1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System;
23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
24 | using System.Data.Linq;
25 | using System.Linq;
26 | using HeuristicLab.Services.Access.DataAccess;
27 | using HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess;
28 | using HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess.Manager;
29 |
30 | namespace HeuristicLab.Services.Hive {
31 | public class HiveStatisticsGenerator : IStatisticsGenerator {
32 |
33 | private const string UnknownUserName = "Unknown";
34 | private static readonly TimeSpan SmallestTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);
35 | private static readonly TaskState[] CompletedStates = { TaskState.Finished, TaskState.Aborted, TaskState.Failed };
36 |
37 | public void GenerateStatistics() {
38 | using (var pm = new PersistenceManager()) {
39 |
40 | pm.UseTransaction(() => {
41 | UpdateDimProjectTable(pm);
42 | pm.SubmitChanges();
43 | });
44 |
45 | pm.UseTransaction(() => {
46 | UpdateDimUserTable(pm);
47 |
48 | UpdateDimJobTable(pm);
49 | UpdateDimClientsTable(pm);
50 | pm.SubmitChanges();
51 | });
52 |
53 | DimTime time = null;
54 | pm.UseTransaction(() => {
55 | time = UpdateDimTimeTable(pm);
56 | pm.SubmitChanges();
57 | });
58 |
59 | if (time != null) {
60 | pm.UseTransaction(() => {
61 | UpdateFactClientInfoTable(time, pm);
62 | pm.SubmitChanges();
63 | UpdateFactProjectInfoTable(time, pm);
64 | pm.SubmitChanges();
65 | });
66 |
67 | pm.UseTransaction(() => {
68 | try {
69 | UpdateFactTaskTable(pm);
70 | UpdateExistingDimJobs(pm);
71 | FlagJobsForDeletion(pm);
72 | pm.SubmitChanges();
73 | }
74 | catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
75 | var logger = LogFactory.GetLogger(typeof(HiveStatisticsGenerator).Namespace);
76 | logger.Log(string.Format(
77 | @"Propable change from summertime to wintertime, resulting in overlapping times.
78 | On wintertime to summertime change, slave timeouts and a fact gap will occur.
79 | Exception Details: {0}", e));
80 | }
81 | });
82 | }
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 | private DimTime UpdateDimTimeTable(PersistenceManager pm) {
87 | var dimTimeDao = pm.DimTimeDao;
88 | var now = DateTime.Now;
89 | var timeEntry = new DimTime {
90 | Time = now,
91 | Minute = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, 0),
92 | Hour = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, 0, 0),
93 | Day = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 0, 0, 0),
94 | Month = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0),
95 | Year = new DateTime(now.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
96 | };
97 | return dimTimeDao.Save(timeEntry);
98 | }
99 |
100 | private void UpdateDimUserTable(PersistenceManager pm) {
101 | var dimUserDao = pm.DimUserDao;
102 | var resourceDao = pm.ResourceDao;
103 | var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
104 | var existingUserIds = dimUserDao.GetAll().Select(x => x.UserId);
105 | var vaildResourceOwnerIds = resourceDao.GetResourcesWithValidOwner().Select(x => x.OwnerUserId.Value);
106 | var jobOwnerIds = jobDao.GetAll().Select(x => x.OwnerUserId);
107 | var newUserIds = vaildResourceOwnerIds
108 | .Union(jobOwnerIds)
109 | .Where(id => !existingUserIds.Contains(id))
110 | .ToList();
111 | dimUserDao.Save(newUserIds.Select(x => new DimUser {
112 | UserId = x,
113 | Name = GetUserName(x)
114 | }));
115 | }
