#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion // copied from http://www.codeproject.com/KB/edit/IPAddressTextBox.aspx using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace HeuristicLab.Hive.Server.Console { [ DefaultProperty("Text"), DefaultEvent("TextChanged"), ] /// /// IPAddressTextBox /// Control to enter IP-Addresses manually /// Supports Binary and Decimal Notation /// Supports input of CIDR Notation (appending of Bitmask of Subnetmask devided by Slash) /// Support input of IP-Address in IPv6 format /// public class IPAddressTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox { /// /// Required designer variable. /// private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; private IPNotation m_ipNotation = IPNotation.IPv4Decimal; private IPNotation m_newIPNotation = IPNotation.IPv4Decimal; private bool m_bOverwrite = true; private bool m_bPreventLeave = true; private System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider error; private Regex m_regexValidNumbers = new Regex("[0-9]"); private ArrayList m_arlDelimeter = new ArrayList(new char[] { '.' }); public enum IPNotation { IPv4Decimal, // IPv4Binary, //11000000.10101000.00000000.00000001 IPv4DecimalCIDR, // IPv4BinaryCIDR, //11000000.10101000.00000000.00000001/16 } /// /// Constructor /// public IPAddressTextBox() : base() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.ResetText(); } private void InitializeComponent() { this.error = new System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider(); } /// /// Clean up any resources being used. /// protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (components != null) components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #region Properties #region Not allowed Properties from BaseClass /// /// Multiline is not allowed /// [ Category("Behavior"), Description("Multiline is not allowed"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(false) ] public override bool Multiline { get { return base.Multiline; } set { //base.Multiline = value; base.Multiline = false; } } [ Category("Behavior"), Description("AllowDrop is not allowed"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(false) ] public override bool AllowDrop { get { return base.AllowDrop; } set { //base.AllowDrop = value; base.AllowDrop = false; } } [ Category("Behavior"), Description("AcceptsReturn is not allowed"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(false) ] public new bool AcceptsReturn { get { return base.AcceptsReturn; } set { //base.AcceptsReturn = value; base.AcceptsReturn = false; } } [ Category("Behavior"), Description("AcceptsTab is not allowed"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(false) ] public new bool AcceptsTab { get { return base.AcceptsTab; } set { //base.AcceptTab = value; base.AcceptsTab = false; } } [ Category("Behavior"), Description("CharacterCasing is not allowed"), DefaultValue(CharacterCasing.Normal), Browsable(false) ] public new CharacterCasing CharacterCasing { get { return base.CharacterCasing; } set { //base.CharacterCasing = value; base.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Normal; } } [ Category("Behavior"), Description("WordWrap is not allowed"), DefaultValue(true), Browsable(false) ] public new bool WordWrap { get { return base.WordWrap; } set { //base.WordWrap = value; base.WordWrap = true; } } /// /// Maxlength must not be changed by user /// [ Category("Behavior"), Description("Specifies maximum length of a String. Change is not allowed"), DefaultValue(15), Browsable(false) ] public override int MaxLength { get { return base.MaxLength; } set { //base.MaxLength = value; base.MaxLength = this.Text.Length; } } #endregion // Not allowed Properties from BaseClass /// /// Specifies if IP-Address /// [ Category("Appearance"), Description("Specifies