#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
namespace HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure.Manager {
/// Discovers all installed plugins in the plugin directory. Checks correctness of plugin meta-data and if
/// all plugin files are available and checks plugin dependencies.
internal sealed class PluginValidator : MarshalByRefObject {
// private class to store plugin dependency declarations while reflecting over plugins
private class PluginDependency {
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Version Version { get; private set; }
public PluginDependency(string name, Version version) {
this.Name = name;
this.Version = version;
internal event EventHandler PluginLoaded;
private Dictionary> pluginDependencies;
private List applications;
internal IEnumerable Applications {
get {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PluginDir)) throw new InvalidOperationException("PluginDir is not set.");
if (applications == null) DiscoverAndCheckPlugins();
return applications;
private IEnumerable plugins;
internal IEnumerable Plugins {
get {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PluginDir)) throw new InvalidOperationException("PluginDir is not set.");
if (plugins == null) DiscoverAndCheckPlugins();
return plugins;
internal string PluginDir { get; set; }
internal PluginValidator() {
this.pluginDependencies = new Dictionary>();
// ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolveEvent must be handled because we load assemblies from the plugin path
// (which is not listed in the default assembly lookup locations)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolveEventHandler;
private Dictionary reflectionOnlyAssemblies = new Dictionary();
private Assembly ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolveEventHandler(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) {
if (reflectionOnlyAssemblies.ContainsKey(args.Name))
return reflectionOnlyAssemblies[args.Name];
return Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(args.Name);
/// Init first clears all internal datastructures (including plugin lists)
/// 1. All assemblies in the plugins directory are loaded into the reflection only context.
/// 2. The validator checks if all necessary files for each plugin are available.
/// 3. The validator checks if all declared plugin assemblies can be loaded.
/// 4. The validator builds the tree of plugin descriptions (dependencies)
/// 5. The validator checks if there are any cycles in the plugin dependency graph and disables plugin with circular dependencies
/// 6. The validator checks for each plugin if any dependency is disabled.
/// 7. All plugins that are not disabled are loaded into the execution context.
/// 8. Each loaded plugin (all assemblies) is searched for a types that implement IPlugin
/// then one instance of each IPlugin type is activated and the OnLoad hook is called.
/// 9. All types implementing IApplication are discovered
internal void DiscoverAndCheckPlugins() {
IEnumerable reflectionOnlyAssemblies = ReflectionOnlyLoadDlls(PluginDir);
IEnumerable pluginDescriptions = GatherPluginDescriptions(reflectionOnlyAssemblies);
// check if all plugin assemblies can be loaded
// a full list of plugin descriptions is available now we can build the dependency tree
// check for dependency cycles
// 1st time recursively check if all necessary plugins are available and not disabled
// disable plugins with missing or disabled dependencies
// to prevent that plugins with missing dependencies are loaded into the execution context
// in the next step
// test full loading (in contrast to reflection only loading) of plugins
// disables plugins that are not loaded correctly
// 2nd time recursively check if all necessary plugins have been loaded successfully and not disabled
// disable plugins with for which dependencies could not be loaded successfully
// mark all plugins as enabled that were not disabled in CheckPluginFiles, CheckPluginAssemblies,
// CheckCircularDependencies, CheckPluginDependencies and CheckExecutionContextLoad
foreach (var desc in pluginDescriptions)
if (desc.PluginState != PluginState.Disabled)
// load the enabled plugins
plugins = pluginDescriptions;
private void DiscoverApplications(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
applications = new List();
foreach (IApplication application in GetApplications(pluginDescriptions)) {
Type appType = application.GetType();
ApplicationAttribute attr = (from x in appType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ApplicationAttribute), false)
select (ApplicationAttribute)x).Single();
ApplicationDescription info = new ApplicationDescription();
PluginDescription declaringPlugin = GetDeclaringPlugin(appType, pluginDescriptions);
info.Name = application.Name;
info.Version = declaringPlugin.Version;
info.Description = application.Description;
info.AutoRestart = attr.RestartOnErrors;
info.DeclaringAssemblyName = appType.Assembly.GetName().Name;
info.DeclaringTypeName = appType.Namespace + "." + application.GetType().Name;
private static IEnumerable GetApplications(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
return from asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
from t in asm.GetTypes()
where typeof(IApplication).IsAssignableFrom(t) &&
!t.IsAbstract && !t.IsInterface && !t.HasElementType
where GetDeclaringPlugin(t, pluginDescriptions).PluginState != PluginState.Disabled
select (IApplication)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
private IEnumerable ReflectionOnlyLoadDlls(string baseDir) {
List assemblies = new List();
// recursively load .dll files in subdirectories
foreach (string dirName in Directory.GetDirectories(baseDir)) {
// try to load each .dll file in the plugin directory into the reflection only context
foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(baseDir, "*.dll").Union(Directory.GetFiles(baseDir, "*.exe"))) {
try {
Assembly asm = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(filename);
catch (BadImageFormatException) { } // just ignore the case that the .dll file is not a CLR assembly (e.g. a native dll)
catch (FileLoadException) { }
catch (SecurityException) { }
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException) { } // referenced assemblies are missing
return assemblies;
/// Checks if all plugin assemblies can be loaded. If an assembly can't be loaded the plugin is disabled.