116 |
117 | // add new projects
118 | // delete expired projects
119 | // update information of existing projects
120 | private void UpdateDimProjectTable(PersistenceManager pm) {
121 | var projectDao = pm.ProjectDao;
122 | var dimProjectDao = pm.DimProjectDao;
123 |
124 | var projects = projectDao.GetAll().ToList();
125 | var dimProjects = dimProjectDao.GetAllOnlineProjects().ToList();
126 |
127 | var onlineProjects = dimProjects.Where(x => projects.Select(y => y.ProjectId).Contains(x.ProjectId));
128 | var addedProjects = projects.Where(x => !dimProjects.Select(y => y.ProjectId).Contains(x.ProjectId));
129 | var removedProjects = dimProjects.Where(x => !projects.Select(y => y.ProjectId).Contains(x.ProjectId));
130 |
131 | // set expiration time of removed projects
132 | foreach (var p in removedProjects) {
133 | p.DateExpired = DateTime.Now;
134 | }
135 |
136 | // add new projects
137 | dimProjectDao.Save(addedProjects.Select(x => new DimProject {
138 | ProjectId = x.ProjectId,
139 | ParentProjectId = x.ParentProjectId,
140 | Name = x.Name,
141 | Description = x.Description,
142 | OwnerUserId = x.OwnerUserId,
143 | StartDate = x.StartDate,
144 | EndDate = x.EndDate,
145 | DateCreated = x.DateCreated,
146 | DateExpired = null
147 | }));
148 |
149 | // expire project if its parent has changed and create a new entry
150 | // otherwise perform "normal" update
151 | foreach (var dimP in onlineProjects) {
152 | var p = projects.Where(x => x.ProjectId == dimP.ProjectId).SingleOrDefault();
153 | if (p != null) {
154 | if (dimP.ParentProjectId == null ? p.ParentProjectId != null : dimP.ParentProjectId != p.ParentProjectId) { // or: (!object.Equals(dimP.ParentProjectId, p.ParentProjectId))
155 | dimP.DateExpired = DateTime.Now;
156 | dimProjectDao.Save(new DimProject {
157 | ProjectId = p.ProjectId,
158 | ParentProjectId = p.ParentProjectId,
159 | Name = p.Name,
160 | Description = p.Description,
161 | OwnerUserId = p.OwnerUserId,
162 | StartDate = p.StartDate,
163 | EndDate = p.EndDate,
164 | DateCreated = p.DateCreated,
165 | DateExpired = null
166 | });
167 | } else {
168 | dimP.Name = p.Name;
169 | dimP.Description = p.Description;
170 | dimP.OwnerUserId = p.OwnerUserId;
171 | dimP.StartDate = p.StartDate;
172 | dimP.EndDate = p.EndDate;
173 | }
174 | }
175 | }
176 | }
177 |
178 | private void UpdateDimJobTable(PersistenceManager pm) {
179 | var dimProjectDao = pm.DimProjectDao;
180 | var dimJobDao = pm.DimJobDao;
181 | var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
182 | var taskDao = pm.TaskDao;
183 | var dimJobIds = dimJobDao.GetAll().Select(x => x.JobId);
184 | var newJobs = jobDao.GetAll()
185 | .Where(x => !dimJobIds.Contains(x.JobId))
186 | .Select(x => new {
187 | JobId = x.JobId,
188 | UserId = x.OwnerUserId,
189 | JobName = x.Name ?? string.Empty,
190 | DateCreated = x.DateCreated,
191 | ProjectId = dimProjectDao.GetLastValidIdByProjectId(x.ProjectId),
192 | TotalTasks = taskDao.GetAll().Count(y => y.JobId == x.JobId)
193 | })
194 | .ToList();
195 | dimJobDao.Save(newJobs.Select(x => new DimJob {
196 | JobId = x.JobId,
197 | JobName = x.JobName,
198 | UserId = x.UserId,
199 | UserName = GetUserName(x.UserId),
200 | DateCreated = x.DateCreated,
201 | ProjectId = x.ProjectId,
202 | TotalTasks = x.TotalTasks,
203 | CompletedTasks = 0,
204 | DateCompleted = null
205 | }));
206 | }
207 |
208 | private void UpdateExistingDimJobs(PersistenceManager pm) {
