#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.Jobs; using HeuristicLab.Collections; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Optimization; using HeuristicLab.PluginInfrastructure; namespace HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive { public class OptimizerHiveTask : HiveTask { Object batchRunLocker = new Object(); #region Constructors and Cloning public OptimizerHiveTask() { } public OptimizerHiveTask(IOptimizer optimizer) : this() { this.ItemTask = new OptimizerTask(optimizer); } public OptimizerHiveTask(OptimizerTask optimizerJob) : this() { this.ItemTask = optimizerJob; } protected OptimizerHiveTask(OptimizerHiveTask original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { } public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { return new OptimizerHiveTask(this, cloner); } #endregion /// /// if this.Optimizer is an experiment /// Uses the child-optimizers of this.HiveTask and creates HiveTask-childs /// if this.Optimizer is a batchrun /// Creates a number of child-jobs according to repetitions /// protected override void UpdateChildHiveTasks() { base.UpdateChildHiveTasks(); if (Task != null && syncTasksWithOptimizers) { if (!ItemTask.ComputeInParallel) { this.childHiveTasks.Clear(); } else { if (ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { Optimization.Experiment experiment = (Optimization.Experiment)ItemTask.Item; foreach (IOptimizer childOpt in experiment.Optimizers) { var optimizerHiveTask = new OptimizerHiveTask(childOpt); optimizerHiveTask.Task.Priority = Task.Priority; //inherit priority from parent this.childHiveTasks.Add(optimizerHiveTask); } } else if (ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { Optimization.BatchRun batchRun = ItemTask.OptimizerAsBatchRun; if (batchRun.Optimizer != null) { while (this.childHiveTasks.Count < batchRun.Repetitions) { var optimizerHiveTask = new OptimizerHiveTask(batchRun.Optimizer); optimizerHiveTask.Task.Priority = Task.Priority; this.childHiveTasks.Add(optimizerHiveTask); } while (this.childHiveTasks.Count > batchRun.Repetitions) { this.childHiveTasks.Remove(this.childHiveTasks.Last()); } } } } } } protected override void RegisterItemTaskEvents() { base.RegisterItemTaskEvents(); if (ItemTask != null) { if (ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { Optimization.Experiment experiment = ItemTask.OptimizerAsExperiment; experiment.Optimizers.ItemsAdded += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_ItemsAdded); experiment.Optimizers.ItemsReplaced += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_ItemsReplaced); experiment.Optimizers.ItemsRemoved += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_ItemsRemoved); experiment.Optimizers.CollectionReset += new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_CollectionReset); } else if (ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { Optimization.BatchRun batchRun = ItemTask.OptimizerAsBatchRun; batchRun.RepetitionsChanged += new EventHandler(batchRun_RepetitionsChanged); batchRun.OptimizerChanged += new EventHandler(batchRun_OptimizerChanged); } } } protected override void DergisterItemTaskEvents() { base.DergisterItemTaskEvents(); if (ItemTask != null) { if (ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { Optimization.Experiment experiment = ItemTask.OptimizerAsExperiment; experiment.Optimizers.ItemsAdded -= new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_ItemsAdded); experiment.Optimizers.ItemsReplaced -= new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_ItemsReplaced); experiment.Optimizers.ItemsRemoved -= new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_ItemsRemoved); experiment.Optimizers.CollectionReset -= new CollectionItemsChangedEventHandler>(Optimizers_CollectionReset); } else if (ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { Optimization.BatchRun batchRun = ItemTask.OptimizerAsBatchRun; batchRun.RepetitionsChanged -= new EventHandler(batchRun_RepetitionsChanged); batchRun.OptimizerChanged -= new EventHandler(batchRun_OptimizerChanged); } } } private void batchRun_OptimizerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (syncTasksWithOptimizers) { UpdateChildHiveTasks(); } } private void batchRun_RepetitionsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (syncTasksWithOptimizers) { UpdateChildHiveTasks(); } } private void Optimizers_ItemsAdded(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs> e) { if (syncTasksWithOptimizers && this.ItemTask.ComputeInParallel) { childHiveTasksLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { foreach (var item in e.Items) { if (GetChildByOptimizer(item.Value) == null && item.Value.Name != "Placeholder") { this.childHiveTasks.Add(new OptimizerHiveTask(item.Value)); } } } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } private void Optimizers_ItemsReplaced(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs> e) { if (syncTasksWithOptimizers && this.ItemTask.ComputeInParallel) { childHiveTasksLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { foreach (var item in e.OldItems) { this.childHiveTasks.Remove(this.GetChildByOptimizer(item.Value)); } foreach (var item in e.Items) { if (GetChildByOptimizer(item.Value) == null && item.Value.Name != "Placeholder") { this.childHiveTasks.Add(new OptimizerHiveTask(item.Value)); } } } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } private void Optimizers_ItemsRemoved(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs> e) { if (syncTasksWithOptimizers && this.ItemTask.ComputeInParallel) { childHiveTasksLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { foreach (var item in e.Items) { this.childHiveTasks.Remove(this.GetChildByOptimizer(item.Value)); } } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } private void Optimizers_CollectionReset(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs> e) { if (syncTasksWithOptimizers && this.ItemTask.ComputeInParallel) { childHiveTasksLock.EnterWriteLock(); try { foreach (var item in e.Items) { this.childHiveTasks.Remove(this.GetChildByOptimizer(item.Value)); } } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } } /// /// if this.Optimizer is Experiment /// replace the child-optimizer in the experiment /// if this.Optimizer is BatchRun /// add the runs from the optimizerTask to the batchrun and replace the Optimizer /// public override void IntegrateChild(ItemTask task, Guid childTaskId) { var optimizerTask = (OptimizerTask)task; syncTasksWithOptimizers = false; // don't sync with optimizers during this method if (this.ItemTask != null && this.ItemTask.Item != null) { if (this.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { UpdateOptimizerInExperiment(this.ItemTask.OptimizerAsExperiment, optimizerTask); } else if (this.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { UpdateOptimizerInBatchRun(this.ItemTask.OptimizerAsBatchRun, optimizerTask); } } IEnumerable childs = this.ChildHiveTasks.Where(j => j.Task.Id == childTaskId); //TODO: in very rare cases childs is empty. This shouldn't be the case and should be further investigated. if (childs.Count() > 0) { OptimizerHiveTask child = childs.First() as OptimizerHiveTask; if (child != null && !optimizerTask.ComputeInParallel) { child.syncTasksWithOptimizers = false; child.ItemTask = optimizerTask; child.syncTasksWithOptimizers = true; } } syncTasksWithOptimizers = true; } /// /// Adds the runs from the optimizerTask to the batchrun and replaces the Optimizer /// Sideeffect: the optimizerTask.Optimizer will be prepared (scopes are deleted and executionstate will be reset) /// private void UpdateOptimizerInBatchRun(BatchRun batchRun, OptimizerTask optimizerTask) { if (batchRun.Optimizer == null) { batchRun.Optimizer = (IOptimizer)optimizerTask.Item; // only set the first optimizer as Optimizer. if every time the Optimizer would be set, the runs would be cleared each time } lock (batchRunLocker) { foreach (IRun run in optimizerTask.Item.Runs) { if (!batchRun.Runs.Contains(run)) { run.Name = GetNewRunName(run, batchRun.Runs); batchRun.Runs.Add(run); } } } } /// /// replace the child-optimizer in the experiment /// Sideeffect: the optimizerTask.Optimizer will be prepared (scopes are deleted and executionstate will be reset) /// private void UpdateOptimizerInExperiment(Optimization.Experiment experiment, OptimizerTask optimizerTask) { if (optimizerTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList < 0) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("IndexInParentOptimizerList must be equal or greater than zero! The Task is invalid and the optimizer-tree cannot be reassembled."); while (experiment.Optimizers.Count < optimizerTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList) { experiment.Optimizers.Add(new UserDefinedAlgorithm("Placeholder")); // add dummy-entries to Optimizers so that its possible to insert the optimizerTask at the correct position } if (experiment.Optimizers.Count < optimizerTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList + 1) { experiment.Optimizers.Add(optimizerTask.Item); } else { // if ComputeInParallel==true, don't replace the optimizer (except it is still a Placeholder) // this is because Jobs with ComputeInParallel get submitted to hive with their child-optimizers deleted if (!optimizerTask.ComputeInParallel || experiment.Optimizers[optimizerTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList].Name == "Placeholder") { experiment.Optimizers[optimizerTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList] = optimizerTask.Item; } } } /// /// Sets the IndexInParentOptimizerList property of the OptimizerJob /// according to the position in the OptimizerList of the parentHiveTask.Task /// Recursively updates all the child-jobs as well /// internal void SetIndexInParentOptimizerList(OptimizerHiveTask parentHiveTask) { if (parentHiveTask != null) { if (parentHiveTask.