using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Interfaces; using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Core.Tokens; using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Auxiliary; using HeuristicLab.Tracing; using System.Reflection; namespace HeuristicLab.Persistence.Core { public class Deserializer { class Midwife { public int? Id { get; private set; } public bool MetaMode { get; set; } public object Obj { get; private set; } private List metaInfo; private List customValues; private Type type; private IDecomposer decomposer; public Midwife(object value) { this.Obj = value; } public Midwife(Type type, IDecomposer decomposer, int? id) { this.type = type; this.decomposer = decomposer; this.Id = id; MetaMode = false; metaInfo = new List(); customValues = new List(); } public void CreateInstance() { if (Obj != null) throw new PersistenceException("object already instantiated"); Obj = decomposer.CreateInstance(type, metaInfo); } public void AddValue(string name, object value) { if (MetaMode) { metaInfo.Add(new Tag(name, value)); } else { customValues.Add(new Tag(name, value)); } } public void Populate() { decomposer.Populate(Obj, customValues, type); } } private readonly Dictionary id2obj; private readonly Dictionary serializerMapping; private readonly Stack parentStack; private readonly Dictionary typeIds; public Deserializer( IEnumerable typeCache) { id2obj = new Dictionary(); parentStack = new Stack(); typeIds = new Dictionary(); serializerMapping = CreateSerializers(typeCache); } private Dictionary CreateSerializers(IEnumerable typeCache) { try { var map = new Dictionary(); foreach (var typeMapping in typeCache) { Type type; try { type = Type.GetType(typeMapping.TypeName, true); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(String.Format( "Cannot load type \"{0}\", falling back to loading with partial name", typeMapping.TypeName)); string[] typeNameParts = typeMapping.TypeName.Split(new[] { ',' }); Assembly a = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(typeNameParts[typeNameParts.Length - 1].Trim()); Array.Resize(ref typeNameParts, typeNameParts.Length - 1); type = a.GetType(string.Join(",", typeNameParts), true); } typeIds.Add(typeMapping.Id, type); Type serializerType = Type.GetType(typeMapping.Serializer, true); map.Add(type, Activator.CreateInstance(serializerType, true)); } return map; } catch (Exception e) { throw new PersistenceException( "The serialization type cache could not be loaded.\r\n" + "This usualy happens when you are missing an Assembly/Plugin.", e); } } public object Deserialize(IEnumerable tokens) { foreach (ISerializationToken token in tokens) { Type t = token.GetType(); if (t == typeof(BeginToken)) { CompositeStartHandler((BeginToken)token); } else if (t == typeof(EndToken)) { CompositeEndHandler((EndToken)token); } else if (t == typeof(PrimitiveToken)) { PrimitiveHandler((PrimitiveToken)token); } else if (t == typeof(ReferenceToken)) { ReferenceHandler((ReferenceToken)token); } else if (t == typeof(NullReferenceToken)) { NullHandler((NullReferenceToken)token); } else if (t == typeof(MetaInfoBeginToken)) { MetaInfoBegin((MetaInfoBeginToken)token); } else if (t == typeof(MetaInfoEndToken)) { MetaInfoEnd((MetaInfoEndToken)token); } else { throw new PersistenceException("invalid token type"); } } return parentStack.Pop().Obj; } private void CompositeStartHandler(BeginToken token) { Type type = typeIds[(int)token.TypeId]; IDecomposer decomposer = null; if (serializerMapping.ContainsKey(type)) decomposer = serializerMapping[type] as IDecomposer; if (decomposer == null) throw new PersistenceException(String.Format( "No suitable method for deserialization of type \"{0}\" found.", type.VersionInvariantName())); parentStack.Push(new Midwife(type, decomposer, token.Id)); } private void CompositeEndHandler(EndToken token) { Type type = typeIds[(int)token.TypeId]; Midwife midwife = parentStack.Pop(); if (midwife.Obj == null) CreateInstance(midwife); midwife.Populate(); SetValue(token.Name, midwife.Obj); } private void PrimitiveHandler(PrimitiveToken token) { Type type = typeIds[(int)token.TypeId]; object value = ((IFormatter)serializerMapping[type]).Parse(token.SerialData); if (token.Id != null) id2obj[(int)token.Id] = value; SetValue(token.Name, value); } private void ReferenceHandler(ReferenceToken token) { object referredObject = id2obj[token.Id]; SetValue(token.Name, referredObject); } private void NullHandler(NullReferenceToken token) { SetValue(token.Name, null); } private void MetaInfoBegin(MetaInfoBeginToken token) { parentStack.Peek().MetaMode = true; } private void MetaInfoEnd(MetaInfoEndToken token) { Midwife m = parentStack.Peek(); m.MetaMode = false; CreateInstance(m); } private void CreateInstance(Midwife m) { m.CreateInstance(); if (m.Id != null) id2obj.Add((int)m.Id, m.Obj); } private void SetValue(string name, object value) { if (parentStack.Count == 0) { parentStack.Push(new Midwife(value)); } else { Midwife m = parentStack.Peek(); if (m.MetaMode == false && m.Obj == null) CreateInstance(m); m.AddValue(name, value); } } } }