#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure { internal class Loader : MarshalByRefObject { /// /// Event handler for loaded plugins. /// /// The plugin that has been loaded. public delegate void PluginLoadedEventHandler(string pluginName); public delegate void PluginLoadFailedEventHandler(string pluginName, string args); private Dictionary> pluginDependencies = new Dictionary>(); private List preloadedPluginInfos = new List(); private Dictionary pluginInfos = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary allPlugins = new Dictionary(); private List disabledPlugins = new List(); private string pluginDir = Application.StartupPath + "/" + HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.Properties.Settings.Default.PluginDir; internal event PluginLoadFailedEventHandler MissingPluginFile; internal event PluginManagerActionEventHandler PluginAction; internal ICollection ActivePlugins { get { List list = new List(); foreach (PluginInfo info in allPlugins.Keys) { if (!disabledPlugins.Exists(delegate(PluginInfo disabledInfo) { return info.Name == disabledInfo.Name; })) { list.Add(info); } } return list; } } internal ICollection InstalledPlugins { get { return new List(allPlugins.Keys); } } internal ICollection DisabledPlugins { get { return disabledPlugins; } } private ICollection applications; internal ICollection InstalledApplications { get { return applications; } } private IPlugin FindPlugin(PluginInfo plugin) { if (allPlugins.ContainsKey(plugin)) { return allPlugins[plugin]; } else return null; } /// /// Init first clears all internal datastructures (including plugin lists) /// 1. All assemblies in the plugins directory are loaded into the reflection only context. /// 2. The loader checks if all dependencies for each assembly are available. /// 3. All assemblies for which there are no dependencies missing are loaded into the execution context. /// 4. Each loaded assembly is searched for a type that implements IPlugin, then one instance of each IPlugin type is activated /// 5. The loader checks if all necessary files for each plugin are available. /// 6. The loader builds an acyclic graph of PluginDescriptions (childs are dependencies of a plugin) based on the /// list of assemblies of an plugin and the list of dependencies for each of those assemblies /// /// Thrown when the file could not be loaded. internal void Init() { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += delegate(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { try { return Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(args.Name); } catch (FileLoadException ex) { return null; } }; allPlugins.Clear(); disabledPlugins.Clear(); pluginInfos.Clear(); pluginsByName.Clear(); pluginDependencies.Clear(); List assemblies = ReflectionOnlyLoadDlls(); CheckAssemblyDependencies(assemblies); CheckPluginFiles(); CheckPluginDependencies(); LoadPlugins(); DiscoveryService service = new DiscoveryService(); IApplication[] apps = service.GetInstances(); applications = new List(); foreach (IApplication application in apps) { ApplicationInfo info = new ApplicationInfo(); info.Name = application.Name; info.Version = application.Version; info.Description = application.Description; info.AutoRestart = application.AutoRestart; info.PluginAssembly = application.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name; info.PluginType = application.GetType().Namespace + "." + application.GetType().Name; applications.Add(info); } } private List ReflectionOnlyLoadDlls() { List assemblies = new List(); // load all installed plugins into the reflection only context foreach (String filename in Directory.GetFiles(pluginDir, "*.dll")) { try { assemblies.Add(ReflectionOnlyLoadDll(filename)); } catch (BadImageFormatException) { } // just ignore the case that the .dll file is not actually a CLR dll } return assemblies; } private Assembly ReflectionOnlyLoadDll(string filename) { return Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(filename); } private void CheckAssemblyDependencies(List assemblies) { foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies) { // GetExportedTypes throws FileNotFoundException when a referenced assembly // of the current assembly is missing. try { Type[] exported = assembly.GetExportedTypes(); foreach (Type t in exported) { // if there is a type that implements IPlugin if (! t.IsAbstract && Array.Exists(t.GetInterfaces(), delegate(Type iface) { // use AssemblyQualifiedName to compare the types because we can't directly // compare ReflectionOnly types and Execution types return iface.AssemblyQualifiedName == typeof(IPlugin).AssemblyQualifiedName; })) { // fetch the attributes of the IPlugin type GetPluginAttributeData(t); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo(); AssemblyName name = assembly.GetName(); info.Name = name.Name; info.Version = name.Version; info.Assemblies.Add(assembly.FullName); info.Files.Add(assembly.Location); info.Message = "File not found: " + ex.FileName; disabledPlugins.Add(info); } catch (FileLoadException ex) { PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo(); AssemblyName name = assembly.GetName(); info.Name = name.Name; info.Version = name.Version; info.Files.Add(assembly.Location); info.Assemblies.Add(assembly.FullName); info.Message = "Couldn't load file: " + ex.FileName; disabledPlugins.Add(info); } catch (InvalidPluginException ex) { PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo(); AssemblyName name = assembly.GetName(); info.Name = name.Name; info.Version = name.Version; info.Files.Add(assembly.Location); info.Assemblies.Add(assembly.FullName); info.Message = "Couldn't load plugin class from assembly: " + assembly.GetName().Name+". Necessary plugin attributes are missing."; disabledPlugins.Add(info); } } } /// /// Extracts plugin information for this type. /// Reads plugin name, list and type of files and dependencies of the plugin. This information is necessary for /// plugin dependency checking before plugin activation. /// /// private void GetPluginAttributeData(Type t) { // get all attributes of that type IList attributes = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(t); List pluginAssemblies = new List(); List pluginDependencies = new List(); List pluginFiles = new List(); string pluginName = ""; // iterate through all custom attributes and search for named arguments that we are interested in foreach (CustomAttributeData attributeData in attributes) { List namedArguments = new List(attributeData.NamedArguments); // if the current attribute contains a named argument with the name "Name" then extract the plugin name CustomAttributeNamedArgument pluginNameArgument = namedArguments.Find(delegate(CustomAttributeNamedArgument arg) { return arg.MemberInfo.Name == "Name"; }); if (pluginNameArgument.MemberInfo != null) { pluginName = (string)pluginNameArgument.TypedValue.Value; } // if the current attribute contains a named argument with the name "Dependency" then extract the dependency // and store it in the list of all dependencies CustomAttributeNamedArgument dependencyNameArgument = namedArguments.Find(delegate(CustomAttributeNamedArgument arg) { return arg.MemberInfo.Name == "Dependency"; }); if (dependencyNameArgument.MemberInfo != null) { pluginDependencies.Add((string)dependencyNameArgument.TypedValue.Value); } // if the current attribute has a named argument "Filename" then find if the argument "Filetype" is also supplied // and if the filetype is Assembly then store the name of the assembly in the list of assemblies CustomAttributeNamedArgument filenameArg = namedArguments.Find(delegate(CustomAttributeNamedArgument arg) { return arg.MemberInfo.Name == "Filename"; }); CustomAttributeNamedArgument filetypeArg = namedArguments.Find(delegate(CustomAttributeNamedArgument arg) { return arg.MemberInfo.Name == "Filetype"; }); if (filenameArg.MemberInfo != null && filetypeArg.MemberInfo != null) { pluginFiles.Add(pluginDir + "/" + (string)filenameArg.TypedValue.Value); if ((PluginFileType)filetypeArg.TypedValue.Value == PluginFileType.Assembly) { pluginAssemblies.Add(pluginDir + "/" + (string)filenameArg.TypedValue.Value); } } } // minimal sanity check of the attribute values if (pluginName != "" && pluginAssemblies.Count > 0) { // create a temporary PluginInfo that contains the attribute values PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo(); info.Name = pluginName; info.Version = t.Assembly.GetName().Version; info.Assemblies = pluginAssemblies; info.Files.AddRange(pluginFiles); this.pluginDependencies[info] = pluginDependencies; preloadedPluginInfos.Add(info); } else { throw new InvalidPluginException(); } } private void CheckPluginDependencies() { foreach (PluginInfo pluginInfo in preloadedPluginInfos) { // don't need to check plugins that are already disabled if (disabledPlugins.Contains(pluginInfo)) { continue; } visitedDependencies.Clear(); if (!CheckPluginDependencies(pluginInfo.Name)) { PluginInfo matchingInfo = preloadedPluginInfos.Find(delegate(PluginInfo info) { return info.Name == pluginInfo.Name; }); if (matchingInfo == null) throw new InvalidProgramException(); // shouldn't happen foreach (string dependency in pluginDependencies[matchingInfo]) { PluginInfo dependencyInfo = new PluginInfo(); dependencyInfo.Name = dependency; pluginInfo.Dependencies.Add(dependencyInfo); } pluginInfo.Message = "Disabled: missing plugin dependency."; disabledPlugins.Add(pluginInfo); } } } private List visitedDependencies = new List(); private bool CheckPluginDependencies(string pluginName) { if (!preloadedPluginInfos.Exists(delegate(PluginInfo info) { return pluginName == info.Name; }) || disabledPlugins.Exists(delegate(PluginInfo info) { return pluginName == info.Name; }) || visitedDependencies.Contains(pluginName)) { // when the plugin is not available return false; return false; } else { // otherwise check if all dependencies of the plugin are OK // if yes then this plugin is also ok and we store it in the list of loadable plugins