209 | var dimProjectDao = pm.DimProjectDao;
210 | var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
211 | var dimJobDao = pm.DimJobDao;
212 | var factTaskDao = pm.FactTaskDao;
213 | foreach (var dimJob in dimJobDao.GetNotCompletedJobs()) {
214 | var taskStates = factTaskDao.GetByJobId(dimJob.JobId)
215 | .GroupBy(x => x.TaskState)
216 | .Select(x => new {
217 | State = x.Key,
218 | Count = x.Count()
219 | }).ToList();
220 | int totalTasks = 0, completedTasks = 0;
221 | foreach (var state in taskStates) {
222 | totalTasks += state.Count;
223 | if (CompletedStates.Contains(state.State)) {
224 | completedTasks += state.Count;
225 | }
226 | }
227 | var job = jobDao.GetById(dimJob.JobId);
228 | if (totalTasks == completedTasks) {
229 | var completeDate = factTaskDao.GetLastCompletedTaskFromJob(dimJob.JobId);
230 | if (completeDate == null) {
231 | if (job == null) {
232 | completeDate = DateTime.Now;
233 | }
234 | }
235 | dimJob.DateCompleted = completeDate;
236 | }
237 | if(job != null) {
238 | dimJob.JobName = job.Name;
239 | dimJob.ProjectId = dimProjectDao.GetLastValidIdByProjectId(job.ProjectId);
240 | }
241 |
242 | dimJob.TotalTasks = totalTasks;
243 | dimJob.CompletedTasks = completedTasks;
244 | }
245 | }
246 |
247 | private void FlagJobsForDeletion(PersistenceManager pm) {
248 | var jobDao = pm.JobDao;
249 | var jobs = jobDao.GetJobsReadyForDeletion();
250 | foreach(var job in jobs) {
251 | job.State = JobState.DeletionPending;
252 | }
253 | }
254 |
255 | private void UpdateDimClientsTable(PersistenceManager pm) {
256 | var dimClientDao = pm.DimClientDao;
257 | var resourceDao = pm.ResourceDao;
258 |
259 | var resources = resourceDao.GetAll().ToList();
260 | var dimClients = dimClientDao.GetAllOnlineClients().ToList();
261 |
262 | var onlineClients = dimClients.Where(x => resources.Select(y => y.ResourceId).Contains(x.ResourceId));
263 | var addedResources = resources.Where(x => !dimClients.Select(y => y.ResourceId).Contains(x.ResourceId));
264 | var removedResources = dimClients.Where(x => !resources.Select(y => y.ResourceId).Contains(x.ResourceId));
265 |
266 | // set expiration time of removed resources
267 | foreach(var r in removedResources) {
268 | r.DateExpired = DateTime.Now;
269 | }
270 |
271 | // add new resources
272 | dimClientDao.Save(addedResources.Select(x => new DimClient {
273 | ResourceId = x.ResourceId,
274 | ParentResourceId = x.ParentResourceId,
275 | Name = x.Name,
276 | ResourceType = x.ResourceType,
277 | DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
278 | DateExpired = null
279 | }));
280 |
281 | // expire client if its parent has changed and create a new entry
282 | // otherwise perform "normal" update
283 | foreach(var dimc in onlineClients) {
284 | var r = resources.Where(x => x.ResourceId == dimc.ResourceId).SingleOrDefault();
285 | if(r != null) {
286 | if(dimc.ParentResourceId == null ? r.ParentResourceId != null : dimc.ParentResourceId != r.ParentResourceId) {
287 | var now = DateTime.Now;
288 | dimc.DateExpired = now;
289 | dimClientDao.Save(new DimClient {
290 | ResourceId = r.ResourceId,
291 | ParentResourceId = r.ParentResourceId,
292 | Name = r.Name,
293 | ResourceType = r.ResourceType,
294 | DateCreated = now,
295 | DateExpired = null
296 | });
297 | } else {
298 | dimc.Name = r.Name;
299 | }
300 | }
301 | }
302 | }
303 |
304 | //// (1) for new slaves (not yet reported in Table DimClients) ...
