1 |
2 | using System;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 | using System.Drawing;
5 | using System.Linq;
6 |
7 | namespace HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views {
8 | public class ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<T> : ILayoutEngine<T> where T : class {
9 | private readonly Dictionary<T, LayoutNode<T>> nodeMap; // provides a reverse mapping T => LayoutNode
10 | public int NodeWidth { get; set; }
11 | public int NodeHeight { get; set; }
12 | private int minHorizontalSpacing = 5;
13 | public int HorizontalSpacing {
14 | get { return minHorizontalSpacing; }
15 | set { minHorizontalSpacing = value; }
16 | }
17 |
18 | private int minVerticalSpacing = 5;
19 | public int VerticalSpacing {
20 | get { return minVerticalSpacing; }
21 | set { minVerticalSpacing = value; }
22 | }
23 |
24 | public Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> GetChildren { get; set; }
25 | public Func<T, int> GetLength { get; set; }
26 | public Func<T, int> GetDepth { get; set; }
27 | private LayoutNode<T> layoutRoot;
28 |
29 | public ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine() {
30 | nodeMap = new Dictionary<T, LayoutNode<T>>();
31 | }
32 |
33 | public ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine(T root, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> childrenFunc)
34 | : this() {
35 | Initialize(root, childrenFunc);
36 | }
37 |
38 | public void Initialize(T root, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> getChildren, Func<T, int> getLength = null, Func<T, int> getDepth = null) {
39 | GetChildren = getChildren;
40 | Clear();
41 | var node = new LayoutNode<T> { Content = root, Width = NodeWidth, Height = NodeHeight };
42 | node.Ancestor = node;
43 | layoutRoot = node;
44 | Expand(node);
45 | }
46 |
47 | private void Expand(LayoutNode<T> lRoot) {
48 | nodeMap.Add(lRoot.Content, lRoot);
49 | var children = GetChildren(lRoot.Content).ToList();
50 | if (!children.Any()) return;
51 | lRoot.Children = new List<LayoutNode<T>>(children.Count);
52 | for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i) {
53 | var node = new LayoutNode<T> {
54 | Content = children[i],
55 | Number = i,
56 | Parent = lRoot,
57 | Level = lRoot.Level + 1,
58 | Width = NodeWidth,
59 | Height = NodeHeight
60 | };
61 | node.Ancestor = node;
62 | lRoot.Children.Add(node);
63 | Expand(node);
64 | }
65 | }
66 |
67 | public IEnumerable<T> GetContentNodes() {
68 | return nodeMap.Keys;
69 | }
70 |
71 | public IEnumerable<VisualTreeNode<T>> GetVisualNodes() {
72 | return nodeMap.Values.Select(x => new VisualTreeNode<T>(x.Content) {
73 | Width = (int)Math.Round(x.Width),
74 | Height = (int)Math.Round(x.Height),
75 | X = (int)Math.Round(x.X),
76 | Y = (int)Math.Round(x.Y)
77 | });
78 | }
79 |
80 | public IEnumerable<LayoutNode<T>> GetLayoutNodes() {
81 | return nodeMap.Values;
82 | }
83 |
84 | public void AddNode(T content) {
85 | if (nodeMap.ContainsKey(content)) { throw new ArgumentException("Content already present in the dictionary."); }
86 | var node = new LayoutNode<T> { Content = content };
87 | nodeMap.Add(content, node);
88 | }
89 |
90 | public void AddNode(LayoutNode<T> node) {
91 | var content = node.Content;
92 | if (nodeMap.ContainsKey(content)) { throw new ArgumentException("Content already present in the dictionary."); }
93 | nodeMap.Add(content, node);
94 | }
95 |
96 | public void AddNodes(IEnumerable<LayoutNode<T>> nodes) {
97 | foreach (var node in nodes)
98 | nodeMap.Add(node.Content, node);
99 | }
100 |
101 | public LayoutNode<T> GetNode(T content) {
102 | LayoutNode<T> layoutNode;
103 | nodeMap.TryGetValue(content, out layoutNode);
104 | return layoutNode;
105 | }
106 |
107 | public void ResetCoordinates() {
108 | foreach (var node in nodeMap.Values) {
109 | node.ResetCoordinates();