the IP-Address"), DefaultValue(" . . . ") ] public override string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { try { if (IPAddressTextBox.ValidateIP(value, this.m_newIPNotation, this.m_arlDelimeter)) base.Text = IPAddressTextBox.MakeValidSpaces(value, this.m_newIPNotation, this.m_arlDelimeter); } catch { } } } /// /// Specifies if Numbers should be overwritten /// [ Category("Behavior"), Description("Specifies if Numbers should be overwritten"), DefaultValue(true) ] public bool OverWriteMode { get { return this.m_bOverwrite; } set { if (value != this.m_bOverwrite) { this.m_bOverwrite = value; this.OnOverWriteChanged(value); } } } /// /// Prevents leaving of Control if there is an input-error /// [ Category("Behavior"), Description("Prevents leaving of Control if there is an input-error"), DefaultValue(true) ] public bool PreventLeaveAtError { get { return this.m_bPreventLeave; } set { if (value != this.m_bPreventLeave) { this.m_bPreventLeave = value; this.OnPreventLeaveChanged(value); } } } /// /// Specifies if IP-Address Notation (IPv4, IPv6, Binary, Decimal, CIDR /// [ Category("Appearance"), Description("Specifies if IP-Address Notation (IPv4, IPv6, Binary, Decimal, CIDR"), DefaultValue(IPNotation.IPv4Decimal) ] public IPNotation Notation { get { return this.m_ipNotation; } set { if (value != this.m_ipNotation) { try { this.m_newIPNotation = value; this.ChangeNotation(this.m_ipNotation, this.m_newIPNotation); this.m_ipNotation = this.m_newIPNotation; this.OnNotationChanged(this.m_newIPNotation); } catch (Exception LastError) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(LastError.Message); throw LastError; } } } } /// /// Specifies the Errorprovider that appears at invalid IPs /// [ Category("Appearance"), Description("Specifies the Errorprovider that appears at invalid IPs"), DefaultValue(false) ] public ErrorProvider IPError { get { return this.error; } } #endregion //Properties #region Eventhandling /// /// Delegate for Notation-Events /// public delegate void NotationChangedEventHandler(IPNotation arg_newValue); /// /// Event called if AppearanceMode Notation is changed /// public event NotationChangedEventHandler NotationChanged; /// /// Delegate for Bool-Properties-Events /// public delegate void BoolPropertyChangedEventHandler(bool arg_bNewValue); /// /// Event called if BehaviorMode OverWriteMode is changed /// public event BoolPropertyChangedEventHandler OverWriteModeChanged; /// /// Event called if BehaviorMode PreventLeave is changed /// public event BoolPropertyChangedEventHandler PreventLeaveChanged; /// /// Occures when Appearance-Mode Notation was changed /// /// Value, Input IP-Address notation protected virtual void OnNotationChanged(IPNotation arg_Value) { if (this.NotationChanged != null) this.NotationChanged(arg_Value); } private void ChangeNotation(IPNotation arg_oldValue, IPNotation arg_newValue) { string sTo = ""; ArrayList arlFrom = new ArrayList(this.Text.Replace(" ", "").Split((char[])this.m_arlDelimeter.ToArray(typeof(char)))); switch (arg_newValue) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: this.m_regexValidNumbers = new Regex("[0-9]"); this.m_arlDelimeter = new ArrayList(new char[] { '.' }); break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: this.m_regexValidNumbers = new Regex("[0-9]"); this.m_arlDelimeter = new ArrayList(new char[] { '.', '/' }); break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: this.m_regexValidNumbers = new Regex("[01]"); this.m_arlDelimeter = new ArrayList(new char[] { '.' }); break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: this.m_regexValidNumbers = new Regex("[01]"); this.m_arlDelimeter = new ArrayList(new char[] { '.', '/' }); break; default: break; } switch (arg_oldValue) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: