#region License Information /* HeuristicLab * Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL) * * This file is part of HeuristicLab. * * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see . */ #endregion using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.ServiceModel; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using HeuristicLab.Common; using HeuristicLab.Core; using TS = System.Threading.Tasks; namespace HeuristicLab.Clients.Hive.SlaveCore { /// /// The core component of the Hive Slave. /// Handles commands sent from the Hive Server and does all webservice calls for jobs. /// public class Core : MarshalByRefObject { private static HeartbeatManager heartbeatManager; public static HeartbeatManager HeartbeatManager { get { return heartbeatManager; } } public EventLog ServiceEventLog { get; set; } private Semaphore waitShutdownSem = new Semaphore(0, 1); private bool abortRequested; private ServiceHost slaveComm; private WcfService wcfService; private TaskManager taskManager; private ConfigManager configManager; private PluginManager pluginManager; public Core() { var log = new ThreadSafeLog(SlaveCore.Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLogCount); this.pluginManager = new PluginManager(WcfService.Instance, log); this.taskManager = new TaskManager(pluginManager, log); log.MessageAdded += new EventHandler>(log_MessageAdded); RegisterTaskManagerEvents(); this.configManager = new ConfigManager(taskManager); ConfigManager.Instance = this.configManager; } /// /// Main method for the client /// public void Start() { abortRequested = false; EventLogManager.ServiceEventLog = ServiceEventLog; try { //start the client communication service (pipe between slave and slave gui) slaveComm = new ServiceHost(typeof(SlaveCommunicationService)); try { slaveComm.Open(); } catch (AddressAlreadyInUseException ex) { if (ServiceEventLog != null) { EventLogManager.LogException(ex); } } // delete all left over task directories pluginManager.CleanPluginTemp(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Hive Slave started"); wcfService = WcfService.Instance; RegisterServiceEvents(); StartHeartbeats(); // Start heartbeats thread DispatchMessageQueue(); // dispatch messages until abortRequested } catch (Exception ex) { if (ServiceEventLog != null) { EventLogManager.LogException(ex); } else { //try to log with SlaveClientCom.Instance. if this works the user sees at least a message, //else an exception will be thrown anyways. SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(string.Format("Uncaught exception: {0} {1} Core is going to shutdown.", ex.ToString(), Environment.NewLine)); } ShutdownCore(); } finally { DeregisterServiceEvents(); waitShutdownSem.Release(); } } private void StartHeartbeats() { //Initialize the heartbeat if (heartbeatManager == null) { heartbeatManager = new HeartbeatManager(); heartbeatManager.StartHeartbeat(); } } private void DispatchMessageQueue() { MessageQueue queue = MessageQueue.GetInstance(); while (!abortRequested) { MessageContainer container = queue.GetMessage(); DetermineAction(container); if (!abortRequested) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.StatusChanged(configManager.GetStatusForClientConsole()); } } } private void RegisterServiceEvents() { WcfService.Instance.Connected += new EventHandler(WcfService_Connected); WcfService.Instance.ExceptionOccured += new EventHandler>(WcfService_ExceptionOccured); } private void DeregisterServiceEvents() { WcfService.Instance.Connected -= WcfService_Connected; WcfService.Instance.ExceptionOccured -= WcfService_ExceptionOccured; } private void WcfService_ExceptionOccured(object sender, EventArgs e) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(string.Format("Connection to server interruped with exception: {0}", e.Value.Message)); } private void WcfService_Connected(object sender, EventArgs e) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Connected successfully to Hive server"); } /// /// Reads and analyzes the Messages from the MessageQueue and starts corresponding actions /// /// The container, containing the message private void DetermineAction(MessageContainer container) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(string.Format("Message: {0} for task: {1} ", container.Message.ToString(), container.TaskId)); switch (container.Message) { case MessageContainer.MessageType.CalculateTask: CalculateTaskAsync(container.TaskId); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.AbortTask: AbortTaskAsync(container.TaskId); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.StopTask: StopTaskAsync(container.TaskId); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.PauseTask: PauseTaskAsync(container.TaskId); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.StopAll: DoStopAll(); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.PauseAll: DoPauseAll(); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.AbortAll: DoAbortAll(); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.ShutdownSlave: ShutdownCore(); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.Restart: DoStartSlave(); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.Sleep: Sleep(); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.SayHello: wcfService.Connect(configManager.GetClientInfo()); break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.NewHBInterval: int interval = wcfService.GetNewHeartbeatInterval(ConfigManager.Instance.GetClientInfo().Id); if (interval != -1) { HeartbeatManager.