using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; namespace HeuristicLab.Visualization.Test { [TestFixture] public class LineChartTests { private ChartDataRowsModel model; [SetUp] public void SetUp() { model = new ChartDataRowsModel(); } [Test] public void TestLineChart() { LineChartTestForm f = new LineChartTestForm(model); IDataRow row1 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row2 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row3 = new DataRow(); row1.Color = Color.Red; row2.Color = Color.Green; row3.Color = Color.Blue; row1.Thickness = 3; row2.Thickness = 4; row3.Thickness = 5; row1.Label = "Simon"; row2.Label = "Gertschi"; row3.Label = "Maxi"; row1.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row2.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row3.Style = DrawingStyle.Dashed; model.AddDataRow(row1); model.AddDataRow(row2); model.AddDataRow(row3); row1.AddValue(10); row1.AddValue(5); row1.AddValue(7); row1.AddValue(3); row1.AddValue(10); row1.AddValue(2); row2.AddValue(5); row2.AddValue(6); row2.AddValue(5); row3.AddValue(2); row3.AddValue(2); row3.AddValue(2); row3.AddValue(2); row3.AddValue(2); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { row1.AddValue(rand.NextDouble()*10); row2.AddValue(rand.NextDouble()*10); row3.AddValue(rand.NextDouble()*10); } f.ShowDialog(); } [Test] public void TestAxes() { LineChartTestForm f = new LineChartTestForm(model); IDataRow row1 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row2 = new DataRow(); row1.Color = Color.Red; row1.Thickness = 3; row1.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row1.Label = "Die Rote"; row2.Color = Color.Green; row2.Thickness = 3; row2.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row2.Label = "Die Grüne"; model.AddDataRow(row1); model.AddDataRow(row2); Random rand = new Random(42); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { row1.AddValue(rand.NextDouble()*10); row2.AddValue(rand.NextDouble()*10); } f.ShowDialog(); } [Test] public void TestAggregator() { LineChartTestForm f = new LineChartTestForm(model); IDataRow row1 = new DataRow(); row1.Label = "row"; row1.Color = Color.Red; row1.Thickness = 3; row1.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; model.AddDataRow(row1); IAggregator aggregator = new MinAggregator(); aggregator.Label = "MinAggregator"; aggregator.Color = Color.Pink; aggregator.Thickness = 5; aggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; aggregator.AddValue(2); aggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; IDataRow lineTest = new DataRow("testline"); lineTest.Color = Color.DarkSalmon; lineTest.Thickness = 2; lineTest.Style = DrawingStyle.Dashed; lineTest.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; model.AddDataRow(lineTest); lineTest.AddValue(9); lineTest.AddValue(2); lineTest.AddValue(3); lineTest.AddValue(4); aggregator.AddWatch(row1); model.AddDataRow(aggregator); row1.AddValue(10); row1.AddValue(5); row1.AddValue(7); row1.AddValue(3); row1.AddValue(10); row1.AddValue(2); f.ShowDialog(); } public class Worker { // This method will be called when the thread is started. private ChartDataRowsModel model; public Worker(ChartDataRowsModel model) { this.model = model; } public void DoWork() { IDataRow row1 = new DataRow(); row1.Color = Color.Red; row1.Thickness = 2; row1.Label = "Simon"; row1.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; model.AddDataRow(row1); IDataRow row2 = new DataRow(); row2.Color = Color.Red; row2.Thickness = 3; row2.Label = "Simon"; row2.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; model.AddDataRow(row2); IAggregator aggregator = new MinAggregator(); aggregator.Label = "MinAggregator"; aggregator.Color = Color.Pink; aggregator.Thickness = 3; aggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; aggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; aggregator.AddWatch(row1); model.AddDataRow(aggregator); IAggregator maxAggregator = new MaxAggregator(); maxAggregator.Label = "MaxAggregator"; maxAggregator.