/******************************************************************************* * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header! * * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets. * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html * * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied. * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause. * * Code change notes: * * Author Change Date * ****************************************************************************** * Jan Källman Initial Release 2011-01-01 * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-27 * Richard Tallent Fix escaping of quotes 2012-10-31 *******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Security; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using OfficeOpenXml.VBA; using System.Drawing; using OfficeOpenXml.Utils; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows; using Ionic.Zip; using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing; using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.Excel.Functions; using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.LexicalAnalysis; using OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zip; namespace OfficeOpenXml { #region Public Enum ExcelCalcMode /// /// How the application should calculate formulas in the workbook /// public enum ExcelCalcMode { /// /// Indicates that calculations in the workbook are performed automatically when cell values change. /// The application recalculates those cells that are dependent on other cells that contain changed values. /// This mode of calculation helps to avoid unnecessary calculations. /// Automatic, /// /// Indicates tables be excluded during automatic calculation /// AutomaticNoTable, /// /// Indicates that calculations in the workbook be triggered manually by the user. /// Manual } #endregion /// /// Represents the Excel workbook and provides access to all the /// document properties and worksheets within the workbook. /// public sealed class ExcelWorkbook : XmlHelper, IDisposable { internal class SharedStringItem { internal int pos; internal string Text; internal bool isRichText = false; } #region Private Properties internal ExcelPackage _package; private ExcelWorksheets _worksheets; private OfficeProperties _properties; private ExcelStyles _styles; #endregion #region ExcelWorkbook Constructor /// /// Creates a new instance of the ExcelWorkbook class. /// /// The parent package /// NamespaceManager internal ExcelWorkbook(ExcelPackage package, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager) : base(namespaceManager) { _package = package; WorkbookUri = new Uri("/xl/workbook.xml", UriKind.Relative); SharedStringsUri = new Uri("/xl/sharedStrings.xml", UriKind.Relative); StylesUri = new Uri("/xl/styles.xml", UriKind.Relative); _names = new ExcelNamedRangeCollection(this); _namespaceManager = namespaceManager; TopNode = WorkbookXml.DocumentElement; SchemaNodeOrder = new string[] { "fileVersion", "fileSharing", "workbookPr", "workbookProtection", "bookViews", "sheets", "functionGroups", "functionPrototypes", "externalReferences", "definedNames", "calcPr", "oleSize", "customWorkbookViews", "pivotCaches", "smartTagPr", "smartTagTypes", "webPublishing", "fileRecoveryPr", }; FullCalcOnLoad = true; //Full calculation on load by default, for both new workbooks and templates. GetSharedStrings(); } #endregion internal Dictionary _sharedStrings = new Dictionary(); //Used when reading cells. internal List _sharedStringsList = new List(); //Used when reading cells. internal ExcelNamedRangeCollection _names; internal int _nextDrawingID = 0; internal int _nextTableID = 1; internal int _nextPivotTableID = 1; internal XmlNamespaceManager _namespaceManager; internal FormulaParser _formulaParser = null; internal FormulaParserManager _parserManager; internal CellStore> _formulaTokens; /// /// Read shared strings to list /// private void GetSharedStrings() { if (_package.Package.PartExists(SharedStringsUri)) { var xml = _package.GetXmlFromUri(SharedStringsUri); XmlNodeList nl = xml.SelectNodes("//d:sst/d:si", NameSpaceManager); _sharedStringsList = new List(); if (nl != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in nl) { XmlNode n = node.SelectSingleNode("d:t", NameSpaceManager); if (n != null) { _sharedStringsList.Add(new SharedStringItem() { Text = ConvertUtil.ExcelDecodeString(n.InnerText) }); } else { _sharedStringsList.Add(new SharedStringItem() { Text = node.InnerXml, isRichText = true }); } } } //Delete the shared string part, it will be recreated when the package is saved. foreach (var rel in Part.GetRelationships()) { if (rel.TargetUri.OriginalString.EndsWith("sharedstrings.xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Part.DeleteRelationship(rel.Id); break; } } _package.Package.DeletePart(SharedStringsUri); //Remove the part, it is recreated when saved. } } internal void GetDefinedNames() { XmlNodeList nl = WorkbookXml.SelectNodes("//d:definedNames/d:definedName", NameSpaceManager); if (nl != null) { foreach (XmlElement elem in nl) { string fullAddress = elem.InnerText; int localSheetID; ExcelWorksheet nameWorksheet; if(!int.TryParse(elem.GetAttribute("localSheetId"), out localSheetID)) { localSheetID = -1; nameWorksheet=null; } else { nameWorksheet=Worksheets[localSheetID + 1]; } var addressType = ExcelAddressBase.IsValid(fullAddress); ExcelRangeBase range; ExcelNamedRange namedRange; if (fullAddress.IndexOf("[") == 0) { int start = fullAddress.IndexOf("["); int end = fullAddress.IndexOf("]", start); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { string externalIndex = fullAddress.Substring(start + 1, end - start - 1); int index; if (int.TryParse(externalIndex, out index)) { if (index > 0 && index <= _externalReferences.Count) { fullAddress = fullAddress.Substring(0, start) + "[" + _externalReferences[index - 1] + "]" + fullAddress.Substring(end + 1); } } } } if (addressType == ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.Invalid || addressType == ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.InternalName || addressType == ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.ExternalName || addressType==ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.Formula || addressType==ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.ExternalAddress) //A value or a formula { double value; range = new ExcelRangeBase(this, nameWorksheet, elem.GetAttribute("name"), true); if (nameWorksheet == null) { namedRange = _names.Add(elem.GetAttribute("name"), range); } else { namedRange = nameWorksheet.Names.Add(elem.GetAttribute("name"), range); } if (fullAddress.StartsWith("\"")) //String value { namedRange.NameValue = fullAddress.Substring(1,fullAddress.Length-2); } else if (double.TryParse(fullAddress, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value)) { namedRange.NameValue = value; } else { //if (addressType == ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.ExternalAddress || addressType == ExcelAddressBase.AddressType.ExternalName) //{ // var r = new ExcelAddress(fullAddress); // namedRange.NameFormula = '\'[' + r._wb //} //else //{ namedRange.NameFormula = fullAddress; //} } } else { ExcelAddress addr = new ExcelAddress(fullAddress, _package, null); if (localSheetID > -1) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr._ws)) { namedRange = Worksheets[localSheetID + 1].Names.Add(elem.GetAttribute("name"), new ExcelRangeBase(this, Worksheets[localSheetID + 1], fullAddress, false)); } else { namedRange = Worksheets[localSheetID + 1].Names.Add(elem.GetAttribute("name"), new ExcelRangeBase(this, Worksheets[addr._ws], fullAddress, false)); } } else { var ws = Worksheets[addr._ws]; namedRange = _names.Add(elem.GetAttribute("name"), new ExcelRangeBase(this, ws, fullAddress, false)); } } if (elem.GetAttribute("hidden") == "1" && namedRange != null) namedRange.IsNameHidden = true; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elem.GetAttribute("comment"))) namedRange.NameComment=elem.GetAttribute("comment"); } } } #region Worksheets /// /// Provides access to all the worksheets in the workbook. /// public ExcelWorksheets Worksheets { get { if (_worksheets == null) { var sheetsNode = _workbookXml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("d:sheets", _namespaceManager); if (sheetsNode == null) { sheetsNode = CreateNode("d:sheets"); } _worksheets = new ExcelWorksheets(_package, _namespaceManager, sheetsNode); } return (_worksheets); } } #endregion /// /// Provides access to named ranges /// public ExcelNamedRangeCollection Names { get { return _names; } } #region Workbook Properties decimal _standardFontWidth = decimal.MinValue; string _fontID = ""; internal FormulaParser FormulaParser { get { if (_formulaParser == null) { _formulaParser = new FormulaParser(new EpplusExcelDataProvider(_package)); } return _formulaParser; } } public FormulaParserManager FormulaParserManager { get { if (_parserManager == null) { _parserManager = new FormulaParserManager(FormulaParser); } return _parserManager; } } /// /// Max font width for the workbook /// This method uses GDI. If you use Asure or another environment