#region License Information
/* HeuristicLab
* Copyright (C) Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
* This file is part of HeuristicLab.
* HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with HeuristicLab. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic {
public enum OpCode : byte {
Add = 1,
Sub = 2,
Mul = 3,
Div = 4,
Sin = 5,
Cos = 6,
Tan = 7,
Log = 8,
Exp = 9,
IfThenElse = 10,
GT = 11,
LT = 12,
AND = 13,
OR = 14,
NOT = 15,
Average = 16,
Call = 17,
Variable = 18,
LagVariable = 19,
Number = 20,
Arg = 21,
Power = 22,
Root = 23,
TimeLag = 24,
Integral = 25,
Derivative = 26,
VariableCondition = 27,
Square = 28,
SquareRoot = 29,
Gamma = 30,
Psi = 31,
Dawson = 32,
ExponentialIntegralEi = 33,
CosineIntegral = 34,
SineIntegral = 35,
HyperbolicCosineIntegral = 36,
HyperbolicSineIntegral = 37,
FresnelCosineIntegral = 38,
FresnelSineIntegral = 39,
AiryA = 40,
AiryB = 41,
Norm = 42,
Erf = 43,
Bessel = 44,
XOR = 45,
FactorVariable = 46,
BinaryFactorVariable = 47,
Absolute = 48,
AnalyticQuotient = 49,
Cube = 50,
CubeRoot = 51,
Tanh = 52,
Constant = 54
public static class OpCodes {
// constants for API compatibility only
public const byte Add = (byte)OpCode.Add;
public const byte Sub =(byte)OpCode.Sub;
public const byte Mul =(byte)OpCode.Mul;
public const byte Div =(byte)OpCode.Div;
public const byte Sin =(byte)OpCode.Sin;
public const byte Cos =(byte)OpCode.Cos;
public const byte Tan =(byte)OpCode.Tan;
public const byte Log =(byte)OpCode.Log;
public const byte Exp = (byte)OpCode.Exp;
public const byte IfThenElse = (byte)OpCode.IfThenElse;
public const byte GT = (byte)OpCode.GT;
public const byte LT = (byte)OpCode.LT;
public const byte AND = (byte)OpCode.AND;
public const byte OR = (byte)OpCode.OR;
public const byte NOT = (byte)OpCode.NOT;
public const byte Average = (byte)OpCode.Average;
public const byte Call = (byte)OpCode.Call;
public const byte Variable = (byte)OpCode.Variable;
public const byte LagVariable = (byte)OpCode.LagVariable;
public const byte Number = (byte)OpCode.Number;
public const byte Constant = (byte) OpCode.Constant;
public const byte Arg = (byte)OpCode.Arg;
public const byte Power = (byte)OpCode.Power;
public const byte Root = (byte)OpCode.Root;
public const byte TimeLag = (byte)OpCode.TimeLag;
public const byte Integral = (byte)OpCode.Integral;
public const byte Derivative = (byte)OpCode.Derivative;
public const byte VariableCondition = (byte)OpCode.VariableCondition;
public const byte Square = (byte)OpCode.Square;
public const byte SquareRoot = (byte)OpCode.SquareRoot;
public const byte Gamma = (byte)OpCode.Gamma;
public const byte Psi = (byte)OpCode.Psi;
public const byte Dawson = (byte)OpCode.Dawson;
public const byte ExponentialIntegralEi = (byte)OpCode.ExponentialIntegralEi;
public const byte CosineIntegral = (byte)OpCode.CosineIntegral;
public const byte SineIntegral = (byte)OpCode.SineIntegral;
public const byte HyperbolicCosineIntegral = (byte)OpCode.HyperbolicCosineIntegral;
public const byte HyperbolicSineIntegral = (byte)OpCode.HyperbolicSineIntegral;
public const byte FresnelCosineIntegral = (byte)OpCode.FresnelCosineIntegral;
public const byte FresnelSineIntegral = (byte)OpCode.FresnelSineIntegral;