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | public Dictionary<T, PointF> GetCoordinates() {
114 | return nodeMap.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new PointF(x.Value.X, x.Value.Y));
115 | }
116 |
117 | /// <summary>
118 | /// Transform LayoutNode coordinates so that all coordinates are positive and start from (0,0)
119 | /// </summary>
120 | private void NormalizeCoordinates() {
121 | var nodes = nodeMap.Values.ToList();
122 | float xmin = 0, ymin = 0;
123 | foreach (var node in nodes) {
124 | if (xmin > node.X) xmin = node.X;
125 | if (ymin > node.Y) ymin = node.Y;
126 | }
127 | foreach (var node in nodes) {
128 | node.X -= xmin;
129 | node.Y -= ymin;
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 | public void Center(float width, float height) {
134 | // center layout on screen
135 | var bounds = Bounds();
136 | float dx = 0, dy = 0;
137 | if (width > bounds.Width) { dx = (width - bounds.Width) / 2f; }
138 | if (height > bounds.Height) { dy = (height - bounds.Height) / 2f; }
139 | foreach (var node in nodeMap.Values) { node.Translate(dx, dy); }
140 | }
141 |
142 | public void FitToBounds(float width, float height) {
143 | var bounds = Bounds();
144 | var myWidth = bounds.Width;
145 | var myHeight = bounds.Height;
146 |
147 | if (myWidth <= width && myHeight <= height) return; // no need to fit since we are within bounds
148 |
149 | var layers = nodeMap.Values.GroupBy(node => node.Level, node => node).ToList();
150 |
151 | if (myWidth > width) {
152 | // need to scale horizontally
153 | float x = width / myWidth;
154 | foreach (var node in layers.SelectMany(g => g)) {
155 | node.X *= x;
156 | node.Width *= x;
157 | }
158 | float spacing = minHorizontalSpacing * x;
159 | foreach (var layer in layers) {
160 | var nodes = layer.ToList();
161 | float minWidth = float.MaxValue;
162 | for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count - 1; ++i) { minWidth = Math.Min(minWidth, nodes[i + 1].X - nodes[i].X); }
163 | float w = Math.Min(NodeWidth, minWidth - spacing);
164 | foreach (var node in nodes) {
165 | node.X += (node.Width - w) / 2f;
166 | node.Width = w;
167 | //this is a simple solution to ensure that the leftmost and rightmost nodes are not drawn partially offscreen due to scaling and offset
168 | //this should work well enough 99.9% of the time with no noticeable visual difference
169 | if (node.X < 0) {
170 | node.Width += node.X;
171 | node.X = 0;
172 | } else if (node.X + node.Width > width) {
173 | node.Width = width - node.X;
174 | }
175 | }
176 | }
177 | }
178 | if (myHeight > height) {
179 | // need to scale vertically
180 | float x = height / myHeight;
181 | foreach (var node in layers.SelectMany(g => g)) {
182 | node.Y *= x;
183 | node.Height *= x;
184 | }
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | public void Clear() {
189 | layoutRoot = null;
190 | nodeMap.Clear();
191 | }
192 |
193 | public void Reset() {
194 | foreach (var layoutNode in nodeMap.Values) {
195 | // reset layout-related parameters
196 | layoutNode.Reset();
197 | // reset the width and height since they might have been affected by scaling
198 | layoutNode.Width = NodeWidth;
199 | layoutNode.Height = NodeHeight;
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | public void CalculateLayout() {
204 | if (layoutRoot == null) throw new Exception("Layout layoutRoot cannot be null.");
205 | Reset(); // reset node parameters like Mod, Shift etc. and set coordinates to 0
206 | FirstWalk(layoutRoot);
207 | SecondWalk(layoutRoot, -layoutRoot.Prelim);
208 | NormalizeCoordinates();
209 | }
210 |
211 | public void CalculateLayout(float width, float height) {
212 | CalculateLayout();
213 | FitToBounds(width, height);
214 | Center(width, height);
215 | }
216 |
217 | /// <summary>
218 | /// Returns the bounding box for this layout. When the layout is normalized, the rectangle should be [0,0,xmin,xmax].