private void CheckPluginAssemblies(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
foreach (var desc in pluginDescriptions.Where(x => x.PluginState != PluginState.Disabled)) {
try {
var missingAssemblies = new List();
foreach (var asmLocation in desc.AssemblyLocations) {
// the assembly must have been loaded in ReflectionOnlyDlls
// so we simply determine the name of the assembly and try to find it in the cache of loaded assemblies
var asmName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(asmLocation);
if (!reflectionOnlyAssemblies.ContainsKey(asmName.FullName)) {
if (missingAssemblies.Count > 0) {
StringBuilder errorStrBuiler = new StringBuilder();
errorStrBuiler.AppendLine("Missing assemblies:");
foreach (string missingAsm in missingAssemblies) {
catch (BadImageFormatException ex) {
// disable the plugin
desc.Disable("Problem while loading plugin assemblies:" + Environment.NewLine + "BadImageFormatException: " + ex.Message);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
// disable the plugin
desc.Disable("Problem while loading plugin assemblies:" + Environment.NewLine + "FileNotFoundException: " + ex.Message);
catch (FileLoadException ex) {
// disable the plugin
desc.Disable("Problem while loading plugin assemblies:" + Environment.NewLine + "FileLoadException: " + ex.Message);
catch (ArgumentException ex) {
// disable the plugin
desc.Disable("Problem while loading plugin assemblies:" + Environment.NewLine + "ArgumentException: " + ex.Message);
catch (SecurityException ex) {
// disable the plugin
desc.Disable("Problem while loading plugin assemblies:" + Environment.NewLine + "SecurityException: " + ex.Message);
// find all types implementing IPlugin in the reflectionOnlyAssemblies and create a list of plugin descriptions
// the dependencies in the plugin descriptions are not yet set correctly because we need to create
// the full list of all plugin descriptions first
private IEnumerable GatherPluginDescriptions(IEnumerable assemblies) {
List pluginDescriptions = new List();
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies) {
// GetExportedTypes throws FileNotFoundException when a referenced assembly
// of the current assembly is missing.
try {
// if there is a type that implements IPlugin
// use AssemblyQualifiedName to compare the types because we can't directly
// compare ReflectionOnly types and execution types
var assemblyPluginDescriptions = from t in assembly.GetExportedTypes()
where !t.IsAbstract && t.GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.AssemblyQualifiedName == typeof(IPlugin).AssemblyQualifiedName)
select GetPluginDescription(t);
// ignore exceptions. Just don't yield a plugin description when an exception is thrown
catch (FileNotFoundException) {
catch (FileLoadException) {
catch (InvalidPluginException) {
catch (TypeLoadException) {
catch (MissingMemberException) {
return pluginDescriptions;
/// Extracts plugin information for this type.
