#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.Manager; using System.IO; using System.ComponentModel; using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.UpdateLocationReference; namespace HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.Advanced { internal class InstallationManager { internal event EventHandler PreUpdatePlugin; internal event EventHandler PreRemovePlugin; internal event EventHandler PreInstallPlugin; internal event EventHandler PluginUpdated; internal event EventHandler PluginRemoved; internal event EventHandler PluginInstalled; private string pluginDir; private string updateLocationUrl; private PluginManager pluginManager; public InstallationManager(string pluginDir) { this.pluginDir = pluginDir; this.updateLocationUrl = "http://localhost:59253/UpdateLocation.svc"; this.pluginManager = new PluginManager(pluginDir); this.pluginManager.DiscoverAndCheckPlugins(); } public IEnumerable Show(IEnumerable pluginNames) { foreach (PluginDescription desc in GetPluginDescriptions(pluginNames)) { yield return GetInformation(desc); } } internal string GetInformation(string pluginName) { return GetInformation(GetPluginDescription(pluginName)); } private string GetInformation(PluginDescription desc) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("Name: ").AppendLine(desc.Name); builder.Append("Version: ").AppendLine(desc.Version.ToString()); builder.AppendLine("Description:").AppendLine(desc.Description); builder.Append("Build date: ").AppendLine(desc.BuildDate.ToString()); builder.AppendLine("Files: "); foreach (string fileName in desc.Files) { builder.AppendLine(fileName); } builder.AppendLine("Directly depends on:"); if (desc.Dependencies.Count() == 0) builder.AppendLine("None"); foreach (var dependency in desc.Dependencies) { builder.AppendLine(dependency.Name); } builder.AppendFormat("Plugins directly dependent on {0}:\n", desc.Name); var dependents = from x in pluginManager.Plugins where x.Dependencies.Contains(desc) select x.Name; if (dependents.Count() == 0) builder.AppendLine("None"); foreach (var dependent in dependents) { builder.AppendLine(dependent); } builder.AppendLine("This plugin is " + desc.PluginState.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + "."); if (desc.PluginState == PluginState.Disabled) { builder.AppendLine(DetermineProblem(desc)); } return builder.ToString(); } private static string DetermineProblem(PluginDescription desc) { // either any file is missing StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); var missingFiles = from x in desc.Files where !File.Exists(x) select x; if (missingFiles.Count() > 0) { foreach (string fileName in desc.Files) { if (!File.Exists(fileName)) builder.Append("Missing file: ").AppendLine(fileName); } return builder.ToString(); } else { // or any dependency is disabled var disabledDependencies = from x in desc.Dependencies where x.PluginState == PluginState.Disabled select x; if (disabledDependencies.Count() > 0) { foreach (var dependency in disabledDependencies) { builder.Append(dependency.Name).AppendLine(" is disabled.").AppendLine(DetermineProblem(dependency)); } return builder.ToString(); } else { // or any dependency is missing / not installed var declaredDependencies = GetDeclaredDependencies(desc); if (declaredDependencies.Count() != desc.Dependencies.Count()) { var missingDependencies = from x in declaredDependencies where !desc.Dependencies.Any(dep => dep.Name == x) select x; builder.AppendLine("Necessary dependencies are missing:"); foreach (string missingDependency in missingDependencies) { builder.AppendLine(missingDependency); } } else { // or there was a problem loading the assemblies builder.AppendLine("There was a problem while loading assemblies: "); foreach (string assembly in desc.Assemblies) { builder.AppendLine(assembly); } return builder.ToString(); } } } return "There is an unknown problem with plugin: " + desc.Name; } private static IEnumerable GetDeclaredDependencies(PluginDescription desc) { var plugin = ApplicationManager.GetInstances(desc).Single(); return plugin.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PluginDependencyAttribute), false).Cast().Select(x => x.Dependency); } private PluginDescription GetPluginDescription(string pluginName) { var exactMatch = from pluginDesc in pluginManager.Plugins where string.Equals(pluginName, pluginDesc.