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(interval); } break; case MessageContainer.MessageType.ShutdownComputer: ShutdownComputer(); break; } } private void CalculateTaskAsync(Guid jobId) { TS.Task.Factory.StartNew(HandleCalculateTask, jobId) .ContinueWith((t) => { SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementTasksFailed(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(t.Exception.ToString()); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } private void StopTaskAsync(Guid jobId) { TS.Task.Factory.StartNew(HandleStopTask, jobId) .ContinueWith((t) => { SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementTasksFailed(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(t.Exception.ToString()); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } private void PauseTaskAsync(Guid jobId) { TS.Task.Factory.StartNew(HandlePauseTask, jobId) .ContinueWith((t) => { SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementTasksFailed(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(t.Exception.ToString()); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } private void AbortTaskAsync(Guid jobId) { TS.Task.Factory.StartNew(HandleAbortTask, jobId) .ContinueWith((t) => { SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementTasksFailed(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(t.Exception.ToString()); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } private void HandleCalculateTask(object taskIdObj) { Guid taskId = (Guid)taskIdObj; Task task = null; int usedCores = 0; try { task = wcfService.GetTask(taskId); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(taskId); if (ConfigManager.Instance.GetFreeCores() < task.CoresNeeded) throw new OutOfCoresException(); if (ConfigManager.Instance.GetFreeMemory() < task.MemoryNeeded) throw new OutOfMemoryException(); SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementUsedCores(task.CoresNeeded); usedCores = task.CoresNeeded; TaskData taskData = wcfService.GetTaskData(taskId); if (taskData == null) throw new TaskDataNotFoundException(taskId); task = wcfService.UpdateJobState(taskId, TaskState.Calculating, null); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(taskId); taskManager.StartTaskAsync(task, taskData); } catch (TaskNotFoundException) { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(usedCores); throw; } catch (TaskDataNotFoundException) { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(usedCores); throw; } catch (TaskAlreadyRunningException) { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(usedCores); throw; } catch (OutOfCoresException) { wcfService.UpdateJobState(taskId, TaskState.Waiting, "No more cores available"); throw; } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { wcfService.UpdateJobState(taskId, TaskState.Waiting, "No more memory available"); throw; } catch (Exception e) { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(usedCores); wcfService.UpdateJobState(taskId, TaskState.Waiting, e.ToString()); // unknown internal error - report and set waiting again throw; } } private void HandleStopTask(object taskIdObj) { Guid taskId = (Guid)taskIdObj; try { Task task = wcfService.GetTask(taskId); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(taskId); taskManager.StopTaskAsync(taskId); } catch (TaskNotFoundException) { throw; } catch (TaskNotRunningException) { throw; } catch (AppDomainNotCreatedException) { throw; } } private void HandlePauseTask(object taskIdObj) { Guid taskId = (Guid)taskIdObj; try { Task task = wcfService.GetTask(taskId); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(taskId); taskManager.PauseTaskAsync(taskId); } catch (TaskNotFoundException) { throw; } catch (TaskNotRunningException) { throw; } catch (AppDomainNotCreatedException) { throw; } } private void HandleAbortTask(object taskIdObj) { Guid taskId = (Guid)taskIdObj; try { taskManager.AbortTask(taskId); } catch (TaskNotFoundException) { throw; } } #region TaskManager Events private void RegisterTaskManagerEvents() { this.taskManager.TaskStarted += new EventHandler>(taskManager_TaskStarted); this.taskManager.TaskPaused += new EventHandler>(taskManager_TaskPaused); this.taskManager.TaskStopped += new EventHandler>(taskManager_TaskStopped); this.taskManager.TaskFailed += new EventHandler>>(taskManager_TaskFailed); this.taskManager.TaskAborted += new EventHandler>(taskManager_TaskAborted); } private void taskManager_TaskStarted(object sender, EventArgs e) { // successfully started, everything is good } private void