/// Reads plugin name, list and type of files and dependencies of the plugin. This information is necessary for
/// plugin dependency checking before plugin activation.
private PluginDescription GetPluginDescription(Type pluginType) {
string pluginName, pluginDescription, pluginVersion;
string contactName, contactAddress;
GetPluginMetaData(pluginType, out pluginName, out pluginDescription, out pluginVersion);
GetPluginContactMetaData(pluginType, out contactName, out contactAddress);
var pluginFiles = GetPluginFilesMetaData(pluginType);
var pluginDependencies = GetPluginDependencyMetaData(pluginType);
// minimal sanity check of the attribute values
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginName) &&
pluginFiles.Count() > 0 && // at least one file
pluginFiles.Any(f => f.Type == PluginFileType.Assembly)) { // at least one assembly
// create a temporary PluginDescription that contains the attribute values
PluginDescription info = new PluginDescription();
info.Name = pluginName;
info.Description = pluginDescription;
info.Version = new Version(pluginVersion);
info.ContactName = contactName;
info.ContactEmail = contactAddress;
info.LicenseText = ReadLicenseFiles(pluginFiles);
this.pluginDependencies[info] = pluginDependencies;
return info;
} else {
throw new InvalidPluginException("Invalid metadata in plugin " + pluginType.ToString());
private static string ReadLicenseFiles(IEnumerable pluginFiles) {
// combine the contents of all plugin files
var licenseFiles = from file in pluginFiles
where file.Type == PluginFileType.License
select file;
if (licenseFiles.Count() == 0) return string.Empty;
StringBuilder licenseTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var licenseFile in licenseFiles.Skip(1)) {
licenseTextBuilder.AppendLine().AppendLine(); // leave some empty space between multiple license files
return licenseTextBuilder.ToString();
private static IEnumerable GetPluginDependencyMetaData(Type pluginType) {
// get all attributes of type PluginDependency
var dependencyAttributes = from attr in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(pluginType)
where IsAttributeDataForType(attr, typeof(PluginDependencyAttribute))
select attr;
foreach (var dependencyAttr in dependencyAttributes) {
string name = (string)dependencyAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
Version version = new Version(""); // default version
// check if version is given for now
// later when the constructor of PluginDependencyAttribute with only one argument has been removed
// this conditional can be removed as well
if (dependencyAttr.ConstructorArguments.Count > 1) {
try {
version = new Version((string)dependencyAttr.ConstructorArguments[1].Value); // might throw FormatException
catch (FormatException ex) {
throw new InvalidPluginException("Invalid version format of dependency " + name + " in plugin " + pluginType.ToString(), ex);
yield return new PluginDependency(name, version);
private static void GetPluginContactMetaData(Type pluginType, out string contactName, out string contactAddress) {
// get attribute of type ContactInformation if there is any
var contactInfoAttribute = (from attr in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(pluginType)
where IsAttributeDataForType(attr, typeof(ContactInformationAttribute))
select attr).SingleOrDefault();
if (contactInfoAttribute != null) {
contactName = (string)contactInfoAttribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
contactAddress = (string)contactInfoAttribute.ConstructorArguments[1].Value;
} else {
contactName = string.Empty;
contactAddress = string.Empty;
// not static because we need the PluginDir property
private IEnumerable GetPluginFilesMetaData(Type pluginType) {
// get all attributes of type PluginFileAttribute
var pluginFileAttributes = from attr in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(pluginType)
where IsAttributeDataForType(attr, typeof(PluginFileAttribute))
select attr;
foreach (var pluginFileAttribute in pluginFileAttributes) {
string pluginFileName = (string)pluginFileAttribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
PluginFileType fileType = (PluginFileType)pluginFileAttribute.ConstructorArguments[1].Value;
yield return new PluginFile(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(PluginDir, pluginFileName)), fileType);
private static void GetPluginMetaData(Type pluginType, out string pluginName, out string pluginDescription, out string pluginVersion) {
// there must be a single attribute of type PluginAttribute
var pluginMetaDataAttr = (from attr in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(pluginType)
where IsAttributeDataForType(attr, typeof(PluginAttribute))
select attr).Single();
pluginName = (string)pluginMetaDataAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
// default description and version