switch (arg_newValue) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count; i++) { sTo += arlFrom[i].ToString() + //Add Slash if its the last IPPart, els add a dot (i == arlFrom.Count - 1 ? "/ " : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count; i++) { //Convert Decimal to Binary sTo += this.Dec2Bin(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 1 ? "" : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count; i++) { //Convert Decimal to Binary sTo += this.Dec2Bin(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Slash if its the last IPPart, else add a dot (i == arlFrom.Count - 1 ? "/ " : "."); } break; default: break; } break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: switch (arg_newValue) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: //do not use the last Item, its the Subnetmask for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count - 1; i++) { sTo += arlFrom[i].ToString() + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 2 ? "" : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: //do not use the last Item, its the Subnetmask for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count - 1; i++) { //Convert Decimal to Binary sTo += this.Dec2Bin(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 2 ? "" : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: //do not use the last Item, its the Subnetmask for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count - 1; i++) { //Convert Decimal to Binary sTo += this.Dec2Bin(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 2 ? "" : "."); } //Add Subnetmask sTo += "/" + arlFrom[arlFrom.Count - 1]; break; default: break; } break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: switch (arg_newValue) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count; i++) { //Convert Binary to Decimal sTo += this.Bin2Dec(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 1 ? "" : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count; i++) { //Convert Binary to Decimal sTo += this.Bin2Dec(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Slash if its the last IPPart, els add a dot (i == arlFrom.Count - 1 ? "/ " : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count; i++) { sTo += arlFrom[i].ToString() + //Add Slash if its the last IPPart, else add a dot (i == arlFrom.Count - 1 ? "/ " : "."); } break; default: break; } break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: switch (arg_newValue) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: //do not use the last Item, its the Subnetmask for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count - 1; i++) { sTo += this.Bin2Dec(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 2 ? "" : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: //do not use the last Item, its the Subnetmask for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count - 1; i++) { sTo += this.Bin2Dec(arlFrom[i].ToString()) + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 2 ? "" : "."); } //Add Subnetmask sTo += "/" + arlFrom[arlFrom.Count - 1]; break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: //do not use the last Item, its the Subnetmask for (int i = 0; i < arlFrom.Count - 1; i++) { sTo += arlFrom[i].ToString() + //Add Dot if its not the last IPPart, else add nothing (i == arlFrom.Count - 2 ? "" : "."); } break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: break; default: break; } break; default: break; } this.Text = sTo; this.MaxLength = this.TextLength; } /// /// Occures when Behaviour-Mode OverWriteMode was changed /// /// Value, Overwrite Numbers in Editfield or not protected virtual void OnOverWriteChanged(bool arg_bValue) { if (this.OverWriteModeChanged != null) this.OverWriteModeChanged(arg_bValue); } /// /// Occures when Behaviour-Mode PreventLeave