/******************************************************************************* * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header! * * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets. * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html * * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied. * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause. * * Code change notes: * * Author Change Date ******************************************************************************* * Jan Källman Initial Release 2009-10-01 * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-27 *******************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OfficeOpenXml.Style; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace OfficeOpenXml { /// /// Base class containing cell address manipulating methods. /// public abstract class ExcelCellBase { #region "public functions" /// /// Get the sheet, row and column from the CellID /// /// /// /// /// static internal void SplitCellID(ulong cellID, out int sheet, out int row, out int col) { sheet = (int)(cellID % 0x8000); col = ((int)(cellID >> 15) & 0x3FF); row = ((int)(cellID >> 29)); } /// /// Get the cellID for the cell. /// /// /// /// /// internal static ulong GetCellID(int SheetID, int row, int col) { return ((ulong)SheetID) + (((ulong)col) << 15) + (((ulong)row) << 29); } #endregion #region "Formula Functions" private delegate string dlgTransl(string part, int row, int col, int rowIncr, int colIncr); #region R1C1 Functions" /// /// Translates a R1C1 to an absolut address/Formula /// /// Address /// Current row /// Current column /// The RC address public static string TranslateFromR1C1(string value, int row, int col) { return Translate(value, ToAbs, row, col, -1, -1); } /// /// Translates a absolut address to R1C1 Format /// /// R1C1 Address /// Current row /// Current column /// The absolut address/Formula public static string TranslateToR1C1(string value, int row, int col) { return Translate(value, ToR1C1, row, col, -1, -1); } /// /// Translates betweein R1C1 or absolut addresses /// /// The addresss/function /// The translating function /// /// /// /// /// private static string Translate(string value, dlgTransl addressTranslator, int row, int col, int rowIncr, int colIncr) { if (value == "") return ""; bool isText = false; string ret = ""; string part = ""; char prevTQ = (char)0; for (int pos = 0; pos < value.Length; pos++) { char c = value[pos]; if (c == '"' || c=='\'') { if (isText == false && part != "" && prevTQ==c) { ret += addressTranslator(part, row, col, rowIncr, colIncr); part = ""; prevTQ = (char)0; } prevTQ = c; isText = !isText; ret += c; } else if (isText) { ret += c; } else { if ((c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '=' || c == '^' || c == ',' || c == ':' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '!' || c == ' ' || c == '&' || c == '%') && (pos == 0 || value[pos - 1] != '[')) //Last part to allow for R1C1 style [-x] { ret += addressTranslator(part, row, col, rowIncr, colIncr) + c; part = ""; } else { part += c; } } } if (part != "") { ret += addressTranslator(part, row, col, rowIncr, colIncr); } return ret; } /// /// Translate to R1C1 /// /// the value to be translated /// /// /// /// /// private static string ToR1C1(string part, int row, int col, int rowIncr, int colIncr) { int addrRow, addrCol; string Ret = "R"; if (GetRowCol(part, out addrRow, out addrCol, false)) { if (addrRow == 0 || addrCol == 0) { return part; } if (part.IndexOf('$', 1) > 0) { Ret += addrRow.ToString(); } else if (addrRow - row != 0) { Ret += string.Format("[{0}]", addrRow - row); } if (part.StartsWith("$")) { return Ret + "C" + addrCol; } else if (addrCol - col != 0) { return Ret + "C" + string.Format("[{0}]", addrCol - col); } else { return Ret + "C"; } } else { return part; } } /// /// Translates to absolute address /// /// /// /// /// /// /// private static string ToAbs(string part, int row, int col, int rowIncr, int colIncr) { string check = part.ToUpper(); int rStart = check.IndexOf("R"); if (rStart != 0) return part; if (part.Length == 1) //R { return GetAddress(row, col); } int cStart = check.IndexOf("C"); bool absoluteRow, absoluteCol; if (cStart == -1) { int RNum = GetRC(part, row, out absoluteRow); if (RNum > int.MinValue) { return GetAddress(RNum, absoluteRow, col, false); } else { return part; } } else { int RNum = GetRC(part.Substring(1, cStart - 1), row, out absoluteRow); int CNum = GetRC(part.Substring(cStart + 1, part.Length - cStart - 1), col, out absoluteCol); if (RNum > int.MinValue && CNum > int.MinValue) { return GetAddress(RNum, absoluteRow, CNum, absoluteCol); } else { return part; } } } /// /// Adds or subtracts a row or column to an address /// /// /// /// /// /// /// private static string AddToRowColumnTranslator(string Address, int row, int col, int rowIncr, int colIncr) { int