* You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header!
* EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets.
* See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
* If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
* All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied.
* The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause.
* Code change notes:
* Author Change Date
* ******************************************************************************
* Jan Källman Initial Release 2011-11-02
* Jan Källman Total rewrite 2010-03-01
* Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-27
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Packaging;
using System.Configuration;
using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing;
using System.Diagnostics;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Security;
using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style.XmlAccess;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Vml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Table;
using OfficeOpenXml.DataValidation;
using OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting;
using System.Web;
namespace OfficeOpenXml
/// Worksheet hidden enumeration
public enum eWorkSheetHidden
/// The worksheet is visible
/// The worksheet is hidden but can be shown by the user via the user interface
/// The worksheet is hidden and cannot be shown by the user via the user interface
/// Represents an Excel worksheet and provides access to its properties and methods
public sealed class ExcelWorksheet : XmlHelper
internal class Formulas
internal int Index { get; set; }
internal string Address { get; set; }
internal bool IsArray { get; set; }
public string Formula { get; set; }
public int StartRow { get; set; }
public int StartCol { get; set; }
/// Collection containing merged cell addresses
public class MergeCellsCollection : IEnumerable
private List _list = new List();
internal MergeCellsCollection()
internal List List { get {return _list;} }
public T this[int Index]
return _list[Index];
public int Count
return _list.Count;
internal void Remove(T Item)
#region IEnumerable Members
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return _list.GetEnumerator();
#region IEnumerable Members
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _list.GetEnumerator();
internal RangeCollection _cells;
internal RangeCollection _columns;
internal RangeCollection _rows;
internal Dictionary _sharedFormulas = new Dictionary();
internal Dictionary _arrayFormulas = new Dictionary();
internal RangeCollection _formulaCells;
internal int _minCol = ExcelPackage.MaxColumns;
internal int _maxCol = 0;
internal List _hyperLinkCells; //Used when saving the sheet
#region Worksheet Private Properties
internal ExcelPackage _package;
private Uri _worksheetUri;
private string _name;
private int _sheetID;
private int _positionID;
private string _relationshipID;
private XmlDocument _worksheetXml;
internal ExcelWorksheetView _sheetView;
internal ExcelHeaderFooter _headerFooter;
#region ExcelWorksheet Constructor
/// A worksheet
/// Namespacemanager
/// Package
/// Relationship ID
/// URI
/// Name of the sheet
/// Sheet id
/// Position
/// hide
public ExcelWorksheet(XmlNamespaceManager ns, ExcelPackage excelPackage, string relID,
Uri uriWorksheet, string sheetName, int sheetID, int positionID,
eWorkSheetHidden hide) :
base(ns, null)
SchemaNodeOrder = new string[] { "sheetPr", "tabColor", "outlinePr", "pageSetUpPr", "dimension", "sheetViews", "sheetFormatPr", "cols", "sheetData", "sheetProtection", "protectedRanges","scenarios", "autoFilter", "sortState", "dataConsolidate", "customSheetViews", "customSheetViews", "mergeCells", "phoneticPr", "conditionalFormatting", "dataValidations", "hyperlinks", "printOptions", "pageMargins", "pageSetup", "headerFooter", "linePrint", "rowBreaks", "colBreaks", "customProperties", "cellWatches", "ignoredErrors", "smartTags", "drawing", "legacyDrawing", "legacyDrawingHF", "picture", "oleObjects", "activeXControls", "webPublishItems", "tableParts" , "extLst" };
_package = excelPackage;
_relationshipID = relID;
_worksheetUri = uriWorksheet;
_name = sheetName;
_sheetID = sheetID;
_positionID = positionID;
Hidden = hide;
_names = new ExcelNamedRangeCollection(Workbook,this);
TopNode = _worksheetXml.DocumentElement;
/// The Uri to the worksheet within the package
internal Uri WorksheetUri { get { return (_worksheetUri); } }
/// The PackagePart for the worksheet within the package
internal PackagePart Part { get { return (_package.Package.GetPart(WorksheetUri)); } }
/// The ID for the worksheet's relationship with the workbook in the package
internal string RelationshipID { get { return (_relationshipID); } }
/// The unique identifier for the worksheet.
internal int SheetID { get { return (_sheetID); } }
/// The position of the worksheet.
internal int PositionID { get { return (_positionID); } set { _positionID = value; } }
#region Worksheet Public Properties
/// The index in the worksheets collection
public int Index { get { return (_positionID); } }
/// Address for autofilter
public ExcelAddressBase AutoFilterAddress
string address = GetXmlNodeString("d:autoFilter/@ref");
if (address == "")
return null;
return new ExcelAddressBase(address);
internal set
SetXmlNodeString("d:autoFilter/@ref", value.Address);
/// Returns a ExcelWorksheetView object that allows you to set the view state properties of the worksheet
public ExcelWorksheetView View
if (_sheetView == null)
XmlNode node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:sheetViews/d:sheetView", NameSpaceManager);
if (node == null)
CreateNode("d:sheetViews/d:sheetView"); //this one shouls always exist. but check anyway
node = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:sheetViews/d:sheetView", NameSpaceManager);
_sheetView = new ExcelWorksheetView(NameSpaceManager, node, this);
return (_sheetView);
/// The worksheet's display name as it appears on the tab
public string Name
get { return (_name); }
if (value == _name) return;
_package.Workbook.SetXmlNodeString(string.Format("d:sheets/d:sheet[@sheetId={0}]/@name", _sheetID), value);
_name = value;
internal ExcelNamedRangeCollection _names;
/// Provides access to named ranges
public ExcelNamedRangeCollection Names
return _names;
/// Indicates if the worksheet is hidden in the workbook
public eWorkSheetHidden Hidden
string state=_package.Workbook.GetXmlNodeString(string.Format("d:sheets/d:sheet[@sheetId={0}]/@state", _sheetID));
if (state == "hidden")
return eWorkSheetHidden.Hidden;
else if (state == "veryHidden")
return eWorkSheetHidden.VeryHidden;
return eWorkSheetHidden.Visible;
if (value == eWorkSheetHidden.Visible)
_package.Workbook.DeleteNode(string.Format("d:sheets/d:sheet[@sheetId={0}]/@state", _sheetID));
string v;
_package.Workbook.SetXmlNodeString(string.Format("d:sheets/d:sheet[@sheetId={0}]/@state", _sheetID),v );
double _defaultRowHeight = double.NaN;
/// Get/set the default height of all rows in the worksheet
public double DefaultRowHeight
_defaultRowHeight = GetXmlNodeDouble("d:sheetFormatPr/@defaultRowHeight");
_defaultRowHeight = 15; // Excel default height
return _defaultRowHeight;
_defaultRowHeight = value;
SetXmlNodeString("d:sheetFormatPr/@defaultRowHeight", value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
SetXmlNodeBool("d:sheetFormatPr/@customHeight", value != 15);
if (double.IsNaN(GetXmlNodeDouble("d:sheetFormatPr/@defaultColWidth")))
DefaultColWidth = 9.140625;
/// Get/set the default width of all rows in the worksheet
public double DefaultColWidth
double ret = GetXmlNodeDouble("d:sheetFormatPr/@defaultColWidth");
if (double.IsNaN(ret))
ret = 9.140625; // Excel's default width
return ret;
SetXmlNodeString("d:sheetFormatPr/@defaultColWidth", value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
if (double.IsNaN(GetXmlNodeDouble("d:sheetFormatPr/@defaultRowHeight")))
DefaultRowHeight = 15;
/** **/
const string outLineSummaryBelowPath = "d:sheetPr/d:outlinePr/@summaryBelow";
/// Summary rows below details
public bool OutLineSummaryBelow
return GetXmlNodeBool(outLineSummaryBelowPath);
SetXmlNodeString(outLineSummaryBelowPath, value ? "1" : "0");
const string outLineSummaryRightPath = "d:sheetPr/d:outlinePr/@summaryRight";
/// Summary rows to right of details
public bool OutLineSummaryRight
return GetXmlNodeBool(outLineSummaryRightPath);
SetXmlNodeString(outLineSummaryRightPath, value ? "1" : "0");
const string outLineApplyStylePath = "d:sheetPr/d:outlinePr/@applyStyles";
/// Automatic styles
public bool OutLineApplyStyle
return GetXmlNodeBool(outLineApplyStylePath);
SetXmlNodeString(outLineApplyStylePath, value ? "1" : "0");
const string tabColorPath = "d:sheetPr/d:tabColor/@rgb";
/// Color of the sheet tab
public Color TabColor
string col = GetXmlNodeString(tabColorPath);
if (col == "")
return Color.Empty;
return Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(col, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));
SetXmlNodeString(tabColorPath, value.ToArgb().ToString("X"));
const string codeModuleNamePath = "d:sheetPr/@codeName";
internal string CodeModuleName
return GetXmlNodeString(codeModuleNamePath);
SetXmlNodeString(codeModuleNamePath, value);
internal void CodeNameChange(string value)
CodeModuleName = value;
public VBA.ExcelVBAModule CodeModule
if (_package.Workbook.VbaProject != null)
return _package.Workbook.VbaProject.Modules[CodeModuleName];
return null;
#region WorksheetXml
/// The XML document holding the worksheet data.