was changed /// /// Value, leave control if there is an error or not protected virtual void OnPreventLeaveChanged(bool arg_bValue) { if (this.PreventLeaveChanged != null) this.PreventLeaveChanged(arg_bValue); } #endregion //events #region Event-Overrides /// /// Override standard KeyDownEventHandler /// Catches Inputs of "." and "/" to jump to next positions /// /// KeyEventArgument protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { //Zeichen an die richtige stelle schreiben int iPos = this.SelectionStart; char[] cText = this.Text.ToCharArray(); if (e.Modifiers == Keys.None) { if ((char.IsLetterOrDigit(Convert.ToChar(e.KeyValue)) || e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad0)//Numpad0=96 --> ` && iPos < this.TextLength) { if (this.m_arlDelimeter.Contains(cText[iPos])) iPos += 1; this.SelectionStart = iPos; if (this.OverWriteMode) { if (iPos < this.TextLength) this.SelectionLength = 1; } else { if (iPos < this.TextLength) if (cText[iPos] == ' ') this.SelectionLength = 1; } } } base.OnKeyDown(e); } /// /// Override standard KeyUpEventHandler /// Catches Inputs of "." and "/" to jump to next positions /// /// KeyEventArgument protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { //Zeichen an die richtige stelle schreiben int iPos = this.SelectionStart; char[] cText = this.Text.ToCharArray(); //Cursor hintern Punkt setzen if ((char.IsLetterOrDigit(Convert.ToChar(e.KeyValue)) || e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad0)//Numpad0=96 --> ` && iPos < this.TextLength) { if (this.m_arlDelimeter.Contains(cText[iPos])) iPos += 1; this.SelectionStart = iPos; } base.OnKeyUp(e); } /// /// Override standard KeyPressEventHandler /// Catches Inputs of "." and "/" to jump to next positions /// /// KeyPressEventArgument protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e) { //valid input charachters if (char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) || m_regexValidNumbers.IsMatch(e.KeyChar.ToString())) { e.Handled = false; } else { switch (e.KeyChar) { case '/': this.JumpToSlash(); break; case '.': case ':': this.JumpToNextDot(); break; default: break; } e.Handled = true; } base.OnKeyPress(e); } /// /// Override standard TextChangedEventHandler /// Looks if inserted IP-Address is valid /// /// EventArgument protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnTextChanged(e); if (this.Text.Length == 0) this.ResetText(); try { if (!this.ValidateIP()) this.error.SetError(this, "Invalid IP-address"); else this.error.SetError(this, ""); } catch (Exception LastError) { this.error.SetError(this, LastError.Message); } } /// /// Override standard ValidatingEventHandler /// Validates inserted IP-Address, and cancels Textbox if valid or PreventLeave=false /// /// CancelEventArgument protected override void OnValidating(CancelEventArgs e) { //e.Cancel = true;//suppress cancel-signal = not validated e.Cancel = (!this.ValidateIP() && this.m_bPreventLeave); base.OnValidating(e); } #endregion //Eventhandling #region Methods /// /// Override standard ResetText /// Fills Textbox with Dots and Slashes dependend on Properties /// public override void ResetText() { base.ResetText(); switch (this.Notation) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: this.Text = " . . . "; break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: this.Text = " . . . / "; break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: this.Text = " . . . "; break; case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: this.Text = " . . . / "; break; default: break; } this.MaxLength = this.TextLength; } /// /// Window-Message Constant /// protected const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100; /// /// Override standard PreProcessMessge /// Catches Inputs of Backspaces and Deletes to remove IP-Digits at the