219 | /// </summary>
220 | /// <returns></returns>
221 | public RectangleF Bounds() {
222 | float xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0;
223 | var list = nodeMap.Values.ToList();
224 | foreach (LayoutNode<T> node in list) {
225 | float x = node.X, y = node.Y;
226 | if (xmin > x) xmin = x;
227 | if (xmax < x) xmax = x;
228 | if (ymin > y) ymin = y;
229 | if (ymax < y) ymax = y;
230 | }
231 | return new RectangleF(xmin, ymin, xmax + minHorizontalSpacing + NodeWidth, ymax + minVerticalSpacing + NodeHeight);
232 | }
233 |
234 | #region methods specific to the reingold-tilford layout algorithm
235 | private void FirstWalk(LayoutNode<T> v) {
236 | LayoutNode<T> w;
237 | if (v.IsLeaf) {
238 | w = v.LeftSibling;
239 | if (w != null) {
240 | v.Prelim = w.Prelim + minHorizontalSpacing + NodeWidth;
241 | }
242 | } else {
243 | var defaultAncestor = v.Children[0]; // leftmost child
244 |
245 | foreach (var child in v.Children) {
246 | FirstWalk(child);
247 | Apportion(child, ref defaultAncestor);
248 | }
249 | ExecuteShifts(v);
250 | var leftmost = v.Children.First();
251 | var rightmost = v.Children.Last();
252 | float midPoint = (leftmost.Prelim + rightmost.Prelim) / 2;
253 | w = v.LeftSibling;
254 | if (w != null) {
255 | v.Prelim = w.Prelim + minHorizontalSpacing + NodeWidth;
256 | v.Mod = v.Prelim - midPoint;
257 | } else {
258 | v.Prelim = midPoint;
259 | }
260 | }
261 | }
262 |
263 | private void SecondWalk(LayoutNode<T> v, float m) {
264 | v.X = v.Prelim + m;
265 | v.Y = v.Level * (minVerticalSpacing + NodeHeight);
266 | if (v.IsLeaf) return;
267 | foreach (var child in v.Children) {
268 | SecondWalk(child, m + v.Mod);
269 | }
270 | }
271 |
272 | private void Apportion(LayoutNode<T> v, ref LayoutNode<T> defaultAncestor) {
273 | var w = v.LeftSibling;
274 | if (w == null) return;
275 | LayoutNode<T> vip = v;
276 | LayoutNode<T> vop = v;
277 | LayoutNode<T> vim = w;
278 | LayoutNode<T> vom = vip.LeftmostSibling;
279 |
280 | float sip = vip.Mod;
281 | float sop = vop.Mod;
282 | float sim = vim.Mod;
283 | float som = vom.Mod;
284 |
285 | while (vim.NextRight != null && vip.NextLeft != null) {
286 | vim = vim.NextRight;
287 | vip = vip.NextLeft;
288 | vom = vom.NextLeft;
289 | vop = vop.NextRight;
290 | vop.Ancestor = v;
291 | float shift = (vim.Prelim + sim) - (vip.Prelim + sip) + minHorizontalSpacing + NodeWidth;
292 | if (shift > 0) {
293 | var ancestor = Ancestor(vim, v) ?? defaultAncestor;
294 | MoveSubtree(ancestor, v, shift);
295 | sip += shift;
296 | sop += shift;
297 | }
298 | sim += vim.Mod;
299 | sip += vip.Mod;
300 | som += vom.Mod;
301 | sop += vop.Mod;
302 | }
303 | if (vim.NextRight != null && vop.NextRight == null) {
304 | vop.Thread = vim.NextRight;
305 | vop.Mod += (sim - sop);
306 | }
307 | if (vip.NextLeft != null && vom.NextLeft == null) {
308 | vom.Thread = vip.NextLeft;
309 | vom.Mod += (sip - som);
310 | defaultAncestor = v;
311 | }
312 | }
313 |
314 | private void MoveSubtree(LayoutNode<T> wm, LayoutNode<T> wp, float shift) {
315 | int subtrees = wp.Number - wm.Number; // TODO: Investigate possible bug (if the value ever happens to be zero) - happens when the tree is actually a graph (but that's outside the use case of this algorithm which only works with trees)
316 | if (subtrees == 0) throw new Exception("MoveSubtree failed: check if object is really a tree (no cycles)");
317 | wp.Change -= shift / subtrees;
318 | wp.Shift += shift;
319 | wm.Change += shift / subtrees;
320 | wp.Prelim += shift;
321 | wp.Mod += shift;
322 | }
323 |
324 | private void ExecuteShifts(LayoutNode<T> v) {
325 | if (v.IsLeaf) return;
326 | float shift = 0;
327 | float change = 0;
328 | for (int i = v.Children.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
329 | var w = v.Children[i];
330 | w.Prelim += shift;
331 | w.Mod += shift;
332 | change += w.Change;
333 | shift += (w.Shift + change);
334 | }
335 | }
336 |
337 | private LayoutNode<T> Ancestor(LayoutNode<T> u, LayoutNode<T> v) {
338 | var ancestor = u.Ancestor;
339 | if (ancestor == null) return null;
340 | return ancestor.Parent == v.Parent ? ancestor : null;
341 | }
342 | #endregion
343 | }
344 | }