/// All column, row, cell, pagebreak, merged cell and hyperlink-data are loaded into memory and removed from the document when loading the document.
public XmlDocument WorksheetXml
return (_worksheetXml);
internal ExcelVmlDrawingCommentCollection _vmlDrawings = null;
/// Vml drawings. underlaying object for comments
internal ExcelVmlDrawingCommentCollection VmlDrawingsComments
if (_vmlDrawings == null)
return _vmlDrawings;
internal ExcelCommentCollection _comments = null;
/// Collection of comments
public ExcelCommentCollection Comments
if (_comments == null)
_comments = new ExcelCommentCollection(_package, this, NameSpaceManager);
return _comments;
private void CreateVmlCollection()
var vmlNode = _worksheetXml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("d:legacyDrawing/@r:id", NameSpaceManager);
if (vmlNode == null)
_vmlDrawings = new ExcelVmlDrawingCommentCollection(_package, this, null);
if (Part.RelationshipExists(vmlNode.Value))
var rel = Part.GetRelationship(vmlNode.Value);
var vmlUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(rel.SourceUri, rel.TargetUri);
_vmlDrawings = new ExcelVmlDrawingCommentCollection(_package, this, vmlUri);
_vmlDrawings.RelId = rel.Id;
private void CreateXml()
_worksheetXml = new XmlDocument();
_worksheetXml.PreserveWhitespace = ExcelPackage.preserveWhitespace;
PackagePart packPart = _package.Package.GetPart(WorksheetUri);
string xml = "";
// First Columns, rows, cells, mergecells, hyperlinks and pagebreakes are loaded from a xmlstream to optimize speed...
bool doAdjust = _package.DoAdjustDrawings;
_package.DoAdjustDrawings = false;
Stream stream = packPart.GetStream();
XmlTextReader xr = new XmlTextReader(stream);
xr.ProhibitDtd = true;
LoadColumns(xr); //columnXml
long start = stream.Position;
long end = stream.Position;
//...then the rest of the Xml is extracted and loaded into the WorksheetXml document.
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Encoding encoding;
xml = GetWorkSheetXml(stream, start, end, out encoding);
//first char is invalid sometimes??
if (xml[0] != '<')
LoadXmlSafe(_worksheetXml, xml.Substring(1, xml.Length - 1), encoding);
LoadXmlSafe(_worksheetXml, xml, encoding);
_package.DoAdjustDrawings = doAdjust;
private void LoadRowPageBreakes(XmlTextReader xr)
if(!ReadUntil(xr, "rowBreaks","colBreaks")) return;
while (xr.Read())
if (xr.LocalName == "brk")
int id;
if (int.TryParse(xr.GetAttribute("id"), out id))
Row(id).PageBreak = true;
private void LoadColPageBreakes(XmlTextReader xr)
if (!ReadUntil(xr, "colBreaks")) return;
while (xr.Read())
if (xr.LocalName == "brk")
int id;
if (int.TryParse(xr.GetAttribute("id"), out id))
Column(id).PageBreak = true;
private void ClearNodes()
if (_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:cols", NameSpaceManager)!=null)
_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:cols", NameSpaceManager).RemoveAll();
if (_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:mergeCells", NameSpaceManager) != null)
_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:mergeCells", NameSpaceManager).RemoveAll();
if (_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:hyperlinks", NameSpaceManager) != null)
_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:hyperlinks", NameSpaceManager).RemoveAll();
if (_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:rowBreaks", NameSpaceManager) != null)
_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:rowBreaks", NameSpaceManager).RemoveAll();
if (_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:colBreaks", NameSpaceManager) != null)
_worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:colBreaks", NameSpaceManager).RemoveAll();
const int BLOCKSIZE=8192;
private string GetWorkSheetXml(Stream stream, long start, long end, out Encoding encoding)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);
int length = 0;
char[] block;
int pos;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Match startmMatch, endMatch;
int size = stream.Length < BLOCKSIZE ? (int)stream.Length : BLOCKSIZE;
block = new char[size];
pos = sr.ReadBlock(block, 0, size);
length += size;
while (length < start + 20 && length < end);
startmMatch = Regex.Match(sb.ToString(), string.Format("(<[^>]*{0}[^>]*>)", "sheetData"));
if (!startmMatch.Success) //Not found
encoding = sr.CurrentEncoding;
return sb.ToString();
string s = sb.ToString();
string xml = s.Substring(0, startmMatch.Index);
xml += s.Substring(startmMatch.Index, s.Length - startmMatch.Index);
if (sr.Peek() != -1)
if (end - BLOCKSIZE > 0)
long endSeekStart = end - BLOCKSIZE - 4096 < 0 ? 0 : (end - BLOCKSIZE - 4096);
stream.Seek(endSeekStart, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int size = (int)(stream.Length-endSeekStart);
block = new char[size];
sr = new StreamReader(stream);
pos = sr.ReadBlock(block, 0, size);
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(block, 0, pos);
s = sb.ToString();
endMatch = Regex.Match(s, string.Format("([^>]*{0}[^>]*>)", "sheetData"));
xml += "" + s.Substring(endMatch.Index + endMatch.Length, s.Length - (endMatch.Index + endMatch.Length));
if (sr.Peek() > -1)
xml += sr.ReadToEnd();
encoding = sr.CurrentEncoding;
return xml;
private void GetBlockPos(string xml, string tag, ref int start, ref int end)
Match startmMatch, endMatch;
startmMatch = Regex.Match(xml.Substring(start), string.Format("(<[^>]*{0}[^>]*>)", tag)); //"<[a-zA-Z:]*" + tag + "[?]*>");
if (!startmMatch.Success) //Not found
start = -1;
end = -1;
var startPos=startmMatch.Index+start;
end = startPos + startmMatch.Length;
endMatch = Regex.Match(xml.Substring(start), string.Format("([^>]*{0}[^>]*>)", tag));
if (endMatch.Success)
end = endMatch.Index + endMatch.Length + start;
start = startPos;
private bool ReadUntil(XmlTextReader xr,params string[] tagName)
if (xr.EOF) return false;
while (!Array.Exists(tagName, tag => xr.LocalName.EndsWith(tag)))
if (xr.EOF) return false;
return (xr.LocalName.EndsWith(tagName[0]));
private void LoadColumns (XmlTextReader xr)//(string xml)
var colList = new List();
if (ReadUntil(xr, "cols", "sheetData"))
//if (xml != "")
//var xr=new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(xml));
if(xr.LocalName!="col") break;
int min = int.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("min"));
int style;
if (xr.GetAttribute("style") == null || !int.TryParse(xr.GetAttribute("style"), out style))
style = 0;
ExcelColumn col = new ExcelColumn(this, min);
col._columnMax = int.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("max"));
col.StyleID = style;
col.Width = xr.GetAttribute("width") == null ? 0 : double.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("width"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
col.BestFit = xr.GetAttribute("bestFit") != null && xr.GetAttribute("bestFit") == "1" ? true : false;
col.Collapsed = xr.GetAttribute("collapsed") != null && xr.GetAttribute("collapsed") == "1" ? true : false;
col.Phonetic = xr.GetAttribute("phonetic") != null && xr.GetAttribute("phonetic") == "1" ? true : false;
col.OutlineLevel = xr.GetAttribute("outlineLevel") == null ? 0 : int.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("outlineLevel"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
col.Hidden = xr.GetAttribute("hidden") != null && xr.GetAttribute("hidden") == "1" ? true : false;
_columns = new RangeCollection(colList);
/// Read until the node is found. If not found the xmlreader is reseted.