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; maxAggregator.Thickness = 3; maxAggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; maxAggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; maxAggregator.AddWatch(row1); model.AddDataRow(maxAggregator); IAggregator avgAggregator = new AvgAggregator(); avgAggregator.Label = "AvgAggregator"; avgAggregator.Color = Color.Violet; avgAggregator.Thickness = 3; avgAggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; avgAggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; avgAggregator.AddWatch(row1); model.AddDataRow(avgAggregator); IAggregator multiAvgAggregator = new AvgAggregator(); multiAvgAggregator.Label = "MultiAvgAggregator"; multiAvgAggregator.Color = Color.DarkOliveGreen; multiAvgAggregator.Thickness = 3; multiAvgAggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; multiAvgAggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; multiAvgAggregator.AddWatch(row1); multiAvgAggregator.AddWatch(row2); model.AddDataRow(multiAvgAggregator); IAggregator multiMaxAggregator = new MaxAggregator(); multiMaxAggregator.Label = "MultiMaxAggregator"; multiMaxAggregator.Color = Color.DarkKhaki; multiMaxAggregator.Thickness = 3; multiMaxAggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; multiMaxAggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; multiMaxAggregator.AddWatch(row1); multiMaxAggregator.AddWatch(row2); model.AddDataRow(multiMaxAggregator); IAggregator multiMinAggregator = new MinAggregator(); multiMinAggregator.Label = "MultiMinAggregator"; multiMinAggregator.Color = Color.DarkRed; multiMinAggregator.Thickness = 3; multiMinAggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; multiMinAggregator.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; multiMinAggregator.AddWatch(row1); multiMinAggregator.AddWatch(row2); model.AddDataRow(multiMinAggregator); IAggregator multiLineAvgAggregator = new AvgLineAggregator(); multiLineAvgAggregator.Label = "MultiLineAvgAggregator"; multiLineAvgAggregator.Color = Color.Red; multiLineAvgAggregator.Thickness = 4; multiLineAvgAggregator.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; multiLineAvgAggregator.LineType = DataRowType.Normal; multiLineAvgAggregator.AddWatch(row1); multiLineAvgAggregator.AddWatch(row2); multiLineAvgAggregator.AddValue(0); model.AddDataRow(multiLineAvgAggregator); double i = 0; double newY; Random rand = new Random(); while (!_shouldStop && i <= 24) { i += 0.2; newY = Math.Sin(i); System.Console.WriteLine("working"); //row1.AddValue(rand.NextDouble() * 10); row1.AddValue(newY * 10); row2.AddValue(i*2-15); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } Console.WriteLine("worker thread: terminating gracefully."); } public void RequestStop() { _shouldStop = true; } // Volatile is used as hint to the compiler that this data // member will be accessed by multiple threads. private volatile bool _shouldStop; } [Test] public void TestAggregator2() { LineChartTestForm f = new LineChartTestForm(model); // Create the thread object. This does not start the thread. Worker workerObject = new Worker(model); Thread workerThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork); // Start the worker thread. workerThread.Start(); f.ShowDialog(); workerObject.RequestStop(); } [Test] public void TestAutoZoomInConstructor() { IDataRow row1 = new DataRow(); row1.Color = Color.Red; row1.Thickness = 3; row1.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; model.AddDataRow(row1); row1.AddValue(10); row1.AddValue(5); row1.AddValue(7); row1.AddValue(3); row1.AddValue(10); row1.AddValue(2); LineChartTestForm f = new LineChartTestForm(model); f.ShowDialog(); } [Test] public void TestSingleValueDataRows() { LineChartTestForm f = new LineChartTestForm(model); IDataRow row1 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row2 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row3 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row4 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row5 = new DataRow(); IDataRow row6 = new DataRow(); row1.Color = Color.Red; row2.Color = Color.Green; row3.Color = Color.Blue; row4.Color = Color.DeepPink; row5.Color = Color.Firebrick; row6.Color = Color.DarkSlateGray; row1.Thickness = 3; row2.Thickness = 4; row3.Thickness = 5; row4.Thickness = 3; row5.Thickness = 4; row6.Thickness = 5; row1.Label = "SingleValue"; row2.Label = "Gertschi"; row3.Label = "Maxi"; row4.Label = "Simon"; row5.Label = "klausmuellerwesternhagenunddierasperies"; row6.Label = "anyways"; row1.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row2.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row3.Style = DrawingStyle.Dashed; row4.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row5.Style = DrawingStyle.Solid; row6.Style = DrawingStyle.Dashed; row1.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; row2.LineType = DataRowType.SingleValue; row1.AddValue(12); row2.AddValue(5); row3.AddValue(2); row3.AddValue(5); row3.AddValue(9); row3.AddValue(1); row3.AddValue(3); row4.AddValue(10); row5.AddValue(11); row6.AddValue(11); model.AddDataRow(row1); model.AddDataRow(row2); model.AddDataRow(row3); model.AddDataRow(row4); model.AddDataRow(row5); model.AddDataRow(row6); f.ShowDialog(); } [Test] public void TestMainForm() { MainForm f = new MainForm(); f.ShowDialog(); } } }