#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using HeuristicLab.Core;
using HeuristicLab.Constraints;
using System.Diagnostics;
using HeuristicLab.Data;
using System.Linq;
using HeuristicLab.Random;
using HeuristicLab.Operators;
using HeuristicLab.Selection;
using HeuristicLab.Functions;
using System.Collections;
namespace HeuristicLab.StructureIdentification {
internal class TreeGardener {
private IRandom random;
private GPOperatorLibrary funLibrary;
private List functions;
private List terminals;
internal IList Terminals {
get { return terminals; }
private List allFunctions;
internal IList AllFunctions {
get { return allFunctions; }
#region constructors
internal TreeGardener(IRandom random, GPOperatorLibrary funLibrary) {
this.random = random;
this.funLibrary = funLibrary;
this.allFunctions = new List();
terminals = new List();
functions = new List();
// init functions and terminals based on constraints
foreach(IFunction fun in funLibrary.Group.Operators) {
int maxA, minA;
GetMinMaxArity(fun, out minA, out maxA);
if(maxA == 0) {
} else {
#region random initialization
/// Creates a random balanced tree with a maximal size and height. When the max-height or max-size are 1 it will return a random terminal.
/// In other cases it will return either a terminal (tree of size 1) or any other tree with a function in it's root (at least height 2).
/// Maximal size of the tree (number of nodes).
/// Maximal height of the tree.
internal IFunctionTree CreateBalancedRandomTree(int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) {
IFunction rootFunction = GetRandomRoot(maxTreeSize, maxTreeHeight);
IFunctionTree tree = MakeBalancedTree(rootFunction, maxTreeHeight - 1);
return tree;
/// Creates a random (unbalanced) tree with a maximal size and height. When the max-height or max-size are 1 it will return a random terminal.
/// In other cases it will return either a terminal (tree of size 1) or any other tree with a function in it's root (at least height 2).
/// Maximal size of the tree (number of nodes).
/// Maximal height of the tree.
internal IFunctionTree CreateUnbalancedRandomTree(int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) {
IFunction rootFunction = GetRandomRoot(maxTreeSize, maxTreeHeight);
IFunctionTree tree = MakeUnbalancedTree(rootFunction, maxTreeHeight - 1);
return tree;
internal IFunctionTree PTC2(IRandom random, int size, int maxDepth) {
return PTC2(random, GetRandomRoot(size, maxDepth), size, maxDepth);
internal IFunctionTree PTC2(IRandom random, IFunction rootF, int size, int maxDepth) {
IFunctionTree root = rootF.GetTreeNode();
if(size <= 1 || maxDepth <= 1) return root;
List list = new List();
int currentSize = 1;
int totalListMinSize = 0;
int minArity;
int maxArity;
GetMinMaxArity(root.Function, out minArity, out maxArity);
if(maxArity >= size) {
maxArity = size;
int actualArity = random.Next(minArity, maxArity + 1);
totalListMinSize += GetMinimalTreeSize(root.Function) - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) {
// insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
list.Add(new object[] { root, i, 2 });
while(list.Count > 0 && totalListMinSize + currentSize < size) {
int randomIndex = random.Next(list.Count);
object[] nextExtension = list[randomIndex];
IFunctionTree parent = (IFunctionTree)nextExtension[0];
int a = (int)nextExtension[1];
int d = (int)nextExtension[2];
if(d == maxDepth) {
IFunctionTree branch = CreateRandomTree(GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent.Function, a), 1, 1);
parent.InsertSubTree(a, branch); // insert a smallest possible tree
currentSize += branch.Size;
totalListMinSize -= branch.Size;
} else {
IFunction selectedFunction = RandomSelect(GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent.Function, a).Where(
f => !IsTerminal(f) && GetMinimalTreeHeight(f) + (d - 1) <= maxDepth).ToArray());
IFunctionTree newTree = selectedFunction.GetTreeNode();
parent.InsertSubTree(a, newTree);
GetMinMaxArity(selectedFunction, out minArity, out maxArity);
if(maxArity >= size) {
maxArity = size;
actualArity = random.Next(minArity, maxArity + 1);
for(int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) {
// insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
list.Add(new object[] { newTree, i, d + 1 });
totalListMinSize += GetMinimalTreeSize(newTree.Function) - 1;
while(list.Count > 0) {
int randomIndex = random.Next(list.Count);
object[] nextExtension = list[randomIndex];
IFunctionTree parent = (IFunctionTree)nextExtension[0];
int a = (int)nextExtension[1];
int d = (int)nextExtension[2];
CreateRandomTree(GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent.Function, a), 1, 1)); // append a tree with minimal possible height
return root;
/// selects a random function from allowedFunctions and creates a random (unbalanced) tree with maximal size and height.