/// The reader
/// Text to search for
/// Alternative text to search for
private static bool ReadXmlReaderUntil(XmlTextReader xr, string nodeText, string altNode)
if (xr.LocalName == nodeText || xr.LocalName == altNode) return true;
return false;
/// Load Hyperlinks
/// The reader
private void LoadHyperLinks(XmlTextReader xr)
if(!ReadUntil(xr, "hyperlinks", "rowBreaks", "colBreaks")) return;
while (xr.Read())
if (xr.LocalName == "hyperlink")
int fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol;
ExcelCell.GetRowColFromAddress(xr.GetAttribute("ref"), out fromRow, out fromCol, out toRow, out toCol);
ulong id = ExcelCell.GetCellID(_sheetID, fromRow, fromCol);
ExcelCell cell = _cells[id] as ExcelCell;
if (xr.GetAttribute("id", ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships) != null)
cell.HyperLinkRId = xr.GetAttribute("id", ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships);
var uri = Part.GetRelationship(cell.HyperLinkRId).TargetUri;
if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
cell.Hyperlink = new ExcelHyperLink(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(uri.OriginalString));
cell.Hyperlink = new ExcelHyperLink(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(uri.OriginalString), UriKind.Relative);
//We should never end up here, but to aviod unhandled exceptions we just set the uri here. JK
cell.Hyperlink = uri;
Part.DeleteRelationship(cell.HyperLinkRId); //Delete the relationship, it is recreated when we save the package.
else if (xr.GetAttribute("location") != null)
ExcelHyperLink hl = new ExcelHyperLink(xr.GetAttribute("location"), xr.GetAttribute("display"));
hl.RowSpann = toRow - fromRow;
hl.ColSpann = toCol - fromCol;
cell.Hyperlink = hl;
string tt = xr.GetAttribute("tooltip");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tt))
((ExcelHyperLink)cell.Hyperlink).ToolTip = tt;
/// Load cells
/// The reader
private void LoadCells(XmlTextReader xr)
var cellList=new List();
var rowList = new List();
var formulaList = new List();
ReadUntil(xr, "sheetData", "mergeCells", "hyperlinks", "rowBreaks", "colBreaks");
ExcelCell cell = null;
while (!xr.EOF)
while (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
if (xr.LocalName == "row")
int row = Convert.ToInt32(xr.GetAttribute("r"));
if (xr.AttributeCount > 2 || (xr.AttributeCount == 2 && xr.GetAttribute("spans") != null))
rowList.Add(AddRow(xr, row));
else if (xr.LocalName == "c")
if (cell != null) cellList.Add(cell);
cell = new ExcelCell(this, xr.GetAttribute("r"));
if (xr.GetAttribute("t") != null) cell.DataType = xr.GetAttribute("t");
cell.StyleID = xr.GetAttribute("s") == null ? 0 : int.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("s"));
else if (xr.LocalName == "v")
cell._value = GetValueFromXml(cell, xr);
else if (xr.LocalName == "f")
string t = xr.GetAttribute("t");
if (t == null)
cell._formula = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
else if (t == "shared")
string si = xr.GetAttribute("si");
if (si != null)
cell._sharedFormulaID = int.Parse(si);
string address = xr.GetAttribute("ref");
string formula = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
if (formula != "")
_sharedFormulas.Add(cell.SharedFormulaID, new Formulas() { Index = cell.SharedFormulaID, Formula = formula, Address = address, StartRow = cell.Row, StartCol = cell.Column });
xr.Read(); //Something is wrong in the sheet, read next
else if (t == "array") //TODO: Array functions are not support yet. Read the formula for the start cell only.
string address = xr.GetAttribute("ref");
cell._formula = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
cell._sharedFormulaID = GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(true); //We use the shared formula id here, just so we can use the same dictionary for both Array and Shared forulas.
_sharedFormulas.Add(cell._sharedFormulaID, new Formulas() { Index = cell._sharedFormulaID, Formula = cell._formula, Address = address, StartRow = cell.Row, StartCol = cell.Column, IsArray = true });
else // ??? some other type
xr.Read(); //Something is wrong in the sheet, read next
else if (xr.LocalName == "is") //Inline string
if (xr.LocalName == "t")
cell._value = xr.ReadInnerXml();
cell._value = xr.ReadOuterXml();
cell.IsRichText = true;
if (cell != null) cellList.Add(cell);
_cells = new RangeCollection(cellList);
_rows = new RangeCollection(rowList);
_formulaCells = new RangeCollection(formulaList);
/// Load merged cells
private void LoadMergeCells(XmlTextReader xr)
if(ReadUntil(xr, "mergeCells", "hyperlinks", "rowBreaks", "colBreaks") && !xr.EOF)
while (xr.Read())
if (xr.LocalName != "mergeCell") break;
string address = xr.GetAttribute("ref");
int fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol;
ExcelCellBase.GetRowColFromAddress(address, out fromRow, out fromCol, out toRow, out toCol);
for (int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++)
for (int col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++)
Cell(row, col).Merge = true;
/// Update merged cells
/// The writer
private void UpdateMergedCells(StreamWriter sw)
foreach (string address in _mergedCells)
sw.Write("", address);
/// Reads a row from the XML reader
/// The reader
/// The row number
private ExcelRow AddRow(XmlTextReader xr, int row)
ExcelRow r = new ExcelRow(this, row);
r.Collapsed = xr.GetAttribute("collapsed") != null && xr.GetAttribute("collapsed")== "1" ? true : false;
if (xr.GetAttribute("ht") != null) r.Height = double.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("ht"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
r.Hidden = xr.GetAttribute("hidden") != null && xr.GetAttribute("hidden") == "1" ? true : false; ;
r.OutlineLevel = xr.GetAttribute("outlineLevel") == null ? 0 : int.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("outlineLevel"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ;
r.Phonetic = xr.GetAttribute("ph") != null && xr.GetAttribute("ph") == "1" ? true : false; ;
r.StyleID = xr.GetAttribute("s") == null ? 0 : int.Parse(xr.GetAttribute("s"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
r.CustomHeight = xr.GetAttribute("customHeight") == null ? false : xr.GetAttribute("customHeight")=="1";
return r;
private object GetValueFromXml(ExcelCell cell, XmlTextReader xr)
object value;
//XmlNode vnode = colNode.SelectSingleNode("d:v", NameSpaceManager);
//if (vnode == null) return null;
if (cell.DataType == "s")
int ix = xr.ReadElementContentAsInt();
value = _package.Workbook._sharedStringsList[ix].Text;
cell.IsRichText = _package.Workbook._sharedStringsList[ix].isRichText;
else if (cell.DataType == "str")
value = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
else if (cell.DataType == "b")
value = (xr.ReadElementContentAsString()!="0");
int n = cell.Style.Numberformat.NumFmtID;
string v = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
if ((n >= 14 && n <= 22) || (n >= 45 && n <= 47))
double res;
if (double.TryParse(v, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out res))
value = DateTime.FromOADate(res);
value = "";
double d;
if (double.TryParse(v, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d))
value = d;
value = double.NaN;
return value;
//private string GetSharedString(int stringID)
// string retValue = null;
// XmlNodeList stringNodes = xlPackage.Workbook.SharedStringsXml.SelectNodes(string.Format("//d:si", stringID), NameSpaceManager);
// XmlNode stringNode = stringNodes[stringID];
// if (stringNode != null)
// retValue = stringNode.InnerText;
// return (retValue);
#region HeaderFooter
/// A reference to the header and footer class which allows you to
/// set the header and footer for all odd, even and first pages of the worksheet
/// To format the text you can use the following format
/// PrefixDescription
/// - &UUnderlined
/// - &EDouble Underline
/// - &K:xxxxxxColor. ex &K:FF0000 for red
/// - &"Font,Regular Bold Italic"Changes the font. Regular or Bold or Italic or Bold Italic can be used. ex &"Arial,Bold Italic"
/// - &nnChange font size. nn is an integer. ex &24
/// - &GPlaceholder for images. Images can not be added by the library, but its possible to use in a template.