pluginVersion = "";
pluginDescription = string.Empty;
if (pluginMetaDataAttr.ConstructorArguments.Count() == 2) {
// if two arguments are given the second argument is the version
pluginVersion = (string)pluginMetaDataAttr.ConstructorArguments[1].Value;
} else if (pluginMetaDataAttr.ConstructorArguments.Count() == 3) {
// if three arguments are given the second argument is the description and the third is the version
pluginDescription = (string)pluginMetaDataAttr.ConstructorArguments[1].Value;
pluginVersion = (string)pluginMetaDataAttr.ConstructorArguments[2].Value;
private static bool IsAttributeDataForType(CustomAttributeData attributeData, Type attributeType) {
return attributeData.Constructor.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName == attributeType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
// builds a dependency tree of all plugin descriptions
// searches matching plugin descriptions based on the list of dependency names for each plugin
// and sets the dependencies in the plugin descriptions
private void BuildDependencyTree(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
foreach (var desc in pluginDescriptions) {
var missingDependencies = new List();
foreach (var dependency in pluginDependencies[desc]) {
var matchingDescriptions = from availablePlugin in pluginDescriptions
where availablePlugin.Name == dependency.Name
where IsCompatiblePluginVersion(availablePlugin.Version, dependency.Version)
select availablePlugin;
if (matchingDescriptions.Count() > 0) {
} else {
// no plugin description that matches the dependencies are available => plugin is disabled
if (missingDependencies.Count > 0) {
StringBuilder errorStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
errorStrBuilder.AppendLine("Missing dependencies:");
foreach (var missingDep in missingDependencies) {
errorStrBuilder.AppendLine(missingDep.Name + " " + missingDep.Version);
/// Checks if version is compatible to version .
/// Note: the compatibility relation is not bijective.
/// Compatibility rules:
/// * major and minor number must be the same
/// * build and revision number of must be larger or equal to .
/// The available version which should be compared to .
/// The requested version that must be matched.
private static bool IsCompatiblePluginVersion(Version available, Version requested) {
// this condition must be removed after all plugins have been updated to declare plugin and dependency versions
if (
(requested.Major == 0 && requested.Minor == 0) ||
(available.Major == 0 && available.Minor == 0)) return true;
available.Major == requested.Major &&
available.Minor == requested.Minor &&
available.Build >= requested.Build &&
available.Revision >= requested.Revision;
private void CheckPluginDependencyCycles(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
foreach (var plugin in pluginDescriptions) {
// if the plugin is not disabled check if there are cycles
if (plugin.PluginState != PluginState.Disabled && HasCycleInDependencies(plugin, plugin.Dependencies)) {
plugin.Disable("Dependency graph has a cycle.");
private bool HasCycleInDependencies(PluginDescription plugin, IEnumerable pluginDependencies) {
foreach (var dep in pluginDependencies) {
// if one of the dependencies is the original plugin we found a cycle and can return
// if the dependency is already disabled we can ignore the cycle detection because we will disable the plugin anyway
// if following one of the dependencies recursively leads to a cycle then we also return
if (dep == plugin || dep.PluginState == PluginState.Disabled || HasCycleInDependencies(plugin, dep.Dependencies)) return true;
// no cycle found and none of the direct and indirect dependencies is disabled
return false;
private void CheckPluginDependencies(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
foreach (PluginDescription pluginDescription in pluginDescriptions.Where(x => x.PluginState != PluginState.Disabled)) {
List disabledPlugins = new List();
if (IsAnyDependencyDisabled(pluginDescription, disabledPlugins)) {
StringBuilder errorStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
errorStrBuilder.AppendLine("Dependencies are disabled:");
foreach (var disabledPlugin in disabledPlugins) {
errorStrBuilder.AppendLine(disabledPlugin.Name + " " + disabledPlugin.Version);
private bool IsAnyDependencyDisabled(PluginDescription descr, List disabledPlugins) {
if (descr.PluginState == PluginState.Disabled) {
return true;
foreach (PluginDescription dependency in descr.Dependencies) {
IsAnyDependencyDisabled(dependency, disabledPlugins);
return disabledPlugins.Count > 0;
// tries to load all plugin assemblies into the execution context
// if an assembly of a plugin cannot be loaded the plugin is disabled
private void CheckExecutionContextLoad(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