fromRow, fromCol; if (Address == "#REF!") { return Address; } if (GetRowCol(Address, out fromRow, out fromCol, false)) { if (fromRow == 0 || fromCol == 0) { return Address; } if (rowIncr != 0 && row != 0 && fromRow >= row && Address.IndexOf('$', 1) == -1) { if (fromRow < row - rowIncr) { return "#REF!"; } fromRow = fromRow + rowIncr; } if (colIncr != 0 && col != 0 && fromCol >= col && Address.StartsWith("$") == false) { if (fromCol < col - colIncr) { return "#REF!"; } fromCol = fromCol + colIncr; } Address = GetAddress(fromRow, Address.IndexOf('$', 1) > -1, fromCol, Address.StartsWith("$")); } return Address; } /// /// Returns with brackets if the value is negative /// /// The value /// private static string GetRCFmt(int v) { return (v < 0 ? string.Format("[{0}]", v) : v > 0 ? v.ToString() : ""); } /// /// Get the offset value for RC format /// /// /// /// /// private static int GetRC(string value, int OffsetValue, out bool fixedAddr) { if (value == "") { fixedAddr = false; return OffsetValue; } int num; if (value[0] == '[' && value[value.Length - 1] == ']') //Offset? { fixedAddr = false; if (int.TryParse(value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2), out num)) { return (OffsetValue + num); } else { return int.MinValue; } } else { fixedAddr = true; if (int.TryParse(value, out num)) { return num; } else { return int.MinValue; } } } #endregion #region "Address Functions" #region GetColumnLetter /// /// Returns the character representation of the numbered column /// /// The number of the column /// The letter representing the column protected internal static string GetColumnLetter(int iColumnNumber) { if (iColumnNumber < 1) { //throw new Exception("Column number is out of range"); return "#REF!"; } string sCol = ""; do { sCol = ((char)('A' + ((iColumnNumber - 1) % 26))) + sCol; iColumnNumber = (iColumnNumber - ((iColumnNumber - 1) % 26)) / 26; } while (iColumnNumber > 0); return sCol; } #endregion /// /// Get the row/columns for a Cell-address /// /// The address /// Returns the to column /// Returns the from column /// Returns the to row /// Returns the from row internal static bool GetRowColFromAddress(string CellAddress, out int FromRow, out int FromColumn, out int ToRow, out int ToColumn) { bool ret; CellAddress = CellAddress.ToUpper(); //This one can be removed when the worksheet Select format is fixed if (CellAddress.IndexOf(' ') > 0) { CellAddress = CellAddress.Substring(0, CellAddress.IndexOf(' ')); } if (CellAddress.IndexOf(':') < 0) { ret=GetRowColFromAddress(CellAddress, out FromRow, out FromColumn); ToColumn = FromColumn; ToRow = FromRow; } else { string[] cells = CellAddress.Split(':'); ret=GetRowColFromAddress(cells[0], out FromRow, out FromColumn); if (ret) ret = GetRowColFromAddress(cells[1], out ToRow, out ToColumn); else { GetRowColFromAddress(cells[1], out ToRow, out ToColumn); } if (FromColumn <= 0) FromColumn = 1; if (FromRow <= 0) FromRow = 1; if (ToColumn <= 0) ToColumn = ExcelPackage.MaxColumns; if (ToRow <= 0) ToRow = ExcelPackage.MaxRows; } return ret; } /// /// Get the row/column for n Cell-address /// /// The address /// Returns Tthe row /// Returns the column /// true if valid internal static bool GetRowColFromAddress(string CellAddress, out int Row, out int Column) { return GetRowCol(CellAddress, out Row, out Column, true); } /// /// Get the row/column for a Cell-address /// /// the address /// returns the row /// returns the column /// throw exception if invalid, otherwise returns false /// internal static bool GetRowCol(string address, out int row, out int col, bool throwException) { bool colPart = true; string sRow = "", sCol = ""; col = 0; if (address.IndexOf(':') > 0) //If it is a mult-cell address use { address = address.Substring(0, address.IndexOf(':')); } if (address.EndsWith("#REF!")) { row = 0; col = 0; return true; } int sheetMarkerIndex = address.IndexOf('!'); if (sheetMarkerIndex >= 0) { address = address.Substring(sheetMarkerIndex + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < address.Length; i++) { if ((address[i] >= 'A' && address[i] <= 'Z') && colPart && sCol.Length <= 3) { sCol += address[i]; } else if (address[i] >= '0' && address[i] <= '9') { sRow += address[i]; colPart = false; } else if (address[i] != '$') // $ is ignored here { if (throwException) { throw (new Exception(string.Format("Invalid Address format {0}", address))); } else { row = 0; col = 0; return false; } } } // Get the column number if (sCol != "") { int len = sCol.Length - 1; for (int i = len; i >= 0; i--) { col += (((int)sCol[i]) - 64) * (int)(Math.Pow(26, len - i)); } } else { col = 0; int.TryParse(sRow, out row); return row>0; } // Get the row number if (sRow == "") //Blank, fullRow { //if (throwException) //{ // throw (new Exception(string.Format("Invalid Address format {0}", address))); //} //else //{ row = 0; return col > 0; //} } else { return int.TryParse(sRow, out