that does not support GDI, you have to set this value manually if you don't use the standard Calibri font /// public decimal MaxFontWidth { get { if (_standardFontWidth == decimal.MinValue || _fontID != Styles.Fonts[0].Id) { var font = Styles.Fonts[0]; try { //Font f = new Font(font.Name, font.Size); _standardFontWidth = 0; _fontID = font.Id; Typeface tf = new Typeface(new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily(font.Name), (font.Italic) ? FontStyles.Normal : FontStyles.Italic, (font.Bold) ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal, FontStretches.Normal); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { var ft = new System.Windows.Media.FormattedText("0123456789".Substring(i,1), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight, tf, font.Size * (96D / 72D), System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black); var width=(int)Math.Round(ft.Width,0); if(width>_standardFontWidth) { _standardFontWidth = width; } } //var size = new System.Windows.Size { Width = ft.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, Height = ft.Height }; //using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(1, 1)) //{ // using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) // { // _standardFontWidth = (decimal)Math.Truncate(g.MeasureString("00", f).Width - g.MeasureString("0", f).Width); // } //} if (_standardFontWidth <= 0) //No GDI? { _standardFontWidth = (int)(font.Size * (2D / 3D)); //Aprox. for Calibri. } } catch //Error, set default value { _standardFontWidth = (int)(font.Size * (2D / 3D)); //Aprox for Calibri. } } return _standardFontWidth; } set { _standardFontWidth = value; } } ExcelProtection _protection = null; /// /// Access properties to protect or unprotect a workbook /// public ExcelProtection Protection { get { if (_protection == null) { _protection = new ExcelProtection(NameSpaceManager, TopNode, this); _protection.SchemaNodeOrder = SchemaNodeOrder; } return _protection; } } ExcelWorkbookView _view = null; /// /// Access to workbook view properties /// public ExcelWorkbookView View { get { if (_view == null) { _view = new ExcelWorkbookView(NameSpaceManager, TopNode, this); } return _view; } } ExcelVbaProject _vba = null; /// /// A reference to the VBA project. /// Null if no project exists. /// Use Workbook.CreateVBAProject to create a new VBA-Project /// public ExcelVbaProject VbaProject { get { if (_vba == null) { if(_package.Package.PartExists(new Uri(ExcelVbaProject.PartUri, UriKind.Relative))) { _vba = new ExcelVbaProject(this); } } return _vba; } } /// /// Create an empty VBA project. /// public void CreateVBAProject() { #if !MONO if (_vba != null || _package.Package.PartExists(new Uri(ExcelVbaProject.PartUri, UriKind.Relative))) { throw (new InvalidOperationException("VBA project already exists.")); } _vba = new ExcelVbaProject(this); _vba.Create(); #endif #if MONO throw new NotSupportedException("Creating a VBA project is not supported under Mono."); #endif } /// /// URI to the workbook inside the package /// internal Uri WorkbookUri { get; private set; } /// /// URI to the styles inside the package /// internal Uri StylesUri { get; private set; } /// /// URI to the shared strings inside the package /// internal Uri SharedStringsUri { get; private set; } /// /// Returns a reference to the workbook's part within the package /// internal Packaging.ZipPackagePart Part { get { return (_package.Package.GetPart(WorkbookUri)); } } #region WorkbookXml private XmlDocument _workbookXml; /// /// Provides access to the XML data representing the workbook in the package. /// public XmlDocument WorkbookXml { get { if (_workbookXml == null) { CreateWorkbookXml(_namespaceManager); } return (_workbookXml); } } const string codeModuleNamePath = "d:workbookPr/@codeName"; internal string CodeModuleName { get { return GetXmlNodeString(codeModuleNamePath); } set { SetXmlNodeString(codeModuleNamePath,value); } } internal void CodeNameChange(string value) { CodeModuleName = value; } public VBA.ExcelVBAModule CodeModule { get { if (VbaProject != null) { return VbaProject.Modules[CodeModuleName]; } else { return null; } } } const string date1904Path = "d:workbookPr/@date1904"; internal const double date1904Offset = 365.5 * 4; // offset to fix 1900 and 1904 differences, 4 OLE years /// /// The date systems used by Microsoft Excel can be based on one of two different dates. By default, a serial number of 1 in Microsoft Excel represents January 1, 1900. /// The default for the serial number 1 can be changed to represent January 2, 1904. /// This option was