PluginInfo matchingInfo = preloadedPluginInfos.Find(delegate(PluginInfo info) { return info.Name == pluginName; }); if (matchingInfo == null) throw new InvalidProgramException(); // shouldn't happen foreach (string dependency in pluginDependencies[matchingInfo]) { visitedDependencies.Add(pluginName); if (CheckPluginDependencies(dependency) == false) { // if only one dependency is not available that means that the current plugin also is unloadable return false; } visitedDependencies.Remove(pluginName); } // all dependencies OK return true; } } private Dictionary pluginsByName = new Dictionary(); private void LoadPlugins() { // load all loadable plugins (all dependencies available) into the execution context foreach (PluginInfo pluginInfo in preloadedPluginInfos) { if (!disabledPlugins.Contains(pluginInfo)) { foreach (string assembly in pluginInfo.Assemblies) { Assembly.LoadFrom(assembly); } } } Queue pluginsToLoad = new Queue(); DiscoveryService service = new DiscoveryService(); // now search and instantiate an IPlugin type in each loaded assembly // and prepare the queue to load all plugins foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { // don't search for plugins in the PluginInfrastructure if (assembly == this.GetType().Assembly) continue; Type[] availablePluginTypes = service.GetTypes(typeof(IPlugin), assembly); foreach (Type pluginType in availablePluginTypes) { if (!pluginType.IsAbstract && !pluginType.IsInterface && !pluginType.HasElementType) { IPlugin plugin = (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginType); pluginsToLoad.Enqueue(plugin); pluginsByName.Add(plugin.Name, plugin); } } } // load all plugins respecting their dependencies while (pluginsToLoad.Count > 0) { IPlugin plugin = pluginsToLoad.Dequeue(); PluginInfo pluginInfo = GetPluginInfo(plugin); bool canLoad = true; foreach (PluginInfo dependency in pluginInfo.Dependencies) { if (!allPlugins.ContainsKey(dependency)) { canLoad = false; break; } } if (canLoad) { PluginAction(this, new PluginManagerActionEventArgs(plugin.Name, PluginManagerAction.InitializingPlugin)); plugin.OnLoad(); allPlugins.Add(pluginInfo, plugin); PluginAction(this, new PluginManagerActionEventArgs(plugin.Name, PluginManagerAction.InitializedPlugin)); } else { pluginsToLoad.Enqueue(plugin); } } } private PluginInfo GetPluginInfo(IPlugin plugin) { if (pluginInfos.ContainsKey(plugin)) { return pluginInfos[plugin]; } // store the data of the plugin in a description file which can be used without loading the plugin assemblies PluginInfo pluginInfo = new PluginInfo(); pluginInfo.Name = plugin.Name; pluginInfo.Version = plugin.Version; object[] customAttributes = plugin.GetType().Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyBuildDateAttribute), false); if (customAttributes.Length > 0) { pluginInfo.BuildDate = ((AssemblyBuildDateAttribute)customAttributes[0]).BuildDate; } string baseDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; Array.ForEach(plugin.Files, delegate(string file) { string filename = pluginDir + "/" + file; // always use \ as the directory separator pluginInfo.Files.Add(filename.Replace('/', '\\')); }); PluginInfo preloadedInfo = preloadedPluginInfos.Find(delegate(PluginInfo info) { return info.Name == plugin.Name; }); foreach (string assembly in preloadedInfo.Assemblies) { // always use \ as directory separator (this is necessary for discovery of types in // plugins see DiscoveryService.GetTypes() pluginInfo.Assemblies.Add(assembly.Replace('/', '\\')); } foreach (string dependency in pluginDependencies[preloadedInfo]) { // accumulate the dependencies of each assembly into the dependencies of the whole plugin PluginInfo dependencyInfo = GetPluginInfo(pluginsByName[dependency]); pluginInfo.Dependencies.Add(dependencyInfo); } pluginInfos[plugin] = pluginInfo; return pluginInfo; } private void CheckPluginFiles() { foreach (PluginInfo plugin in preloadedPluginInfos) { if (!CheckPluginFiles(plugin)) { plugin.Message = "Disabled: missing plugin file."; disabledPlugins.Add(plugin); } } } private bool CheckPluginFiles(PluginInfo pluginInfo) { foreach (string filename in pluginInfo.Files) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { if (MissingPluginFile != null) { MissingPluginFile(pluginInfo.Name, filename); } return false; } } return true; } /// /// Initializes the life time service with an infinte lease time. /// /// null. public override object InitializeLifetimeService() { return null; } internal void OnDelete(PluginInfo pluginInfo) { IPlugin plugin = FindPlugin(pluginInfo); if (plugin != null) plugin.OnDelete(); } internal void OnInstall(PluginInfo pluginInfo) { IPlugin plugin = FindPlugin(pluginInfo); if (plugin != null) plugin.OnInstall(); } internal void OnPreUpdate(PluginInfo pluginInfo) { IPlugin plugin = FindPlugin(pluginInfo); if (plugin != null) plugin.OnPreUpdate(); } internal void OnPostUpdate(PluginInfo pluginInfo) { IPlugin plugin = FindPlugin(pluginInfo); if (plugin != null) plugin.OnPostUpdate(); } } }