/// Set of allowed functions.
/// Maximal size of the tree (number of nodes).
/// Maximal height of the tree.
/// New random unbalanced tree
internal IFunctionTree CreateRandomTree(ICollection allowedFunctions, int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) {
// get the minimal needed height based on allowed functions and extend the max-height if necessary
int minTreeHeight = allowedFunctions.Select(f => GetMinimalTreeHeight(f)).Min();
if(minTreeHeight > maxTreeHeight)
maxTreeHeight = minTreeHeight;
// get the minimal needed size based on allowed functions and extend the max-size if necessary
int minTreeSize = allowedFunctions.Select(f => GetMinimalTreeSize(f)).Min();
if(minTreeSize > maxTreeSize)
maxTreeSize = minTreeSize;
// select a random value for the size and height
int treeHeight = random.Next(minTreeHeight, maxTreeHeight + 1);
int treeSize = random.Next(minTreeSize, maxTreeSize + 1);
// filter the set of allowed functions and select only from those that fit into the given maximal size and height limits
IFunction[] possibleFunctions = allowedFunctions.Where(f => GetMinimalTreeHeight(f) <= treeHeight &&
GetMinimalTreeSize(f) <= treeSize).ToArray();
IFunction selectedFunction = RandomSelect(possibleFunctions);
// build the tree
IFunctionTree root;
root = PTC2(random, selectedFunction, maxTreeSize, maxTreeHeight);
return root;
internal CompositeOperation CreateInitializationOperation(ICollection trees, IScope scope) {
// needed for the parameter shaking operation
CompositeOperation initializationOperation = new CompositeOperation();
Scope tempScope = new Scope("Temp. initialization scope");
var parametricTrees = trees.Where(t => t.Function.GetVariable(FunctionBase.INITIALIZATION) != null);
foreach(IFunctionTree tree in parametricTrees) {
// enqueue an initialization operation for each operator with local variables
IOperator initialization = (IOperator)tree.Function.GetVariable(FunctionBase.INITIALIZATION).Value;
Scope initScope = new Scope();
// copy the local variables into a temporary scope used for initialization
foreach(IVariable variable in tree.LocalVariables) {
initializationOperation.AddOperation(new AtomicOperation(initialization, initScope));
Scope backupScope = new Scope("backup");
foreach(Scope subScope in scope.SubScopes) {
// add an operation to remove the temporary scopes
initializationOperation.AddOperation(new AtomicOperation(new RightReducer(), scope));
return initializationOperation;
#region tree information gathering
internal IFunctionTree GetRandomParentNode(IFunctionTree tree) {
List parentNodes = new List();
// add null for the parent of the root node
TreeForEach(tree, delegate(IFunctionTree possibleParentNode) {
if(possibleParentNode.SubTrees.Count > 0) {
return parentNodes[random.Next(parentNodes.Count)];
internal ICollection GetAllSubTrees(IFunctionTree root) {
List allTrees = new List();
TreeForEach(root, t => { allTrees.Add(t); });
return allTrees;
/// returns the height level of branch in the tree
/// if the branch == tree => 1
/// if branch is in the sub-trees of tree => 2
/// ...