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) select pluginDesc; var inexactMatch = from pluginDesc in pluginManager.Plugins where MatchPluginNameInexact(pluginName, pluginDesc.Name) select pluginDesc; return exactMatch.Count() > 0 ? exactMatch.Single() : inexactMatch.First(); } private IEnumerable GetPluginDescriptions(IEnumerable pluginNames) { return from pluginName in pluginNames select GetPluginDescription(pluginName); } private static bool MatchPluginNameInexact(string similarName, string actualName) { return // Core-3.2 == HeuristicLab.Core-3.2 actualName.Equals("HeuristicLab." + similarName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || // HeuristicLab.Core == HeuristicLab.Core-3.2 (this should be save because we checked for exact matches first) (Math.Abs(actualName.Length - similarName.Length) <= 4 && actualName.StartsWith(similarName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) || // Core == HeuristicLab.Core-3.2 (Math.Abs(actualName.Length - similarName.Length) <= 17 && actualName.StartsWith("HeuristicLab." + similarName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } public void Install(IEnumerable pluginNames) { throw new NotImplementedException(); //IEnumerable pluginsToInstall; //using (UpdateLocationClient updateLocation = new UpdateLocationClient()) { // pluginsToInstall = from pluginName in pluginNames // from matchingPlugin in updateLocation.GetAvailablePluginsByName(pluginName) // select matchingPlugin; // var args = new PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs("Installing", pluginsToInstall); // OnPreInstall(args); // foreach (var pluginInfo in pluginsToInstall) { // var s = updateLocation.GetPluginFiles(pluginInfo); // Console.WriteLine("Downloading: {0} {1} {2}", pluginInfo.Name, pluginInfo.Version, pluginInfo.BuildDate); // } //} //OnInstalled(new PluginInfrastructureEventArgs("Installed", pluginsToInstall)); } //private static PluginInformation GetMatchingPluginInformation(string pluginName, IEnumerable plugins) { // var exactMatch = from pluginDesc in plugins // where string.Equals(pluginName, pluginDesc.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) // select pluginDesc; // var inexactMatch = from pluginDesc in plugins // where MatchPluginNameInexact(pluginName, pluginDesc.Name) // select pluginDesc; // return exactMatch.Count() > 0 ? exactMatch.Single() : inexactMatch.First(); //} public void Remove(IEnumerable pluginNames) { var fileNames = from pluginToDelete in PluginDescriptionIterator.IterateDependentsTopDown(GetPluginDescriptions(pluginNames), pluginManager.Plugins) from fileName in pluginToDelete.Files select Path.Combine(pluginDir, fileName); var args = new PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs("Deleting", fileNames); OnPreDelete(args); if (!args.Cancel) { foreach (string fileName in fileNames) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting file " + fileName); // File.Delete(fileName); } OnDeleted(new PluginInfrastructureEventArgs("Deleted", fileNames)); } } public void Update(IEnumerable pluginNames) { var pluginDescriptions = from name in pluginNames select GetPluginDescription(name); Dictionary matchingPlugins = new Dictionary(); foreach (var updateLocation in HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.Properties.Settings.Default.UpdateLocations) { using (UpdateLocationClient client = new UpdateLocationClient("", updateLocation)) { var updateLocationMatchingPlugins = from desc in pluginDescriptions from info in client.GetAvailablePluginsByName(desc.Name) select info; foreach (PluginInformation info in updateLocationMatchingPlugins) { // keep only the highest version and most recent build of any plugin var existingPlugin = matchingPlugins.Keys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == info.Name); if (existingPlugin == null || existingPlugin.Version < info.Version || (existingPlugin.Version == info.Version && existingPlugin.BuildDate < info.BuildDate)) { matchingPlugins.Remove(existingPlugin); matchingPlugins.Add(info, updateLocation); } } } } PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs args = new PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs("Updating", matchingPlugins.Keys); OnPreUpdate(args); if (!args.Cancel) { var groupedInfos = matchingPlugins.GroupBy(x => x.Value); foreach (var group in groupedInfos) { using (UpdateLocationClient client = new UpdateLocationClient(group.Key)) { foreach (var info in group) { client.GetPluginFiles(info.Key); } } } OnUpdated(new PluginInfrastructureEventArgs("Updated", matchingPlugins.Keys)); } } private void OnPreUpdate(PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs args) { if (PreUpdatePlugin != null) PreUpdatePlugin(this, args); } private void OnUpdated(PluginInfrastructureEventArgs args) { if (PluginUpdated != null) PluginUpdated(this, args); } private void OnPreDelete(PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs args) { if (PreRemovePlugin != null) PreRemovePlugin(this, args); } private void OnDeleted(PluginInfrastructureEventArgs args) { if (PluginRemoved != null) PluginRemoved(this, args); } private void OnPreInstall(PluginInfrastructureCancelEventArgs args) { if (PreInstallPlugin != null) PreInstallPlugin(this, args); } private void OnInstalled(PluginInfrastructureEventArgs args) { if (PluginInstalled != null) PluginInstalled(this, args); } } }