public ExcelHeaderFooter HeaderFooter
if (_headerFooter == null)
XmlNode headerFooterNode = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:headerFooter", NameSpaceManager);
if (headerFooterNode == null)
headerFooterNode= CreateNode("d:headerFooter");
_headerFooter = new ExcelHeaderFooter(NameSpaceManager, headerFooterNode, this);
return (_headerFooter);
#region "PrinterSettings"
/// Printer settings
public ExcelPrinterSettings PrinterSettings
var ps = new ExcelPrinterSettings(NameSpaceManager, TopNode, this);
ps.SchemaNodeOrder = SchemaNodeOrder;
return ps;
#endregion // END Worksheet Public Properties
#region Worksheet Public Methods
/// Provides access to an individual cell within the worksheet.
/// The row number in the worksheet
/// The column number in the worksheet
internal ExcelCell Cell(int row, int col)
ulong cellID=ExcelCell.GetCellID(SheetID, row, col);
if (!_cells.ContainsKey(cellID))
_cells.Add(new ExcelCell(this, row, col));
return _cells[cellID] as ExcelCell;
/// Provides access to a range of cells
public ExcelRange Cells
return new ExcelRange(this, 1, 1, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, ExcelPackage.MaxColumns);
/// Provides access to the selected range of cells
public ExcelRange SelectedRange
return new ExcelRange(this, View.SelectedRange);
MergeCellsCollection _mergedCells = new MergeCellsCollection();
/// Addresses to merged ranges
public MergeCellsCollection MergedCells
return _mergedCells;
/// Provides access to an individual row within the worksheet so you can set its properties.
/// The row number in the worksheet
public ExcelRow Row(int row)
ExcelRow r;
ulong id = ExcelRow.GetRowID(_sheetID, row);
if (_rows.ContainsKey(id))
r = _rows[id] as ExcelRow;
r = new ExcelRow(this, row);
return r;
/// Provides access to an individual column within the worksheet so you can set its properties.
/// The column number in the worksheet
public ExcelColumn Column(int col)
ExcelColumn column;
ulong id=ExcelColumn.GetColumnID(_sheetID, col);
if (_columns.ContainsKey(id))
column = _columns[id] as ExcelColumn;
if (column.ColumnMin != column.ColumnMax)
int maxCol = column.ColumnMax;
ExcelColumn copy = CopyColumn(column, col + 1, maxCol);
foreach (ExcelColumn checkColumn in _columns)
if (col > checkColumn.ColumnMin && col <= checkColumn.ColumnMax)
int maxCol = checkColumn.ColumnMax;
checkColumn.ColumnMax = col - 1;
if (maxCol > col)
ExcelColumn newC = CopyColumn(checkColumn, col + 1, maxCol);
return CopyColumn(checkColumn, col,col);
column = new ExcelColumn(this, col);
return column;
/// Returns the name of the worksheet
/// The name of the worksheet
public override string ToString()
return Name;
internal ExcelColumn CopyColumn(ExcelColumn c, int col, int maxCol)
ExcelColumn newC = new ExcelColumn(this, col);
newC.ColumnMax = maxCol;
if (c.StyleName != "")
newC.StyleName = c.StyleName;
newC.StyleID = c.StyleID;
newC._width = c._width;
newC._hidden = c.Hidden;
newC.OutlineLevel = c.OutlineLevel;
newC.Phonetic = c.Phonetic;
newC.BestFit = c.BestFit;
return newC;
/// Selects a range in the worksheet. The active cell is the topmost cell.
/// Make the current worksheet active.
/// An address range
public void Select(string Address)
Select(Address, true);
/// Selects a range in the worksheet. The actice cell is the topmost cell.
/// A range of cells
/// Make the sheet active
public void Select(string Address, bool SelectSheet)
int fromCol, fromRow, toCol, toRow;
//Get rows and columns and validate as well
ExcelCell.GetRowColFromAddress(Address, out fromRow, out fromCol, out toRow, out toCol);
if (SelectSheet)
View.TabSelected = true;
View.SelectedRange = Address;
View.ActiveCell = ExcelCell.GetAddress(fromRow, fromCol);
/// Selects a range in the worksheet. The active cell is the topmost cell of the first address.
/// Make the current worksheet active.
/// An address range
public void Select(ExcelAddress Address)
Select(Address, true);
/// Selects a range in the worksheet. The active cell is the topmost cell of the first address.
/// A range of cells
/// Make the sheet active
public void Select(ExcelAddress Address, bool SelectSheet)
if (SelectSheet)
View.TabSelected = true;
string selAddress = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(Address.Start.Row, Address.Start.Column) + ":" + ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(Address.End.Row, Address.End.Column);
if (Address.Addresses != null)
foreach (var a in Address.Addresses)
selAddress += " " + ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(a.Start.Row, a.Start.Column) + ":" + ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(a.End.Row, a.End.Column);
View.SelectedRange = selAddress;
View.ActiveCell = ExcelCell.GetAddress(Address.Start.Row, Address.Start.Column);
#region InsertRow
/// Inserts a new row into the spreadsheet. Existing rows below the position are
/// shifted down. All formula are updated to take account of the new row.
/// The position of the new row
/// Number of rows to insert
public void InsertRow(int rowFrom, int rows)
InsertRow(rowFrom, rows, 0);
/// Inserts a new row into the spreadsheet. Existing rows below the position are
/// shifted down. All formula are updated to take account of the new row.
/// The position of the new row
/// Number of rows to insert.
/// Copy Styles from this row. Applied to all inserted rows
public void InsertRow(int rowFrom, int rows, int copyStylesFromRow)
//Insert the new row into the collection
ulong copyRowID=ExcelRow.GetRowID(SheetID, copyStylesFromRow);
List copyStylesCells=new List();
if (copyStylesFromRow > 0)
int startIndex = _cells.IndexOf(copyRowID);
startIndex = ~startIndex;
while(startIndex < _cells.Count && (_cells[startIndex] as ExcelCell).Row==copyStylesFromRow)
copyStylesCells.Add(_cells[startIndex++] as ExcelCell);
ulong rowID=ExcelRow.GetRowID(SheetID, rowFrom);
_cells.InsertRows(rowID, rows);
_rows.InsertRows(rowID, rows);
_formulaCells.InsertRowsUpdateIndex(rowID, rows);
if (_comments != null) _comments._comments.InsertRowsUpdateIndex(rowID, rows);
if (_vmlDrawings != null) _vmlDrawings._drawings.InsertRowsUpdateIndex(rowID, rows);
foreach (ExcelCell cell in _formulaCells)
if (cell.SharedFormulaID < 0)
cell.Formula = ExcelCell.UpdateFormulaReferences(cell.Formula, rows, 0, rowFrom, 0);
throw new Exception("Shared formula error");
FixSharedFormulasRows(rowFrom, rows);
FixMergedCells(rowFrom, rows,false);
//Copy the styles
foreach (ExcelCell cell in copyStylesCells)
Cells[rowFrom, cell.Column, rowFrom + rows - 1, cell.Column].StyleID = cell.StyleID;
/// Adds a value to the row of merged cells to fix for inserts or deletes
private void FixMergedCells(int position, int rows, bool delete)
List removeIndex = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < _mergedCells.Count; i++)
ExcelAddressBase addr = new ExcelAddressBase(_mergedCells[i]), newAddr ;
if (delete)
newAddr=addr.DeleteRow(position, rows);
if (newAddr == null)
newAddr = addr.AddRow(position, rows);
//The address has changed.