305 | //// and modified slaves (name or parent resource changed) a new DimClient-entry is created
306 | //// (2) for already reported removed and modifid clients the expiration date is set
307 | //private void UpdateDimClientsTableOld(PersistenceManager pm) {
308 | // var dimClientDao = pm.DimClientDao;
309 | // var slaveDao = pm.SlaveDao;
310 | // var slaves = slaveDao.GetAll();
311 | // var recentlyAddedClients = dimClientDao.GetAllOnlineClients();
312 | // var slaveIds = slaves.Select(x => x.ResourceId);
313 |
314 | // var removedClientIds = recentlyAddedClients
315 | // .Where(x => !slaveIds.Contains(x.ResourceId))
316 | // .Select(x => x.Id);
317 | // var modifiedClients =
318 | // from slave in slaves
319 | // join client in recentlyAddedClients on slave.ResourceId equals client.ResourceId
320 | // where (slave.Name != client.Name
321 | // || slave.ParentResourceId == null && client.ResourceGroupId != null // because both can be null and null comparison
322 | // || slave.ParentResourceId != null && client.ResourceGroupId == null // does return no entry on the sql server
323 | // || slave.ParentResourceId != client.ResourceGroupId
324 | // || ((slave.ParentResource != null) && slave.ParentResource.ParentResourceId != client.ResourceGroup2Id))
325 | // select new {
326 | // SlaveId = slave.ResourceId,
327 | // ClientId = client.Id
328 | // };
329 | // var clientIds = dimClientDao.GetAllOnlineClients().Select(x => x.ResourceId);
330 | // var modifiedClientIds = modifiedClients.Select(x => x.SlaveId);
331 | // var newClients = slaves
332 | // .Where(x => !clientIds.Contains(x.ResourceId)
333 | // || modifiedClientIds.Contains(x.ResourceId))
334 | // .Select(x => new {
335 | // x.ResourceId,
336 | // x.Name,
337 | // ResourceGroupId = x.ParentResourceId,
338 | // GroupName = x.ParentResource != null ? x.ParentResource.Name : null,
339 | // ResourceGroup2Id = x.ParentResource != null ? x.ParentResource.ParentResourceId : null,
340 | // GroupName2 = x.ParentResource != null ? x.ParentResource.ParentResource != null ? x.ParentResource.ParentResource.Name : null : null
341 | // })
342 | // .ToList();
343 |
344 | // var clientsToUpdate = removedClientIds.Union(modifiedClients.Select(x => x.ClientId));
345 | // dimClientDao.UpdateExpirationTime(clientsToUpdate, DateTime.Now);
346 | // dimClientDao.Save(newClients.Select(x => new DimClient {
347 | // ResourceId = x.ResourceId,
348 | // Name = x.Name,
349 | // ExpirationTime = null,
350 | // ResourceGroupId = x.ResourceGroupId,
351 | // GroupName = x.GroupName,
352 | // ResourceGroup2Id = x.ResourceGroup2Id,
353 | // GroupName2 = x.GroupName2
354 | // }));
355 | //}
356 |
357 |
358 | private void UpdateFactClientInfoTable(DimTime newTime, PersistenceManager pm) {
359 | var factClientInfoDao = pm.FactClientInfoDao;
360 | var slaveDao = pm.SlaveDao;
361 | var dimClientDao = pm.DimClientDao;
362 |
363 | var newRawFactInfos =
364 | from s in slaveDao.GetAll()
365 | join c in dimClientDao.GetAllOnlineSlaves() on s.ResourceId equals c.ResourceId
366 | join lcf in factClientInfoDao.GetLastUpdateTimestamps() on c.ResourceId equals lcf.ResourceId into joinCf
