#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Data; using System.Text; namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis { public class CsvFileParser { private const string VARIABLENAMES = "VARIABLENAMES"; private Tokenizer tokenizer; private List variableNames; private List> rowValues; private int rows; public int Rows { get { return rows; } set { rows = value; } } private int columns; public int Columns { get { return columns; } set { columns = value; } } private double[,] values; public double[,] Values { get { return values; } } public IEnumerable VariableNames { get { if (variableNames.Count > 0) return variableNames; else { string[] names = new string[columns]; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { names[i] = "X" + i.ToString("000"); } return names; } } } public CsvFileParser() { rowValues = new List>(); variableNames = new List(); } private void Reset() { variableNames.Clear(); rowValues.Clear(); } public void Parse(string fileName) { TryParse(fileName); // translate the list of samples into a DoubleMatrixData item rows = rowValues.Count; columns = rowValues[0].Count; values = new double[rows, columns]; int rowIndex = 0; int columnIndex = 0; foreach (List row in rowValues) { columnIndex = 0; foreach (double element in row) { values[rowIndex, columnIndex++] = element; } rowIndex++; } } private void TryParse(string fileName) { Exception lastEx = null; NumberFormatInfo[] possibleFormats = new NumberFormatInfo[] { CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat }; foreach (NumberFormatInfo numberFormat in possibleFormats) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName)) { tokenizer = new Tokenizer(reader, numberFormat); try { // parse the file Parse(); return; // parsed without errors -> return; } catch (DataFormatException ex) { lastEx = ex; } } } // all number formats threw an exception -> rethrow the last exception throw lastEx; } #region tokenizer internal enum TokenTypeEnum { NewLine, Separator, String, Double } internal class Token { public TokenTypeEnum type; public string stringValue; public double doubleValue; public Token(TokenTypeEnum type, string value) { this.type = type; stringValue = value; doubleValue = 0.0; } public override string ToString() { return stringValue; } } internal class Tokenizer { private StreamReader reader; private List tokens; private NumberFormatInfo numberFormatInfo; private int currentLineNumber = 0; public int CurrentLineNumber { get { return currentLineNumber; } private set { currentLineNumber = value; } } private string currentLine; public string CurrentLine { get { return currentLine; } private set { currentLine = value; } } private Token newlineToken; public Token NewlineToken { get { return newlineToken; } private set { newlineToken = value; } } private Token separatorToken; public Token SeparatorToken { get { return separatorToken; } private set { separatorToken = value; } } public Tokenizer(StreamReader reader, NumberFormatInfo numberFormatInfo, char separator) { this.reader = reader; this.numberFormatInfo = numberFormatInfo; separatorToken = new Token(TokenTypeEnum.Separator, separator.ToString()); newlineToken = new Token(TokenTypeEnum.NewLine, Environment.NewLine); tokens = new List(); ReadNextTokens(); } public Tokenizer(StreamReader reader, NumberFormatInfo numberFormatInfo) : this(reader, numberFormatInfo, ';') { } private void ReadNextTokens() { if (!reader.EndOfStream) { CurrentLine = reader.ReadLine(); var newTokens = from str in Split(CurrentLine) let trimmedStr = str.Trim() where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmedStr) select MakeToken(trimmedStr.Trim()); tokens.AddRange(newTokens); tokens.Add(NewlineToken); CurrentLineNumber++; } } private IEnumerable Split(string line) { StringBuilder subStr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char c in line) { if (c == ';') { yield return subStr.ToString(); subStr = new StringBuilder(); yield return c.ToString(); } else { subStr.Append(c); } } yield return subStr.ToString(); } private Token MakeToken(string strToken) { Token token = new Token(TokenTypeEnum.String, strToken); if (strToken.Equals(SeparatorToken.stringValue)) { return SeparatorToken; } else if (double.TryParse(strToken, NumberStyles.Float, numberFormatInfo, out token.doubleValue)) { token.type = TokenTypeEnum.Double; return token; } // couldn't parse the token as an int or float number so return a string token return token; } public Token Peek() { return tokens[0]; } public Token Next() { Token next = tokens[0]; tokens.RemoveAt(0); if (tokens.Count == 0) { ReadNextTokens(); } return next; } public bool HasNext() { return tokens.Count > 0 || !reader.EndOfStream; } } #endregion #region parsing private void Parse() { ParseVariableNames(); if (!tokenizer.HasNext()) Error("Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format (the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).", "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber); ParseValues(); if (rowValues.Count == 0) Error("Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format (the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).", "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber); } private void ParseValues() { while (tokenizer.HasNext()) { List row = new List(); row.Add(NextValue(tokenizer)); while (tokenizer.HasNext() && tokenizer.Peek() == tokenizer.SeparatorToken) { Expect(tokenizer.SeparatorToken); row.Add(NextValue(tokenizer)); } Expect(tokenizer.NewlineToken); // all rows have to have the same number of values // the first row defines how many samples are needed if (rowValues.Count > 0 && rowValues[0].Count != row.Count) { Error("The first row of the dataset has " + rowValues[0].Count + " columns." + "\nLine " + tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber + " has " + row.Count + " columns.", "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber); } // add the current row to the collection of rows and start a new row rowValues.Add(row); row = new List(); } } private double NextValue(Tokenizer tokenizer) { if (tokenizer.Peek() == tokenizer.SeparatorToken || tokenizer.Peek() == tokenizer.NewlineToken) return double.NaN; Token current = tokenizer.Next(); if (current.type == TokenTypeEnum.Separator || current.type == TokenTypeEnum.String) { return double.NaN; } else if (current.type == TokenTypeEnum.Double) { // just take the value return current.doubleValue; } // found an unexpected token => throw error Error("Unexpected token.", current.stringValue, tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber); // this line is never executed because Error() throws an exception throw new InvalidOperationException(); } private void ParseVariableNames() { // if the first line doesn't start with a double value then we assume that the // first line contains variable names if (tokenizer.HasNext() && tokenizer.Peek().type != TokenTypeEnum.Double) { List tokens = new List(); Token valueToken; valueToken = tokenizer.Next(); tokens.Add(valueToken); while (tokenizer.HasNext() && tokenizer.Peek() == tokenizer.SeparatorToken) { Expect(tokenizer.SeparatorToken); valueToken = tokenizer.Next(); if (valueToken != tokenizer.NewlineToken) { tokens.Add(valueToken); } } if (valueToken != tokenizer.NewlineToken) { Expect(tokenizer.NewlineToken); } variableNames = tokens.Select(x => x.stringValue.Trim()).ToList(); } } private void Expect(Token expectedToken) { Token actualToken = tokenizer.Next(); if (actualToken != expectedToken) { Error("Expected: " + expectedToken, actualToken.stringValue, tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber); } } private void Error(string message, string token, int lineNumber) { throw new DataFormatException("Error while parsing.\n" + message, token, lineNumber); } #endregion } }