#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure; namespace HeuristicLab.Core.Views { public partial class TypeSelector : UserControl { protected List treeNodes; protected string currentSearchString; protected TypeSelectorDialog typeSelectorDialog; protected IEnumerable baseTypes; public IEnumerable BaseTypes { get { return baseTypes; } } protected bool showNotInstantiableTypes; public bool ShowNotInstantiableTypes { get { return showNotInstantiableTypes; } } protected bool showGenericTypes; public bool ShowGenericTypes { get { return showGenericTypes; } } public string Caption { get { return typesGroupBox.Text; } set { if (InvokeRequired) Invoke(new Action(delegate(string s) { Caption = s; }), value); else typesGroupBox.Text = value; } } public TreeView TypesTreeView { get { return typesTreeView; } } protected Type selectedType; public Type SelectedType { get { return selectedType; } private set { if (value != selectedType) { selectedType = value; OnSelectedTypeChanged(); } } } public TypeSelector() { InitializeComponent(); treeNodes = new List(); currentSearchString = string.Empty; selectedType = null; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (typeSelectorDialog != null) typeSelectorDialog.Dispose(); if (components != null) components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } public virtual void Configure(Type baseType, bool showNotInstantiableTypes, bool showGenericTypes) { Configure(baseType, showNotInstantiableTypes, showGenericTypes, (t) => true); } public virtual void Configure(Type baseType, bool showNotInstantiableTypes, bool showGenericTypes, Func typeCondition) { Configure(new List() { baseType }, showNotInstantiableTypes, showGenericTypes, true, typeCondition); } public virtual void Configure(IEnumerable baseTypes, bool showNotInstantiableTypes, bool showGenericTypes, bool assignableToAllTypes) { Configure(baseTypes, showNotInstantiableTypes, showGenericTypes, assignableToAllTypes, (t) => { return true; }); } public virtual void Configure(IEnumerable baseTypes, bool showNotInstantiableTypes, bool showGenericTypes, bool assignableToAllTypes, Func typeCondition) { if (baseTypes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); if (InvokeRequired) Invoke(new Action, bool, bool, bool, Func>(Configure), baseTypes, showNotInstantiableTypes, showGenericTypes, assignableToAllTypes, typeCondition); else { this.baseTypes = baseTypes; this.showNotInstantiableTypes = showNotInstantiableTypes; this.showGenericTypes = showGenericTypes; bool selectedTypeFound = false; typeParametersSplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = !showGenericTypes; TreeNode selectedNode = typesTreeView.SelectedNode; typesTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); treeNodes.Clear(); imageList.Images.Clear(); imageList.Images.Add(HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Class); // default icon imageList.Images.Add(HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Namespace); // plugins imageList.Images.Add(HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Interface); // interfaces imageList.Images.Add(HeuristicLab.Common.Resources.VSImageLibrary.Template); // generic types var plugins = from p in ApplicationManager.Manager.Plugins orderby p.Name, p.Version ascending select p; foreach (IPluginDescription plugin in plugins) { TreeNode pluginNode = new TreeNode(); pluginNode.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}.{2}", plugin.Name, plugin.Version.Major, plugin.Version.Minor); pluginNode.ImageIndex = 1; pluginNode.SelectedImageIndex = pluginNode.ImageIndex; pluginNode.Tag = plugin; var types = from t in ApplicationManager.Manager.GetTypes(BaseTypes, plugin, !ShowNotInstantiableTypes, assignableToAllTypes) where typeCondition(t) orderby t.Name ascending select t; foreach (Type type in types) { bool valid = true; valid = valid && (ShowGenericTypes || !type.ContainsGenericParameters); valid = valid && (ShowNotInstantiableTypes || type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null); //check for public default ctor if (valid) { TreeNode typeNode = new TreeNode(); string name = ItemAttribute.GetName(type); typeNode.Text = name != null ? name : type.GetPrettyName(); typeNode.ImageIndex = 0; if (type.IsInterface) typeNode.ImageIndex = 2; else if (type.ContainsGenericParameters) typeNode.ImageIndex = 3; else if (imageList.Images.ContainsKey(type.FullName)) typeNode.ImageIndex = imageList.Images.IndexOfKey(type.FullName); else if (typeof(IItem).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsInterface && !type.IsAbstract && type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null) { IItem item = (IItem)Activator.CreateInstance(type); imageList.Images.Add(type.FullName, item.ItemImage); typeNode.ImageIndex = imageList.Images.IndexOfKey(type.FullName); } typeNode.SelectedImageIndex = typeNode.ImageIndex; typeNode.Tag = type; pluginNode.Nodes.Add(typeNode); if (type.Equals(selectedType)) selectedTypeFound = true; } } if (pluginNode.Nodes.Count > 0) treeNodes.Add(pluginNode); } if (!selectedTypeFound) SelectedType = null; foreach (TreeNode node in treeNodes) typesTreeView.Nodes.Add((TreeNode)node.Clone()); RestoreSelectedNode(selectedNode); Filter(searchTextBox.Text); UpdateTypeParameters(); } } public virtual void Filter(string searchString) { if (InvokeRequired) Invoke(new Action(Filter), searchString); else { searchString = searchString.ToLower(); if (!searchString.Contains(currentSearchString)) { typesTreeView.BeginUpdate(); // expand search -> restore all tree nodes TreeNode selectedNode = typesTreeView.SelectedNode; typesTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (TreeNode node in treeNodes) typesTreeView.Nodes.Add((TreeNode)node.Clone()); RestoreSelectedNode(selectedNode); typesTreeView.EndUpdate(); } // remove nodes typesTreeView.BeginUpdate(); int i = 0; while (i < typesTreeView.Nodes.Count) { int j = 0; while (j < typesTreeView.