367 | from cf in joinCf.DefaultIfEmpty()
368 | select new {
369 | ClientId = c.Id,
370 | UserId = s.OwnerUserId ?? Guid.Empty,
371 | TotalCores = s.Cores ?? 0,
372 | FreeCores = s.FreeCores ?? 0,
373 | TotalMemory = s.Memory ?? 0,
374 | FreeMemory = s.FreeMemory ?? 0,
375 | CpuUtilization = s.CpuUtilization,
376 | SlaveState = s.SlaveState,
377 | IsAllowedToCalculate = s.IsAllowedToCalculate,
378 | LastFactTimestamp = cf.Timestamp
379 | };
380 |
381 | factClientInfoDao.Save(
382 | from x in newRawFactInfos.ToList()
383 | let duration = x.LastFactTimestamp != null
384 | ? (int)(newTime.Time - (DateTime)x.LastFactTimestamp).TotalSeconds
385 | : (int)SmallestTimeSpan.TotalSeconds
386 | select new FactClientInfo {
387 | ClientId = x.ClientId,
388 | DimTime = newTime,
389 | UserId = x.UserId,
390 | NumUsedCores = x.TotalCores - x.FreeCores,
391 | NumTotalCores = x.TotalCores,
392 | UsedMemory = x.TotalMemory - x.FreeMemory,
393 | TotalMemory = x.TotalMemory,
394 | CpuUtilization = Math.Round(x.CpuUtilization, 2),
395 | SlaveState = x.SlaveState,
396 | IdleTime = x.SlaveState == SlaveState.Idle && x.IsAllowedToCalculate ? duration : 0,
397 | UnavailableTime = x.SlaveState == SlaveState.Idle && !x.IsAllowedToCalculate ? duration : 0,
398 | OfflineTime = x.SlaveState == SlaveState.Offline ? duration : 0,
399 | IsAllowedToCalculate = x.IsAllowedToCalculate
400 | }
401 | );
402 | }
403 |
404 | private void UpdateFactProjectInfoTable(DimTime newTime, PersistenceManager pm) {
405 | var factProjectInfoDao = pm.FactProjectInfoDao;
406 | var dimProjectDao = pm.DimProjectDao;
407 | var projectDao = pm.ProjectDao;
408 |
409 | var projectAvailabilityStats = projectDao.GetAvailabilityStatsPerProject();
410 | var projectUsageStats = projectDao.GetUsageStatsPerProject();
411 | var dimProjects = dimProjectDao.GetAllOnlineProjects().ToList();
412 |
413 | factProjectInfoDao.Save(
414 | from dimp in dimProjects
415 | let aStats = projectAvailabilityStats.Where(x => x.ProjectId == dimp.ProjectId).SingleOrDefault()
416 | let uStats = projectUsageStats.Where(x => x.ProjectId == dimp.ProjectId).SingleOrDefault()
417 | select new FactProjectInfo {
418 | ProjectId = dimp.Id,
419 | DimTime = newTime,
420 | NumTotalCores = aStats != null ? aStats.Cores : 0,
421 | TotalMemory = aStats != null ? aStats.Memory : 0,
422 | NumUsedCores = uStats != null ? uStats.Cores : 0,
423 | UsedMemory = uStats != null ? uStats.Memory : 0
424 | }
425 | );
426 | }
427 |
428 | private void UpdateFactTaskTable(PersistenceManager pm) {
429 | var factTaskDao = pm.FactTaskDao;
430 | var taskDao = pm.TaskDao;
431 | var dimClientDao = pm.DimClientDao;
432 |
433 | var factTaskIds = factTaskDao.GetAll().Select(x => x.TaskId);
434 | var notFinishedFactTasks = factTaskDao.GetNotFinishedTasks();
435 | //var notFinishedFactTasks = factTaskDao.GetNotFinishedTasks().Select(x => new {
436 | // x.TaskId,
437 | // x.LastClientId
438 | //});
439 |
440 | // query several properties for all new and not finished tasks
441 | // in order to use them later either...