if (newAddr._address != addr._address)
//Set merged prop for cells
for (int row = newAddr._fromRow; row <= newAddr._toRow; row++)
for (int col = newAddr._fromCol; col <= newAddr._toCol; col++)
Cell(row, col).Merge = true;
_mergedCells.List[i] = newAddr._address;
for (int i = removeIndex.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
private void FixSharedFormulasRows(int position, int rows)
List added = new List();
List deleted = new List();
foreach (int id in _sharedFormulas.Keys)
var f = _sharedFormulas[id];
int fromCol, fromRow, toCol, toRow;
ExcelCell.GetRowColFromAddress(f.Address, out fromRow, out fromCol, out toRow, out toCol);
if (position >= fromRow && position+(Math.Abs(rows)) <= toRow) //Insert/delete is whithin the share formula address
if (rows > 0) //Insert
f.Address = ExcelCell.GetAddress(fromRow, fromCol) + ":" + ExcelCell.GetAddress(position - 1, toCol);
if (toRow != fromRow)
Formulas newF = new Formulas();
newF.StartCol = f.StartCol;
newF.StartRow = position + rows;
newF.Address = ExcelCell.GetAddress(position + rows, fromCol) + ":" + ExcelCell.GetAddress(toRow + rows, toCol);
newF.Formula = ExcelCell.TranslateFromR1C1(ExcelCell.TranslateToR1C1(f.Formula, f.StartRow, f.StartCol), position, f.StartCol);
if (fromRow - rows < toRow)
f.Address = ExcelCell.GetAddress(fromRow, fromCol, toRow+rows, toCol);
f.Address = ExcelCell.GetAddress(fromRow, fromCol) + ":" + ExcelCell.GetAddress(toRow + rows, toCol);
else if (position <= toRow)
if (rows > 0) //Insert before shift down
f.StartRow += rows;
//f.Formula = ExcelCell.UpdateFormulaReferences(f.Formula, rows, 0, position, 0); //Recalc the cells positions
f.Address = ExcelCell.GetAddress(fromRow + rows, fromCol) + ":" + ExcelCell.GetAddress(toRow + rows, toCol);
if (position <= fromRow && position + Math.Abs(rows) > toRow) //Delete the formula
toRow = toRow + rows < position - 1 ? position - 1 : toRow + rows;
if (position <= fromRow)
fromRow = fromRow + rows < position ? position : fromRow + rows;
f.Address = ExcelCell.GetAddress(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol);
//f.StartRow = fromRow;
//f.Formula = ExcelCell.UpdateFormulaReferences(f.Formula, rows, 0, position, 0);
AddFormulas(added, position, rows);
//Remove formulas
foreach (Formulas f in deleted)
//Fix Formulas
added = new List();
foreach (int id in _sharedFormulas.Keys)
var f = _sharedFormulas[id];
UpdateSharedFormulaRow(ref f, position, rows, ref added);
AddFormulas(added, position, rows);
private void AddFormulas(List added, int position, int rows)
//Add new formulas
foreach (Formulas f in added)
f.Index = GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(false);
_sharedFormulas.Add(f.Index, f);
private void UpdateSharedFormulaRow(ref Formulas formula, int startRow, int rows, ref List newFormulas)
int fromRow,fromCol, toRow, toCol;
int newFormulasCount = newFormulas.Count;
ExcelCellBase.GetRowColFromAddress(formula.Address, out fromRow, out fromCol, out toRow, out toCol);
//int refSplits = Regex.Split(formula.Formula, "#REF!").GetUpperBound(0);
string formualR1C1;
if (rows > 0 || fromRow <= startRow)
formualR1C1 = ExcelRangeBase.TranslateToR1C1(formula.Formula, formula.StartRow, formula.StartCol);
formula.Formula = ExcelRangeBase.TranslateFromR1C1(formualR1C1, fromRow, formula.StartCol);
formualR1C1 = ExcelRangeBase.TranslateToR1C1(formula.Formula, formula.StartRow-rows, formula.StartCol);
formula.Formula = ExcelRangeBase.TranslateFromR1C1(formualR1C1, formula.StartRow, formula.StartCol);
//bool isRef = false;
//Formulas restFormula=formula;
string prevFormualR1C1 = formualR1C1;
for (int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++)
for (int col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++)
string newFormula;
string currentFormulaR1C1;
if (rows > 0 || row < startRow)
newFormula = ExcelCellBase.UpdateFormulaReferences(ExcelCell.TranslateFromR1C1(formualR1C1, row, col), rows, 0, startRow, 0);
currentFormulaR1C1 = ExcelRangeBase.TranslateToR1C1(newFormula, row, col);
newFormula = ExcelCellBase.UpdateFormulaReferences(ExcelCell.TranslateFromR1C1(formualR1C1, row-rows, col), rows, 0, startRow, 0);
currentFormulaR1C1 = ExcelRangeBase.TranslateToR1C1(newFormula, row, col);
if (currentFormulaR1C1 != prevFormualR1C1) //newFormula.Contains("#REF!"))
//if (refSplits == 0 || Regex.Split(newFormula, "#REF!").GetUpperBound(0) != refSplits)
//isRef = true;
if (row == fromRow && col == fromCol)
formula.Formula = newFormula;
if (newFormulas.Count == newFormulasCount)
formula.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(formula.StartRow, formula.StartCol, row - 1, col);
newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].StartRow, newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].StartCol, row - 1, col);
var refFormula = new Formulas();
refFormula.Formula = newFormula;
refFormula.StartRow = row;
refFormula.StartCol = col;
//restFormula = null;
prevFormualR1C1 = currentFormulaR1C1;
// }
// else
// {
// isRef = false;
// }
// isRef = false;
//if (restFormula==null)
//if (newFormulas.Count == newFormulasCount)
// formula.Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(formula.StartRow, formula.StartCol, row - 1, col);
// newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].StartRow, newFormulas[0].StartCol, row - 1, col);
//restFormula = new Formulas();
//restFormula.Formula = newFormula;
//restFormula.StartRow = row;
//restFormula.StartCol = col;
if (rows < 0 && formula.StartRow > startRow)
if (formula.StartRow + rows < startRow)
formula.StartRow = startRow;
formula.StartRow += rows;
if (newFormulas.Count > newFormulasCount)
newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].Address = ExcelCellBase.GetAddress(newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].StartRow, newFormulas[newFormulas.Count - 1].StartCol, toRow, toCol);
#region DeleteRow
/// Deletes the specified row from the worksheet.
/// The number of the start row to be deleted
/// Number of rows to delete
public void DeleteRow(int rowFrom, int rows)
ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(SheetID, rowFrom);
_cells.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, true);
_rows.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, true);
_formulaCells.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, false);
if (_comments != null) _comments._comments.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, false);
if (_vmlDrawings != null) _vmlDrawings._drawings.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, false);
foreach (ExcelCell cell in _formulaCells)
cell._formula = ExcelCell.UpdateFormulaReferences(cell.Formula, -rows, 0, rowFrom, 0);
cell._formulaR1C1 = "";
FixSharedFormulasRows(rowFrom, -rows);
FixMergedCells(rowFrom, rows,true);
/// Deletes the specified row from the worksheet.