included in Microsoft Excel for Windows to make it compatible with Excel for the Macintosh, which defaults to January 2, 1904. /// public bool Date1904 { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(date1904Path, false); } set { if (Date1904 != value) { // Like Excel when the option it's changed update it all cells with Date format foreach (var item in Worksheets) { item.UpdateCellsWithDate1904Setting(); } } SetXmlNodeBool(date1904Path, value, false); } } /// /// Create or read the XML for the workbook. /// private void CreateWorkbookXml(XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager) { if (_package.Package.PartExists(WorkbookUri)) _workbookXml = _package.GetXmlFromUri(WorkbookUri); else { // create a new workbook part and add to the package Packaging.ZipPackagePart partWorkbook = _package.Package.CreatePart(WorkbookUri, @"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml", _package.Compression); // create the workbook _workbookXml = new XmlDocument(namespaceManager.NameTable); _workbookXml.PreserveWhitespace = ExcelPackage.preserveWhitespace; // create the workbook element XmlElement wbElem = _workbookXml.CreateElement("workbook", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); // Add the relationships namespace wbElem.SetAttribute("xmlns:r", ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships); _workbookXml.AppendChild(wbElem); // create the bookViews and workbooks element XmlElement bookViews = _workbookXml.CreateElement("bookViews", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); wbElem.AppendChild(bookViews); XmlElement workbookView = _workbookXml.CreateElement("workbookView", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); bookViews.AppendChild(workbookView); // save it to the package StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(partWorkbook.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); _workbookXml.Save(stream); //stream.Close(); _package.Package.Flush(); } } #endregion #region StylesXml private XmlDocument _stylesXml; /// /// Provides access to the XML data representing the styles in the package. /// public XmlDocument StylesXml { get { if (_stylesXml == null) { if (_package.Package.PartExists(StylesUri)) _stylesXml = _package.GetXmlFromUri(StylesUri); else { // create a new styles part and add to the package Packaging.ZipPackagePart part = _package.Package.CreatePart(StylesUri, @"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml", _package.Compression); // create the style sheet StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); xml.Append(""); _stylesXml = new XmlDocument(); _stylesXml.LoadXml(xml.ToString()); //Save it to the package StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(part.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); _stylesXml.Save(stream); //stream.Close(); _package.Package.Flush(); // create the relationship between the workbook and the new shared strings part _package.Workbook.Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorkbookUri, StylesUri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/styles"); _package.Package.Flush(); } } return (_stylesXml); } set { _stylesXml = value; } } /// /// Package styles collection. Used internally to access style data. /// public ExcelStyles Styles { get { if (_styles == null) { _styles = new ExcelStyles(NameSpaceManager, StylesXml, this); } return _styles; } } #endregion #region Office Document Properties /// /// The office document properties /// public OfficeProperties Properties { get { if (_properties == null) { // Create a NamespaceManager to handle the default namespace, // and create a prefix for the default namespace: _properties = new OfficeProperties(_package, NameSpaceManager); } return _properties; } } #endregion #region CalcMode private string CALC_MODE_PATH = "d:calcPr/@calcMode"; /// /// Calculation mode for the workbook. /// public ExcelCalcMode CalcMode { get { string calcMode = GetXmlNodeString(CALC_MODE_PATH); switch (calcMode) { case "autoNoTable": return ExcelCalcMode.AutomaticNoTable; case "manual": return ExcelCalcMode.Manual; default: return ExcelCalcMode.Automatic; } } set { switch (value) { case ExcelCalcMode.AutomaticNoTable: SetXmlNodeString(CALC_MODE_PATH, "autoNoTable") ; break; case ExcelCalcMode.Manual: SetXmlNodeString(CALC_MODE_PATH, "manual"); break; default: SetXmlNodeString(CALC_MODE_PATH, "auto"); break; } } #endregion } private const string FULL_CALC_ON_LOAD_PATH = "d:calcPr/@fullCalcOnLoad"; /// /// Should Excel do a full calculation after the workbook has been loaded? /// This property is always true for both new workbooks and loaded templates(on load). If this is not the wanted behavior set this property to false. /// public bool FullCalcOnLoad { get { return GetXmlNodeBool(FULL_CALC_ON_LOAD_PATH); } set { SetXmlNodeBool(FULL_CALC_ON_LOAD_PATH, value); } } #endregion #region Workbook Private Methods #region Save // Workbook Save /// /// Saves the workbook and all its components to the package. /// For internal use only! /// internal void Save() // Workbook Save { if (Worksheets.