442 | // (1) to update the fact task entry of not finished tasks
443 | // (2) to insert a new fact task entry for new tasks
444 | var newAndNotFinishedTasks =
445 | (from task in taskDao.GetAllChildTasks()
446 | let stateLogs = task.StateLogs.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateTime)
447 | let lastSlaveId = stateLogs.First(x => x.SlaveId != null).SlaveId
448 | where (!factTaskIds.Contains(task.TaskId)
449 | || notFinishedFactTasks.Select(x => x.TaskId).Contains(task.TaskId))
450 | join lastFactTask in notFinishedFactTasks on task.TaskId equals lastFactTask.TaskId into lastFactPerTask
451 | from lastFact in lastFactPerTask.DefaultIfEmpty()
452 | join client in dimClientDao.GetAllOnlineClients() on lastSlaveId equals client.ResourceId into clientsPerSlaveId
453 | from client in clientsPerSlaveId.DefaultIfEmpty()
454 | select new {
455 | TaskId = task.TaskId,
456 | JobId = task.JobId,
457 | Priority = task.Priority,
458 | CoresRequired = task.CoresNeeded,
459 | MemoryRequired = task.MemoryNeeded,
460 | State = task.State,
461 | StateLogs = stateLogs.OrderBy(x => x.DateTime),
462 | LastClientId = client != null
463 | ? client.Id : lastFact != null
464 | ? lastFact.LastClientId : (Guid?)null,
465 | NotFinishedTask = notFinishedFactTasks.Any(y => y.TaskId == task.TaskId)
466 | }).ToList();
467 |
468 | // (1) update data of already existing facts
469 | // i.e. for all in newAndNotFinishedTasks where NotFinishedTask = true
470 | foreach (var notFinishedFactTask in notFinishedFactTasks) {
471 | var nfftUpdate = newAndNotFinishedTasks.Where(x => x.TaskId == notFinishedFactTask.TaskId).SingleOrDefault();
472 | if(nfftUpdate != null) {
473 | var taskData = CalculateFactTaskData(nfftUpdate.StateLogs);
474 |
475 | notFinishedFactTask.StartTime = taskData.StartTime;
476 | notFinishedFactTask.EndTime = taskData.EndTime;
477 | notFinishedFactTask.LastClientId = nfftUpdate.LastClientId;
478 | notFinishedFactTask.Priority = nfftUpdate.Priority;
479 | notFinishedFactTask.CoresRequired = nfftUpdate.CoresRequired;
480 | notFinishedFactTask.MemoryRequired = nfftUpdate.MemoryRequired;
481 | notFinishedFactTask.NumCalculationRuns = taskData.CalculationRuns;
482 | notFinishedFactTask.NumRetries = taskData.Retries;
483 | notFinishedFactTask.WaitingTime = taskData.WaitingTime;
484 | notFinishedFactTask.CalculatingTime = taskData.CalculatingTime;
485 | notFinishedFactTask.TransferTime = taskData.TransferTime;
486 | notFinishedFactTask.TaskState = nfftUpdate.State;
487 | notFinishedFactTask.Exception = taskData.Exception;
488 | notFinishedFactTask.InitialWaitingTime = taskData.InitialWaitingTime;
489 | }
490 | }
491 |
492 | // (2) insert facts for new tasks
493 | // i.e. for all in newAndNotFinishedTasks where NotFinishedTask = false
494 | factTaskDao.Save(
495 | from x in newAndNotFinishedTasks
496 | where !x.NotFinishedTask
497 | let taskData = CalculateFactTaskData(x.StateLogs)
498 | select new FactTask {
499 | TaskId = x.TaskId,
500 | JobId = x.JobId,
501 | StartTime = taskData.StartTime,
502 | EndTime = taskData.EndTime,
503 | LastClientId = x.LastClientId,
504 | Priority = x.Priority,
505 | CoresRequired = x.CoresRequired,
506 | MemoryRequired = x.MemoryRequired,
507 | NumCalculationRuns = taskData.CalculationRuns,
508 | NumRetries = taskData.Retries,
509 | WaitingTime = taskData.WaitingTime,
510 | CalculatingTime = taskData.CalculatingTime,
511 | TransferTime = taskData.TransferTime,
512 | TaskState = x.State,
513 | Exception = taskData.Exception,
514 | InitialWaitingTime = taskData.InitialWaitingTime
515 | });
516 |
517 |
518 | ////update data of already existing facts
519 | //foreach (var notFinishedTask in factTaskDao.GetNotFinishedTasks()) {
520 | // var ntc = newTasks.Where(x => x.TaskId == notFinishedTask.TaskId);
521 | // if (ntc.Any()) {