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count) { if (!typesTreeView.Nodes[i].Nodes[j].Text.ToLower().Contains(searchString)) { if ((typesTreeView.Nodes[i].Nodes[j].Tag as Type).Equals(selectedType)) SelectedType = null; typesTreeView.Nodes[i].Nodes[j].Remove(); } else j++; } if (typesTreeView.Nodes[i].Nodes.Count == 0) typesTreeView.Nodes[i].Remove(); else i++; } typesTreeView.EndUpdate(); currentSearchString = searchString; // if there is just one type node left, select by default if (typesTreeView.Nodes.Count == 1) { if (typesTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count == 1) { typesTreeView.SelectedNode = typesTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes[0]; } } if (typesTreeView.Nodes.Count == 0) { SelectedType = null; typesTreeView.Enabled = false; } else { SetTreeNodeVisibility(); typesTreeView.Enabled = true; } UpdateDescription(); } } public virtual object CreateInstanceOfSelectedType(params object[] args) { if (SelectedType == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No type selected."); else return Activator.CreateInstance(SelectedType, args); } protected virtual void UpdateTypeParameters() { typeParametersListView.Items.Clear(); if ((SelectedType == null) || !SelectedType.ContainsGenericParameters) { typeParametersGroupBox.Enabled = false; typeParametersSplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = true; } else { typeParametersGroupBox.Enabled = true; typeParametersSplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = false; setTypeParameterButton.Enabled = false; foreach (Type param in SelectedType.GetGenericArguments()) { if (param.IsGenericParameter) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = param.Name; item.ToolTipText = "Constraints:"; Type[] constraints = param.GetGenericParameterConstraints(); if (constraints.Length == 0) { item.ToolTipText += " none"; } else { foreach (Type constraint in constraints) item.ToolTipText += " " + constraint.GetPrettyName(); } item.Tag = param; typeParametersListView.Items.Add(item); } } typeParametersListView.Columns[0].AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); } } protected virtual void SetTypeParameter() { if (typeSelectorDialog == null) { typeSelectorDialog = new TypeSelectorDialog(); typeSelectorDialog.Caption = "Select Type of Generic Type Parameter"; } Type param = typeParametersListView.SelectedItems[0].Tag as Type; Type[] constraints = param.GetGenericParameterConstraints(); bool showNotInstantiableTypes = !param.GenericParameterAttributes.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint); typeSelectorDialog.TypeSelector.Configure(constraints, showNotInstantiableTypes, true, true); if (typeSelectorDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { Type selected = typeSelectorDialog.TypeSelector.SelectedType; Type[] parameters = SelectedType.GetGenericArguments(); parameters[param.GenericParameterPosition] = selected; SelectedType = SelectedType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().MakeGenericType(parameters); typeParametersListView.SelectedItems[0].Text = param.Name + ": " + selected.GetPrettyName(); typeParametersListView.Columns[0].AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); } } protected virtual void UpdateDescription() { descriptionTextBox.Text = string.Empty; if (typesTreeView.SelectedNode != null) { IPluginDescription plugin = typesTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag as IPluginDescription; if (plugin != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Plugin: ").Append(plugin.Name).Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("Version: ").Append(plugin.Version.ToString()).Append(Environment.NewLine); descriptionTextBox.Text = sb.ToString(); } Type type = typesTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag as Type; if (type != null) { string description = ItemAttribute.GetDescription(type); if (description != null) descriptionTextBox.Text = description; } } else if (typesTreeView.Nodes.Count == 0) { descriptionTextBox.Text = "No types found"; } } #region Events public event EventHandler SelectedTypeChanged; protected virtual void OnSelectedTypeChanged() { if (SelectedTypeChanged != null) SelectedTypeChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } #endregion #region Control Events protected virtual void searchTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Filter(searchTextBox.Text); } protected virtual void typesTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (typesTreeView.SelectedNode == null) SelectedType = null; else SelectedType = typesTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag as Type; UpdateTypeParameters(); UpdateDescription(); } protected virtual void typesTreeView_ItemDrag(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e) { TreeNode node = (TreeNode)e.Item; Type type = node.Tag as Type; if ((type != null) && (!type.IsInterface) && (!type.IsAbstract) && (!type.HasElementType) && (!type.ContainsGenericParameters)) { object o = Activator.CreateInstance(type); DataObject data = new DataObject(); data.SetData(HeuristicLab.Common.Constants.DragDropDataFormat, o); DoDragDrop(data, DragDropEffects.Copy); } } protected virtual void typesTreeView_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Visible) SetTreeNodeVisibility(); } protected virtual void typeParametersListView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { setTypeParameterButton.Enabled = typeParametersListView.SelectedItems.Count == 1; } protected virtual void typeParametersListView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (typeParametersListView.SelectedItems.Count == 1) SetTypeParameter(); } protected virtual void setTypeParameterButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetTypeParameter(); } #endregion #region Helpers private void RestoreSelectedNode(TreeNode selectedNode) { if (selectedNode != null) { foreach (TreeNode node in typesTreeView.Nodes) { if (node.Text.Equals(selectedNode.Text)) typesTreeView.SelectedNode = node; foreach (TreeNode child in node.Nodes) { if ((child.Text.Equals(selectedNode.Text)) && (child.Tag == selectedNode.Tag)) typesTreeView.SelectedNode = child; } } if (typesTreeView.SelectedNode == null) SelectedType = null; } } private void SetTreeNodeVisibility() { TreeNode selectedNode = typesTreeView.SelectedNode; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentSearchString) && (typesTreeView.Nodes.Count > 1)) { typesTreeView.CollapseAll(); if (selectedNode != null) typesTreeView.SelectedNode = selectedNode; } else { typesTreeView.ExpandAll(); } if (selectedNode != null) selectedNode.EnsureVisible(); } #endregion } }