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { this.ItemTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList = parentHiveTask.ItemTask.OptimizerAsExperiment.Optimizers.IndexOf(this.ItemTask.Item); } else if (parentHiveTask.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { this.ItemTask.IndexInParentOptimizerList = 0; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Only Experiment and BatchRuns are supported"); } } childHiveTasksLock.EnterReadLock(); try { foreach (OptimizerHiveTask child in childHiveTasks) { child.SetIndexInParentOptimizerList(this); } } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitReadLock(); } } public override void AddChildHiveTask(HiveTask hiveTask) { base.AddChildHiveTask(hiveTask); var optimizerHiveJob = (OptimizerHiveTask)hiveTask; syncTasksWithOptimizers = false; if (this.ItemTask != null && optimizerHiveJob.ItemTask != null) { // if task is in state Paused, it has to preserve its ResultCollection, which is cleared when a optimizer is added to an experiment OptimizerTask optimizerJobClone = null; if (optimizerHiveJob.Task.State == TaskState.Paused) { optimizerJobClone = (OptimizerTask)optimizerHiveJob.ItemTask.Clone(); } if (this.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { if (!this.ItemTask.OptimizerAsExperiment.Optimizers.Contains(optimizerHiveJob.ItemTask.Item)) { UpdateOptimizerInExperiment(this.ItemTask.OptimizerAsExperiment, optimizerHiveJob.ItemTask); } } else if (this.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { UpdateOptimizerInBatchRun(this.ItemTask.OptimizerAsBatchRun, optimizerHiveJob.ItemTask); } if (optimizerHiveJob.Task.State == TaskState.Paused) { optimizerHiveJob.ItemTask = optimizerJobClone; } } syncTasksWithOptimizers = true; } /// /// Creates a TaskData object containing the Task and the IJob-Object as byte[] /// /// /// if true the Child-Optimizers will not be serialized (if the task contains an Experiment) /// public override TaskData GetAsTaskData(bool withoutChildOptimizers, out List plugins) { plugins = new List(); if (this.itemTask == null) // || this.jobItem.Optimizer == null return null; IEnumerable usedTypes; byte[] jobByteArray; if (withoutChildOptimizers && this.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.Experiment) { OptimizerTask clonedJob = (OptimizerTask)this.ItemTask.Clone(); // use a cloned task, so that the childHiveJob don't get confused clonedJob.OptimizerAsExperiment.Optimizers.Clear(); jobByteArray = PersistenceUtil.Serialize(clonedJob, out usedTypes); } else if (withoutChildOptimizers && this.ItemTask.Item is Optimization.BatchRun) { OptimizerTask clonedJob = (OptimizerTask)this.ItemTask.Clone(); clonedJob.OptimizerAsBatchRun.Optimizer = null; jobByteArray = PersistenceUtil.Serialize(clonedJob, out usedTypes); } else if (this.ItemTask.Item is IAlgorithm) { ((IAlgorithm)this.ItemTask.Item).StoreAlgorithmInEachRun = false; // avoid storing the algorithm in runs to reduce size jobByteArray = PersistenceUtil.Serialize(this.ItemTask, out usedTypes); } else { jobByteArray = PersistenceUtil.Serialize(this.ItemTask, out usedTypes); } TaskData jobData = new TaskData() { TaskId = task.Id, Data = jobByteArray }; PluginUtil.CollectDeclaringPlugins(plugins, usedTypes); return jobData; } public OptimizerHiveTask GetChildByOptimizerTask(OptimizerTask optimizerTask) { childHiveTasksLock.EnterReadLock(); try { foreach (OptimizerHiveTask child in childHiveTasks) { if (child.ItemTask == optimizerTask) return child; } return null; } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitReadLock(); } } public HiveTask GetChildByOptimizer(IOptimizer optimizer) { childHiveTasksLock.EnterReadLock(); try { foreach (OptimizerHiveTask child in childHiveTasks) { if (child.ItemTask.Item == optimizer) return child; } return null; } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitReadLock(); } } public RunCollection GetRuns() { childHiveTasksLock.EnterReadLock(); try { return this.ItemTask.Item.Runs; } finally { childHiveTasksLock.ExitReadLock(); } } #region Helpers /// /// Parses the run numbers out of runs and renames the run to the next number /// private static string GetNewRunName(IRun run, RunCollection runs) { int idx = run.Name.IndexOf("Run ") + 4; if (idx == 3 || runs.Count == 0) return run.Name; int maxRunNumber = int.MinValue; foreach (IRun r in runs) { int number = GetRunNumber(r.Name); maxRunNumber = Math.Max(maxRunNumber, number); } return run.Name.Substring(0, idx) + (maxRunNumber + 1).ToString(); } /// /// Parses the number of a Run out of its name. Example "Genetic Algorithm Run 3" -> 3 /// private static int GetRunNumber(string runName) { int idx = runName.IndexOf("Run ") + 4; if (idx == 3) { return 0; } else { return int.Parse(runName.Substring(idx, runName.Length - idx)); } } #endregion } }