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The workbook must contain at least one worksheet"); DeleteCalcChain(); if (_vba == null && !_package.Package.PartExists(new Uri(ExcelVbaProject.PartUri, UriKind.Relative))) { if (Part.ContentType != ExcelPackage.contentTypeWorkbookDefault) { Part.ContentType = ExcelPackage.contentTypeWorkbookDefault; } } else { if (Part.ContentType != ExcelPackage.contentTypeWorkbookMacroEnabled) { Part.ContentType = ExcelPackage.contentTypeWorkbookMacroEnabled; } } UpdateDefinedNamesXml(); // save the workbook if (_workbookXml != null) { _package.SavePart(WorkbookUri, _workbookXml); } // save the properties of the workbook if (_properties != null) { _properties.Save(); } // save the style sheet Styles.UpdateXml(); _package.SavePart(StylesUri, _stylesXml); // save all the open worksheets var isProtected = Protection.LockWindows || Protection.LockStructure; foreach (ExcelWorksheet worksheet in Worksheets) { if (isProtected && Protection.LockWindows) { worksheet.View.WindowProtection = true; } worksheet.Save(); worksheet.Part.SaveHandler = worksheet.SaveHandler; } var part = _package.Package.CreatePart(SharedStringsUri, ExcelPackage.contentTypeSharedString, _package.Compression); part.SaveHandler = SaveSharedStringHandler; Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorkbookUri, SharedStringsUri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/sharedStrings"); //UpdateSharedStringsXml(); // Data validation ValidateDataValidations(); //VBA if (_vba!=null) { #if !MONO VbaProject.Save(); #endif } } private void DeleteCalcChain() { //Remove the calc chain if it exists. Uri uriCalcChain = new Uri("/xl/calcChain.xml", UriKind.Relative); if (_package.Package.PartExists(uriCalcChain)) { Uri calcChain = new Uri("calcChain.xml", UriKind.Relative); foreach (var relationship in _package.Workbook.Part.GetRelationships()) { if (relationship.TargetUri == calcChain) { _package.Workbook.Part.DeleteRelationship(relationship.Id); break; } } // delete the calcChain part _package.Package.DeletePart(uriCalcChain); } } private void ValidateDataValidations() { foreach (var sheet in _package.Workbook.Worksheets) { if (!(sheet is ExcelChartsheet)) { sheet.DataValidations.ValidateAll(); } } } private void SaveSharedStringHandler(ZipOutputStream stream, CompressionLevel compressionLevel, string fileName) { //Packaging.ZipPackagePart stringPart; //if (_package.Package.PartExists(SharedStringsUri)) //{ // stringPart=_package.Package.GetPart(SharedStringsUri); //} //else //{ // stringPart = _package.Package.CreatePart(SharedStringsUri, @"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml", _package.Compression); //Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorkbookUri, SharedStringsUri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/sharedStrings"); //} //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stringPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); //Init Zip stream.CompressionLevel = (OfficeOpenXml.Packaging.Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel)compressionLevel; stream.PutNextEntry(fileName); var cache = new StringBuilder(); var sw = new StreamWriter(stream); cache.AppendFormat("", _sharedStrings.Count); foreach (string t in _sharedStrings.Keys) { SharedStringItem ssi = _sharedStrings[t]; if (ssi.isRichText) { cache.Append(""); ConvertUtil.ExcelEncodeString(cache, t); cache.Append(""); } else { if (t.Length>0 && (t[0] == ' ' || t[t.Length-1] == ' ' || t.Contains(" ") || t.Contains("\t"))) { cache.Append(""); } else { cache.Append(""); } ConvertUtil.ExcelEncodeString(cache, ConvertUtil.ExcelEscapeString(t)); cache.Append(""); } if (cache.Length > 0x600000) { sw.Write(cache.ToString()); cache = new StringBuilder(); } } cache.Append(""); sw.Write(cache.ToString()); sw.Flush(); Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorkbookUri, SharedStringsUri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/sharedStrings"); } private void UpdateDefinedNamesXml() { try { XmlNode top = WorkbookXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:definedNames", NameSpaceManager); if (!ExistsNames()) { if (top != null) TopNode.RemoveChild(top); return; } else { if (top == null) { CreateNode("d:definedNames"); top = WorkbookXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:definedNames", NameSpaceManager); } else { top.RemoveAll(); } foreach (ExcelNamedRange name in _names) { XmlElement elem = WorkbookXml.CreateElement("definedName", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); top.AppendChild(elem); elem.SetAttribute("name", name.Name); if (name.IsNameHidden) elem.SetAttribute("hidden", "1"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.NameComment)) elem.SetAttribute("comment", name.NameComment); SetNameElement(name, elem); } } foreach (ExcelWorksheet ws in _worksheets) { if (!(ws is ExcelChartsheet)) { foreach (ExcelNamedRange name in ws.Names) { XmlElement elem = WorkbookXml.CreateElement("definedName", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); top.AppendChild(elem); elem.SetAttribute("name", name.Name); elem.SetAttribute("localSheetId", name.LocalSheetId.ToString()); if (name.IsNameHidden) elem.SetAttribute("hidden", "1"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.NameComment)) elem.SetAttribute("comment", name.NameComment); SetNameElement(name, elem); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Internal error updating named ranges ",ex); } } private void SetNameElement(ExcelNamedRange name, XmlElement elem) { if (name.IsName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.NameFormula)) { if ((name.NameValue.GetType().IsPrimitive || name.NameValue is double || name.NameValue is decimal)) { elem.InnerText = Convert.ToDouble(name.NameValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("R15", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (name.NameValue is DateTime) { elem.InnerText = ((DateTime)name.NameValue).ToOADate().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { elem.InnerText = "\"" + name.NameValue.ToString() + "\""; } } else { elem.InnerText = name.NameFormula; } } else { elem.InnerText = name.FullAddressAbsolute; } } /// /// Is their any names in the workbook or in the sheets. /// /// ? private bool ExistsNames() { if (_names.Count == 0) { foreach (ExcelWorksheet ws in Worksheets) { if (ws is ExcelChartsheet) continue; if(ws.Names.Count>0) { return true; } } } else { return true; } return false; } #endregion #endregion internal bool ExistsTableName(string Name) { foreach (var ws in Worksheets) { if(ws.Tables._tableNames.ContainsKey(Name)) { return true; } } return false; } internal bool ExistsPivotTableName(string Name) { foreach (var ws in Worksheets) { if (ws.PivotTables._pivotTableNames.ContainsKey(Name)) { return true; } } return false; } internal void AddPivotTable(string cacheID, Uri defUri) { CreateNode("d:pivotCaches"); XmlElement item = WorkbookXml.CreateElement("pivotCache", ExcelPackage.schemaMain); item.SetAttribute("cacheId", cacheID); var rel = Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.ResolvePartUri(WorkbookUri, defUri), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/pivotCacheDefinition"); item.SetAttribute("id", ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships, rel.Id); var pivotCaches = WorkbookXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:pivotCaches", NameSpaceManager); pivotCaches.AppendChild(item); } internal List _externalReferences = new List(); //internal bool _isCalculated=false; internal void GetExternalReferences() { XmlNodeList nl = WorkbookXml.SelectNodes("//d:externalReferences/d:externalReference", NameSpaceManager); if (nl != null) { foreach (XmlElement elem in nl) { string rID = elem.GetAttribute("r:id"); var rel = Part.GetRelationship(rID); var part = _package.Package.GetPart(UriHelper.ResolvePartUri(rel.SourceUri, rel.TargetUri)); XmlDocument xmlExtRef = new XmlDocument(); LoadXmlSafe(xmlExtRef, part.GetStream()); XmlElement book=xmlExtRef.SelectSingleNode("//d:externalBook", NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement; if(book!=null) { string rId_ExtRef = book.GetAttribute("r:id"); var rel_extRef = part.GetRelationship(rId_ExtRef); if (rel_extRef != null) { _externalReferences.Add(rel_extRef.TargetUri.OriginalString); } } } } } public void Dispose() { _sharedStrings.Clear(); _sharedStringsList.Clear(); _sharedStrings = null; _sharedStringsList = null; _vba = null; if (_worksheets != null) { _worksheets.Dispose(); _worksheets = null; } _package = null; _properties = null; if (_formulaParser != null) { _formulaParser.Dispose(); _formulaParser = null; } } } // end Workbook }