522 | // var x = ntc.Single();
523 | // var taskData = CalculateFactTaskData(x.StateLogs);
524 |
525 | // notFinishedTask.StartTime = taskData.StartTime;
526 | // notFinishedTask.EndTime = taskData.EndTime;
527 | // notFinishedTask.LastClientId = x.LastClientId;
528 | // notFinishedTask.Priority = x.Priority;
529 | // notFinishedTask.CoresRequired = x.CoresRequired;
530 | // notFinishedTask.MemoryRequired = x.MemoryRequired;
531 | // notFinishedTask.NumCalculationRuns = taskData.CalculationRuns;
532 | // notFinishedTask.NumRetries = taskData.Retries;
533 | // notFinishedTask.WaitingTime = taskData.WaitingTime;
534 | // notFinishedTask.CalculatingTime = taskData.CalculatingTime;
535 | // notFinishedTask.TransferTime = taskData.TransferTime;
536 | // notFinishedTask.TaskState = x.State;
537 | // notFinishedTask.Exception = taskData.Exception;
538 | // notFinishedTask.InitialWaitingTime = taskData.InitialWaitingTime;
539 | // }
540 | //}
541 | }
542 |
543 | private string GetUserName(Guid userId) {
544 | try {
545 | // we cannot use the ServiceLocator.Instance.UserManager since the janitor service
546 | // is not hosted in the iis the MemberShip.GetUser method causes exceptions
547 | // needs to be further investigated current workaround: use the authenticationcontext
548 | // we could also connect to the access service to get the user name
549 | using (ASPNETAuthenticationDataContext dc = new ASPNETAuthenticationDataContext()) {
550 | var user = dc.aspnet_Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
551 | return user != null ? user.UserName : UnknownUserName;
552 | }
553 | }
554 | catch (Exception) {
555 | return UnknownUserName;
556 | }
557 | }
558 |
559 | private class FactTaskData {
560 | public int CalculationRuns { get; set; }
561 | public int Retries { get; set; }
562 | public long CalculatingTime { get; set; }
563 | public long WaitingTime { get; set; }
564 | public long TransferTime { get; set; }
565 | public long InitialWaitingTime { get; set; }
566 | public string Exception { get; set; }
567 | public DateTime? StartTime { get; set; }
568 | public DateTime? EndTime { get; set; }
569 | }
570 |
571 | private FactTaskData CalculateFactTaskData(IEnumerable<StateLog> stateLogs) {
572 | var factTaskData = new FactTaskData();
573 | var enumerator = stateLogs.GetEnumerator();
574 | if (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
575 | StateLog current = enumerator.Current, first = current, prev = null;
576 | while (current != null) {
577 | var next = enumerator.MoveNext() ? enumerator.Current : null;
578 | int timeSpanInSeconds;
579 | if (next != null) {
580 | timeSpanInSeconds = (int)(next.DateTime - current.DateTime).TotalSeconds;
581 | } else {
582 | timeSpanInSeconds = (int)(DateTime.Now - current.DateTime).TotalSeconds;
583 | factTaskData.Exception = current.Exception;
584 | }
585 | switch (current.State) {
586 | case TaskState.Calculating:
587 | factTaskData.CalculatingTime += timeSpanInSeconds;
588 | factTaskData.CalculationRuns++;
589 | if (factTaskData.CalculationRuns == 1) {
590 | factTaskData.StartTime = current.DateTime;
591 | factTaskData.InitialWaitingTime = (int)(current.DateTime - first.DateTime).TotalSeconds;
592 | }
593 | if (prev != null && prev.State != TaskState.Transferring) {
594 | factTaskData.Retries++;
595 | }
596 | break;
597 |
598 | case TaskState.Waiting:
599 | factTaskData.WaitingTime += timeSpanInSeconds;
600 | break;
601 |
602 | case TaskState.Transferring:
603 | factTaskData.TransferTime += timeSpanInSeconds;
604 | break;
605 |
606 | case TaskState.Finished:
607 | case TaskState.Failed:
608 | case TaskState.Aborted:
609 | factTaskData.EndTime = current.DateTime;
610 | break;
611 | }
612 | prev = current;
613 | current = next;
614 | }
615 | }
616 | return factTaskData;
617 | }
618 | }
619 | } |