/// if branch is not found => -1
/// root of the function tree to process
/// branch that is searched in the tree
internal int GetBranchLevel(IFunctionTree tree, IFunctionTree branch) {
return GetBranchLevelHelper(tree, branch, 1);
// 'tail-recursive' helper
private int GetBranchLevelHelper(IFunctionTree tree, IFunctionTree branch, int level) {
if(branch == tree) return level;
foreach(IFunctionTree subTree in tree.SubTrees) {
int result = GetBranchLevelHelper(subTree, branch, level + 1);
if(result != -1) return result;
return -1;
internal bool IsValidTree(IFunctionTree tree) {
SubOperatorsConstraintAnalyser analyzer = new SubOperatorsConstraintAnalyser();
analyzer.AllPossibleOperators = AllFunctions.Cast().ToArray();
for(int i = 0; i < tree.SubTrees.Count; i++) {
if(!analyzer.GetAllowedOperators(tree.Function, i).Contains(tree.SubTrees[i].Function)) return false;
foreach(IConstraint constraint in tree.Function.Constraints) {
if(constraint is NumberOfSubOperatorsConstraint) {
int max = ((NumberOfSubOperatorsConstraint)constraint).MaxOperators.Data;
int min = ((NumberOfSubOperatorsConstraint)constraint).MinOperators.Data;
if(tree.SubTrees.Count < min || tree.SubTrees.Count > max)
return false;
foreach(IFunctionTree subTree in tree.SubTrees) {
if(!IsValidTree(subTree)) return false;
return true;
// returns a random branch from the specified level in the tree
internal IFunctionTree GetRandomBranch(IFunctionTree tree, int level) {
if(level == 0) return tree;
List branches = GetBranchesAtLevel(tree, level);
return branches[random.Next(branches.Count)];
#region function information (arity, allowed childs and parents)
internal ICollection GetPossibleParents(List list) {
List result = new List();
foreach(IFunction f in functions) {
if(IsPossibleParent(f, list)) {
return result;
private bool IsPossibleParent(IFunction f, List children) {
int minArity;
int maxArity;
GetMinMaxArity(f, out minArity, out maxArity);
// note: we can't assume that the operators in the children list have different types!
// when the maxArity of this function is smaller than the list of operators that
// should be included as sub-operators then it can't be a parent
if(maxArity < children.Count()) {
return false;
int nSlots = Math.Max(minArity, children.Count);
SubOperatorsConstraintAnalyser analyzer = new SubOperatorsConstraintAnalyser();
analyzer.AllPossibleOperators = children.Cast().ToArray();
List> slotSets = new List>();
// we iterate through all slots for sub-trees and calculate the set of
// allowed functions for this slot.
// we only count those slots that can hold at least one of the children that we should combine
for(int slot = 0; slot < nSlots; slot++) {
HashSet functionSet = new HashSet(analyzer.GetAllowedOperators(f, slot).Cast());
if(functionSet.Count() > 0) {
// ok at the end of this operation we know how many slots of the parent can actually
// hold one of our children.
// if the number of slots is smaller than the number of children we can be sure that
// we can never combine all children as sub-trees of the function and thus the function
// can't be a parent.
if(slotSets.Count() < children.Count()) {
return false;
// finally we sort the sets by size and beginning from the first set select one
// function for the slot and thus remove it as possible sub-tree from the remaining sets.
// when we can successfully assign all available children to a slot the function is a valid parent
// when only a subset of all children can be assigned to slots the function is no valid parent
slotSets.Sort((p, q) => p.Count() - q.Count());
int assignments = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < slotSets.Count() - 1; i++) {
if(slotSets[i].Count > 0) {
IFunction selected = slotSets[i].ElementAt(0);
for(int j = i + 1; j < slotSets.Count(); j++) {
// sanity check
if(assignments > children.Count) throw new InvalidProgramException();
return assignments == children.Count - 1;
internal IList GetAllowedParents(IFunction child, int childIndex) {
List parents = new List();
foreach(IFunction function in functions) {
ICollection allowedSubFunctions = GetAllowedSubFunctions(function, childIndex);
if(allowedSubFunctions.Contains(child)) {
return parents;
internal bool IsTerminal(IFunction f) {
int minArity;
int maxArity;
GetMinMaxArity(f, out minArity, out maxArity);
return minArity == 0 && maxArity == 0;
internal IList GetAllowedSubFunctions(IFunction f, int index) {
if(f == null) {
return allFunctions;
} else {
SubOperatorsConstraintAnalyser analyzer = new SubOperatorsConstraintAnalyser();
analyzer.AllPossibleOperators = AllFunctions.Cast().ToArray();