taskManager_TaskPaused(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(e.Value.CoresNeeded); heartbeatManager.AwakeHeartBeatThread(); Task task = wcfService.GetTask(e.Value.TaskId); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(e.Value.TaskId); task.ExecutionTime = e.Value.ExecutionTime; TaskData taskData = e.Value2; wcfService.UpdateTaskData(task, taskData, configManager.GetClientInfo().Id, TaskState.Paused); } catch (TaskNotFoundException ex) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(ex.ToString()); } } private void taskManager_TaskStopped(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(e.Value.CoresNeeded); heartbeatManager.AwakeHeartBeatThread(); Task task = wcfService.GetTask(e.Value.TaskId); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(e.Value.TaskId); task.ExecutionTime = e.Value.ExecutionTime; TaskData taskData = e.Value2; wcfService.UpdateTaskData(task, taskData, configManager.GetClientInfo().Id, TaskState.Finished); } catch (TaskNotFoundException ex) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(ex.ToString()); } } private void taskManager_TaskFailed(object sender, EventArgs> e) { try { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(e.Value.Item1.CoresNeeded); heartbeatManager.AwakeHeartBeatThread(); SlaveTask slaveTask = e.Value.Item1; TaskData taskData = e.Value.Item2; Exception exception = e.Value.Item3; Task task = wcfService.GetTask(slaveTask.TaskId); if (task == null) throw new TaskNotFoundException(slaveTask.TaskId); task.ExecutionTime = slaveTask.ExecutionTime; if (taskData != null) { wcfService.UpdateTaskData(task, taskData, configManager.GetClientInfo().Id, TaskState.Failed, exception.ToString()); } else { wcfService.UpdateJobState(task.Id, TaskState.Failed, exception.ToString()); } SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(exception.Message); } catch (TaskNotFoundException ex) { SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementTasksFailed(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SlaveStatusInfo.IncrementTasksFailed(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(ex.ToString()); } } private void taskManager_TaskAborted(object sender, EventArgs e) { SlaveStatusInfo.DecrementUsedCores(e.Value.CoresNeeded); } #endregion #region Log Events private void log_MessageAdded(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage(e.Value.Split('\t')[1]); } catch { } } #endregion /// /// aborts all running jobs, no results are sent back /// private void DoAbortAll() { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Aborting all jobs."); foreach (Guid taskId in taskManager.TaskIds) { AbortTaskAsync(taskId); } } /// /// wait for jobs to finish, then pause client /// private void DoPauseAll() { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Pausing all jobs."); foreach (Guid taskId in taskManager.TaskIds) { PauseTaskAsync(taskId); } } /// /// pause slave immediately /// private void DoStopAll() { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Stopping all jobs."); foreach (Guid taskId in taskManager.TaskIds) { StopTaskAsync(taskId); } } #region Slave Lifecycle Methods /// /// completly shudown slave /// public void Shutdown() { MessageContainer mc = new MessageContainer(MessageContainer.MessageType.ShutdownSlave); MessageQueue.GetInstance().AddMessage(mc); waitShutdownSem.WaitOne(); } private void ShutdownComputer() { var t = TS.Task.Factory.StartNew(new Action(Shutdown)); t.ContinueWith(c => { try { //we assume that *.exe means an executable in the current directory, otherwise it is a command if (SlaveCore.Properties.Settings.Default.ShutdownCommand.EndsWith(".exe")) { string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Process.Start(Path.Combine(dirName, SlaveCore.Properties.Settings.Default.ShutdownCommand)); } else { Process.Start(SlaveCore.Properties.Settings.Default.ShutdownCommand); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ServiceEventLog != null) { EventLogManager.LogException(ex); } else throw ex; } }); } /// /// complete shutdown, should be called before the the application is exited /// private void ShutdownCore() { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Shutdown signal received"); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Stopping heartbeat"); heartbeatManager.StopHeartBeat(); abortRequested = true; DoAbortAll(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Logging out"); WcfService.Instance.Disconnect(); SlaveClientCom.Instance.ClientCom.Shutdown(); SlaveClientCom.Close(); if (slaveComm.State != CommunicationState.Closed) slaveComm.Close(); } /// /// reinitializes everything and continues operation, /// can be called after Sleep() /// private void DoStartSlave() { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Restart received"); configManager.Asleep = false; } /// /// stop slave, except for client gui communication, /// primarily used by gui if core is running as windows service /// private void Sleep() { SlaveClientCom.Instance.LogMessage("Sleep received - not accepting any new jobs"); configManager.Asleep = true; DoPauseAll(); } #endregion } }