right position /// /// Process Message public override bool PreProcessMessage(ref Message msg) { if (msg.Msg == WM_KEYDOWN) { Keys keyData = ((Keys)(int)msg.WParam) | ModifierKeys; Keys keyCode = ((Keys)(int)msg.WParam); int iPos = this.SelectionStart; char[] cText = this.Text.ToCharArray(); switch (keyCode) { case Keys.Delete: if (iPos < this.TextLength) { while (cText[iPos] == '.' || cText[iPos] == ':' || cText[iPos] == '/') { if ((iPos += 1) >= cText.Length) break; } if (iPos < this.TextLength) { base.Text = this.Text.Substring(0, iPos) + " " + this.Text.Substring(iPos + 1); this.SelectionStart = iPos + 1; } else this.SelectionStart = this.TextLength - 1; } return true; case Keys.Back: if (iPos > 0) { while (cText[iPos - 1] == '.' || cText[iPos - 1] == ':' || cText[iPos - 1] == '/') { if ((iPos -= 1) <= 0) break; } if (iPos > 0) { base.Text = this.Text.Substring(0, iPos - 1) + " " + this.Text.Substring(iPos); this.SelectionStart = iPos - 1; } else this.SelectionStart = 0; } return true; default: break; } } return base.PreProcessMessage(ref msg); } /// /// Returns the formatted IP-Addresses without spaces and Zeroes /// /// IP-Address without spaces and Zeroes public string GetPureIPAddress() { string s = ""; ArrayList arlIP = new ArrayList(this.Text.Replace(" ", "").Split((char[])this.m_arlDelimeter.ToArray(typeof(char)))); for (int i = 0; i < arlIP.Count; i++) { while (arlIP[i].ToString().StartsWith("0")) arlIP[i] = arlIP[i].ToString().Substring(1); } s = IPAddressTextBox.MakeIP((string[])arlIP.ToArray(typeof(string)), this.m_ipNotation); return s; } #endregion //Methods #region Helperfunctions /// /// Sets Inputcursor to Subnet-Slash /// private void JumpToSlash() { int iSelStart = this.Text.LastIndexOf("/"); if (iSelStart >= 0) { this.Select(iSelStart + 1, 0); } } /// /// Sets input cursour to next Dot /// private void JumpToNextDot() { int iSelStart = this.Text.IndexOf('.', this.SelectionStart); if (iSelStart >= 0) { this.Select(iSelStart + 1, 0); } else { iSelStart = this.Text.IndexOf(':', this.SelectionStart); if (iSelStart >= 0) { this.Select(iSelStart + 1, 0); } } } /// /// Converts Decimal IP-Part to Binary (default IPv6 = false) /// /// Decimal IP-Part /// Binary for IPv6 (has 16 digits) /// Binary IP-Part private string Dec2Bin(string arg_sDec) { return this.Dec2Bin(arg_sDec, false); } /// /// Converts Decimal IP-Part to Binary /// /// Decimal IP-Part /// Binary for IPv6 (has 16 digits) /// Binary IP-Part private string Dec2Bin(string arg_sDec, bool arg_bIPv6) { string sBin = (arg_bIPv6 ? "0000000000000000" : "00000000"), sSubnet = ""; arg_sDec = arg_sDec.Trim(); while (arg_sDec.Length < 3) arg_sDec = "0" + arg_sDec; if (arg_sDec.IndexOf("/") >= 0) { sSubnet = arg_sDec.Substring(arg_sDec.IndexOf("/")); arg_sDec = arg_sDec.Substring(0, arg_sDec.IndexOf("/")); } int iDec = Convert.ToInt32(arg_sDec, 10); sBin = Convert.ToString(iDec, 2); while (sBin.Length < (arg_bIPv6 ? 16 : 8)) sBin = "0" + sBin; return sBin + sSubnet; } /// /// Converts Binary IP-Part to Decimal /// /// Binary IP-Part /// Decimal IP-Part private string Bin2Dec(string arg_sBin) { string sDec = "000", sSubnet = ""; arg_sBin = arg_sBin.Trim(); while (arg_sBin.Length < 8) arg_sBin = "0" + arg_sBin; if (arg_sBin.IndexOf("/") >= 0) { sSubnet = arg_sBin.Substring(arg_sBin.IndexOf("/")); arg_sBin = arg_sBin.Substring(0, arg_sBin.IndexOf("/")); } int iBin = Convert.ToInt32(arg_sBin, 2); if (iBin > 255) throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't convert Binary to Decimal IP-Address\nbin:{0} is greater than 255", iBin)); sDec = Convert.ToString(iBin, 10); while (sDec.Length < 3) sDec = "0" + sDec; return sDec + sSubnet; } /// /// Converts Binary IP-Part to Hexadecimal /// /// Binary IP-Part /// Hexadecimal IP-Part private string Bin2Hex(string arg_sBin) { string