List result = new List();
foreach(IFunction function in analyzer.GetAllowedOperators(f, index)) {
return result;
internal void GetMinMaxArity(IFunction f, out int minArity, out int maxArity) {
foreach(IConstraint constraint in f.Constraints) {
NumberOfSubOperatorsConstraint theConstraint = constraint as NumberOfSubOperatorsConstraint;
if(theConstraint != null) {
minArity = theConstraint.MinOperators.Data;
maxArity = theConstraint.MaxOperators.Data;
// the default arity is 2
minArity = 2;
maxArity = 2;
#region private utility methods
private IFunction GetRandomRoot(int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) {
if(maxTreeHeight == 1 || maxTreeSize == 1) {
IFunction selectedTerminal = RandomSelect(terminals);
return selectedTerminal;
} else {
IFunction[] possibleFunctions = functions.Where(f => GetMinimalTreeHeight(f) <= maxTreeHeight &&
GetMinimalTreeSize(f) <= maxTreeSize).ToArray();
IFunction selectedFunction = RandomSelect(possibleFunctions);
return selectedFunction;
private IFunctionTree MakeUnbalancedTree(IFunction parent, int maxTreeHeight) {
if(maxTreeHeight == 0) return parent.GetTreeNode();
int minArity;
int maxArity;
GetMinMaxArity(parent, out minArity, out maxArity);
int actualArity = random.Next(minArity, maxArity + 1);
if(actualArity > 0) {
IFunctionTree parentTree = parent.GetTreeNode();
for(int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) {
IFunction[] possibleFunctions = GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent, i).Where(f => GetMinimalTreeHeight(f) <= maxTreeHeight).ToArray();
IFunction selectedFunction = RandomSelect(possibleFunctions);
IFunctionTree newSubTree = MakeUnbalancedTree(selectedFunction, maxTreeHeight - 1);
parentTree.InsertSubTree(i, newSubTree);
return parentTree;
return parent.GetTreeNode();
// NOTE: this method doesn't build fully balanced trees because we have constraints on the
// types of possible sub-functions which can indirectly impose a limit for the depth of a given sub-tree
private IFunctionTree MakeBalancedTree(IFunction parent, int maxTreeHeight) {
if(maxTreeHeight == 0) return parent.GetTreeNode();
int minArity;
int maxArity;
GetMinMaxArity(parent, out minArity, out maxArity);
int actualArity = random.Next(minArity, maxArity + 1);
if(actualArity > 0) {
IFunctionTree parentTree = parent.GetTreeNode();
for(int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++) {
// first try to find a function that fits into the maxHeight limit
IFunction[] possibleFunctions = GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent, i).Where(f => GetMinimalTreeHeight(f) <= maxTreeHeight &&
// no possible function found => extend function set to terminals
if(possibleFunctions.Length == 0) {
possibleFunctions = GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent, i).Where(f => IsTerminal(f)).ToArray();
IFunction selectedTerminal = RandomSelect(possibleFunctions);
IFunctionTree newTree = selectedTerminal.GetTreeNode();
parentTree.InsertSubTree(i, newTree);
} else {
IFunction selectedFunction = RandomSelect(possibleFunctions);
IFunctionTree newTree = MakeBalancedTree(selectedFunction, maxTreeHeight - 1);
parentTree.InsertSubTree(i, newTree);
return parentTree;
return parent.GetTreeNode();
private int GetMinimalTreeHeight(IOperator op) {
return ((IntData)op.GetVariable(GPOperatorLibrary.MIN_TREE_HEIGHT).Value).Data;
private int GetMinimalTreeSize(IOperator op) {
return ((IntData)op.GetVariable(GPOperatorLibrary.MIN_TREE_SIZE).Value).Data;
private void TreeForEach(IFunctionTree tree, Action action) {
foreach(IFunctionTree subTree in tree.SubTrees) {
TreeForEach(subTree, action);
private List GetBranchesAtLevel(IFunctionTree tree, int level) {
if(level == 1) return new List(tree.SubTrees);
List branches = new List();
foreach(IFunctionTree subTree in tree.SubTrees) {
if(subTree.Height >= level - 1)
branches.AddRange(GetBranchesAtLevel(subTree, level - 1));
return branches;
private IFunction RandomSelect(IList functionSet) {
double[] accumulatedTickets = new double[functionSet.Count];
double ticketAccumulator = 0;
int i = 0;
// precalculate the slot-sizes
foreach(IFunction function in functionSet) {
ticketAccumulator += ((DoubleData)function.GetVariable(GPOperatorLibrary.TICKETS).Value).Data;
accumulatedTickets[i] = ticketAccumulator;
// throw ball
double r = random.NextDouble() * ticketAccumulator;
// find the slot that has been hit
for(i = 0; i < accumulatedTickets.Length; i++) {
if(r < accumulatedTickets[i]) return functionSet[i];
// sanity check
throw new InvalidProgramException(); // should never happen