// load all loadable plugins (all dependencies available) into the execution context
foreach (var desc in PluginDescriptionIterator.IterateDependenciesBottomUp(pluginDescriptions
.Where(x => x.PluginState != PluginState.Disabled))) {
foreach (string assemblyLocation in desc.AssemblyLocations) {
if (desc.PluginState != PluginState.Disabled) {
try {
string assemblyName = (from assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyGetAssemblies()
where string.Equals(Path.GetFullPath(assembly.Location), Path.GetFullPath(assemblyLocation), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
select assembly.FullName).Single();
// now load the assemblies into the execution context
// this can still lead to an exception
// even when the assemby was successfully loaded into the reflection only context before
var asm = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
catch (BadImageFormatException) {
desc.Disable(Path.GetFileName(assemblyLocation) + " is not a valid assembly.");
catch (FileLoadException) {
desc.Disable("Can't load file " + Path.GetFileName(assemblyLocation));
catch (FileNotFoundException) {
desc.Disable("File " + Path.GetFileName(assemblyLocation) + " is missing.");
catch (SecurityException) {
desc.Disable("File " + Path.GetFileName(assemblyLocation) + " can't be loaded because of security constraints.");
catch (NotSupportedException ex) {
// disable the plugin
desc.Disable("Problem while loading plugin assemblies:" + Environment.NewLine + "NotSupportedException: " + ex.Message);
// assumes that all plugin assemblies have been loaded into the execution context via CheckExecutionContextLoad
// for each enabled plugin:
// calls OnLoad method of the plugin
// and raises the PluginLoaded event
private void LoadPlugins(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
List assemblies = new List(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies());
foreach (var desc in pluginDescriptions) {
if (desc.PluginState == PluginState.Enabled) {
// cannot use ApplicationManager to retrieve types because it is not yet instantiated
foreach (string assemblyLocation in desc.AssemblyLocations) {
var asm = (from assembly in assemblies
where string.Equals(Path.GetFullPath(assembly.Location), Path.GetFullPath(assemblyLocation), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
select assembly)
foreach (Type pluginType in asm.GetTypes()) {
if (typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(pluginType) && !pluginType.IsAbstract && !pluginType.IsInterface && !pluginType.HasElementType) {
IPlugin plugin = (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginType);
OnPluginLoaded(new PluginInfrastructureEventArgs(desc));
} // end foreach assembly in plugin
} // end foreach plugin description
// checks if all declared plugin files are actually available and disables plugins with missing files
private void CheckPluginFiles(IEnumerable pluginDescriptions) {
foreach (PluginDescription desc in pluginDescriptions) {
IEnumerable missingFiles;
if (ArePluginFilesMissing(desc, out missingFiles)) {
StringBuilder errorStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
errorStrBuilder.AppendLine("Missing files:");
foreach (string fileName in missingFiles) {
private bool ArePluginFilesMissing(PluginDescription pluginDescription, out IEnumerable missingFiles) {
List missing = new List();
foreach (string filename in pluginDescription.Files.Select(x => x.Name)) {
if (!FileLiesInDirectory(PluginDir, filename) ||
!File.Exists(filename)) {
missingFiles = missing;
return missing.Count > 0;
private static bool FileLiesInDirectory(string dir, string fileName) {
var basePath = Path.GetFullPath(dir);
return Path.GetFullPath(fileName).StartsWith(basePath);
private static PluginDescription GetDeclaringPlugin(Type appType, IEnumerable plugins) {
return (from p in plugins
from asmLocation in p.AssemblyLocations
where Path.GetFullPath(asmLocation).Equals(Path.GetFullPath(appType.Assembly.Location), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
select p).Single();
// register assembly in the assembly cache for the ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolveEvent
private void RegisterLoadedAssembly(Assembly asm) {
if (reflectionOnlyAssemblies.ContainsKey(asm.FullName) || reflectionOnlyAssemblies.ContainsKey(asm.GetName().Name)) {
throw new ArgumentException("An assembly with the name " + asm.GetName().Name + " has been registered already.", "asm");
reflectionOnlyAssemblies.Add(asm.FullName, asm);
reflectionOnlyAssemblies.Add(asm.GetName().Name, asm); // add short name
private void OnPluginLoaded(PluginInfrastructureEventArgs e) {
if (PluginLoaded != null)
PluginLoaded(this, e);
/// Initializes the life time service with an infinite lease time.
/// null.
public override object InitializeLifetimeService() {
return null;