using HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification.Networks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using HeuristicLab.GP.Interfaces;
using HeuristicLab.Core;
using HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HeuristicLab.Random;
using HeuristicLab.DataAnalysis;
using HeuristicLab.Common;
namespace HeuristicLab.GP.Test {
///This is a test class for NetworkToFunctionTransformerTest and is intended
///to contain all NetworkToFunctionTransformerTest Unit Tests
public class NetworkToFunctionTransformerTest {
private TestContext testContextInstance;
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext {
get {
return testContextInstance;
set {
testContextInstance = value;
#region Additional test attributes
//You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
//Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
//public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
//Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
//public static void MyClassCleanup()
//Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
//public void MyTestInitialize()
//Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
//public void MyTestCleanup()
///A test for InvertFunction
public void InvertFunctionTest() {
var log = new OpenLog();
var exp = new OpenExp();
var openAdd = new AdditionF1();
var openSub = new SubtractionF1();
var openMul = new MultiplicationF1();
var openDiv = new DivisionF1();
var param = new OpenParameter();
var rootAdd = new OpenAddition();
var rootSub = new OpenSubtraction();
var rootMul = new OpenMultiplication();
var rootDiv = new OpenDivision();
IFunctionTree tree = exp.GetTreeNode(); tree.AddSubTree(param.GetTreeNode());
IFunctionTree expected = log.GetTreeNode(); expected.AddSubTree(param.GetTreeNode());
IFunctionTree actual;
actual = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.InvertChain(tree);
var e = (from x in FunctionTreeIterator.IteratePostfix(expected)
select x.Function.GetType()).GetEnumerator();
var a = (from x in FunctionTreeIterator.IteratePostfix(actual)
select x.Function.GetType()).GetEnumerator();
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetSize(), actual.GetSize());
while (e.MoveNext() && a.MoveNext()) {
Assert.AreEqual(e.Current, a.Current);
public void TransformTest() {
SymbolicExpressionImporter importer = new SymbolicExpressionImporter();
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import("(open-+ (open-param 1.0 - 0) (open-param 2.0 - 0) (open-param 4.0 - 0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(+ (variable 2.0 b 0) (variable 4.0 c 0))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(* (- (variable 1.0 a 0) (variable 4.0 c 0)) 0.5)");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(* (- (variable 1.0 a 0) (variable 2.0 b 0)) 0.25)");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import("(open-- (open-param 1.0 - 0) (f1-+ (open-param 2.0 - 0) 1.0) (f1-* (open-param 4.0 - 0) 1.0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(- (+ (variable 2.0 b 0) 1.0) (* (variable 4.0 c 0) 1.0 ))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(* (- (+ (variable 1.0 a 0) (* (variable 4.0 c 0) 1.0)) 1.0 ) 0.5)");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(* (/ (+ (variable 1.0 a 0) (+ (variable 2.0 b 0) 1.0)) 1.0 ) 0.25)");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import("(cycle (open-* (open-param 1.0 - 0) (open-param 2.0 - 0) (open-param 4.0 - 0)))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(* (* (variable 4.0 b 0) (variable 1.0 c 0)) 0.5)");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(* (/ (variable 2.0 a 0) (variable 1.0 c 0)) 0.25)");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(/ (variable 2.0 a 0) (variable 4.0 b 0))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import("(open-- (open-log (open-param 1.0 - 0)) (open-exp (open-param 1.0 - 0)) (open-param 1.0 - 0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import(@"(exp (- (exp (variable 1.0 b 0))
(variable 1.0 c 0))))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import(@"(log (+ (log (variable 1.0 a 0))
(variable 1.0 c 0))))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import(@"(+ (log (variable 1.0 a 0))
(exp (variable 1.0 b 0)))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import("(open-- (open-log (open-log (open-param 1.0 - 0))) (open-exp (open-exp (open-param 1.0 - 0))) (f1-* (open-param 1.0 - 0) 2.0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import(@"(exp (exp (- (exp (exp (variable 1.0 b 0)))
(* (variable 1.0 c 0) 2.0)))))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import(@"(log (log (+ (log (log (variable 1.0 a 0)))
(* (variable 1.0 c 0) 2.0))))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import(@"(/ (+ (log (log (variable 1.0 a 0)))