/// The number of the start row to be deleted
/// Number of rows to delete
/// Not used. Rows are always shifted
public void DeleteRow(int rowFrom, int rows, bool shiftOtherRowsUp)
if (shiftOtherRowsUp)
DeleteRow(rowFrom, rows);
ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(SheetID, rowFrom);
_cells.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, true);
_rows.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, true);
_formulaCells.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, false);
if (_comments != null) _comments._comments.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, false);
if (_vmlDrawings != null) _vmlDrawings._drawings.DeleteRows(rowID, rows, false);
/// Get the cell value from thw worksheet
/// The row number
/// The row number
/// The value
public object GetValue(int Row, int Column)
ulong cellID = ExcelCell.GetCellID(SheetID, Row, Column);
if (_cells.ContainsKey(cellID))
var cell = ((ExcelCell)_cells[cellID]);
if (cell.IsRichText)
return (object)Cells[Row, Column].RichText.Text;
return cell.Value;
return null;
/// Get a strongly typed cell value from the worksheet
/// The type
/// The row number
/// The row number
/// The value. If the value can't be converted to the specified type, the default value will be returned
public T GetValue(int Row, int Column)
ulong cellID=ExcelCell.GetCellID(SheetID, Row, Column);
if (!_cells.ContainsKey(cellID))
return default(T);
var cell=((ExcelCell)_cells[cellID]);
if (cell.IsRichText)
return (T)(object)Cells[Row, Column].RichText.Text;
return GetTypedValue(cell.Value);
//Thanks to Michael Tran for parts of this method
internal T GetTypedValue(object v)
if (v == null)
return default(T);
Type fromType = v.GetType();
Type toType = typeof(T);
if (fromType == toType)
return (T)v;
var cnv = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(fromType);
if (toType == typeof(DateTime)) //Handle dates
if (fromType == typeof(TimeSpan))
return ((T)(object)(new DateTime(((TimeSpan)v).Ticks)));
else if (fromType == typeof(string))
DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParse(v.ToString(), out dt))
return (T)(object)(dt);
return default(T);
if (cnv.CanConvertTo(typeof(double)))
return (T)(object)(DateTime.FromOADate((double)cnv.ConvertTo(v, typeof(double))));
return default(T);
else if (toType == typeof(TimeSpan)) //Handle timespan
if (fromType == typeof(DateTime))
return ((T)(object)(new TimeSpan(((DateTime)v).Ticks)));
else if (fromType == typeof(string))
TimeSpan ts;
if (TimeSpan.TryParse(v.ToString(), out ts))
return (T)(object)(ts);
return default(T);
if (cnv.CanConvertTo(typeof(double)))
return (T)(object)(new TimeSpan(DateTime.FromOADate((double)cnv.ConvertTo(v, typeof(double))).Ticks));
// Issue 14682 -- "GetValue() won't convert strings"
// As suggested, after all special cases, all .NET to do it's
// preferred conversion rather than simply returning the default
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(v, typeof(T));
catch (Exception)
// This was the previous behaviour -- no conversion is available.
return default(T);
if (cnv.CanConvertTo(toType))
return (T)cnv.ConvertTo(v, typeof(T));
if (toType.IsGenericType && toType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
toType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(toType);
if (cnv.CanConvertTo(toType))
return (T)cnv.ConvertTo(v, typeof(T));
if(fromType==typeof(double) && toType==typeof(decimal))
return (T)(object)Convert.ToDecimal(v);
else if (fromType == typeof(decimal) && toType == typeof(double))
return (T)(object)Convert.ToDouble(v);
return default(T);
/// Set the value of a cell
/// The row number
/// The column number
/// The value
public void SetValue(int Row, int Column, object Value)
Cell(Row, Column).Value = Value;
/// Set the value of a cell
/// The Excel address
/// The value
public void SetValue(string Address, object Value)
int row, col;
ExcelAddressBase.GetRowCol(Address, out row, out col, true);
if (row < 1 || col < 1 || row > ExcelPackage.MaxRows && col > ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Address is invalid or out of range");
Cell(row, col).Value = Value;
#region MergeCellId
/// Get MergeCell Index No
public int GetMergeCellId(int row, int column)
for (int i = 0; i < _mergedCells.Count; i++)
ExcelRange range = Cells[_mergedCells[i]];
if (range.Start.Row <= row && row <= range.End.Row)
if (range.Start.Column <= column && column <= range.End.Column)
return i + 1;
return 0;
#endregion // END Worksheet Public Methods
#region Worksheet Private Methods
#region Worksheet Save
/// Saves the worksheet to the package.
internal void Save() // Worksheet Save
if (_worksheetXml != null)
if (TopNode.Name == "chartsheet")
// save the header & footer (if defined)
if (_headerFooter != null)
if (_cells.Count > 0)
this.SetXmlNodeString("d:dimension/@ref", Dimension.Address);
if (_drawings != null && _drawings.Count == 0)
//Remove node if no drawings exists.
if (Drawings.UriDrawing!=null)
if (Drawings.Count == 0)
PackagePart partPack = Drawings.Part;
Drawings.DrawingXml.Save(partPack.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
foreach (ExcelDrawing d in Drawings)
if (d is ExcelChart)
ExcelChart c = (ExcelChart)d;
c.ChartXml.Save(c.Part.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
/// Delete the printersettings relationship and part.
private void DeletePrinterSettings()
//Delete the relationship from the pageSetup tag
XmlAttribute attr = (XmlAttribute)WorksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:pageSetup/@r:id", NameSpaceManager);
if (attr != null)
string relID = attr.Value;
//First delete the attribute from the XML
PackageRelationship rel = Part.GetRelationship(relID);
Uri printerSettingsUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(rel.SourceUri, rel.TargetUri);
//Delete the part from the package
private void SaveComments()
if (_comments != null)
if (_comments.Count == 0)
if (_comments.Uri != null)
if (_comments.Uri == null)
_comments.Uri=new Uri(string.Format(@"/xl/comments{0}.xml", SheetID), UriKind.Relative);
_comments.Part = _package.Package.CreatePart(_comments.Uri, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.comments+xml", _package.Compression);
var rel = Part.CreateRelationship(PackUriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorksheetUri, _comments.Uri), TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships+"/comments");
if (_vmlDrawings != null)
if (_vmlDrawings.Count == 0)
if (_vmlDrawings.Uri != null)
if (_vmlDrawings.Uri == null)
_vmlDrawings.Uri = XmlHelper.GetNewUri(_package.Package, @"/xl/drawings/vmlDrawing{0}.vml");
if (_vmlDrawings.Part == null)
_vmlDrawings.Part = _package.Package.CreatePart(_vmlDrawings.Uri, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing", _package.Compression);
var rel = Part.CreateRelationship(PackUriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorksheetUri, _vmlDrawings.Uri), TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/vmlDrawing");
SetXmlNodeString("d:legacyDrawing/@r:id", rel.Id);
_vmlDrawings.RelId = rel.Id;
/// Save all table data
private void SaveTables()
foreach (var tbl in Tables)
if (tbl.ShowHeader || tbl.ShowTotal)
int colNum = tbl.Address._fromCol;
foreach (var col in tbl.Columns)
if (tbl.ShowHeader)
Cell(tbl.Address._fromRow, colNum).Value = col.Name;
if (tbl.ShowTotal)
if (col.TotalsRowFunction == RowFunctions.Custom)
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = col.TotalsRowFormula;
else if (col.TotalsRowFunction != RowFunctions.None)
switch (col.TotalsRowFunction)
case RowFunctions.Average:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "101");
case RowFunctions.Count:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "102");
case RowFunctions.CountNums:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "103");
case RowFunctions.Max:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "104");
case RowFunctions.Min:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "105");
case RowFunctions.StdDev:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "107");
case RowFunctions.Var:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "110");
case RowFunctions.Sum:
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Formula = GetTotalFunction(col, "109");
throw (new Exception("Unknown RowFunction enum"));
Cell(tbl.Address._toRow, colNum).Value = col.TotalsRowLabel;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.CalculatedColumnFormula))
int fromRow = tbl.ShowHeader ? tbl.Address._fromRow + 1 : tbl.Address._fromRow;
int toRow = tbl.ShowTotal ? tbl.Address._toRow - 1 : tbl.Address._toRow;
for (int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++)
Cell(row, colNum).Formula = col.CalculatedColumnFormula;
if (tbl.Part == null)
tbl.TableUri = GetNewUri(_package.Package, @"/xl/tables/table{0}.xml", tbl.Id);
tbl.Part = _package.Package.CreatePart(tbl.TableUri, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.table+xml", Workbook._package.Compression);
var stream = tbl.Part.GetStream(FileMode.Create);
var rel = Part.CreateRelationship(PackUriHelper.GetRelativeUri(WorksheetUri, tbl.TableUri), TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/table");
tbl.RelationshipID = rel.Id;
XmlNode tbls = TopNode.SelectSingleNode("d:tableParts",NameSpaceManager);
var tblNode = tbls.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("tablePart",ExcelPackage.schemaMain);
tblNode.SetAttribute("id",ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships, rel.Id);
var stream = tbl.Part.GetStream(FileMode.Create);
private void SavePivotTables()
foreach (var pt in PivotTables)
if (pt.DataFields.Count > 1)
XmlElement parentNode;
parentNode = pt.PivotTableXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:rowFields", pt.NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
if (parentNode == null)
parentNode = pt.PivotTableXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:rowFields", pt.NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
parentNode = pt.PivotTableXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:colFields", pt.NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
if (parentNode == null)
parentNode = pt.PivotTableXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:colFields", pt.NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
if (parentNode.SelectSingleNode("d:field[@ x= \"-2\"]", pt.NameSpaceManager) == null)
XmlElement fieldNode = pt.PivotTableXml.CreateElement("field", ExcelPackage.schemaMain);
fieldNode.SetAttribute("x", "-2");
private static string GetTotalFunction(ExcelTableColumn col,string FunctionNum)
return string.Format("SUBTOTAL({0},[{1}])", FunctionNum, col.Name);
private void SaveXml()
//Create the nodes if they do not exist.