public const byte AiryA = (byte)OpCode.AiryA;
public const byte AiryB = (byte)OpCode.AiryB;
public const byte Norm = (byte)OpCode.Norm;
public const byte Erf = (byte)OpCode.Erf;
public const byte Bessel = (byte)OpCode.Bessel;
public const byte XOR = (byte)OpCode.XOR;
public const byte FactorVariable = (byte)OpCode.FactorVariable;
public const byte BinaryFactorVariable = (byte)OpCode.BinaryFactorVariable;
public const byte Absolute = (byte)OpCode.Absolute;
public const byte AnalyticQuotient = (byte)OpCode.AnalyticQuotient;
public const byte Cube = (byte)OpCode.Cube;
public const byte CubeRoot = (byte)OpCode.CubeRoot;
public const byte Tanh = (byte)OpCode.Tanh;
private static Dictionary symbolToOpcode = new Dictionary() {
{ typeof(Addition), OpCodes.Add },
{ typeof(Subtraction), OpCodes.Sub },
{ typeof(Multiplication), OpCodes.Mul },
{ typeof(Division), OpCodes.Div },
{ typeof(Sine), OpCodes.Sin },
{ typeof(Cosine), OpCodes.Cos },
{ typeof(Tangent), OpCodes.Tan },
{ typeof(HyperbolicTangent), OpCodes.Tanh},
{ typeof(Logarithm), OpCodes.Log },
{ typeof(Exponential), OpCodes.Exp },
{ typeof(IfThenElse), OpCodes.IfThenElse },
{ typeof(GreaterThan), OpCodes.GT },
{ typeof(LessThan), OpCodes.LT },
{ typeof(And), OpCodes.AND },
{ typeof(Or), OpCodes.OR },
{ typeof(Not), OpCodes.NOT},
{ typeof(Xor),OpCodes.XOR},
{ typeof(Average), OpCodes.Average},
{ typeof(InvokeFunction), OpCodes.Call },
{ typeof(Variable), OpCodes.Variable },
{ typeof(LaggedVariable), OpCodes.LagVariable },
{ typeof(AutoregressiveTargetVariable),OpCodes.LagVariable},
{ typeof(Number), OpCodes.Number },
{ typeof(Constant), OpCodes.Constant },
{ typeof(Argument), OpCodes.Arg },
{ typeof(Power),OpCodes.Power},
{ typeof(Root),OpCodes.Root},
{ typeof(TimeLag), OpCodes.TimeLag},
{ typeof(Integral), OpCodes.Integral},
{ typeof(Derivative), OpCodes.Derivative},
{ typeof(VariableCondition),OpCodes.VariableCondition},
{ typeof(Square),OpCodes.Square},
{ typeof(SquareRoot),OpCodes.SquareRoot},
{ typeof(Gamma), OpCodes.Gamma },
{ typeof(Psi), OpCodes.Psi },
{ typeof(Dawson), OpCodes.Dawson},
{ typeof(ExponentialIntegralEi), OpCodes.ExponentialIntegralEi },
{ typeof(CosineIntegral), OpCodes.CosineIntegral },
{ typeof(SineIntegral), OpCodes.SineIntegral },
{ typeof(HyperbolicCosineIntegral), OpCodes.HyperbolicCosineIntegral },
{ typeof(HyperbolicSineIntegral), OpCodes.HyperbolicSineIntegral },
{ typeof(FresnelCosineIntegral), OpCodes.FresnelCosineIntegral },
{ typeof(FresnelSineIntegral), OpCodes.FresnelSineIntegral },
{ typeof(AiryA), OpCodes.AiryA },
{ typeof(AiryB), OpCodes.AiryB },
{ typeof(Norm), OpCodes.Norm},
{ typeof(Erf), OpCodes.Erf},
{ typeof(Bessel), OpCodes.Bessel},
{ typeof(FactorVariable), OpCodes.FactorVariable },
{ typeof(BinaryFactorVariable), OpCodes.BinaryFactorVariable },
{ typeof(Absolute), OpCodes.Absolute },
{ typeof(AnalyticQuotient), OpCodes.AnalyticQuotient },
{ typeof(Cube), OpCodes.Cube },
{ typeof(CubeRoot), OpCodes.CubeRoot }
public static byte MapSymbolToOpCode(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode treeNode) {
if (symbolToOpcode.TryGetValue(treeNode.Symbol.GetType(), out byte opCode)) return opCode;
else throw new NotSupportedException("Symbol: " + treeNode.Symbol);