape.AddShape(lineShape); } else { LineShape lineShape = rowEntry.LinesShape.GetShape(0); lineShape.Y1 = value; lineShape.Y2 = value; } } else { if (index > rowEntry.LinesShape.Count + 1) { //MarkersShape is on position zero throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (action == Action.Added) { // new value was added if (index > 0 && index == rowEntry.LinesShape.Count + 1) { LineShape lineShape = new LineShape(index - 1, row[index - 1], index, row[index], row.Color, row.Thickness, row.Style); rowEntry.LinesShape.AddShape(lineShape); rowEntry.LinesShape.AddMarkerShape(new MarkerShape(index, row[index], 8, row.Color)); } } else if (action == Action.Modified) { // not the first value if (index > 0) { rowEntry.LinesShape.GetShape(index - 1).Y2 = value; ((MarkerShape)rowEntry.LinesShape.markersShape.GetShape(index - 1)).Y = value; } // not the last value if (index > 0 && index < row.Count - 1) { rowEntry.LinesShape.GetShape(index).Y1 = value; ((MarkerShape)rowEntry.LinesShape.markersShape.GetShape(index)).Y = value; } } } ZoomToFullView(); } private void OnRowValuesChanged(IDataRow row, double[] values, int index, Action action) { foreach (double value in values) { OnRowValueChanged(row, value, index++, action); } } private void OnModelChanged() { UpdateLayout(); canvasUI.Invalidate(); } #region Begin-/EndUpdate private int beginUpdateCount; public void BeginUpdate() { beginUpdateCount++; } public void EndUpdate() { if (beginUpdateCount == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many EndUpdates."); } beginUpdateCount--; if (beginUpdateCount == 0) { canvasUI.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Zooming / Panning private void Pan(Point startPoint, Point endPoint) { RectangleD clippingArea = Translate.ClippingArea(startPoint, endPoint, xAxis.ClippingArea, xAxis.Viewport); SetClipX(clippingArea.X1, clippingArea.X2); foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { if (rowEntry.DataRow.YAxis.ClipChangeable) { clippingArea = Translate.ClippingArea(startPoint, endPoint, rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea, rowEntry.LinesShape.Viewport); SetClipY(rowEntry, clippingArea.Y1, clippingArea.Y2); } } canvasUI.Invalidate(); } private void PanEnd(Point startPoint, Point endPoint) { Pan(startPoint, endPoint); } private void SetClippingArea(Rectangle rectangle) { RectangleD clippingArea = Transform.ToWorld(rectangle, xAxis.Viewport, xAxis.ClippingArea); SetClipX(clippingArea.X1, clippingArea.X2); foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { if (rowEntry.DataRow.YAxis.ClipChangeable) { clippingArea = Transform.ToWorld(rectangle, rowEntry.LinesShape.Viewport, rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea); SetClipY(rowEntry, clippingArea.Y1, clippingArea.Y2); } } userInteractionShape.RemoveShape(rectangleShape); canvasUI.Invalidate(); } private void DrawRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) { rectangleShape.Rectangle = Transform.ToWorld(rectangle, userInteractionShape.Viewport, userInteractionShape.ClippingArea); canvasUI.Invalidate(); } private void canvasUI1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {} private void canvasUI1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Focus(); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { contextMenu.Show(PointToScreen(e.Location)); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.None) { PanListener panListener = new PanListener(e.Location); panListener.Pan += Pan; panListener.PanEnd += PanEnd; mouseEventListener = panListener; } else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { ZoomListener zoomListener = new ZoomListener(e.Location); zoomListener.DrawRectangle += DrawRectangle; zoomListener.SetClippingArea += SetClippingArea; rectangleShape.Rectangle = RectangleD.Empty; userInteractionShape.AddShape(rectangleShape); mouseEventListener = zoomListener; } } } private void canvasUI_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (mouseEventListener != null) { mouseEventListener.MouseMove(sender, e); } } private void canvasUI_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (mouseEventListener != null) { mouseEventListener.MouseUp(sender, e); } mouseEventListener = null; } private void canvasUI1_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { double zoomFactor = (e.Delta > 0) ? 0.7 : 1.3; PointD world; world = Transform.ToWorld(e.Location, xAxis.Viewport, xAxis.ClippingArea); double x1 = world.X - (world.X - xAxis.ClippingArea.X1)*zoomFactor; double x2 = world.X + (xAxis.ClippingArea.X2 - world.X)*zoomFactor; SetClipX(x1, x2); foreach (RowEntry rowEntry in rowEntries) { world = Transform.ToWorld(e.Location, rowEntry.LinesShape.Viewport, rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea); double y1 = world.Y - (world.Y - rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea.Y1)*zoomFactor; double y2 = world.Y + (rowEntry.LinesShape.ClippingArea.Y2 - world.Y)*zoomFactor; SetClipY(rowEntry, y1, y2); } canvasUI.Invalidate(); } } #endregion private class LinesShape : WorldShape { public readonly CompositeShape markersShape = new CompositeShape(); public void UpdateStyle(IDataRow row) { foreach (IShape shape in shapes) { LineShape lineShape = shape as LineShape; if (lineShape != null) { lineShape.LSColor = row.Color; lineShape.LSDrawingStyle = row.Style; lineShape.LSThickness = row.Thickness; } } this.markersShape.ShowChildShapes = row.ShowMarkers; } public override void Draw(Graphics graphics) { GraphicsState gstate = graphics.Save(); graphics.SetClip(Viewport); foreach (IShape shape in shapes) { // draw child shapes using our own clipping area shape.Draw(graphics); } markersShape.Draw(graphics); graphics.Restore(gstate); } public void AddMarkerShape(IShape shape) { shape.Parent = this; markersShape.AddShape(shape); } public int Count { get { return shapes.Count; } } public LineShape GetShape(int index) { return (LineShape)shapes[index]; //shapes[0] is markersShape!! } } private class RowEntry { private readonly IDataRow dataRow; private readonly LinesShape linesShape = new LinesShape(); public RowEntry(IDataRow dataRow) { this.dataRow = dataRow; linesShape.markersShape.Parent = linesShape; } public IDataRow DataRow { get { return dataRow; } } public LinesShape LinesShape { get { return linesShape; } } public void showMarkers(bool flag) { linesShape.markersShape.ShowChildShapes = flag; } } private class YAxisInfo { private readonly YAxisGrid grid = new YAxisGrid(); private readonly YAxis yAxis = new YAxis(); public YAxisGrid Grid { get { return grid; } } public YAxis YAxis { get { return yAxis; } } } } }