row); } } #region GetAddress /// /// Returns the AlphaNumeric representation that Excel expects for a Cell Address /// /// The number of the row /// The number of the column in the worksheet /// The cell address in the format A1 public static string GetAddress(int Row, int Column) { return GetAddress(Row, Column,false); } /// /// Returns the AlphaNumeric representation that Excel expects for a Cell Address /// /// The number of the row /// The number of the column in the worksheet /// Absolute row /// Absolute column /// The cell address in the format A1 public static string GetAddress(int Row, bool AbsoluteRow, int Column, bool AbsoluteCol) { return ( AbsoluteCol ? "$" : "") + GetColumnLetter(Column) + ( AbsoluteRow ? "$" : "") + Row.ToString(); } /// /// Returns the AlphaNumeric representation that Excel expects for a Cell Address /// /// The number of the row /// The number of the column in the worksheet /// Get an absolute address ($A$1) /// The cell address in the format A1 public static string GetAddress(int Row, int Column, bool Absolute) { if (Row == 0 || Column == 0) { return "#REF!"; } if (Absolute) { return ("$" + GetColumnLetter(Column) + "$" + Row.ToString()); } else { return (GetColumnLetter(Column) + Row.ToString()); } } /// /// Returns the AlphaNumeric representation that Excel expects for a Cell Address /// /// From row number /// From column number /// To row number /// From column number /// The cell address in the format A1 public static string GetAddress(int FromRow, int FromColumn, int ToRow, int ToColumn) { return GetAddress(FromRow, FromColumn, ToRow, ToColumn, false); } /// /// Returns the AlphaNumeric representation that Excel expects for a Cell Address /// /// From row number /// From column number /// To row number /// From column number /// if true address is absolute (like $A$1) /// The cell address in the format A1 public static string GetAddress(int FromRow, int FromColumn, int ToRow, int ToColumn, bool Absolute) { if (FromRow == ToRow && FromColumn == ToColumn) { return GetAddress(FromRow, FromColumn, Absolute); } else { if (FromRow == 1 && ToRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows) { var absChar = Absolute ? "$" : ""; return absChar + GetColumnLetter(FromColumn) + ":" + absChar + GetColumnLetter(ToColumn); } else if(FromColumn==1 && ToColumn==ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) { var absChar = Absolute ? "$" : ""; return absChar + FromRow.ToString() + ":" + absChar + ToRow.ToString(); } else { return GetAddress(FromRow, FromColumn, Absolute) + ":" + GetAddress(ToRow, ToColumn, Absolute); } } } /// /// Get the full address including the worksheet name /// /// The name of the worksheet /// The address /// The full address public static string GetFullAddress(string worksheetName, string address) { return GetFullAddress(worksheetName, address, true); } internal static string GetFullAddress(string worksheetName, string address, bool fullRowCol) { if (address.IndexOf("!") == -1 || address=="#REF!") { if (fullRowCol) { string[] cells = address.Split(':'); if (cells.Length > 0) { address = string.Format("'{0}'!{1}", worksheetName, cells[0]); if (cells.Length > 1) { address += string.Format(":{0}", cells[1]); } } } else { var a = new ExcelAddressBase(address); if ((a._fromRow == 1 && a._toRow == ExcelPackage.MaxRows) || (a._fromCol == 1 && a._toCol == ExcelPackage.MaxColumns)) { address = string.Format("'{0}'!{1}{2}:{3}{4}", worksheetName, ExcelAddress.GetColumnLetter(a._fromCol), a._fromRow, ExcelAddress.GetColumnLetter(a._toCol), a._toRow); } else { address=GetFullAddress(worksheetName, address, true); } } } return address; } #endregion #region IsValidCellAddress /// /// Checks that a cell address (e.g. A5) is valid. /// /// The alphanumeric cell address /// True if the cell address is valid public static bool IsValidCellAddress(string cellAddress) { bool result = false; try { int row, col; if (GetRowColFromAddress(cellAddress, out row, out col)) { if (row > 0 && col > 0 && row <= ExcelPackage.MaxRows && col <= ExcelPackage.MaxColumns) result = true; else result = false; } } catch { } return result; } #endregion #region UpdateFormulaReferences /// /// Updates the Excel formula so that all the cellAddresses are incremented by the row and column increments /// if they fall after the afterRow and afterColumn. /// Supports inserting rows and columns into existing templates. /// /// The Excel formula /// The amount to increment the cell reference by /// The amount to increment the cell reference by /// Only change rows after this row /// Only change columns after this column /// internal static string UpdateFormulaReferences(string Formula, int rowIncrement, int colIncrement, int afterRow, int afterColumn) { return Translate(Formula, AddToRowColumnTranslator, afterRow, afterColumn, rowIncrement, colIncrement); } #endregion #endregion #endregion } }