#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Core; using HeuristicLab.GP.Interfaces; using HeuristicLab.Random; namespace HeuristicLab.GP.Operators { /// /// Implementation of a size fair crossover operator as described in: /// William B. Langdon /// Size Fair and Homologous Tree Genetic Programming Crossovers, /// Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Vol. 1, Number 1/2, pp. 95-119, April 2000 /// public class SizeFairCrossOver : SizeConstrictedGPCrossoverBase { private int MaxRecombinationTries { get { return 20; } } // private data structure for crossover points protected class CrossoverPoint { public IFunctionTree tree; public int branchSize; public List trail; } internal override IFunctionTree Cross(TreeGardener gardener, IRandom random, IFunctionTree tree0, IFunctionTree tree1, int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) { int tries = 0; IFunctionTree insertedBranch = null; IFunctionTree parent = null; int removedBranchIndex = 0; do { // select a random suboperator of the 'receiving' tree while (parent == null) parent = gardener.GetRandomParentNode(tree0); removedBranchIndex = random.Next(parent.SubTrees.Count); insertedBranch = GetReplacementBranch((MersenneTwister)random, gardener, tree0, parent, removedBranchIndex, tree1, maxTreeSize, maxTreeHeight); } while (insertedBranch == null && tries++ < MaxRecombinationTries); if (insertedBranch != null) { // replace the branch below the crossoverpoint with the selected branch from root1 parent.RemoveSubTree(removedBranchIndex); parent.InsertSubTree(removedBranchIndex, insertedBranch); } return tree0; } private IFunctionTree GetReplacementBranch(MersenneTwister random, TreeGardener gardener, IFunctionTree intoTree, IFunctionTree parent, int replacedBranchIndex, IFunctionTree fromTree, int maxTreeSize, int maxTreeHeight) { IList allowedFunctions = new List(gardener.GetAllowedSubFunctions(parent.Function, replacedBranchIndex)); int removedBranchSize = parent.SubTrees[replacedBranchIndex].GetSize(); int maxBranchSize = maxTreeSize - (intoTree.GetSize() - removedBranchSize); int maxBranchHeight = maxTreeHeight - gardener.GetBranchLevel(intoTree, parent); // returns 1 if intoTree==parent and 2 if parent is a child of intoTree List replacedTrail = GetTrail(intoTree, parent); replacedTrail.Add(replacedBranchIndex); List shorterBranches = new List(); List longerBranches = new List(); List equalLengthBranches = new List(); FindPossibleBranches(fromTree, allowedFunctions, maxBranchSize, maxBranchHeight, removedBranchSize, shorterBranches, equalLengthBranches, longerBranches, new List()); if (shorterBranches.Count > 0 && longerBranches.Count > 0) { double pEqualLength = equalLengthBranches.Count > 0 ? 1.0 / removedBranchSize : 0.0; double pLonger; if (parent.GetSize() == maxTreeSize) { pLonger = 0.0; } else { pLonger = (1.0 - pEqualLength) / (longerBranches.Count * (1.0 + longerBranches.Average(p => p.branchSize) / shorterBranches.Average(p => p.branchSize))); } double pShorter = (1.0 - pEqualLength - pLonger); double r = random.NextDouble(); if (r < pLonger) { return SelectReplacement(random, replacedTrail, longerBranches); } else if (r < pLonger + pShorter) { return SelectReplacement(random, replacedTrail, shorterBranches); } else { return SelectReplacement(random, replacedTrail, equalLengthBranches); } } else if (equalLengthBranches.Count > 0) { return SelectReplacement(random, replacedTrail, equalLengthBranches); } else { return null; } } protected virtual IFunctionTree SelectReplacement(MersenneTwister random, List replacedTrail, List crossoverPoints) { return crossoverPoints[random.Next(crossoverPoints.Count)].tree; } private void FindPossibleBranches(IFunctionTree tree, IList allowedFunctions, int maxBranchSize, int maxBranchHeight, int removedBranchSize, List shorterBranches, List equalLengthBranches, List longerBranches, List trail) { int treeSize = tree.GetSize(); if (allowedFunctions.Contains(tree.Function) && treeSize <= maxBranchSize && tree.GetHeight() <= maxBranchHeight) { CrossoverPoint p = new CrossoverPoint(); p.branchSize = treeSize; p.tree = tree; p.trail = new List(trail); if (treeSize < removedBranchSize) shorterBranches.Add(p); else if (treeSize > removedBranchSize) longerBranches.Add(p); else equalLengthBranches.Add(p); } for (int i = 0; i < tree.SubTrees.Count; i++) { trail.Add(i); FindPossibleBranches(tree.SubTrees[i], allowedFunctions, maxBranchSize, maxBranchHeight, removedBranchSize, shorterBranches, equalLengthBranches, longerBranches, trail); trail.RemoveAt(trail.Count - 1); } } private List GetTrail(IFunctionTree root, IFunctionTree branch) { List trail = new List(); GetTrail(root, branch, trail); trail.Reverse(); trail.RemoveAt(trail.Count - 1); return trail; } private void GetTrail(IFunctionTree root, IFunctionTree branch, List trail) { if (root == branch) { trail.Add(-1); // add flag that there was a match return; } for (int i = 0; i < root.SubTrees.Count; i++) { GetTrail(root.SubTrees[i], branch, trail); if (trail.Count > 0) { trail.Add(i); return; } } } } }