sHex = "0000", sSubnet = ""; arg_sBin = arg_sBin.Trim(); while (arg_sBin.Length < 8) arg_sBin = "0" + arg_sBin; if (arg_sBin.IndexOf("/") >= 0) { sSubnet = arg_sBin.Substring(arg_sBin.IndexOf("/")); arg_sBin = arg_sBin.Substring(0, arg_sBin.IndexOf("/")); } int iBin = Convert.ToInt32(arg_sBin, 2); sHex = Convert.ToString(iBin, 16); while (sHex.Length < 4) sHex = "0" + sHex; return sHex + sSubnet; } /// /// Converts Hexadecimal IP-Part to Binary (default IPv6=true) /// /// Hexadecimal IP-Part /// Binary IP-Part private string Hex2Bin(string arg_sHex) { return this.Hex2Bin(arg_sHex, true); } /// /// Converts Hexadecimal IP-Part to Binary /// /// Hexadecimal IP-Part /// Binary for IPv6 (16 digits) /// Binary IP-Part private string Hex2Bin(string arg_sHex, bool arg_bIPv6) { string sBin = (arg_bIPv6 ? "0000000000000000" : "00000000"), sSubnet = ""; arg_sHex = arg_sHex.Trim(); while (arg_sHex.Length < 3) arg_sHex = "0" + arg_sHex; if (arg_sHex.IndexOf("/") >= 0) { sSubnet = arg_sHex.Substring(arg_sHex.IndexOf("/")); arg_sHex = arg_sHex.Substring(0, arg_sHex.IndexOf("/")); } int iHex = Convert.ToInt32(arg_sHex, 16); if (iHex > 255 && !arg_bIPv6) throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't convert Hexadecimal to Binary IP-Address\nhex:{0} is greater than 11111111", iHex)); sBin = Convert.ToString(iHex, 2); while (sBin.Length < (arg_bIPv6 ? 16 : 8)) sBin = "0" + sBin; return sBin + sSubnet; } /// /// Converts Decimal IP-Part to Hexadecimal /// /// Decimal IP-Part /// Hexadecimal IP-Part private string Dec2Hex(string arg_sDec) { string sHex = "0000", sSubnet = ""; arg_sDec = arg_sDec.Trim(); while (arg_sDec.Length < 8) arg_sDec = "0" + arg_sDec; if (arg_sDec.IndexOf("/") >= 0) { sSubnet = arg_sDec.Substring(arg_sDec.IndexOf("/")); arg_sDec = arg_sDec.Substring(0, arg_sDec.IndexOf("/")); } int iDec = Convert.ToInt32(arg_sDec, 10); sHex = Convert.ToString(iDec, 16); while (sHex.Length < 4) sHex = "0" + sHex; return sHex + sSubnet; } /// /// Converts Hexadecimal IP-Part to Decimal /// /// Hexadecimal IP-Part /// Decimal IP-Part private string Hex2Dec(string arg_sHex) { string sDec = "000", sSubnet = ""; arg_sHex = arg_sHex.Trim(); while (arg_sHex.Length < 8) arg_sHex = "0" + arg_sHex; if (arg_sHex.IndexOf("/") >= 0) { sSubnet = arg_sHex.Substring(arg_sHex.IndexOf("/")); arg_sHex = arg_sHex.Substring(0, arg_sHex.IndexOf("/")); } int iHex = Convert.ToInt32(arg_sHex, 16); if (iHex > 255) throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't convert Hexadecimal to Decimal IP-Address\nhex:{0} is greater than 255", iHex)); sDec = Convert.ToString(iHex, 10); while (sDec.Length < 3) sDec = "0" + sDec; return sDec + sSubnet; } /// /// Checks if IP in Textfield is valid /// /// true/false valid/not private bool ValidateIP() { if (IPAddressTextBox.ValidateIP(this.Text, this.m_newIPNotation, this.m_arlDelimeter)) return true; else //if Control is not visible or enabled, it doesn't matter if IP is valid return this.Enabled || this.Visible ? false : true; } /// /// Checks if the given String is an valid ip-address /// /// IP-String /// IP-notation /// Delimeter to parse IPString /// true/false validated/not protected static bool ValidateIP(string arg_sIP, IPNotation arg_ipNotation, ArrayList arg_arlDelimeter) { bool bValidated = false; ArrayList arlIP = new ArrayList(arg_sIP.Split((char[])arg_arlDelimeter.ToArray(typeof(char)))); try { switch (arg_ipNotation) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: bValidated = arlIP.Count == 4; break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: bValidated = arlIP.Count == 5; break; default: break; } if (!bValidated) { throw new Exception("IP-Address has wrong element count"); } //don't check the 1st 2 elemnt if its IPv4 in IPv6-notation for (int i = (arg_ipNotation.ToString().IndexOf("IPv6IPv4") == 0 ? 