string xml = _worksheetXml.OuterXml;
StreamWriter sw=new StreamWriter(Part.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
int colStart = 0, colEnd = 0;
GetBlockPos(xml, "cols", ref colStart, ref colEnd);
sw.Write(xml.Substring(0, colStart));
var colBreaks = new List();
if (_columns.Count > 0)
int cellStart = colEnd, cellEnd = colEnd;
GetBlockPos(xml, "sheetData", ref cellStart, ref cellEnd);
sw.Write(xml.Substring(colEnd, cellStart - colEnd));
var rowBreaks = new List();
int mergeStart = cellEnd, mergeEnd = cellEnd;
GetBlockPos(xml, "mergeCells", ref mergeStart, ref mergeEnd);
sw.Write(xml.Substring(cellEnd, mergeStart - cellEnd));
if (_mergedCells.Count > 0)
int hyperStart = mergeEnd, hyperEnd = mergeEnd;
GetBlockPos(xml, "hyperlinks", ref hyperStart, ref hyperEnd);
sw.Write(xml.Substring(mergeEnd, hyperStart - mergeEnd));
if (_hyperLinkCells.Count > 0)
int rowBreakStart = hyperEnd, rowBreakEnd = hyperEnd;
GetBlockPos(xml, "rowBreaks", ref rowBreakStart, ref rowBreakEnd);
sw.Write(xml.Substring(hyperEnd, rowBreakStart - hyperEnd));
//if (rowBreaks.Count > 0)
int colBreakStart = rowBreakEnd, colBreakEnd = rowBreakEnd;
GetBlockPos(xml, "colBreaks", ref colBreakStart, ref colBreakEnd);
sw.Write(xml.Substring(rowBreakEnd, colBreakStart - rowBreakEnd));
//if (colBreaks.Count > 0)
sw.Write(xml.Substring(colBreakEnd, xml.Length - colBreakEnd));
private void UpdateColBreaks(StreamWriter sw)
StringBuilder breaks = new StringBuilder();
int count = 0;
foreach (ExcelColumn col in _columns)
if (col.PageBreak)
breaks.AppendFormat("", col.ColumnMin);
if (count > 0)
sw.Write(string.Format("{1}", count, breaks.ToString()));
private void UpdateRowBreaks(StreamWriter sw)
StringBuilder breaks=new StringBuilder();
int count = 0;
foreach(ExcelRow row in _rows)
if (row.PageBreak)
breaks.AppendFormat("", row.Row);
if (count>0)
sw.Write(string.Format("{1}", count, breaks.ToString()));
/// Inserts the cols collection into the XML document
private void UpdateColumnData(StreamWriter sw)
//ExcelColumn prevCol = null; //commented out 11/1-12 JK
//foreach (ExcelColumn col in _columns)
// if (prevCol != null)
// {
// if(prevCol.ColumnMax != col.ColumnMin-1)
// {
// prevCol._columnMax=col.ColumnMin-1;
// }
// }
// prevCol = col;
foreach (ExcelColumn col in _columns)
ExcelStyleCollection cellXfs = _package.Workbook.Styles.CellXfs;
sw.Write(" 0)
sw.Write(" outlineLevel=\"{0}\" ", col.OutlineLevel);
if (col.Collapsed)
if (col.Hidden)
sw.Write(" collapsed=\"1\"");
sw.Write(" collapsed=\"1\" hidden=\"1\""); //Always hidden
if (col.Phonetic)
sw.Write(" phonetic=\"1\"");
long styleID = col.StyleID >= 0 ? cellXfs[col.StyleID].newID : col.StyleID;
if (styleID > 0)
sw.Write(" style=\"{0}\"", styleID);
sw.Write(" />");
//if (col.PageBreak)
// colBreaks.Add(col.ColumnMin);
/// Insert row and cells into the XML document
private void UpdateRowCellData(StreamWriter sw)
ExcelStyleCollection cellXfs = _package.Workbook.Styles.CellXfs;
_hyperLinkCells = new List();
int row = -1;
foreach (ExcelRow r in _rows)
int nextCell = ~_cells.IndexOf(r.RowID);
if (nextCell >= 0 && (nextCell >= _cells.Count || ((ExcelCell)_cells[nextCell]).Row != r.Row))
StringBuilder sbXml = new StringBuilder();
var ss = _package.Workbook._sharedStrings;
foreach (IRangeID r in _cells)
if (r is ExcelCell)
ExcelCell cell = (ExcelCell)r;
long styleID = cell.StyleID >= 0 ? cellXfs[cell.StyleID].newID : cell.StyleID;
//Add the row element if it's a new row
if (row != cell.Row)
WriteRow(sw, cellXfs, row, cell.Row);
row = cell.Row;
if (cell.SharedFormulaID >= 0)
var f = _sharedFormulas[cell.SharedFormulaID];
if (f.Address.IndexOf(':') > 0)
if (f.StartCol == cell.Column && f.StartRow == cell.Row)
if (f.IsArray)
sw.Write("{3}", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID, f.Address, SecurityElement.Escape(f.Formula));
sw.Write("{4}", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID, f.Address, cell.SharedFormulaID, SecurityElement.Escape(f.Formula));
else if (f.IsArray)
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID, cell.SharedFormulaID);
// We can also have a single cell array formula
sw.Write("{3}", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID, string.Format("{0}:{1}", f.Address, f.Address), SecurityElement.Escape(f.Formula));
sw.Write("", f.Address, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
sw.Write("{0}", SecurityElement.Escape(f.Formula));
else if (cell.Formula != "")
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
sw.Write("{0}", SecurityElement.Escape(cell.Formula));
if (cell._value == null)
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
if ((cell._value.GetType().IsPrimitive || cell._value is double || cell._value is decimal || cell._value is DateTime || cell._value is TimeSpan) && cell.DataType != "s")
string s;
if (cell._value is DateTime)
s = ((DateTime)cell.Value).ToOADate().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
else if (cell._value is TimeSpan)
s = new DateTime(((TimeSpan)cell.Value).Ticks).ToOADate().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); ;
if (cell._value is double && double.IsNaN((double)cell._value))
s = "0";
else if (cell._value is double && double.IsInfinity((double)cell._value))
s = Convert.ToDouble(cell._value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("g15", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
s = "0";
if (cell._value is bool)
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
else if (cell._value is double && double.IsInfinity((double)cell._value))
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
sw.Write("{0}", s);
int ix;
if (!ss.ContainsKey(cell._value.ToString()))
ix = ss.Count;
ss.Add(cell._value.ToString(), new ExcelWorkbook.SharedStringItem() { isRichText = cell.IsRichText, pos = ix });
ix = ss[cell.Value.ToString()].pos;
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, styleID < 0 ? 0 : styleID);
sw.Write("{0}", ix);
//Update hyperlinks.