(exp (exp (variable 1.0 b 0)))) 2.0)");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(open-- (flip (open-log (open-param 1.0 - 0)))
(flip (f1-* (open-param 2.0 - 0) 2.0))
(flip (flip (f1-* (open-param 4.0 - 0) 2.0))))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import(@"(log (- (/ (variable 0.5 b 0) 2.0)
(* (variable 4.0 c 0) 2.0)))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import(@"(* (* (+ (exp (variable 1.0 a 0))
(* (variable 4.0 c 0) 2.0)) 2.0) 2)");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import(@"(* (/ (+ (exp (variable 1.0 a 0))
(/ (variable 0.5 b 0) 2.0)) 2.0) 0.25)");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(open-+
(flip (f1-+
(flip (f1--
(flip (f1-/
(open-param 1.0 - 0) 4.0)) 3.0)) 2.0))
(open-param 1.0 - 0)
(open-param 1.0 - 0)))");
// -3*4-2 x
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(+ (/ (+ (+ (variable 1.0 b 0) (variable 1.0 c 0)) 3.0) 4.0) 2.0)");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(- (- (* (- (variable 1.0 a 0) 2.0) 4.0) 3.0) (variable 1.0 c 0))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(- (- (* (- (variable 1.0 a 0) 2.0) 4.0) 3.0) (variable 1.0 b 0))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
// constant expression
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(* (variable 1.0 d 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(* (variable 1.0 d 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(* (variable 1.0 d 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(* (variable 1.0 d 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
// expression with one parameter
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(f1-* (open-param 1.0 - 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(/ (variable 1.0 b 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(* (variable 1.0 a 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(* (variable 1.0 a 0) (variable 1.0 d 0))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
// expression with one parameter
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(open-log (open-param 1.0 - 0))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(exp (variable 1.0 b 0))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(log (variable 1.0 a 0))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(log (variable 1.0 a 0))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
// expression with flip and one parameter
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(flip (open-log (open-param 1.0 - 0)))");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(log (variable 1.0 b 0))");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(exp (variable 1.0 a 0))");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(exp (variable 1.0 a 0))");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
// expression with flip and one parameter
IFunctionTree tree = importer.Import(@"(open-param 1.0 - 0)");
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });
IFunctionTree t0 = importer.Import("(variable 1.0 b 0)");
IFunctionTree t1 = importer.Import("(variable 1.0 a 0)");
IFunctionTree t2 = importer.Import("(variable 1.0 a 0)");
CompareTrees(actualTrees.ToList(), new List() {
t0, t1, t2
private void CompareTrees(List actual, List expected) {
var expectedEnumerator = expected.GetEnumerator();
foreach (var actualTree in actual) {
if (!expectedEnumerator.MoveNext()) Assert.Fail();
IFunctionTree expectedTree = expectedEnumerator.Current;
var e = (from x in FunctionTreeIterator.IteratePrefix(expectedTree)
select x).GetEnumerator();
var a = (from x in FunctionTreeIterator.IteratePrefix(actualTree)
select x).GetEnumerator();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedTree.GetSize(), actualTree.GetSize());
while (e.MoveNext() && a.MoveNext()) {
Assert.AreEqual(e.Current.Function.GetType(), a.Current.Function.GetType());
if (e.Current.Function is HeuristicLab.GP.StructureIdentification.Variable) {
var expectedVar = (VariableFunctionTree)e.Current;
var actualVar = (VariableFunctionTree)a.Current;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedVar.VariableName, actualVar.VariableName);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedVar.SampleOffset, actualVar.SampleOffset);
} else if (e.Current.Function is Constant) {
var expectedConst = (ConstantFunctionTree)e.Current;
var actualConst = (ConstantFunctionTree)a.Current;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedConst.Value, actualConst.Value);
public void TransformRandomTreesTest() {
MersenneTwister twister = new MersenneTwister();
Dataset ds = Util.CreateRandomDataset(twister, 1, 20);
IFunctionTree[] randomTrees = Util.CreateRandomTrees(twister, ds, FunctionLibraryInjector.Create(false, 0, 0), 1000, 1, 100);
foreach (var tree in randomTrees) {
IEnumerable actualTrees = NetworkToFunctionTransformer_Accessor.Transform(tree, new List() { "a", "b", "c" });