2 : 0); //don't check the subnet element i < (arg_ipNotation.ToString().IndexOf("CIDR") > 0 ? arlIP.Count - 1 : arlIP.Count); i++) { string sIPPart = arlIP[i].ToString().Replace(" ", ""); int iIPPart = 0; switch (arg_ipNotation) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: while (sIPPart.Length < 3) sIPPart = "0" + sIPPart; iIPPart = Convert.ToInt32(sIPPart, 10); if (iIPPart < 256) bValidated = true; else bValidated = false; break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: while (sIPPart.Length < 8) sIPPart = "0" + sIPPart; iIPPart = Convert.ToInt32(sIPPart, 2); if (iIPPart < 256) bValidated = true; else bValidated = false; break; default: break; } if (!bValidated) { throw new Exception(string.Format("IP-Address element {0}({1}) has wrong format", i, sIPPart)); } } } catch (Exception LastError) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(LastError.Message); bValidated = false; throw LastError; } return bValidated; } /// /// Adds Spaces to given IP-Address, so it fits in the textfield /// /// IP-String /// IP-notation /// Delimeter to parse IPString /// IP-Address with Spaces protected static string MakeValidSpaces(string arg_sIP, IPNotation arg_ipNotation, ArrayList arg_arlDelimeter) { ArrayList arlIP = new ArrayList(arg_sIP.Split((char[])arg_arlDelimeter.ToArray(typeof(char)))); //don't check the 1st 2 elemnt if its IPv4 in IPv6-notation for (int i = (arg_ipNotation.ToString().IndexOf("IPv6IPv4") == 0 ? 2 : 0); //don't check the subnet element i < (arg_ipNotation.ToString().IndexOf("CIDR") > 0 ? arlIP.Count - 1 : arlIP.Count); i++) { switch (arg_ipNotation) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: while (arlIP[i].ToString().Length < 3) arlIP[i] = arlIP[i].ToString() + " "; break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: while (arlIP[i].ToString().Length < 8) arlIP[i] = arlIP[i].ToString() + " "; break; default: break; } } return IPAddressTextBox.MakeIP((string[])arlIP.ToArray(typeof(string)), arg_ipNotation); } /// /// Adds Zeroes to given IP-Address, so it fits in the textfield /// /// IP-String /// IP-notation /// Delimeter to parse IPString /// IP-Address with Spaces protected static string MakeValidZeroes(string arg_sIP, IPNotation arg_ipNotation, ArrayList arg_arlDelimeter) { ArrayList arlIP = new ArrayList(arg_sIP.Split((char[])arg_arlDelimeter.ToArray(typeof(char)))); //don't check the 1st 2 elemnt if its IPv4 in IPv6-notation for (int i = (arg_ipNotation.ToString().IndexOf("IPv6IPv4") == 0 ? 2 : 0); //don't check the subnet element i < (arg_ipNotation.ToString().IndexOf("CIDR") > 0 ? arlIP.Count - 1 : arlIP.Count); i++) { switch (arg_ipNotation) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: while (arlIP[i].ToString().Length < 3) arlIP[i] = "0" + arlIP[i].ToString(); break; case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: while (arlIP[i].ToString().Length < 8) arlIP[i] = "0" + arlIP[i].ToString(); break; default: break; } } return IPAddressTextBox.MakeIP((string[])arlIP.ToArray(typeof(string)), arg_ipNotation); } /// /// Creates IP-Addresstring from given StrignArray and Notation /// /// String-Array with elements for IP-Address /// Notation of IP-Address /// IPAddress-String protected static string MakeIP(string[] arg_sIP, IPNotation arg_ipNotation) { string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < arg_sIP.Length; i++) { switch (arg_ipNotation) { case IPNotation.IPv4Decimal: case IPNotation.IPv4Binary: s += (arg_sIP[i].Length > 0 ? arg_sIP[i] : "0") + (i < (arg_sIP.Length - 1) ? "." : ""); break; case IPNotation.IPv4DecimalCIDR: case IPNotation.IPv4BinaryCIDR: s += (arg_sIP[i].Length > 0 ? arg_sIP[i] : "0") + (i < (arg_sIP.Length - 2) ? "." : (i < arg_sIP.Length - 1) ? "/" : ""); break; default: break; } } return s; } #endregion //Helperfunctions } }