if (cell.Hyperlink != null)
else //ExcelRow
int newRow=((ExcelRow)r).Row;
WriteRow(sw, cellXfs, row, newRow);
row = newRow;
if (row != -1) sw.Write("");
private void WriteRow(StreamWriter sw, ExcelStyleCollection cellXfs, int prevRow, int row)
if (prevRow != -1) sw.Write("");
ulong rowID = ExcelRow.GetRowID(SheetID, row);
sw.Write(" 0)
sw.Write("s=\"{0}\" customFormat=\"1\" ", cellXfs[currRow.StyleID].newID);
if (currRow.OutlineLevel > 0)
sw.Write("outlineLevel =\"{0}\" ", currRow.OutlineLevel);
if (currRow.Collapsed)
if (currRow.Hidden)
sw.Write(" collapsed=\"1\"");
sw.Write(" collapsed=\"1\" hidden=\"1\""); //Always hidden
if (currRow.Phonetic)
sw.Write("ph=\"1\" ");
/// Update xml with hyperlinks
/// The stream
private void UpdateHyperLinks(StreamWriter sw)
Dictionary hyps = new Dictionary();
foreach (ulong cellId in _hyperLinkCells)
ExcelCell cell = _cells[cellId] as ExcelCell;
if (cell.Hyperlink is ExcelHyperLink && !string.IsNullOrEmpty((cell.Hyperlink as ExcelHyperLink).ReferenceAddress))
ExcelHyperLink hl = cell.Hyperlink as ExcelHyperLink;
Cells[cell.Row, cell.Column, cell.Row+hl.RowSpann, cell.Column+hl.ColSpann].Address,
ExcelCell.GetFullAddress(Name, hl.ReferenceAddress),
string.IsNullOrEmpty(hl.Display) ? "" : "display=\"" + SecurityElement.Escape(hl.Display) + "\" ",
string.IsNullOrEmpty(hl.ToolTip) ? "" : "tooltip=\"" + SecurityElement.Escape(hl.ToolTip) + "\" ");
string id;
Uri hyp;
if (cell.Hyperlink is ExcelHyperLink)
hyp = ((ExcelHyperLink)cell.Hyperlink).OriginalUri;
hyp = cell.Hyperlink;
if (hyps.ContainsKey(hyp.OriginalString))
id = hyps[hyp.OriginalString];
PackageRelationship relationship = Part.CreateRelationship(hyp, TargetMode.External, ExcelPackage.schemaHyperlink);
if (cell.Hyperlink is ExcelHyperLink)
ExcelHyperLink hl = cell.Hyperlink as ExcelHyperLink;
sw.Write("", cell.CellAddress, relationship.Id,
string.IsNullOrEmpty(hl.Display) ? "" : "display=\"" + SecurityElement.Escape(hl.Display) + "\" ",
string.IsNullOrEmpty(hl.ToolTip) ? "" : "tooltip=\"" + SecurityElement.Escape(hl.ToolTip) + "\" ");
sw.Write("",cell.CellAddress, relationship.Id);
id = relationship.Id;
cell.HyperLinkRId = id;
/// Create the hyperlinks node in the XML
private XmlNode CreateHyperLinkCollection()
XmlElement hl=_worksheetXml.CreateElement("hyperlinks",ExcelPackage.schemaMain);
XmlNode prevNode = _worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:conditionalFormatting", NameSpaceManager);
if (prevNode == null)
prevNode = _worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:mergeCells", NameSpaceManager);
if (prevNode == null)
prevNode = _worksheetXml.SelectSingleNode("//d:sheetData", NameSpaceManager);
return _worksheetXml.DocumentElement.InsertAfter(hl, prevNode);
/// Dimension address for the worksheet.
/// Top left cell to Bottom right.
/// If the worksheet has no cells, null is returned
public ExcelAddressBase Dimension
if (_cells.Count > 0)
ExcelAddressBase addr = new ExcelAddressBase((_cells[0] as ExcelCell).Row, _minCol, (_cells[_cells.Count - 1] as ExcelCell).Row, _maxCol);
addr._ws = Name;
return addr;
return null;
ExcelSheetProtection _protection=null;
/// Access to sheet protection properties
public ExcelSheetProtection Protection
if (_protection == null)
_protection = new ExcelSheetProtection(NameSpaceManager, TopNode, this);
return _protection;
private ExcelProtectedRangeCollection _protectedRanges;
public ExcelProtectedRangeCollection ProtectedRanges
if (_protectedRanges == null)
_protectedRanges = new ExcelProtectedRangeCollection(NameSpaceManager, TopNode, this);
return _protectedRanges;
#region Drawing
ExcelDrawings _drawings = null;
/// Collection of drawing-objects like shapes, images and charts
public ExcelDrawings Drawings
if (_drawings == null)
_drawings = new ExcelDrawings(_package, this);
return _drawings;
ExcelTableCollection _tables = null;
/// Tables defined in the worksheet.
public ExcelTableCollection Tables
if (_tables == null)
_tables = new ExcelTableCollection(this);
return _tables;
ExcelPivotTableCollection _pivotTables = null;
/// Pivottables defined in the worksheet.
public ExcelPivotTableCollection PivotTables
if (_pivotTables == null)
_pivotTables = new ExcelPivotTableCollection(this);
return _pivotTables;
private ExcelConditionalFormattingCollection _conditionalFormatting = null;
/// ConditionalFormatting defined in the worksheet. Use the Add methods to create ConditionalFormatting and add them to the worksheet. Then
/// set the properties on the instance returned.
public ExcelConditionalFormattingCollection ConditionalFormatting
if (_conditionalFormatting == null)
_conditionalFormatting = new ExcelConditionalFormattingCollection(this);
return _conditionalFormatting;
private ExcelDataValidationCollection _dataValidation = null;
/// DataValidation defined in the worksheet. Use the Add methods to create DataValidations and add them to the worksheet. Then
/// set the properties on the instance returned.
public ExcelDataValidationCollection DataValidations
if (_dataValidation == null)
_dataValidation = new ExcelDataValidationCollection(this);
return _dataValidation;
ExcelBackgroundImage _backgroundImage = null;
/// An image displayed as the background of the worksheet.
public ExcelBackgroundImage BackgroundImage
if (_backgroundImage == null)
_backgroundImage = new ExcelBackgroundImage(NameSpaceManager, TopNode, this);
return _backgroundImage;
/// Returns the style ID given a style name.
/// The style ID will be created if not found, but only if the style name exists!
internal int GetStyleID(string StyleName)
ExcelNamedStyleXml namedStyle=null;
Workbook.Styles.NamedStyles.FindByID(StyleName, ref namedStyle);
if (namedStyle.XfId == int.MinValue)
return namedStyle.XfId;
/// The workbook object
public ExcelWorkbook Workbook
return _package.Workbook;
#endregion // END Worksheet Private Methods
/// Get the next ID from a shared formula or an Array formula
/// Sharedforumlas will have an id from 0-x. Array formula ids start from 0x4000001-.
/// If the formula is an array formula
internal int GetMaxShareFunctionIndex(bool isArray)
int i=_sharedFormulas.Count + 1;
if (isArray)
i |= 0x40000000;
return i;
internal void SetHFLegacyDrawingRel(string relID)
SetXmlNodeString("d:legacyDrawingHF/@r:id", relID);
internal void RemoveLegacyDrawingRel(string relID)
var n = WorksheetXml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("d:legacyDrawing[@r:id=\"{0}\"]", relID), NameSpaceManager);
if (n != null)
} // END class Worksheet